A Fake Holy Mother in the Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 102


Bei Nuan immediately froze, and like other zombies, he stretched his neck stupidly and let out a cry.

"Ho ho ho—ho ho ho—"

It should be similar

After all, the camouflage of this layer of zombies on the body is given by the system, and there is no fault at all, and the effect is more realistic than that made by the most skilled makeup artist in the world.

The only problem is that she is too weak and too small to look like a "person" of the Guards.

The mutant zombie stared at Bei Nuan for a while, frowning.

Bei Nuan suddenly felt that there was a new voice in her mind that was different from the one just now, so she immediately left here and charged in front of the mountain.

When Bei Nuan received the order, he immediately turned around like a real zombie and walked staggeringly to the front of the mountain.

After walking a long way, Bei Nuan dared to glance at the direction of the mutant zombie while pretending to turn her head around and screaming stupidly.

It thought she was behaving normally and didn't pay attention to her side anymore.

Bei Nuan secretly rejoiced in her heart that fortunately, the "King of Beast King" ability was hard-core enough to turn her into a real zombie state, and could smoothly receive remote sensing commands from mutant zombies.

Otherwise, if you just put on a layer of makeup and can't hear the instructions of the mutant zombies at all, they will immediately find the problem.

When Bei Nuan squeezed out of the zombie tide and returned to the mountain where the special forces were located, the countdown was over.

Bei Nuan ran all the way up the mountain, only to run halfway when he met Lu Xingchi.

Lu Xingchi also saw Bei Nuan, and came over and pressed her into his arms.

He hugged Bei Nuan tightly, and there was a little more tension in his calm voice, "Zombies are everywhere, it's too dangerous, don't run around alone."

He couldn't find Bei Nuan, as if he was really frightened.

Bei Nuan wondered, "Didn't you see the note I left for you?"

"Of course I did, so I've been waiting here for you."

Bei Nuan didn't have time to get tired of him and struggled out of his arms.

"Hurry up, we're going to borrow a sniper gun. I found the mutant zombies that control the corpse group. Let's find a way to snip them off."

Bei Nuan knew that the special forces had a sniper gun.

As long as the mutant zombies are killed, it is like cutting off the brains of the corpses, the plight of Farman City can be solved immediately, and they can enter the safe zone.

Lu Xingchi seemed to endure it, and didn't ask her how she found the mutant zombies, but asked for advice humbly, "Do you want to fight yourself? Why don't I come?"

Bei Nuan refused, "Let me fight."

When Bei Nuan came back all the way, he also considered Lu Xingchi to control the bullets or spikes and destroy the mutant zombies.

But they are both human now and cannot get close to the corpse group. The mutant zombies are hiding in the middle of the ocean-like corpse group, and the distance is too far.

Lu Xingchi's fight against zombies is controlled by supernatural powers. Even if he is very powerful at such a long distance, there will still be mistakes with only 1 in 100,000 mistakes.

But if Bei Nuan uses a gun, it relies on automatic aiming, and there will be no mistakes in the automatic aiming of the system.


To be on the safe side, it's better for her to do it.

The two returned to the top of the mountain together.

Bei Nuan found Shao Bai and explained the situation of the zombies under the mountain, including the main force behind the mountain, two mutant zombies controlling other zombies, and so on.

Hearing the special forces next to him were all stunned.

"How did you find the mutant zombies?"

"I just went down and walked around and thought they didn't look right."

Bei Nuan dealt with them casually, and then asked Shao Bai, "Are we going to fight those two mutant zombies? I think we can find good sniping spots on the mountain."

Shao Bai has been listening quietly to Bei Nuan's words. After listening, he neither doubted Bei Nuan's words nor asked her how she got so much information.

Obviously, if what Bei Nuan said was true, destroying the two mutant zombies that controlled the corpse group would undoubtedly make a huge contribution to solving the current predicament of Farman City.

But sniping them is also very risky.

