A Fake Holy Mother in the Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 112


Bei Nuan put her head on his chest.

Lu Xingchi hugged her and gently followed her hair.

She doesn't want to go to Calvary.

Lu Xingchi thought to himself, it must be because once she goes to Gota City, she will leave and return to the world that belongs to her.

Lu Xingchi asked in his mind, "No. 3, what will happen if I never go to the last mission location?"

Xiao San's brisk and pleasant voice came, "Why don't you go? You are only one city away from the last city. As long as you stay in the past ten hours, the task will not be completed?"

Lu Xingchi ignored his question and insisted on asking, "What if I don't go?"

Xiaosan is going crazy, "My brother, I beg you, one of the tasks I am doing now is more disobedient than the other, and there are only one or two left that I can count on, and my performance depends on you. .As a result, the chain fell off at the last minute, and you told me you were not going?"

Lu Xingchi still ignored him and asked again, "What will happen if you don't go?"

Little San had to answer, "Didn't I tell you? There is a ten-day flexible period for checking in at each mission location. If you still can't arrive after ten days, even if the mission fails, the ability will disappear."

"It's just the power that disappears?"

"Isn't it enough?" Xiao San was speechless, "Ability! I told you, you are the power of God! Think about it, at the current rate of ability growth, given time, what can you do?"

He can fly to the sky, control the planet, destroy everything in the blink of an eye, and become the master of the world.

Lu Xingchi lowered his head and kissed Bei Nuan's hair.

However, compared to her, the power is nothing.

Lu Xingchi's tone was relaxed and happy, "Okay. I won't do that task."

Little San "… "

Lu Xingchi thought to himself, it's just a pity that he couldn't take her to fly like he promised her last time.

Lu Xingchi didn't speak, and Bei Nuan didn't speak either.

She nestled in Lu Xingchi's arms, silently listening to his heartbeat.

Suddenly, there was a louder thud, and someone was knocking on the door outside.

Bei Nuan poked Lu Xingchi's chest, "Someone is here."

"Let's pretend we're not here?" Lu Xingchi had a bad idea.

"Why aren't we here? Where can we go?" Bei Nuan broke free from him, got up and opened the door, "It must be Du Ruo who is hungry again."

Sure enough, Du Ruo stood outside the door with an unhappy expression on his face, and only said one word—


To celebrate the successful arrival in the safe zone, everyone decided to have a hot pot meal.

Be warm take out

The frozen beef and mutton pieces were sliced by Jiang Fei and Lu Xingchi with a knife. The two of them were competing, and the sliced meat was thinner than the other.

As a result, Du Ruo squeezed a piece of beef that was so thin that it was translucent, and frowned and asked, "If you cut it like this, it will be gone in the pot, right? Can you still find it?"

Doubt in his tone.

There is a public kitchen at the end of the long corridor in this building. Based on the principle of economy, the reserved water in the space is not used when it is not needed. Bei Nuan and Tang Tang took the dishes to the kitchen to wash.

The kitchen is not small, there are sinks on both sides, and a group of girls in uniforms of the Union staff are chatting while washing the lunch boxes.

This is the staff's dormitory, two people share a room, and the people living here are all single and young.

"I heard that there are new people living in our floor." One of them said.

"It doesn't seem to be from our headquarters."

"Some people say which department temporarily resettled the refugees."

"Refugees? Refugees come to us? Are you annoying? Who knows where they come from, and don't think about our safety?"

"I heard that they are all handsome guys, and there is a girl." One said.

"What's the use of being handsome? Can you be handsome as a meal? Eat dirt with refugees? These days, being able to get a meal ticket is king."

Some people sighed, "You still need to be level 5 or above to fall in love. If you are a level 5 employee or above, you seem to be able to eat meat dishes twice a week, right?"

"I don't know, you ask her, her boyfriend is a fifth grade." The person next to him talked.

With a little pride on her face, a young girl said, "Yes, but not last Thursday, so one person gave a boiled egg."

Everyone said, "Do you have eggs? Eggs are not bad. To find a boyfriend should be at least level 5, and there is no room for dorms below level 8, right?"

Someone laughed and said, "It doesn't matter if there are dormitories. My dream is to live at No. 1 Garden Road."

A group of people laughed and laughed, "Dream, our ministers can't live on Huayuan Road, do you still want to live at No. 1 Huayuan Road?"

"Our top executive doesn't live at No. 1 Garden Road either."

They chatted quite lively, and no one saw Bei Nuan and them.

Bei Nuan and Tang Tang looked at each other and smiled.

Finally came out of the pile of zombies, welcome back to the human society full of contempt.

After a while, two other women of different races with thick eyebrows came in, also wearing alliance uniforms, and greeted them when they entered the door.

