A Fake Holy Mother in the Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 29


Is it amazing to have cooking skills

Lu Xingchi has never eaten pork, and he has also seen Zhupao. From childhood to adulthood, he has been to many famous restaurants around the world, and he has eaten countless delicious things.

Lu Xingchi didn't think it would be complicated to cook a meal.

It's just cutting a vegetable, turning on a fire, putting all the ingredients together, and heating it up with various seasonings. How difficult can it be

According to Lu Xingchi's concept, the so-called food, three points depend on cooking, seven points depend on the ingredients themselves, the sauce is strong and flavorful, and it doesn't mean much.

But Bei Nuan seems to like it.

Bei Nuan didn't know anything about his complicated mind, and while talking to Jiang Fei, he wondered how to continue to increase the value of the Virgin.

Absolutely no chance.

The students of Shui University are well organized, the water, electricity and coal have not been cut off, everyone has food and drink, their mentality is stable, everything is orderly, and there is no place to start.

"Are you hungry? I'm going up to make lunch." Jiang Fei reported to her.

Bei Nuan snorted, followed closely behind the target person subconsciously, and walked up the stairs, not paying attention to Lu Xingchi, who was not far away, staring at her in a trance.

Jiang Fei was indeed preparing to make braised lion heads at noon.

The mince was already minced in the morning.

He asked Bei Nuan for a few water chestnuts, and said that they should be chopped and put into the meat filling, so that the lion head will have a crisp taste, and it will be more greasy and more delicious.

Bei Nuan wanted to help him wash the water chestnuts, but Jiang Fei refused.

"You don't have to do it, I'll just come."

Bei Nuan was a little embarrassed, "I can't let you do it all."

"It doesn't matter."

Jiang Fei smiled and glanced at Lu Xingchi.

"The kitchen is full of oil and fire. How could I be willing to sit by myself and let you cook as a girl? Just chat with me."

So Bei Nuan accompanied him to watch him cut water chestnuts.

Jiang Fei was originally an expert at using a knife. He slashed extremely fast, and he started flying like a fly, only to see a dazzling cold light from the dagger.

Just as Bei Nuan was dazzled, Jiang Fei snorted softly and stopped.

A drop of blood seeped from his finger.

It turns out that people who can play with daggers will also cut their hands

Bei Nuan was stunned for a second, and suddenly realized, isn't this an opportunity to increase the value of the Virgin that fell from the sky


"Wait, don't move!" Bei Nuan shouted violently, startling everyone in the small restaurant.

She took out a huge multi-layer medicine box from the space, opened it layer by layer, picked out a lot of things, and placed them in a row on the table.

Jiang Fei held up his bleeding finger and waited quietly for her to deal with it.

Bei Nuan first helped him wash it with clean water, wipe it dry, apply iodophor to disinfect it, then picked up a large roll of gauze and wrapped it up layer by layer.

Lu Xing looked at this side silently.

Tang Tang came over to visit and asked with concern, "How big is the wound? Judging by your posture, is it serious?"

In her busy schedule, Bei Nuan gestured with the tip of her two fingers for a distance that was almost close to each other, "It's such a big one."

Tang Tang was a little speechless, "It's not big, why don't you just use a Band-Aid?"

Bei Nuan plausibly said, "The Band-Aid is not breathable, so there is no gauze, right, Doctor Du?"

Dr. Du was busy playing games and hummed casually while holding the phone.

Bei Nuan finally wrapped it up and looked at the fruits of her labor with satisfaction—Jiang Fei let out a long sigh of relief with his carrot-like fingers that were more than twice as thick.

Bei Nuan sighed sincerely: "How pitiful! You are injured, should you hurry to rest?"

Take a look at the Virgin Mary in your busy schedule.

One operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the Virgin's value has moved forward a little bit.

"No, it's fine."

Jiang Fei smiled at her, and didn't mind how obstructive the oddly wrapped finger was, and continued to cut the water chestnuts.

After cutting it, he finely chopped the water chestnuts into foam, took out the minced meat that had been chopped in the morning, added seasonings with eggs, chopped green onions, and mixed them well.

The lion head turned a beautiful golden yellow in an instant.

The aroma of fried meatballs wafted through the small restaurant, and everyone couldn't stand it.

Jiang Fei didn't let anyone move now, he put the seasonings again, and simmered the fried lion head on a low fire to taste.

Jiang Fei's dishes came to an end, and Lu Xingchi came over.

He asked Bei Nuan for two eggs and a pot.

Bei Nuan was surprised.

These days, even Du Ruo made Hainanese chicken rice, but Lu Xingchi never touched any kitchen utensils, so Bei Nuan always thought he was a standard cook.

It doesn't matter if you're blind in the kitchen, Lu **ss works hard every day to kill and sell goods, just wait to eat.

Unexpectedly, he did not know which tendon was wrong recently, and he was determined to wash his hands and make soup.

Bei Nuan thought that he had taken a few books and would study the theory for a few more days, but he started to practice immediately.

**ss is extraordinary.

Bei Nuan asked, "Are you going to boil an egg?"

Lu Xingchi shook his head: "Fried."

Then, as if the doctor was about to perform an operation, I carefully washed the pots, bowls, chopsticks and shovels with water and dish soap several times inside and out.

Seeing Bei Nuan standing beside him, he seemed embarrassed.