In the worst case, there are more than two mutant zombies with intelligence. Once they find that their companions hiding behind the mountain have been attacked, they may realize that the attack is not from the direction of Farman City, but from behind.

The position of the special forces may be exposed.

Before the torrent of corpses was the fortress of the blockade, Farman City. Behind Farman City was a safe area that protected countless human beings.

Without thinking for a second, Shao Bai said, "We'll snip them off."

Bei Nuan nodded and asked, "Can you lend me a sniper gun?"

Of course it's up to her.

What a good sharpshooter, she can't compare to her auto-aiming ability.

Shao Bai got up and found the team member with the sniper gun, took the gun, and handed it to Bei Nuan along with the bullet.

The gun has been installed, the gun body is khaki, it is much longer and heavier than the rifle Bei Nuan is using now. It is equipped with a scope and a muffler on the barrel.

Bei Nuan asked Shao Bai to borrow a military telescope and handed it to Lu Xingchi. If something special happened to Bei Nuan, he could still make it up.

"I'll go with you to find the sniper spot." Shao Bai said.

Bei Nuan refused, pointing to Lu Xingchi, "We just need to go."

Then he asked a little embarrassedly: "I have a small question... How does this gun work?"

Everyone: "… "

Bei Nuan cradled her feet and took a sniper lesson with Shao Bai before setting off with Lu Xingchi holding her gun.

After only two steps, Lu Xingchi took the gun, "It's too heavy, I'll take it."

Behind the two of them, the expressions of the special forces were very complicated.

The girl didn't seem to be able to hold a gun.

Yet she works miracles again and again.

I don't know whether to believe her or not.

Shao Bai calmly picked up the gun and said to everyone: "Everyone is ready to fight."

As soon as Bei Nuan fired, it was hard to say what would happen next. Maybe the zombies would immediately start searching the mountains.

Bei Nuan and Lu Xingchi took their guns and tried to stay away from the mountain where the special team was located. They circled around the mountain in the direction Bei Nuan said, and finally found an ideal sniper position on the halfway of another mountain next to them.

It is a hillside without trees, with a good view, and there are several large stones half a person high to cover the figure.

The two quietly touched behind the stone.

The mutant zombie is still in its old position, just at the foot of the opposite mountain.

They were shielded from the artillery fire by the mountain, but they didn't know that someone would aim at their heads from behind them.

Bei Nuan followed Shao Bai's instructions, found a good position to set up the gun, and got down and aimed.

As expected by Bei Nuan, after turning on the auto-aim button under the progress bar of the Virgin, the sniper gun, like the rifle, also appeared with an auto-aim trajectory.

To be on the safe side, Bei Nuan cut the automatic aiming into the simplest locking mode.

In the scope, the head of the mutant zombie emitted light.

Bei Nuan glanced at the mutant zombie next to it again.

Can also successfully shine.

Bei Nuan was in the scope and carefully looked at the zombies around them one by one, and never found a third mutant zombie with unusual behavior.

If there are other mutant zombies, they may be hiding elsewhere.

Below is a sea of zombies, tens of thousands, it is impossible to find them one by one, only to destroy these two first.

Bei Nuan took the sight back to the mutant zombie just now.

Bei Nuan has beaten countless zombie heads, but these two heads are of great importance.

Her palms were sweating a little, and she couldn't help turning her head to look at Lu Xingchi.

Lu Xingchi realized that she was looking at him, and put down the telescope in his hand.

His eyes were as cold and shallow as ever, but his expression was calm and gentle.

He smiled at her slightly, leaned over, and kissed her cheek tenderly, his long eyelashes drooping, his eyes falling on her lips.

Bei Nuan:

Bei Nuan thought to himself, this is not the time to kiss, brother, what if the bullet flies with a flick of your hand

Bei Nuan stopped looking at this guy who liked to grab her attention and calmed down.

She pulled the trigger.

A mutant zombie was shot in the head and fell to the mutant zombie next to him.

