A Contemptuous Beauty

Chapter 70


Before Christmas, Xia Ye came back from vacation abroad. Li Yu was shocked when he saw him—there was no one else, but when Xia Ye was growing his body, his head suddenly grew taller, and he was completely out of his youthful form, half a head taller than Li Yu. His appearance originally looked a bit like Qiu Yunnan's, but now he looks like Xia Shaoqian, and his expression when he is not smiling is even more similar to Xia Shaoqian.

Li Yu was a little afraid of Xia Ye at first, but now that Xia Ye's height and aura overwhelm him, he didn't know why he was so afraid that he became bored. In the past, he still thought about Xia Shaoqian, even if he didn't like to be close to Xia Ye so much, he would try his best to adapt, now that he had given up on Xia Shaoqian, naturally he didn't need to please Xia Ye any more.

When the two of them met and talked, they were a little yin and yang.

Xia Shaoqian didn't care about them, he was in a good mood recently, seeing those two people just thought they were children playing around.

It was a gamble between Xia Ye and Li Yu. When Xia Ye found out about Li Yu's gambling, he couldn't help but sneer. Li Yu was not a magnanimous person in the first place, but when he remembered that he was often suppressed by this young man who was younger than him in the past, the accumulated resentment naturally erupted.

Xia Ye, on the other hand, wanted to take a gamble. Li Yu was fooled by him again: "What are you betting on?"

He thought that Xia Shaoqian broke up with Cheng Yan, so there was nothing else to bet on.

Xia Ye smiled: "Can't we get back together after breaking up? I bet you will get back together."

Li Yu's eyes turned red when he heard that, he had lost his thoughts about Xia Shaoqian, but it was because of this that he was even more sad - in the past, he could comfort himself with fantasies and hopes, but now there is no real blow.

"No gambling!"

Xia Ye laughed, and when he saw Li Yu's aggrieved appearance, he laughed happily: "Why don't you gamble? Don't you dare?"

Li Yu was dizzy by him, and blurted out in a moment of resentment: "Why don't you bet on your father and your mother getting back together!"

As soon as this sentence came out, both of them were stunned. Li Yu froze and wanted to run away, because Xia Ye got angry and shoved him against the wall.

The two of them became more and more quarrelsome, and at Christmas time they didn't even talk, they were almost strangers.

Although Xia Shaoqian was surprised by this matter, he has always followed a free-range policy towards his children and basically did not interfere with their friendship. He himself is too tightly controlled by his parents, so he doesn't want to control his children too much.

While Xia Ye is fully free, she is also very precocious. Xia Shaoqian stopped treating him as a child very early on, and often talked with him about work and personnel. This time Xia Ye and Li Yu fell out, Xia Shaoqian suddenly felt that his son was actually a little childish...

On Christmas Eve, Xia Shaoqian was in a happy mood and his face was radiant. Things are going well at home recently. Xiaomeng practiced figure skating with a famous coach and showed her talents. Xia Ye went back to China for vacation again. He has a pair of children in front of him, so he is naturally happy.

Of course, Cheng Yan was also the reason.

Since the resumption of telephone contact, the two of them have been talking on the phone almost every day, which has become a habit. At first, Xia Shaoqian felt that this was a bit weird, and he proposed to meet directly several times, but was blocked by Cheng Yan.

"More time and patience. Xia Shaoqian, have you ever tried to really pursue someone?"

Xia Shaoqian couldn't answer for a moment.

In my impression, it seems that as long as he asks to be "together", the other party always agrees immediately.

"...No?" He replied hesitantly.

Cheng Yan laughed softly: "Then what are you doing now?"


After Xia Shaoqian realized it, he experienced the fun. The daily calls have a special meaning, no longer to remind him of the torment of breaking up, but to relax and enjoy.

But it doesn't mean that two people won't see each other if they say they don't see each other.

A few days before Christmas Eve, they met by chance at a hotel. The two were in the bathroom, and they were taken aback when they saw each other. Xia Shaoqian moved faster than his mind, dragged Cheng Yan and pushed into the cubicle, pounced on him and kissed.

Cheng Yan was confused for a moment, and responded enthusiastically.

They hugged each other, Xia Shaoqian could only act on instinct, he wanted to suck Cheng Yan's lips and everything, he felt Cheng Yan's body temperature rise instantly, they started rubbing and stroking each other before they could react. He reached out to untie Cheng Yan's belt.

"Don't..." Cheng Yan's voice was weak as if he was being tortured by a high fever, but he still stopped it.

Xia Shaoqian stopped.

He had never felt this way before. Cheng Yan was still panting on his shoulder, but the intensity just now subsided quietly, leaving only ambiguity in the silence.

He stroked Cheng Yan's back and whispered, "Cheng Yan, let's go on a date."

Almost like a plea.

Cheng Yan finally nodded.

