A Cute Master’s Cultivation

Chapter 58: Big fight in the air


Although the hundreds of disciples of the Qingfeng Sect who traveled through the clouds were excited, at most they were discussing in a low voice, so the continuous laughter from Wanyan Zhenyi's side seemed a bit abrupt, making the rest of the disciples look sideways.

Where the laughter came from, Wanyan Zhenyi, Yu Miyin, Yao Beibei, Lan Lianhuo, and Ying Zilu were on the outermost side, and they were the first five people to be seen by everyone.

The five were all about fourteen years old, and they were five different types of beautiful girls. Not only did the male disciples who came by the side door not feel disgusted, but they all nodded and greeted the five with smiles on their faces, and some shy male disciples even saw it. He lowered his head blushing at a glance.

However, there was a group of female disciples who cast very unfriendly eyes. The girl in the lead was dressed in emerald green, with white skin and red lips, and a very conspicuous moon-shaped green jade hairpin pinned to her hair.

In terms of beauty, this girl can definitely be called a shy flower in the moon, but at this moment, there is some sarcasm on the corner of her mouth: "Wretched junior sister? Intestines? Who the hell said something, and only you, Wanyan Zhenyi, can say that." Come on!"

As soon as the girl said this, more than a dozen girls behind her covered their mouths and laughed coquettishly, as if hearing the funniest joke in the world.

The smile on Wanyan Zhenyi's face froze immediately, but she quickly laughed again: "Should I call you Ning Yueli, or should I call you Ning Fenli? I, Wanyan Zhenyi, have always been one and two, no They all resort to deceit to show people their faces, let alone change their names to please anyone!"

"Wanyan Zhenyi, don't bully people too much!" The girl blushed and shouted angrily.

"Senior Sister Ning, don't be angry. All of our female disciples in Jiaoyue Peak are pure and clean. There is no need to be angry with those who want to make men laugh by laughing!" Ning Yueli had a red mole between her eyebrows on her left hand Young girl, it seems that she is being bullied by others and can't help but chime in.

When she heard this sentence, Yao Beibei finally understood. It turned out that Ning Yueli was a disciple of Buyuejing's sect, no wonder Yan Zhenyi was not pleasing to the eye after seeing Yan Zhenyi like this. How dare she secretly satirize the niece of her future mistress in front of so many people, it's really disgusting!

Just when Wanyan Zhenyi, Yao Beibei and the others clenched their fists and were about to make a move, suddenly Ying Zilu cursed in their ears.

"Wei Yuebi, look at you with a thin face, Kefu eyebrows, flirtatious eyes, troubled nose, unruly mouth, flat chest, sharp buttocks and bucket waist, no matter how you look at it, you are so annoying! No man likes you. Good luck, otherwise you will be entangled in green hats and bad luck every day, and you will not be able to achieve the Tao without eating, drinking, sleepless, and hard work all day long!" Ying Zilu, who has always been silent with a sweet smile on her lips, has been silent for a while. The sound is like opening a loaded machine gun, every word is full of needles, and every sentence is full of thorns.

Those male disciples who had greatly increased their affection for Wei Yuebi because of her beauty and that sentence of "cleanness and purity" hurriedly looked away, and some even burst out laughing.

Wei Yuebi was stunned by the scolding for a long time before she came to her senses, her face turned red from embarrassment, and a thin sword appeared in her hand instantly, piercing Ying Zilu's face with a gloomy face.

Ying Zilu naturally also noticed Wei Yuebi's movements, but she didn't panic, and her whole body was wrapped in a layer of glistening water under the quick gestures.

Before Wei Yuebi rushed over, a fierce wind suddenly flew out in front of Wanyan Zhenyi, hitting Wei Yuebi's body directly, and she was thrown heavily to the ground when she was caught off guard, letting out a dull moan of pain.

"Wanyan Zhenyi, you are looking for death!" Ning Yueli saw that Wei Yuebi who was speaking for her was slammed by Wanyan Zhenyi, fell to the ground for a long time, her face sank, and at the same time she scolded angrily, a fire snake in her hand burned to Wanyan Zhenyi past.

The fight between Ning Yueli and Wanyan Zhenyi didn't matter, many other female disciples from Yanzi Peak and Jiaoyue Peak joined in the battle, together with Qianqiu Peak's Xiang and the rest of the male disciples, they all fought with each other.

All of a sudden, all kinds of magic lights flickered outside the cloud shuttle, and various attacks and scolding sounded continuously, and the outside of the cloud shuttle was suddenly in a mess, and the whole air was in a chaotic battle.

Mo Youcai brought Duan Yifeng and the others into the room just now, and explained some things to them. Before he finished explaining, he felt a lot of aura fluctuations on the shuttle. It was obvious that someone was fighting, so he immediately walked out of the room with a round face. Door.

Seeing the Qingfeng Sect disciples fighting outside, Mo You felt a headache and shouted angrily, "Stop!"

Mo You's round-faced flesh was trembling with anger, and with a wave of his hand, the sky was filled with yellow dust, and all the people in the scuffle were forced away with forceful anger.

Wan Yanyanran, Bu Yuejing, Qi Hao and Zhao Sheng, who felt the chaos, also left the room one after another. Seeing the disciples holding magic weapons one by one, their auras fluctuating, it was obvious that they had just fought, and their faces were a little displeased .