The mutant zombie beside it supported it, and when it saw that it was shot in the head, it showed a surprised expression.

The next moment, it made a strange movement, and it immediately put its finger into the wound on its buddy's head, as if digging for something.

Although Bei Nuan was puzzled, he quickly cut to its head and shot it.

This time the two fell together.

At this moment, the entire battlefield changed.

As if someone had pressed some strange button, there was a slight commotion in the corpse group.

The first thing that was wrong was the main army of zombies hiding behind the mountains.

Their tightly packed formation suddenly loosened, and the zombies who were standing on standby left their positions and began to wander aimlessly.

The commotion seemed to be contagious, and the zombies who were preparing to charge in front of the mountain suddenly lost their compact formation and spread out like pouring water.

The most obvious is the charging zombies.

Many of them rushed forward halfway, screaming and running forward in the last moment, and the next second, they stopped stupidly as if they had lost their direction.

Standing in the swirling artillery fire, they turned their heads dully and looked around blankly, as if thinking: Who am I? where am i from? Where am I going

It worked.

For safety's sake, Bei Nuan couldn't stand up, couldn't cheer, couldn't express his excitement, reached out and grabbed the collar of Lu Xingchi's shirt next to him, pulled him over, and slapped him heavily on his lips.

Then it was miserable.

Lu Xingchi stretched out his hand to fix her head without hesitation, and immediately taught her a lesson, making her understand the difference between an adult's kiss and a child's kiss.

However, there was a new change under the mountain.

Lu Xingchi let go of Bei Nuan and motioned her to look down.

After a short period of uncommanded corpse, the corpse group that was in chaos re-stabilized.

Although the charging zombies no longer swarmed in the direction of Farman City like they did just now, they also stopped walking around like they did just now, and stopped in place one after another.

It seemed that someone had put the sea of corpses on standby.

It seems that there are really more than two mutant zombies.

After losing those two, the remaining mutant zombies seemed unable to control the huge corpse group, and the impact on Farman City temporarily stopped.

Bei Nuan deeply regretted that he was not a zombie now, and could not receive orders from mutant zombies, so he didn't know what they were talking about.

Lu Xingchi reached out and pulled Bei Nuan, "Let's withdraw."

His judgment was correct.

Just when the two of them left the sniper spot and hid in the dense forest next to them, a group of zombies at the foot of the mountain seemed to have suddenly received an order and rushed up the mountain towards their sniper spot.

The mutant zombie realized that there might be someone on the mountain behind him.

Lu Xingchi and Bei Nuan quickly passed through the dense forest, left the mountain, and returned to the mountain where the special forces were.

Shao Bai and the others are waiting for them in full armor.

Seeing Bei Nuan, Shao Bai's face showed a smile, "It worked, the attack on Farman City stopped."

Bei Nuan couldn't care about this, "They have started to search the mountains. I guess they will come to our side in a while, shall we withdraw?"

Shao Bai nodded calmly, "Let's retreat down the mountain."

He should have seen the zombies start to search the mountain long ago.

But there was palpable joy on his face.

The joy of seeing the corpse tide stop attacking is far greater than the anxiety that the zombies will soon find it. In Shao Bai's mind, the safety of the special forces is not worth mentioning in front of the safety of the blockade and the safety of the entire safety zone.

Sure enough, a large number of zombies also began to pour into the mountain where Bei Nuan and the others were.

The ho-ho howls of the corpses could already be heard in the dense forest.

They were too fast to withdraw in time.

It's condescending, and it's a good location to easily shoot zombies rushing up the mountain.

The special forces set up their guns in the front, let the civilians hide in the back, and everyone was loaded and ready to fight.

The first batch of zombies has already rushed up.

The bullets were fired, and the zombies fell.

However, the zombies in the back continued to rush up without hesitation.

They fell one by one, but one after another, they swarmed up in an endless stream.

The bullets of the special forces are not abundant, and they can't last long with this style of play.

This is a mortal situation.

