A Contemptuous Beauty

Chapter 77: (three)


A kiss as fast as a dream.

Li Yu was only absent-minded for a second, he didn't understand why Xia Ye kissed him. But Xia Ye has always been a very strange child. Li Yu once felt that he was like the Cupid written by Andersen, even if he pretended to be serious, it was just for pranks.

Moreover, Xia Ye's expression looked calm and natural, and Li Yu felt that he shouldn't make a fuss.

But he couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter?"

Xia Ye didn't look directly at him: "I want to kiss."

Li Yu suddenly realized that this day is Valentine's Day after all.

"In the future, there will be a lot of girls or boys who want to kiss you...or have sex..." Li Yu felt a little melancholy again.

His best time was spent waiting for Xia Shaoqian, and the more he waited, the more hopeless he became.

"I will not have sex with a lot of women or men." Xia Ye said, as serious as some kind of oath, "I will only confirm one person..."

He suddenly felt that these words were a bit boring to Li Yu, so he kept silent.

Li Yu smiled: "I understand."

He has carried out this creed for many years, but the person he is sure of does not like him.

Xia Ye leaned over again and kissed him again: "A comforting kiss."

It was a little longer than the kiss on the lips just now.

Unusual, palpitating softness.

When they left each other's lips, the air seemed cold and empty, so there was a third kiss that couldn't wait.

This time no one knew who stuck out his tongue first.

It was so warm and humid, so happy that it floated away, Li Yu's mind went blank, until a hard thing resisted him.

Li Yu suddenly woke up, pushed Xia Ye away and fled.

He never went to Xia's house until Xia Ye set off.

This was an extremely shameless behavior, and Li Yu felt that he would have no face to see Xia Ye anymore.

No matter how precocious Xia Ye was, he was still a minor, yet he was so shameless that he molested him like he was dissatisfied with desire. This kind of thing is unforgivable.

Plus Xia Ye is the son of his sweetheart...

The more Li Yu thought about it, the more ashamed and uneasy he felt. He was afraid that he was subconsciously expecting Xia Ye to be Shao Qian's brother's substitute, so he had such a strong pleasure.

Xia Ye's troubles and fears were no less than his. Therefore, he acquiesced in Li Yu's disappearance.

He always thought that he just liked to tease Li Yu, and it was impossible for him to "like" Li Yu.

But kissing Li Yu was unexpectedly very emotional...

It felt like he had to go to the bathroom and scrub hard.

Some things cannot be thought deeply. Xia Ye thought about what would have happened to him if Li Yu hadn't escaped at that time, and the more he thought about it, the more terrifying he felt.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief about going abroad.

After Xia Ye went abroad, Li Yu's tense nerves finally gradually relaxed.

Not long after, a postcard from Xia Ye arrived. The front is a local scenic spot, and there seems to be a few words written on the back. Li Yu didn't dare to read it carefully, so he quickly put it in the box.

Xia Ye sent him a card, maybe he had forgiven him.

Afterwards, Xia Ye sent several more cards one after another, and Li Yu finally mustered up the courage to scan what Xia Ye wrote on the card. They were just daily greetings and social expressions, and there was no information that cryptically mentioned that night.

Li Yu guessed that Xia Ye probably also felt that it was not a glorious thing, so it was good for both parties to pretend that it never happened.

Thinking like this, he slowly felt relieved—according to Xia Ye's temper, if he hadn't forgiven himself, he would never have acted like nothing had happened.

It's just that when Li Yu thought of that night, he laughed at himself while being absurd.

Normal men have it, but he really suppressed it for too long before he was able to kiss so deeply.

Xia Shaoqian is still fighting fiercely with Cheng Yan, there is no room for him to intervene if he wants to.

Zhong Weiqi's method was not clever at all when he thought about it later. But there are so many people in the world who have been deceived by unsophisticated liars.

Because the tricks of the liar do not need to be clever, as long as the bait is fragrant enough, it is enough to use the bait that the other party desires most.

After Zhong Weiqi slept with him, he once said, "How about the two of us comforting each other?" He hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

At that time, he had vaguely noticed that Zhong Weiqi seemed to be more enthusiastic about going to bed with him, but he still had a little hope in his heart.

Perhaps Zhong Weiqi really understands his feelings for Xia Shaoqian, and they can satisfy their desires together in bed.

Li Yu convinced himself that this would not count as cheating on Xia Shaoqian.

But Zhong Weiqi finally dashed his hopes.

After the cancer was diagnosed, this person left without saying goodbye to Li Yu. Li Yu was ashamed and annoyed, when he contacted Zhong Weiqi, his voice trembled on the phone.

"How could you..."

"What's the matter?" Zhong Weiqi's voice was very brisk, as if Li Yu was talking about something insignificant.

Li Yu felt a burst of despair, because of such a person, he didn't even have the last stand to insist on loving Xia Shaoqian.

"all because of you!"

"Because of me?" Zhong Weiqi took time off.

Li Yu slowly organized his words: "...you know that I love Xia Shaoqian, but you still seduce me and ask me to have sex with you voluntarily. How can I persist in the future?"

He cried out: "I can't hold on anymore..."

Zhong Weiqi laughed softly: "Do you think it is touching that you have persisted until now? Great? In fact, you are the only one who feels satisfied. For Xia Shaoqian, your persistence is meaningless."

Li Yu was stunned.

Zhong Weiqi showed no mercy: "It doesn't make any difference to Xia Shaoqian whether you are a virgin or have been fucked. He doesn't love you and has nothing to do with you. You use him to restrain yourself. You should thank me for You break the chains."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Li Yu felt cold all over his body, he had been in a daze for two days, and suddenly realized that he was finally awake.

He missed out on having the best of times, and a night of fun became his compensation.

He also felt that the relationship was not reliable, and it would be beneficial to have more money in hand, so he gambled in the dealership.

Once everything becomes fun, it will be much easier.

Li Yu felt that he still loved Xia Shaoqian, but he would no longer use this love to oppress himself.