Then they made an appointment on the day after Christmas—they had work on Christmas Day.

At Christmas, Xia Shaoqian seemed more excited than in previous years. Xia Ye had already noticed some clues before, and now he is more sure that they will reconcile.

Li Yu was a little depressed. Originally, he wouldn't mind this kind of thing, but Li Yu's words stimulated him that day, and suddenly reminded him of his mother. Of course he understands the real reason why his parents broke up, but he still can't help being depressed—the father can reunite with others, but he has completely separated from his mother.

"Dad..." He finally couldn't bear it.

Xia Shaoqian was waking up Xiaomeng who was lying on the sofa. Xiaomeng said goodnight to her father and elder brother sleepily, and followed the nanny back to her room.

"What did you want to say just now?" Xia Shaoqian looked at his son.

Xia Ye almost asked just now: "Why don't you try to accept your mother anymore?" At this time, the words swirled around his mouth, but he still swallowed it. He himself thought this question was ridiculous. He's not a child who doesn't understand human affairs, his parents have seriously explained it to him very early.

Xia Shaoqian looked at Xia Ye's uncertain expression, and suddenly felt a little emotional: "Xia Ye, come here."

Before Xia Ye could react, Xia Shaoqian opened his arms and hugged him gently.

Xia Ye was embarrassed and confused, but the strange thing was that the hug didn't feel bad. Xia Shaoqian smiled: "I only discovered it recently, maybe I missed a lot."

He stroked Xia Ye's shoulders, they were already about the same height.

No matter how mature Xia Ye is, he will always be his child. Although he didn't become the kind of parent who overwhelmed the child, but because of this, he lacked some special intimacy between father and son.

"What's the matter with you and Li Yu?" He asked, "It's okay if you don't want to say it..."

Xia Ye was silent for a moment, but asked back: "Father, are you happier now than being with your mother?"

Xia Shaoqian was taken aback, he knew that Xia Ye liked Qiu Yunnan more, he didn't want to hurt Xia Ye's feelings, but he didn't want to deceive him either.

"Ah...then why did you tell him?" Cheng Yan's voice on the phone was a little worried.

Xia Shaoqian laughed softly: "I told him, it's not a question of comparing with Yun Nan, but that I'm happier than ever and with anyone."

There was a long silence on the phone.

"Cheng Yan?"

Cheng Yan finally replied: "Don't forget the date the day after tomorrow..."

Xia Shaoqian laughed: "I will never forget."

Cheng Yan's job on Christmas Day is a concert guest. The concert was held by a female singer that their company has been promoting for the past few years. She sang the ending credits and interludes of the old country. In the past two years, there was also a plan to find Cheng Yan to make a record, but Cheng Yan rejected them all.

He actually likes to sing, but if he wants to be a professional, he must devote time and energy. He prefers to concentrate on acting.

But this time the concert company called a lot of people to join him. Cheng Yan firstly did it for the company's arrangement, and secondly, he felt that it was acceptable to sing once in a while, so he took over the job.

In the dressing room under the gymnasium, when Cheng Yan was putting on makeup, people kept coming to his dressing room to say hello. All the female singers who gave the concert came in person.

The female singer is less than 30 years old, and she has a very good attitude towards Cheng Yan. She personally confirmed the arrangements with him on stage. She also took good care of Cheng Yan during the rehearsal.

Not only her, but Cheng Yan strongly felt the care and compliments from everyone.

"What's the matter?" He is in good spirits recently, and he always speaks with a smile.

Xiao Hu looked at him strangely: "Didn't I tell you yesterday? Ouyang is leaving."

It was only then that Cheng Yan remembered that he had indeed said that, but Xia Shaoqian, who was busy filming yesterday and then full of heart, actually forgot about it.

Ouyang has decided not to renew his contract with his old club. Like him, even if he is not covered by a company, he still has resources, and he might earn more if he comes out on his own. Ouyang decided to be his own boss, and brought two people from his old club along with him, but none of them were particularly popular. Among them is Shen Leming.

As soon as Ouyang left, Cheng Yan secured the top spot.

Xiao Hu was no happier than usual when he saw Cheng Yan: "Ordinary people should have fun, right?"

Cheng Yan laughed a few times: "Is that so?"


Cheng Yan was not unhappy. It's just that this day is a little different from his dream, and he thought it would be more thrilling and exciting.

The light suddenly focused on him.

Without the female singer's introduction, 30,000 people were already screaming and cheering. Cheng Yan walked slowly to the center of the stage and held the female singer's hand.

"I have always liked this song, and I will sing it to you today..."

He sang Slightly Beautiful.

When the singing sounded, he saw a hand lamp flickering like a sea of stars. He suddenly understood the answer - if he hadn't fallen in love with Xia Shaoqian, no matter how many people cheered him at this moment, it would still be very empty.