They told the story in English that the refugees were suddenly moved into the building.

Once again, I sighed how difficult it is to move in as a refugee.


Gossip is a common hobby of human beings, regardless of nationality.

Finally someone saw Bei Nuan and Tang Tang, poked each other, and looked here.

Tang Tang turned his head and smiled brightly at them.

He was originally sunny, cute, and likable, and the voice over there instantly dropped.

Bei Nuan couldn't help but glance at them, and suddenly found that all the girls were staring at the door of the public kitchen, their faces full of ghost expressions.

Bei Nuan turned her head and understood immediately.

It turned out that Lu Xing was late.

Bei Nuan still remembered the shocking feeling when he first saw Lu Xingchi in the small supermarket in S city.

It's quite normal to stare at him.

Behind him was the light coming in from the door, as if the whole person would glow.

He walked in, his eyebrows were slightly pressed, his sharp and indifferent eyes swept across the sink, and he was using his slender fingers to say something—

"Want me to wash the chrysanthemum or peel the potatoes?"

Yangou knows no borders, and the kitchen became extremely quiet. Bei Nuan stuffed a few potatoes into Lu Xingchi.

When Lu Xing was carrying a knife like an enclave to peel potatoes, Jiang Fei suddenly came in.

He smiled softly at Bei Nuan, "Bei Nuan, can you give me another knife? Du Ruo said that my knife was easy to use and took it away."

He and Lu Xingchi had a different style. He was handsome and handsome. His shirt was loose and his neckline was open, revealing two collarbones that could raise fish.

Bei Nuan quickly found a knife and handed it to him.

The knife dexterously turned around his fingers, and he smiled at Bei Nuan with the "15-degree angle on the left side of his face" that Lu Xingchi had complained about before leaving.

The communal kitchen was eerily quiet, except for the sound of water.

Like a revolving lantern, Du Ruo came again.

He had soft hair on his back, broad shoulders and long legs, and his eyes were as warm as a big golden retriever. As soon as he came in, he reported to Bei Nuan seriously.

"The beef slices and mutton slices are all cut. Shrimp slips, oysters, yellow throat and duck intestines are all ready-made. Jiang Fei is cutting louvers and hairy belly. When will your vegetarian dishes be ready? The mandarin duck pots are all boiled. Yes, I'm hungry."

Bei Nuan hurriedly drained the enoki mushrooms in his hand, put the washed vegetables in a basket, and quickly took the three of them away with Lu Xingchi.

It's okay to eat secretly behind closed doors, Du Ruo also ran over to report the name of the dish.

Might be beaten to death.

The boiling mandarin duck pot was bubbling, and the spicy and fragrant taste was like a tangible entity, filling the entire room.

Du Ruo picked up a piece of yellow throat, suspicious

Looking at Bei Nuan in confusion, "Aren't you good at fighting today?"

Bei Nuan put his head on his hands and looked at the people sitting around the table. In the heat of the hot pot, his head was dizzy, as if he was drunk.

Lu Xingchi was by his side, everyone in the team was fine, and when Song Ce's transformation agent came out, Du Ruo would return to normal.

small book booth

No need to go to Golta, you can stay here forever.

Bei Nuan only felt that everything was satisfactory.

I just hope that time can stop and be frozen in this moment forever.

At the end of the hot pot, the lights suddenly went out.

"It doesn't matter," Jiang Fei said. "The administrator has said that the electricity will be cut off every night in the city, and the gates will be opened regularly."

No electricity is nothing, everyone has been living in the last days for so long, and they have long been used to it. They took out the emergency lights and continued to eat hot pot.

Just when Bei Nuan was entangled in such a tangle, whether or not he should put down a wide powder to close the end, there was a sudden commotion outside.

The sound insulation here is not very good, there are footsteps in the corridor, and it seems that many people are coming here.

The footsteps stopped at the door, and someone knocked softly and restrainedly.

"Who is it?" Tang Tang stood up and went over to open the door.

Outside the door was a young man in his twenties, who looked serious and serious. Next to him was the administrator of the building, and behind him came a lot of residents who were watching the fun, all poking their heads inside.

The young man politely said to Tang Tang, "I'm from the senior executive's office. My name is Fang Liming."

This is the dormitory of the alliance staff, of course everyone knows Fang Liming.

The young and promising general Lu Ding now controls the operation of the entire alliance, and Fang Liming is his undoubted right-hand man.

It is said that he is highly valued by Lu Ding, and he is a second-level staff member of the Alliance at a young age, and it is estimated that he will have a bright future in the future.

Everyone was wondering, Fang Liming was always by Lu Ding's side and couldn't even see him, so why did he suddenly come to the ordinary staff dormitory

So many people came to watch the fun.

