A Cute Master’s Cultivation

Chapter 17: Treasury of spirits


Yuan Muxue watched Bai Ziming take Yao Beibei away with the sword, her complexion turned black, the veins on her forehead were bulging, and her eyes seemed to be able to spew fire at any time. She didn't understand why a top genius like Bai Ziming was so close to Yao Beibei? Whether it's family background, appearance, or qualifications, she is 10,000 times better than Yao Beibei! But why is there no existence in his eyes

Why, why? !

"Ziming, when did you learn to fly with a sword?" Waking up from the wind in the mountains, Yao Beibei hurriedly hugged Bai Ziming in front of him, for fear that he might accidentally fall off the flying sword .

Bai Ziming was not embarrassed by Yao Beibei's sudden embrace, and his cold eyes flickered with excitement: "I have long been proficient in the art of Yujian flying, and now I am already a middle-level cultivator in the late stage of Jingmai." Because, naturally you will also be able to control the sword!"

"Well! Ziming, congratulations on your cultivation reaching a new level. I believe you will reach the base solidification stage soon. Come on!" After waking up, Yao Beibei recalled the previous things, and hurriedly congratulated Bai Ziming. It's like honey, sweeter than her advanced level! Bai Ziming is her boss, if he is strong, it means her backstage is strong, hehe!

However, Yao Beibei also thought of another thing, and suddenly felt worried, and before Bai Ziming could respond, he continued on his own: "Ziming, let's leave the martial arts arena like this, if Brother Duan comes later Pick us up to Qianqiu Peak, what should we do if we can’t be found?”

"I already know the location of Qianqiu Peak, we will go there ourselves. Brother Duan, Brother Wu will take care of it!"

Bai Ziming's tone was cold and seemed a little displeased. Yao Beibei knew that he, like her, hated Senior Brother Wu very much, but Senior Brother Wu would soon reap the consequences of himself and end in misery. Not happy

For a moment, she couldn't guess what Bai Ziming was angry with, so Yao Beibei swallowed what she wanted to say. In fact, she already knew the location of Qianqiu Peak from the atlas. What she wanted to say was that acting alone like this Otherwise, she would not be able to see Duan Yifeng. Thinking of the scene of Duan Yifeng fleeing in a hurry that day, she couldn't help being happy. She hasn't seen each other for more than three months. I don't know if he misses her

With Qingfeng Peak as the center, the peaks stretching from east to west, north, south, north and south for hundreds of miles are all Qingfeng sect's territory. The martial arts arena is located in the northwest, while Qianqiu Peak is located in the southeast. Although Yao Beibei was not good at mathematics in his previous life, he also knew that the distance of this diagonal line must be greater than a hundred miles!

If the distance of more than a hundred miles is to be walked, I am afraid that it will take several days and nights, but now there is a green, energy-saving and trouble-free transportation tool like Yu Jianfei, so it is another matter!

However, things like Yu Jian's flight still need to be adapted slowly, and Yao Beibei only dares to open his eyes to appreciate the misty scenery along the way when he closes Bai Ziming in front of him.

Compared with the route taken by Duan Yifeng to Qingfeng Peak, the road to Qianqiu Peak is another scene. It lacked a bit of solemnity, but it added a bit of vitality. You can see idle clouds and flying birds, red flowers and green forests everywhere, and from time to time you can see some Qingfeng sect disciples who are as small as ants busy back and forth.

While Bai Ziming was working hard with the sword, Yao Beibei gradually got used to it and fell asleep lying on his back.

Yao Beibei in the dream dreamed that she had become a peerless beauty, attracting countless beauties to bow down under her pomegranate skirt, willing to donate food and money. And she was sitting on the large and soft warm brocade bed in fine clothes, surrounded by piles of golden treasures, holding a plate of her favorite fruit salad, enjoying it contentedly...

"Bebe, we're here!"

Bai Ziming turned his head slightly and called softly. He already knew that Yao Beibei was asleep, but such a soft sound obviously didn't have much effect. Someone was still sleeping sweetly, and a transparent and warm liquid at the corner of his mouth was right printed on his white coat.

"Beibei, Beibei, Beibei..." He called three more times in a row, but the people behind him still didn't respond. Finally, three streaks of cold sweat rolled down Bai Ziming's forehead.

"Yao Beibei!!!"

A thunder blasted into his ears, and Yao Beibei woke up suddenly. He didn't know what happened, but he felt that Bai Ziming's breath in front of him was extremely unstable and angry!

Yao Beibei rubbed his sleepy eyes with one hand, saw the crumpled clothes on Bai Ziming's back, and his own big puddle of saliva, he couldn't help but smiled embarrassingly: "Ziming, what happened?"

"Qianqiu Peak is coming soon, we need to tidy up our appearance and wait to see the master!"

"Oh, it's windy in the mountains and your clothes are a bit dirty. You continue to use the sword, and I'll tidy it up for you!" After Yao Beibei finished speaking, he hurriedly pressed the cleaning technique on Bai Ziming, and saw that his white clothes were neat and tidy in an instant. Ru Xin, satisfied with doing another cleansing technique for herself, she wants to see the master, so she has to behave well!

