A Cute Master’s Cultivation

Chapter 6: Cultivation questions


"Senior brother Duan, what is a spirit base?"

"Spiritual foundation is a substance that exists in the human body. With the spiritual foundation, mortals can cultivate immortals. Some people's spiritual foundation exists in the meridians, some people exist in the flesh and blood, and some people exist in the bone marrow. However, after cultivation, the spirit foundation will be transferred to the dantian, and the position will not change any more."

"Senior Brother Duan, isn't the ice-type spirit base the best?" Yao Beibei didn't forget the scene where the high-ranking members of the Qingfeng Sect looked at Bai Ziming like a baby in the Qingfeng Palace.

Duan Yifeng probably guessed the purpose of Yao Beibei's question, and explained with a slight smile: "Spiritual bases have five elements. The five types of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are basic attributes, and the three types of ice, wind, and thunder are variant attributes. The fewer attributes of a spiritual base , the faster the cultivation speed, the more mutated spirit foundation. However, a single-attribute spirit foundation can at most cultivate two kinds of attributes. For example, Bai Shidi's ice spirit foundation is extremely fast, but he can only practice Ice attribute and water attribute skills, or because the ice base is a variation of the water base. And sister Yao, your five elements base can practice the eight types of kung fu of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, wind and thunder. That is to say, you can Use eight spells!"

Seeing Yao Beibei and Duan Yifeng say you and me, Bai Ziming curled his lips in disdain, and said that the five-element spirit foundation of the top-quality waste material is so good, this Yifeng really has a set! But Yao Beibei is really stupid and nympho, Duan Yifeng is not the only one who knows these common senses about cultivating immortals, and she keeps smiling at Duan Yifeng like a flower, she really has no vision!

Hearing this sentence, Yao Beibei finally smiled sweetly: "Senior Brother Duan, when can I fly with the sword like you?"

"Cultivation is divided into five stages, Jingmai, Ningji, Jindan, Yuanying, and Huashen. Each stage is divided into three periods: the early stage, the middle stage, and the late stage, and each stage is divided into the initial level, middle level, and later stage There are four levels of level and Dzogchen. If you want to fly with the sword, you must reach the middle level of Jingmai late stage cultivation. Sister Yao, if you want to fly with the sword, you have to work hard!"

"Yeah!" Yao Beibei nodded vigorously, and she had already started to fantasize about flying with the sword with Senior Brother Duan in her mind, but she suddenly thought of a very serious question: "Senior Brother Duan, if I practice, will I If you become beautiful, will you live forever?"

This is really a very serious question. In the previous life, Yao Beibei was a twenty-year-old girl, not a peerless beauty, but her appearance was definitely upper-middle-level. Unfortunately, she became a clown girl at the age of fourteen. The age is still guessed by her!

The current body is severely malnourished, with thin arms and legs, no breasts, no buttocks, and the front and back are flat. His skin is yellow and rough, his eyebrows grow sparsely, his eyelashes are too short to be found, his eyes are big and lifeless, only his nose can see through, his mouth is small, but slightly The color was blue and black, as if she had been poisoned, and her short withered yellow hair was dryly messed up on her head, like a living bird's nest. Yao Beibei seriously suspected that if she leaned quietly against a certain tree, would she be Will a bird settle on her head

But fortunately, this is the appearance of just after transmigrating. In the past five months, through Yao Beibei's recuperation, all kinds of bad physical performance have improved, but she is only a little better than before! Which girl doesn't love beauty, and the gap between before and after time travel is so big, her appearance is almost becoming her heart disease!

Hearing Yao Beibei's question about appearance, Duan Yifeng, who had always answered very well, was startled suddenly, and after thinking for a long time, he replied: "If you practice, you can sense the spiritual energy and draw it into the body, and the impurities and filth in the body will gradually be discharged. In terms of Shouyuan, the Jingmai stage is 100 years old, the foundation stage is 200 years old, the Jindan stage is 500 years old, the Nascent Soul stage is 2,000 years old, and the soul transformation stage can have a permanent lifespan. As for aging, people who cultivate immortals are not easy to age, if they take some pills or practice some special skills, they can keep their appearance forever."

Yao Beibei was very satisfied with Duan Yifeng's answer, and almost couldn't help but rushed forward to hug him and kiss him a few times. Duan Yifeng was so frightened that he hurriedly stepped back a few steps, and the smile on his face froze.

But Yao Beibei didn't care, she was really overjoyed, because as long as she cultivated immortality, she could become beautiful and live forever, ahaha!

Bai Ziming remained silent all the time with a cold face, glaring at Yao Beibei who actually flirted with Duan Yifeng, and laughed out of shape, he wished to freeze her with his eyes so that she would not be an idiot again.

Facts have proved that Duan Yifeng's psychological quality is still very good, he recovered in a few seconds, and then took Yao Beibei and Bai Ziming along the way, and went to the necessary places such as Zangshu Pavilion and Lingdan room to recognize the way , and at Yao Beibei's request, went to the martial arts field for a walk.

