A Cute Master’s Cultivation

Chapter 83: Secret exposed


"Brother!" Jiang Lengying looked at Jiang Lengyong's bloody left arm, couldn't help but exclaimed, and rushed towards him.

"Ying'er, bro, it's okay, just stand there and don't move!" Jiang Lengyong pulled out a square box from the flesh and blood of his left arm with another force, and he finally groaned in pain With a sound.

Jiang Lengyong took the bloody little box with a trembling right hand, and looked at Hua Qianqiu with a pale face: "Senior Hua, this box contains Mu Qingguo, and I will give it to you together with the Golden Scale Sword now! But Jiang Lengyong has A selfish request, I implore Senior Hua to take my brother and sister in and protect me!"

Seeing this, Yao Beibei couldn't help being shocked, Deng Hong actually asked Jiang Lengyong to hide Mu Qingguo in his flesh and blood, what a cruel thing it was!

Hua Qianqiu hesitated a little, then nodded in response, since Deng Hong participated in the Jiang family's massacre, then Lao Busi must have been involved. After today, the safety of Jiang Lengyong's brother and sister must have become a big problem.

Jiang Lengying is a disciple of the Qingfeng Sect, and even Wanyan Yanran's disciple, so he can't sit idly by. Jiang Lengyong handed him the treasures of the Jiang family, the Golden Scale Sword, and the Mu Qingguo, which he had always dreamed of. He had to keep the two brothers and sisters as a matter of reason and reason!

It seems that the original plan must also make some changes!

"Thank you, Senior Hua, for keeping it safe! The box containing Mu Qingguo was made by Wannian Mujing, and the box was restricted by Labor Division, and it needs Deng Hong's blood essence to untie it!" Jiang Lengyong gritted his teeth and said bitterly. , How could he not have thought that Lao Busi was his archenemy now, but unfortunately he is too weak now to avenge his dead relatives at all!

"Ying Er is a disciple of my Qingfeng Sect, and should be protected by my Qingfeng Sect. Jiang Lengyong, I will find someone to recruit you as soon as possible. From now on, you will also be a disciple of my Qingfeng Sect. As long as the Qingfeng Sect is here, as long as I, Hua Qianqiu, are here , no one can touch your brother and sister!"

Although Hua Qianqiu spoke in a low voice, Jiang Lengyong's brother and sister were delighted to hear it.

"Thank you, Grand Elder!" Jiang Lengyong said joyfully, forcibly lifted up the little spiritual energy left in his body, and performed a cleaning technique on the box in his hand. After washing the blood on it, he grabbed the storage bag on the ground and The box was handed to Hua Qianqiu together.

Hua Qianqiu looked at the small square box, and his brows were full of joy and excitement. The emerald green color was so lovable, it really made him dream...

A light green light flashed across Hua Qianqiu's fingertips, and those storage bags and boxes disappeared in Jiang Lengyong's hands.

Another light green light fell on Deng Hong's body. From a distance, his whole body was shrouded in that light green light. The pale green light stayed only for a moment, and then a drop of blood-red liquid the size of an adult's fist flew out from Deng Hong's body, carried by that layer of green light, and flew to Hua Qianqiu's side, where he took it in with a jade bottle.

After putting away the jade bottle, Hua Qianqiu leaned over slightly, helped Jiang Lengyong who had been kneeling on the ground, and then turned to Wanyan Yanran and said, "Yanran, help Jiang Lengyong heal first."

Wanyan Yanran nodded in response without asking any questions, she knew he had more important things to do.

I saw a light green light passing by, but in a moment, Hua Qianqiu's figure disappeared in the cave.

On a barren mountain of the Qingfeng Sect, Gu Susu, Li Yan, Mu Gu and Chen Zhong, together with Fan Tuan, Xi Keshi, Lan Lianhuo and Bai Ziming, joined forces to attack. Kill Wuyun and Heiwu.

Lan Lianhuo, Xi Keshi, Li Yan, and Fan Tuan, who had lower cultivation bases, were even restrained by dark clouds and black mist.

The situation of Bai Ziming, Gu Susu, and Mu Gu Chen Zhong is not much better. The long-term vicious fighting has also exhausted their physical and mental states very quickly, and they may not last long before they will be defeated.

At this moment, a light green light suddenly burst through the air, and almost instantly, the situation was completely reversed.

The pale green light was like an extremely sharp magic knife, splitting through the thick dark cloud mountain in the air, causing the dark cloud to dissipate in an instant, and sending in the sunshine full of vitality.

The light green light was like a gust of strong wind, blowing away the thick black mist in an instant, and sending fresh and fresh air.

By the time Bai Ziming and the other eight reacted, Wu Yun and Hei Mist had their hair disheveled, and their expressions were trapped by a layer of light green light.

Hua Qianqiu remembered that everyone was restrained to death by Wuyun and Heiwu just now, and he was so angry that he wished he could beat them up now!

Hua Qianqiu almost just moved his fingertips, and the two figures of Wuyun and Heiwu disappeared in place, and then glanced at everyone: "Nephew Gu, good apprentice, thank you for your hard work, let's go, let's go back!"