A green waterfall draws a bright and clear line from top to bottom. You can't see its source, but you can only see a rainbow of seven colors floating above it, shining magnificently in the sunlight. It flew down from the Rainbow Bridge of the Nine Heavens Cloud Sea! I can't see the end of it, only the hazy and steaming water mist, surrounded by clouds and smoke, like a dream, like a fairyland.

When the breeze blows, the colorful rainbow turns into a colorful cloud brocade, which is soft and rippling with bright brilliance of all colors, as if a peerless fairy is dancing with forgetfulness. This waterfall is her green silk like water, this colorful cloud brocade is her neon clothes and feathers, and this Qianqiu Peak is her startling fairy shadow!

Bai Ziming and Yao Beibei were also fascinated by the scenery in front of them, and Yu Jian stopped in front of the green waterfall, unable to bear to leave.

"But Ziming is here?" A majestic male voice came from nowhere, but it was more excited.

"Back to the master, it's a disciple!"

Bai Ziming soon realized that the voice was his master Hua Qianqiu, and immediately replied respectfully. Yao Beibei pouted in dissatisfaction. They were all his apprentices. Why did he only see him without asking questions? Own? Hmph, what a tattered and partial master!

"Well, come here!" Hua Qianqiu's voice fell, and a light green bird appeared next to Bai Ziming and the two. This little green bird was actually formed by the condensation of Hua Qianqiu's control of the heaven and earth aura! With plump wings and a lifelike demeanor, he shouted a few times at Bai Ziming and the two of them, and then spread his wings and flew in one direction.

"It's master!" Bai Ziming controlled the green sword under his feet to turn around, and followed the little green bird all the way, while Yao Beibei reluctantly waved goodbye to the green waterfall behind him.

Clouds and mist linger all the way, and you can faintly see strange rocks and green trees, and the wind keeps blowing up from your feet, making people feel like passing through a deep valley.

After flying for a while, the field of vision gradually widened. Not far away, a green peak stood tall. The peak was hidden in the clouds.

After setting off from the martial arts arena, Yao Beibei felt that the aura of the mountain peaks passing by was quite refreshing, but compared to Qianqiu Peak, those mountain peaks were completely like sesame seeds meeting watermelons!

Coming to Qianqiu Peak is like entering a treasure house of spiritual energy. As soon as the rich spiritual energy is inhaled into the body, it is as if you can hear the cheerful cheers of the meridians and bones!

The treatment of the elders is really good! Yao Beibei greedily absorbed the rich spiritual energy here, while Bai Ziming followed the little green bird to a big dive and landed on the mountainside of Qianqiu Peak.

There are mountains and rocks in sight, and a unique floral fragrance is sent by the breeze, which seems to be a mixture of various floral fragrances, mixed with medicinal and woody fragrances.

Smelling the smell, there should be many flowers, plants and trees nearby, but only a piece of rock can be seen. Yao Beibei is no longer a bastard who knows nothing about cultivating immortals. Only stones can be seen.

After Luoxia walked forward for a while, the little green bird that had been leading the way suddenly disappeared. Bai Ziming knew that he must have arrived outside Hua Qianqiu's cave, so he knelt down and said: "Disciple Bai Ziming pays homage to Master!"

"Disciple Yao Beibei pays homage to Master!" Yao Beibei followed suit and bowed to the stretch of stones in front of him.

"Come in!" After Hua Qianqiu's voice came out, a three-meter-wide bluestone path appeared in front of him, and it was only five meters long, but he couldn't see what was at the end of the path.

Along the bluestone path all the way, I really arrived at Hua Qianqiu's cave. According to Yao Beibei, the so-called cave is more like a spacious stone cave. The layout of the cave is extremely simple, with some or wooden tables and chairs placed on both sides, somewhat like a living room for entertaining people.

In the middle of the cave, there is a large white jade seat, carved with exquisite flowers, trees, and running water. If it weren't for the color of the white jade, people would think they were real!

On the white jade chair, a man in white was sitting in the middle, with a ruddy complexion. He was looking at Bai Ziming who was walking in the front with a happy smile at the moment: "Ziming, have you advanced to the middle stage of Jingmai late stage?"

"Back to master, in today's actual combat duel, this disciple just broke through the first stage of Jingmai late stage! However, before the sect's predecessors can meet you in the martial arts field, I made my own decision to go to Qianqiu Peak on my own, and I hope the master will punish me!" Bai Zi Ming bowed his head and knelt in front of Hua Qianqiu, but there was no sign of admitting his mistake on his face. Even if he was given another chance, he would still resolutely leave the arena, but this matter still needs to be reported to the master.

"I'm still wondering why you came here with your own sword today, and I thought it was that little old man Luo Zhi who neglected my apprentice! I have never been able to stand that little old man's procrastination, and I don't want you to be like a teacher. He has a hearty personality, haha, well gone, well gone!!! Since this is the truth, then I will not pursue him!"

Hua Qianqiu laughed, and there was a kind of congenial confidant between his eyebrows, and then he asked solemnly: "Zi Ming, if it is as you said, then you advanced in battle?"

"Back to the master, this apprentice advanced in battle!" Bai Ziming guessed that Hua Qianqiu would not punish him, and answered truthfully with a sly smile on the corner of his mouth.