Unknowingly, it was dusk and it was just time for dinner, so Duan Yifeng and the others brought Yao Beibei and Bai Ziming to the dining room.

The dining room is very spacious and can accommodate ten thousand people at the same time. The roof is inlaid with many shiny beads, which illuminate the dining room brightly.

It's so extravagant to use luminous pearls as light bulbs! Yao Beibei couldn't help clicking her tongue.

There are many tables and chairs neatly arranged in the dining room, most of which are for four people, and there are also round tables that can seat more than ten people at the same time. These tables and chairs are all made of dark red wood, which looks very strong and durable.

There are a lot of disciples of the Qingfeng sect who will come to the dining room to eat. There are thousands of them. Each of these disciples holds a dinner plate in their hands, which is made of jade. meal. These dinner plates are all distributed by the door, and everyone has one, which reminds Yao Beibei of her university cafeteria.

Yao Beibei has already learned the formula and method of using the storage bag, but she is still a mortal and cannot use the storage bag, so she can only put her things in Bai Ziming's storage bag first.

At this moment, Bai Ziming had already taken out his and Yao Beibei's dinner plates from the storage bag, and handed one to her, while Duan Yifeng also took out his dinner plate.

Although those dishes are the most common cabbage, potatoes, eggplants, beans, etc., compared with the ones she saw in Baozhimen, the colors are many times better, and the smell also has a unique fragrance , is no longer an ordinary dish.

The rice is crystal clear, more than twice the size of the rice grains that Yao Beibei knows, and the sweet rice fragrance can be smelled from a distance, making Yao Beibei sniff hard and swallow .

"I spent a whole day at the Qingfeng School today. At noon, Brother Duan only gave me a pill to eat. I'm going to starve to death now, so I must choose a few dishes to eat!" Yao Beibei thought to himself, After wandering around the dining room, he brought a plate full of food to the table where Duan Yifeng and Bai Ziming were sitting.

Seeing that the dishes on Yao Beibei's dinner plate were twice as much as those of others, not only Duan Yifeng, but even Bai Ziming looked at her in disbelief. If Yao Beibei was a stunning beauty, it would make sense. Could it be that the cooking chefs in this dining room are all so heavy-handed and like this kind of yellow, ugly, dry, obviously stunted little girl

"Hmph, what do you know, I call it a secret! I want to eat more, to supplement my nutrition, and to become beautiful!" Seeing Bai Ziming and Duan Yifeng looking at her like they were monsters, Yao Beibei immediately stopped. Happy, picked up a large piece of meat with chopsticks, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed hard, and stared at the two of them viciously.

Duan Yifeng gave a dry cough, and silently lowered his head to eat the food on his plate, while Bai Ziming looked indifferent, as if he didn't see or hear anything.

Anyway, Yao Beibei also knows some lady manners, and she is considered shy when she eats later. I don't know if it's because I'm hungry, or because the Qingfeng Sect is a cultivating sect with more spiritual power, so the food tastes better, or it's because there are two ugly teenagers sitting opposite, Yao Beibei's meal Very satisfying to eat!

After dinner, Duan Yifeng took Yao Beibei and Bai Ziming to the accommodation. Since the time for the sect to recruit disciples has passed, there are only twenty-three people participating in the introductory training for new disciples. These rooms are only used for new disciples participating in the initial training, so the rooms are very ample, and each of these twenty-three people has been given the treatment of living in a room alone.

Over the past day, Duan Yifeng has told Bai Ziming and Yao Beibei almost everything he can think of, and even answered many strange questions from Yao Beibei, such as what do you like to eat, Senior Brother Duan, what do you like, Senior Brother Duan? A matter of color.

Duan Yifeng, who has cultivated in the Qingfeng Sect since he was a child, has a simple mind. He knows that Yao Beibei has suffered a lot, and he loves her very much. How could he know that his sister Yao has so many small thoughts in his stomach

After Bai Ziming and Yao Beibei settled down, Duan Yifeng stood up and said goodbye. Under Yao Beibei's reluctant eyes, Yu Jian flew away.

The Qingfeng sect has regulations that new disciples of the sect must attend a three-month introductory training. After passing the assessment, they can return to the mountain where their masters are training.

The so-called introductory training is to learn the history of the world of cultivating immortals, the history of Qingfeng sect, and some basic common sense of cultivating immortals and the five elements of magic.

These contents are all in the books issued by the sect, and you can read them at any time. If you don't understand, there are Brother Duan, Bai Ziming, and the teacher who teaches the class!

Yao Beibei is very satisfied with the arrangement of the introductory training. These knowledge and skills are really useful for her, a rookie in cultivating immortals!

Yao Beibei has already made up her mind. In the next three months, she must study hard and practice hard! She wants to become beautiful, fly with a sword, live forever, and follow in the footsteps of Senior Brother Duan!

Thinking of this, Yao Beibei yelled that it was not good, she forgot to ask Senior Brother Duan which stage he had cultivated to, woo woo!