A Contemptuous Beauty

Chapter 76: (two)


After Cheng Yan appeared, Li Yu finally felt a sense of crisis.

He has fully matured and is at his most youthful and beautiful, but Xia Shaoqian's attitude towards him is still exactly the same as before. This made him a little anxious.

As soon as Xia Ye saw his anxious look, he thought it was amused, somewhat gloating. Even he could see that his father would never like Li Yu. Why is Li Yu, an adult who has entered the society, so unconscious

It is not easy to be humble when one is very young, even if one knows that humility is a virtue. At that time, Xia Ye was quite proud of his IQ and EQ, so he felt superior to Li Yu.

And young people are always prone to have some cruel tastes.

Xia Ye indulged in this kind of game unknowingly—give Li Yu some vague and ambiguous information about his father, hang up Li Yu's hope, and then swing the stick down, watching him fall from excitement and anticipation to loss and bitterness. This cycle goes on and on, just like squatting in the garden as a child to intercept the stupid and tenacious army of ants.

But Li Yu is not an ant after all, and he is no longer so enthusiastic about it after many cycles. Xia Ye thought that her provocation methods were clever and ingenious every time, and Li Yu didn't see through herself. This recognition made him a little melancholy—Li Yu seemed to be really discouraged.

Xia Ye spent Valentine's Day at home alone before going abroad. Xia Shaoqian has an appointment with Cheng Yan, and Qiu Yunnan also has a new boyfriend.

When Li Yu called, Xia Ye had finished reading Xia Zhimeng's bedtime story and was packing things in his room.

"Only you and Xiao Meng are at home now?" Li Yu asked softly.

He seemed to have drunk a little wine, and his voice sounded soft and pitiful, not very clear. Xia Yeming knew that what he meant was "Brother Shaoqian has gone out?", so he couldn't help being moved.

"Come here." He ordered Li Yu.

Li Yu was puzzled: "What are you doing?"

Xia Ye said confidently, "Come with me. Anyway, you are alone."

Li Yu didn't speak, Xia Ye's attitude softened a bit: "I'm leaving soon... I'm packing up, and some things I took from you in the past have been dug out, and you just come over to take them back." He touched Li Yu's temper He knows exactly how to handle him.

Sure enough, Li Yu came over.

Xia Shaoqian was not around, so his attire was a little rough and sloppy. Xia Ye smiled all over his face when he saw him, and felt that he had a natural and relaxed look, which was much more pleasing to the eye than usual.

Sure enough, Li Yu drank, and when he entered Xia Ye's room, he half-lyed and half-lyed on the sofa, with his eyes downcast, looking sleepy: "You said you have my things, what are they?"

Sure enough, Xia Ye sorted out a bunch of miscellaneous things. CDs, albums, jewelry and watches are all available. Li Yu was just in a daze and didn't care about these old things.

"Actually, it's okay to keep them for you to play with..." he said softly.

Xia Ye finally took out a box and opened it carefully: "You don't want this either?"

Li Yu raised his eyes and couldn't help but let out an "ah". What Xia Ye held out was an antique music box.

Windmill with the shape of Don Quixote. When the music is played, the windmill will turn slowly, and Don Quixote will rush towards it bravely. Hilarious and cute.

This used to be one of Li Yu's beloved collections.

Li Yu stared blankly at it, Xia Ye smiled: "Why, I didn't expect me to preserve it so well?"

Li Yu shook his head.

Xia Ye put it on the cabinet: "Can you take it back? I don't have time to take care of it when I go out... You really like this one?"

Li Yu nodded.

"Don Quixote's...it's rare." He glanced at Xia Ye suspiciously as he spoke.

When Xia Ye only took this one out of his many collections back then, didn't he realize that he was somewhat similar to the knight who challenged the windmill

But Xia Ye is gentle and kind at this time, and Li Yu likes this kind of Xia Ye very much.

