A Contemptuous Beauty

Chapter 65


As soon as Ji Rulan's incident came out, Mr. Xia knew about it. He has been staying in the country this year, originally thinking of turning a blind eye and closing his eyes, but this incident made him feel that Xia Shaoqian and a man, who is still an actor, can't be mixed together. He was very unhappy, but helpless.

Xia Shaoqian's character is like his wife, and only his wife can really restrain this son.

In the past, when his wife was around, she disciplined Xia Shaoqian, and even disciplined himself. She often made the whole house depressing and depressing like a monastery by the way she believed, but she didn't make any great mistakes. Father, mother, son, daughter-in-law, everyone is in their proper position and doing what they should do.

After his wife was gone, Mr. Xia gradually felt that he was only retaining the dignity of his elders in form. He was old, tired, and not as tough as his wife. He couldn't stop Xia Shaoqian from doing those unthinkable things, but it didn't prevent him from making his own criticisms.

So he went.

The land of Xia's villa is a bit empty. Xia Ye was abroad. After Xiaomeng went to elementary school, she stopped practicing dance and started to learn figure skating. Qiu Yunnan accompanied her, so she often lived in Qiu Yunnan's place. Cheng Yan left again. Sometimes Xia Shaoqian came out of the study in the middle of the night, looking at the long and empty corridor, he would feel like a lonely night watchman.

When Mr. Xia went there at night, there were only their father and son in the big house, except for the nanny and the secretary.

"Cheng Yan left? Won't come back again."

Xia Shaoqian denied: "We didn't break up, he just went out to avoid it." He had a lot of ways to force Cheng Yan to stay, but recently he seemed to be a little bit unmotivated. At the beginning, the feeling of happily thinking about making Cheng Yan obey faded unconsciously.

"Do serious people need to avoid it?" Old Mr. Xia snorted.

Old Mr. Xia misses the past more and more, and he can't stop when he recalls the past: "... and Yun Nan, who has been with you for almost ten years, even the stone should be warmed up. Your mother thought she was sensible back then. Dafang, I'm sorry for your mother... Do you know that when your mother left, she was worried that you two would get divorced?"

Of course Xia Shaoqian knew—Old Mr. Xia had said it countless times, and it had become a fixed paragraph, and he would cry every time he said it. When Xia Shaoqian heard it for the first time a few years ago, tears filled his eyes with guilt, but he has become a little numb after listening to it for the past few years.

"She is afraid that you will get divorced, but she also knows that you are struggling with Yun Nan. She knows it all! In the end, she is so strong that there is nothing she can do..." Mr. Xia took out a handkerchief and rubbed his nose , while continuing to ramble.

Xia Shaoqian just listened silently.

He didn't think about his mother very often, the feelings were too complicated.

The left chest suddenly felt cramped while holding the shoulder. Xia Shaoqian lowered his head, closed his eyes, and pressed his left armpit with his hand, trying to relieve the pain.

Mr. Xia stopped in shock—he was very familiar with Xia Shaoqian's movements. His wife died of a heart attack. Although she didn't die early, she didn't live a long life. She often pressed the painful place like this when she was ill.

"How long have you been?" His voice trembled.

Xia Shaoqian's answer was very calm: "It's been a year, and it can be controlled."

Mr. Xia was suddenly angry: "Do you still think I'm your father?"

While crying more fiercely.

Xia Shaoqian looked helplessly at this pitiful looking old man. He didn't tell anyone about his health, except for necessary medical care. On the one hand, he felt a little shame, the disease completely condemned him to be no longer young. On the other hand he was very calm and felt that there was no need to make a fuss.

Father is old and Xiaomeng is still young, so don't let them worry. As for Xia Ye, he is smart and calm. If you explain it to him, he will be very strong. But Xia Shaoqian also felt that this son might be too calm and strong, if Xia Ye didn't have a little bit of grief and panic, he would inevitably make himself depressed.

As for Cheng Yan...

For no reason, he just didn't want to tell Cheng Yan.

After Mr. Xia calmed down, he asked Xia Shaoqian what doctor he saw and what medicine he took, but he never asked Cheng Yan again.

He always cared about his son. Just like a child who is sick can not go to school, because Xia Shaoqian is sick, he thinks that some benefits should be given.

Xia Shaoqian's reaction to this was not strong—no matter what his father's attitude was, it would not change his decision.

What makes him puzzled and sad is always Chengyan's attitude.

Even after seeing the photo of his first love, he still asked someone to contact Ji's family. Cheng Yan should know that he sent Ji Rulan away, but he still didn't contact her for a few days.

Even after seeing that dazzling first love photo, he still went to get someone to contact Ji's family. Cheng Yan should have known that he sent Ji Rulan away, but there was no movement after that.

Photos are taken for the movie, photos are taken for the party, the crisis is over, and the singing and dancing are peaceful.

When Cheng Yan called Xia's house, Xia Shaoqian was really angry.

Zhu Feiqing told him on the phone that he met Cheng Yan and gave him a few words.

Xia Shaoqian's voice was so calm that it was a little sullen: "What did you mention? How did you mention it?"

Zhu Feiqing had no scruples when talking to him: "I think you are very upset. When I saw him today, he also looked very worried, so I just said a few more words."

Xia Shaoqian resisted the urge to growl: "Troublesome!"

He just wanted to see how long Cheng Yan dared to hold back, and if he really moved his mind to give up at this time.

Cheng Yan was a little apprehensive, he thought that Xia Shaoqian might be angry, but he didn't estimate the degree of anger.

"Can I come over?"

Xia Shaoqian said concisely, "Come here, let's talk."

When Cheng Yan went there, he didn't want to be too conspicuous, so he took Teacher Yang's private car and asked Teacher Yang to drive him there.

Teacher Yang politely asked Cheng Yan about Xia Shaoqian's attitude.

"He didn't say anything, he just asked me to go over and have a talk." Cheng Yan said gently. He has adjusted himself to a calm state. He thought a lot these two days, and felt that he was too nervous at that time, and he overreacted to the idea of breaking up.

But there are indeed many problems between him and Xia Shaoqian, and they should have a good discussion.

Teacher Yang looked at him with some pity, kept telling jokes to relieve his boredom, and talked about the job he was negotiating recently with great interest. Cheng Yan knew that he had misunderstood something again - he must have thought that Xia Shaoqian asked him to talk about breaking up.

Cheng Yan thought it was a little funny at first, but the closer he got to Xia's house, the more indescribable uneasiness he felt in his heart.