Before everyone had time to say anything, they saw Hua Qianqiu waved his sleeves, and they were dragged up by a light green light, and in an instant, everyone had reached Qianqiu Peak.

After arriving at Qianqiu Peak, Hua Qianqiu put everyone down, turned around and handed a storage bag to Gu Susu's hand: "Nephew Gu, I have worked hard for you today, you go down to heal your wounds first, if you need anything Whatever comes to me!"

"Senior Hua, you are being polite!" Gu Susu smiled slightly, did not refuse Hua Qianqiu's storage bag, turned around to salute Hua Qianqiu, and bowed to Bai Ziming and Fan Tuan before taking Li Yan, Chen Zhong and Mu Gu left.

After Gu Susu left, Hua Qianqiu brought Bai Ziming, Fan Tuan, Xi Keshi and Lan Lianhuo back to his cave.

Wanyan Yanran had already healed most of Jiang Lengyong's injuries. After Hua Qianqiu briefly informed Fan Tuan of Jiang Lengyong's matter to the four who did not know about it, he checked that their injuries were all fine. After giving some instructions, everyone retreated except Yao Beibei.

Yao Beibei looked at Hua Qianqiu with a puzzled expression. Even his master allowed Wanyan Yanran to know about matters as important as Deng Hong, so what else could he not tell her

After thinking about it for a long time, Hua Qianqiu looked at Yao Beibei with a worried expression on his face: "Lao Liu, when I was photographing Deng Hong's memory just now, my teacher saw something related to you!"

Seeing Hua Qianqiu's appearance, Yao Beibei immediately perked up and listened carefully. It must be a very difficult thing to make her master so sad.

"Master, I didn't expect that kid Deng Hong to investigate you so clearly. He brought Mu Qingguo here purely for you. I'm sorry for you, Master, and even thought of handing you over to that bastard!" Seeing Yao Beibei's trust in his master, Hua Qianqiu felt guilty for a while.

"Hey, master, you didn't hand me over to him! But Deng Hong came here for me, and you exchanged Mu Qingguo for me?" Yao Beibei was puzzled, she had never had any interaction with Deng Hong before. She didn't understand why Deng Hong came here for her, and she was even more willing to exchange Mu Qingguo, which could be called a treasure, for her.

"It seems that there is something related to the five-element space. You have a balanced five-element spirit foundation, the ability to transform people's appearance and physique, and your cultivation base grows rapidly. These are the reasons why he speculates that you have the five-element space." Hua Qianqiu wrinkled Frowning, he said that he had never heard of the five-element space, but the changes that happened to Yao Beibei, as a master, he couldn't be more clear!

It turned out that Yao Beibei's changes were nothing more than her adventures and opportunities in Hua Qianqiu's eyes.

I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, just because I am in this mountain. The authorities are confused by the onlookers, Yao Beibei is his disciple, so naturally his rationality will be hoodwinked on some issues, after Deng Hong's point, he finally sees the truth clearly, looking at the whole world of cultivating immortals, no one has such a What an unacceptable chance

If you really want to explain it, it is that Yao Beibei is carrying a very powerful strange treasure. Could it be the Five Elements Space

Yao Beibei's heart had already been turbulent. She originally thought that only she knew about the Five Elements Space in this other world, and as long as she didn't tell it, no one would ever find out.

Now it seems that besides her, there are many people in this other world who know the existence of the Five Elements Space. Could it be that Lao Busi knew a certain powerful person who competed for the Five Elements Space back then

Now that the secret of the Five Elements Dimension has been exposed, she might be hunted down and seized from all over the world in the future. Not to mention living a peaceful life, even living has become a luxury

Yao Beibei's silence at this moment made Hua Qianqiu affirm the fact that the Five Elements Space exists in his heart, and helpless worry also appeared between his brows.

After getting along for a year, he has already recognized Yao Beibei as his apprentice in his heart, and regards her as his own child. If it is true that she has a rare treasure and spreads, I am afraid that the strength of the Qingfeng faction will not be able to keep her! How can I make him, a father, not worry or impatient

After some deliberation, Yao Beibei made a decision in his heart, knelt down in front of Hua Qianqiu, raised his head to meet his doubtful and anxious eyes: "Master, this disciple has been hiding the secret of having the Five Elements Space all the time. I am so unfilial, I hope the master will punish me! Now that the news of the Five Elements Space has been leaked, it will definitely bring disaster to the Qingfeng sect. Even if the master drives the disciple out of the sect, the disciple will not have any complaints... "

"Stupid girl, how can you reveal the secrets of cultivation to others at will! A teacher for one day and a father for the rest of his life, what father in the world would have the heart to drive his child out of the house and let her fend for herself?" Hua Qianqiu interrupted Yao sullenly. Beibei's words became more gentle: "Qingfeng Sect has the support of Sacred Star Sect, and Lao Busi dare not act rashly for the time being. With Mu Qingguo as his teacher, he can advance to the middle stage of Nascent Soul in retreat for at most three months. By then Don't be afraid of him anymore!"

Tears glistened in Yao Beibei's eyes, his nose was sore, and he seemed to have a thousand words but couldn't say a word.