Before they knew it, both of them were lying on the bed, quietly listening to the music box singing Canon.

Li Yu closed his eyes, his long and curled eyelashes remained motionless, looking very peaceful. Xia Ye propped his arms and stared at his face: "Asleep?"

"No." Li Yu answered vaguely after a while.

Seeing his drowsy appearance, Xia Ye suddenly felt bad, so she leaned into his ear and whispered, "I don't know what Dad is doing with Cheng Yan."

Li Yu still didn't open his eyes, but his brows were slightly raised, his cheekbones were gradually flushed, and even his earlobes were red.

He was so handsome...

Xia Ye pinched his earlobe unconsciously: "Li Yu..."

Li Yu suddenly opened his eyes and waved his hand away: "Don't call me by my name directly in the future."

Xia Ye's eyes turned cold: "Is it too late for you to think about correcting it now?"

Li Yu knew that Xia Ye's indifference and bitterness were about to flare up again. He has always been unable to speak against Xia Ye, and this child is too smart, he always knows where other people's sore feet are.

His sore foot is Xia Shaoqian.

Sure enough, Xia Ye said: "If you can't put yourself in the right position first, don't blame others. I still remember that I used to be afraid that I would call your uncle and call you old, and then I was afraid that I would get along with your peers, so you just go with your father." There is a difference in seniority, so I can only call you by your name... What, you want to be an adult again? Is there a foolish adult like you? With your personality, it's strange that Dad can like it."

Li Yu was so angry that he almost trembled, but Xia Ye hardly said a word wrong.

It's just that when he asked Xia Ye to call him "Uncle" on a whim a long time ago, Xia Ye never refused. At that time, Xia Ye was only six years old, as cute as a small apple and a small cake. He grabbed his collar and spoke clearly: "You are a brother, how can you be an uncle?"

"Why can't it be uncle?" He teased Xia Ye.

"Young and beautiful." Little Xia Ye cherished words like gold.

He still remembers, I'm afraid Xia Ye has already forgotten.

Perhaps Xia Ye has also learned to look at people not just by their skin.

In the midst of self-loathing, Li Yu actually had an inexplicable sense of vicissitudes. He slowly sat up from the bed: "I won't quarrel with you..."

Said to get up and leave.

Xia Ye pressed him down violently.

The two fell on the bed, and Xia Ye pressed on Li Yu. He was a little shorter than Li Yu, but he was strong enough.

Li Yu was a little scared, Xia Ye had never done anything before.

"What are you doing!" He bluffed and pushed Xia Ye.

But Xia Ye just pressed on him and looked at him very seriously: "Li Yu..."

Li Yu's drowsiness has completely disappeared, and he is no longer afraid of Xia Ye hitting someone, but he is even more inexplicable: "I admit defeat, okay? From now on, you can call me whatever you like."

"I'm going out to study, are you worried about me?" Xia Ye asked.

Li Yu is very honest: "Don't worry too much, you are too smart, you should go well wherever you go."

Xia Ye smiled, he looked a bit like Qiu Yunnan when he smiled, Li Yu felt a little melancholy.

"But I'm a little worried about you."

He finally let go of the restraint, and just lay down next to Li Yu.


"you're too dumb."

"I… "

"I'm very stupid when I encounter things related to my father. Didn't you see that I have often played you with this matter in recent years?"

"See it..." is part of it. Li Yu said it a little guilty.

"You still let me play tricks after seeing it, you're an idiot."

Li Yu stopped talking.

Xia Ye suddenly became very serious: "Don't be deceived by others."

As soon as he spoke, he himself laughed.

Li Yu was dissatisfied and glared at him: "Stop thinking about messy things..."

He drank wine, and he looked very handsome with a thin face, but this stare was not vicious.

Xia Ye suddenly put his hand on his face, Li Yu followed his hand and turned his head slightly to look at him.

Then the boy's lips moved closer.

Nod, a very light kiss.