However, Qi Hao seemed to be able to see a trace of excitement in his squinted eyes, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was particularly conspicuous.

Wanyan Yanran glanced at Wanyan Zhenyi and the others, then stepped forward and asked Mo You who came out first: "Elder Mo You, what happened just now?"

Mo Youzheng's gloomy face softened a little because of Wanyanyanran's question: "Just now these disciples were fighting!"

"Scramble?" Wanyan Yanran glanced at Wanyan Zhenyi again, and saw that she held her head upright without any fear, except for Ying Zilu and Yu Miyin whose expressions were relatively normal, and the expressions of the rest of her disciples were slightly tinged. Angry, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Yueli, what happened?" The smile on Bu Yuejing's face looked very gentle, but Yao Beibei knew that her smile was fake. If she was so gentle, how could she have trained such a group of bitter people? Mean disciple

"Back to Master, it was Wanyan Zhenyi who hurt Junior Sister Wei first, and we had no choice but to do so in order to protect ourselves!" Ning Yueli hurriedly complained to her with an aggrieved face when she saw her master appearing.

Seeing Ning Yueli's aggrieved face, Wanyan Zhenyi couldn't help but get angry: "Ning Yueli, don't forget who hurt someone first!"

"I was just making a verbal joke with you, but you really hurt Wei Shimei!" Ning Yueli's voice was soft and weak, her expression was cautious, like a docile sheep, making it hard to doubt her what was said.

Wanyan Zhenyi couldn't help sneering: "Are you kidding me? Then who first tried to hurt Junior Sister Ying Zilu with a sword?"

"Junior Sister Wei just wanted to practice sword for a while." After Ning Yueli finished speaking, she raised her head slightly, tears rolled in her eyes, she seemed to have suffered a great grievance.

Wanyan Zhenyi glanced at Ning Yueli mockingly: "Then how can you be sure that I didn't accidentally hurt Wei Yuebi because my hands were itchy and wanted to practice spells?"

"Enough!" Looking at Wanyan Zhenyi and Ning Yueli, Wanyan Yanran couldn't help frowning, and then turned to Mo You with a little apology: "Elder Mo You, you should handle this matter." !"

Buy Yuejing always had a gentle smile on her face: "Elder Mo You, I'm really sorry for my poor discipline. I believe Elder Mo You will deal with it fairly. Elder Mo You is here!"

"That's all, this matter is already within the scope of my duties. It's not too late for me to ask the facts before making a decision!" Mo You was calm on the outside, but he was smiling wryly in his heart. It seemed that the one who took the lead in the scuffle should be Wanyan Zhenyi and Ning Yueli, but one of them is Wanyan Yanran's disciple, and the other is Bu Yuejing's disciple.

The fact that Wanyan Yanran is the female cultivator that Grand Elder Hua Qianqiu loves is almost unknown to many elders of the Qingfeng Sect. But Bu Yuejing has been secretly in love with Hua Qianqiu for many years, but Hua Qianqiu has always turned a blind eye and remained unmoved. Ever since Wanyan Yanran joined the Qingfeng sect, the two women had never ceased to fight openly and secretly. The disciples under their sect also disliked each other, and fought violently every now and then.

Originally, Wanyan Yanran was the absolute winner among the two, but Buyuejing has a gentle temperament and is easy to get along with. Among the many elders of the Qingfeng sect, she has many supporters and admirers. Few people, others fear her because of Hua Qianqiu.

When everyone was staring at me and I was staring at you, a sweet and well-behaved voice came to everyone's ears, "Reporting to Elder Mo You, I have the whole story of what happened here. This is the memory stone I recorded. Don't let the elders check!"

Yao Beibei stepped forward calmly, and under the gaze of everyone, presented a small white stone in front of Mo You.

"Yao Beibei, is this the memory stone you have been recording?" Mo You took Yao Beibei's memory stone and asked with a little surprise, because apart from the usual tasks of rewards and punishments in the sect, few disciples took it. Recording with the memory stone anytime and anywhere, what a prodigal!

"Well! Elder Mo You will understand the development of the whole matter once he checks it, but I have a request. Please return it to the disciple after Elder Mo You has checked it!" Yao Beibei liked to record some The video as a souvenir, this time is just out of habit for many years, I didn't expect it to come in handy this time, and I couldn't help but be ecstatic.

Mo You was slightly taken aback. Although Yao Beibei's request was a bit inappropriate, it did not violate the Qingfeng Sect's rules. Knowing that she was a disciple of the Grand Elder, she quickly agreed.

After reading the things recorded in the memory stone, Mo Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The things recorded in it are very complete. With this evidence, it will be easy for him to do things, "Elder Wanyan, Elder Bu, Elder Zhao, Elder Qi , you four please follow me!"

After the five of Mo You entered the room, the rest of them didn't dare to make a sound. The scuffle had violated the Qingfeng Sect's rules, and the punishment was quite heavy. At that time, they joined the melee as soon as they got excited. Most people would regret it when they recalled it. They could only pray in their hearts that the things recorded in the memory stone were beneficial to themselves.

After Wanyan Yanran and Buyuejing came out of Mo You's room, they called Wanyan Zhenyi and Ning Yueli to their own rooms respectively. And Zhao Sheng and Qi Hao also stared at each other, and they both went back to their rooms with sullen faces.