Fang Liming continued to say, "General Lu asked me to come over and pick up Mr. Lu and Miss Bei for supper."

It was suddenly quiet in the corridor.

Lu Ding sent Fang Liming to the general staff dormitory to invite people who were rumored to be temporarily resettled refugees to have supper.

Bei Nuan also came and looked back at Lu Xingchi.

Fang Liming saw that they had no intention of agreeing immediately, and quickly said, "General Lu seems to have something very important to say."

Lu Ding had something very important, maybe it was about Song Ce and vaccines.

Bei Nuan asked Lu Xingchi, "Let's go

Take a trip? "

Lu Xingchi nodded and agreed, "Okay. I happened to be looking for him for something."

Fang Liming breathed a sigh of relief.

He came with the car and the driver. The car was parked downstairs and took them straight to the direction of the Union headquarters.

Now is the time when the electricity is cut off in the whole city. The streets and alleys of the city are completely dark, and only a little light of candles can be seen in some houses.

One street, however, was different and brightly lit.

Bei Nuan looked out from the car window, "What is that place? No one else has electricity, so there is only electricity there."

"That road is called Garden Road." Fang Liming replied to Bei Nuan.

He said, "Huayuan Road was originally a luxury residential area. Later, when the virus broke out and Ye Ruocheng became the administrative center of the alliance, many houses changed owners, but now the people living in it are rich or expensive, from any country."

So this lighted road is the garden road that the group of people in the public kitchen had said.

Bei Nuan asked, "So I made something special for them. The power was cut off in the whole city, and they were the only ones who didn't open the gate?"

"No." Fang Liming replied, "The alliance does not give them special treatment, but these mansions can generate electricity themselves and have independent power supply systems, so they are always on."

The brightly lit garden road is particularly eye-catching in the dark Ye Ruocheng.

No wonder everyone is envious.

In addition to Garden Road, there is another place that is also lit up, which is the headquarters of the Alliance.

It turned out that Lu Ding lived in the headquarters.

They got out of the car, Fang Liming led Bei Nuan and Lu Xingchi into the flat building of the headquarters, walked all the way in, through the long corridor covered with thick carpets, and finally stopped in front of two intricately carved double doors.

Fang Liming knocked on the door lightly, "General Lu, Mr. Lu and Miss Bei are here."

The door opened, Lu Ding appeared at the door, and changed into a casual dress, but the casual clothes were also sharp and straight on him, no different from a military uniform.

He nodded to Liming, indicating that he could go, and let Bei Nuan and Lu Xingchi enter the room by himself.

This is an exotic room with large embroidered tapestries on the walls, a circle of sofas by the window, and a long, intricately carved dining table on the other.

Besides Lu Ding, there were others in the room.

He was a man who looked about the same age as Lu Ding, probably in his early thirties.

This man is tall, with a straight nose and deep eye sockets. He has very obvious mixed-race features. He is looking up and down at Bei Nuan with deep eyes.

He was wearing a dark three-piece with delicate ironing

A suit, revealing a section of snow-white cuffs and antique cufflinks.

It was clearly dressed in neat and restrained clothes, but he was dressed casually.

Bei Nuan thought to himself that wearing this kind of clothes on such a hot day would make you look like someone who would never leave the coverage area of the air conditioner. The energy in the last days is so tense, it seems a bit extravagant.

Lu Ding closed the door, turned to the man, and introduced him, "This is my brother Lu Xingchi, this is his fiancee, Bei Nuan."

Bei Nuan? fiancée

Lu Ding seemed to be a very measured person, why did he suddenly say she was Lu Xingchi's fiancee

Lu Ding was completely calm under Bei Nuan's surprised eyes, and continued to introduce them to Bei Nuan.

"This is the chairman of tix, Shang Yan, Mr. Shang."

Shang Yan had put away the unbridled scrutiny in Lu Ding's eyes when he turned his back on him, came over, stretched out his hand and shook hands with Bei Nuan and the others.

He said, "Sure enough, if there is a brother, there must be a younger brother. They are all dragons and phoenixes."

The sound is thick and magnetic.

He raised the corner of his mouth to Bei Nuan again, "Two golden boys and girls, standing together, is really enviable, it makes me want to fall in love."

Bei Nuan raised her head and glanced at Lu Xingchi, both of them thought the same thing.

Shang Yan's voice was so distinctive that he was obviously the one who called Huo Ren.

He is the boss of tix, the one who dominates and dominates those shady activities and chases down Song Ce all the way to intercept the vaccine.

Bei Nuan thought to himself, it turns out that the big devil behind Huo Ren looks like this.