Everyone was very calm, instead of being as excited and impatient as the previous fights against zombies, everyone was seriously shooting one shot at a time.

Bei Nuan heard the teammates next to him say: "One more kill is one, I will avenge myself."

The other laughed, "I have to keep a bullet for myself, I don't want to be a zombie, it's too ugly to be a zombie."

Bei Nuan thought to herself: Actually, it's not too ugly, it's okay.

The team member next to him analyzed, "There are too many zombies, and it is estimated that they will be eaten up before they turn into zombies."

The zombies rushing up are endless.

Instead of fighting the zombies, Bei Nuan took out all the spikes in the space.

Lu Xingchi raised his hand.

At this time, he no longer concealed his abilities, the spikes rushed out of the magazine, rose into the air, and shot out like a swarm, instantly knocking down all the zombies that rushed over.

All the special forces members raised their heads and looked at the vision in shock.

Only Shao Bai turned his head and used his eyes to find Lu Xingchi who was concentrating on controlling the spikes.

The new zombies continued to rush up, and Lu Xingchi's spikes did not land, flying in the air, continuing to rush towards the new target.

It was a truly one-sided massacre.

But Bei Nuan knew that there were countless zombies under the mountain. They found the special forces and would only send more zombies up the mountain continuously.

Lu Xingchi continued to use his abilities, and he was always exhausted. He didn't know how long he could last.

"All of you retreat," Lu Xingchi said to Shao Bai while controlling the spikes, "I'm here to help you break off."

Shao Bai looked at Lu Xingchi hesitantly, and then at the civilians behind him.

Bei Nuan said to Shao Bai, "You take them away, I'll stay with him."

We can't just rely on him to stop here. Bei Nuan's marksmanship is like a god now, so he can help him so that he can have a little rest.

There are too many zombies, this is the most dangerous time Bei Nuan has encountered since he entered this world.

But two people cooperate with each other, although it is dangerous, it may not be impossible to escape.

Lu Xingchi bent the corner of his mouth to her, and didn't say anything to let her go.

Jiang Fei laughed beside him, and then seriously used a gun to drop a zombie in seconds, "You can't let him be a hero alone."

He also refused to go.

"Of course we won't leave," Du Ruo said to Shao Bai, "your special forces evacuated with civilians."

Shao Bai thought for a moment and then commanded the deputy captain, "Take them down the mountain, go back the same way, and try the entrance to the high wall of Saren City in the south. I'll stay and help them."

The deputy captain rolled his Adam's apple and obeyed the captain's order, instructing everyone to help the old and young to bring civilians and prepare to go down the mountain.

Bei Nuan turned around again and used automatic aiming to cut to the head of a rushing zombie.

I thought to myself, it would be great if I could command the army of zombies like mutant zombies.

As long as the next order - stop for me, all the zombies will stop rushing forward.

While thinking about it, a strange thing happened.

Bei Nuan suddenly paused when she saw the zombie at the end of the crosshair, and looked around blankly.

Unfortunately, the next second, it took Lu Xingchi's nail.

Bei Nuan grabbed Lu Xingchi's arm, "Wait a minute."

Lu Xingchi turned his head to look at Bei Nuan inexplicably, but still obediently made the spikes vibrate and hover in the air.

Bei Nuan faced the group of zombies rushing across, and meditated in his heart: You all! All! give! I! stand! live!

A miracle happened.

The zombies who were rushing towards Lu Xingchi stopped as if they had suddenly received an order, and were pushed to the ground by the zombies rushing up from behind.

Bei Nuan gave the same instructions to the zombies behind.

The original wave after wave of charges suddenly stopped.

Lu Xingchi, Shao Bai, the entire special forces team and the civilians who were about to retreat, all looked at the group of corpses that suddenly became honest.

Bei Nuan thought, saw it, imitated it, became it.

Once you become it, they will bow down to you and obey your commands and orders.

This is the true meaning of the King of Beasts. :,,,