Still very calm, he cracked the egg into a bowl, stirred it with chopsticks, and reached for the sugar bowl.

Bei Nuan quickly handed the salt shaker to him, "You want salt, right?"

Lu Xingchi nodded and opened the salt shaker.

"A little salt," he muttered in a low voice. "How much is a little?"

He dug out a small spoonful of salt, poured it into the egg, stirred it twice with chopsticks, and tilted his head to look at the salt shaker.

Probably feeling that it is not enough, I dug a small spoonful and sprinkled it into the egg.

When he went to dig salt for the third time, Bei Nuan held down the salt pot and said sincerely, "I think it must be enough."

"Are you sure?" Lu Xingchi asked.

"Sure." Bei Nuan grinned at him and thought to himself: this brother, believe me, I can scramble eggs in elementary school.

Lu Xingchi turned on the gas stove, turned the fire to the maximum, sat the pot on the fire, and picked up the oil drum.

"The right amount of oil," he muttered.

Hu la la poured half the pot.

It's quite the right amount.

Bei Nuan bit her lip and dared not speak.

It doesn't matter, he can go to the supermarket to pick up another bucket when he runs out of oil anyway, **ss, use as much oil as you want.

Anyone who has seen other people's scrambled eggs will not put so many eggs. Lu Xingchi obviously doesn't even know which way the kitchen door opens.

The fire quickly became vigorous, and there was a chaotic sound.

Countless oil spots sprayed all over the sky like small cannonballs.

Lu Xingchi reacted very quickly, grabbed Bei Nuan into his arms and covered it with his body.

The two of them have never been so embarrassed in the zombie pile. For some reason, in front of this frenzied frying pan, a sense of tragic and symbiotic life and death suddenly appeared.

"Pot lid! Pot lid!" Bei Nuan struggled in his arms and stretched out a helpless hand to the pot lid.

Lu Xingchi grabbed the lid of the pot and snapped it onto the oil pan, finally it was safe.

"You just washed the pot and didn't dry the water." Bei Nuan got out of his arms and helped him analyze the reason.

Lu Xingchi was a little puzzled and muttered, "Want to wipe off the water? No such step."

Bei Nuan suggested: "Hurry up and lay the eggs! Just lay the eggs."

A bowl of eggs was poured down, and it was much better. Lu Xingchi picked up the shovel and dialed it professionally.

More oil, less eggs.

Eggs float freely on the oil, like tourists snorkeling in the Maldivian waters.

"It's almost there." Bei Nuan poked Lu Xingchi and told him to stop the fire and fish out the tourists.

Bei Nuan admired the eggs on the plate and praised them sincerely: "It's really good, the yellow ones are not burnt. Would you like to try them?"

It was the first time in his life that he scrambled eggs, and he didn't scramble it, which was pretty good.

Lu Xingchi took a piece with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

Then quietly spit in a tissue.

"Salt?" Bei Nuan asked.

It's not a question of whether it's salty or not. It was because the salt that had just been added was not completely stirred, and I just ate a lump of it in one bite, and the taste was very delicious.

It seems that cooking is really not as easy as imagined, Lu Xingchi fed a whole plate of eggs to the trash can.

Then he asked Bei Nuan, "I saw that you bought lobsters in Ningcheng last time, right?"

Bei Nuan was startled.

no, bro

You just scrambled your first scrambled eggs and are about to start making lobster right away

Bei Nuan diligently found a large lobster from the space, and reluctantly placed it on the chopping board for Lu Xingchi.

What a big lobster.

Such a fresh, plump and beautiful lobster.

Bei Nuan's heart was crying.

Lu Xingchi glanced at her and said lightly, "I want to do lobster sashimi."

I see. Thank goodness. Amitabha.

Bei Nuan let out a long sigh.

The sound of exhalation was so loud that Lu Xingchi gave her another look.

Bei Nuan hurriedly cleared his throat and handed the **ss a sharp blade.

Lu Xingchi took it over and placed the lobster on the chopping board with a calm expression.

Calm, cold, cold-blooded.

It's like a killer, ready to kill his prey, hits with one blow, and retreats.

No one would have thought that this was the first time in Lu Xingchi's life that he had touched something like a chopping board.

This is the result of Lu Xingchi's consideration for a long time today.

Either way, you can make a lobster sashimi.

To put it bluntly, it is just to open the shell of the lobster and take out the meat and cut it.

I had seen the chef perform live lobster cutting before eating, and he knew what to do, and Lu Xingchi had also taken an anatomy class himself, so there would be no problem at all.

Bei Nuan watched from the side, and there was nothing wrong with it.

He is very good at using knives, whether it is cutting people or lobsters, he starts with the same neatness.

His knife is used well, but the structure of lobsters is very different from that of humans - lobsters have shells and thorns on the shells.

Before Bei Nuan could remind him, his hand shrank suddenly.

He put down the knife and curled his fingers into the palm of his hand.

"What's the matter?" Bei Nuan pulled the finger he refused to show.

A drop of blood oozes from the tip of the slender finger.

"No big deal..."

Before Lu Xingchi could finish speaking, Bei Nuan hurriedly pulled his finger and put it in his mouth.

The fingers were wrapped with a soft and warm touch, and she could feel her two rows of small teeth, and the tip of her tongue was against his fingertips. Lu Xingchi completely forgot what to say and was stunned.

Bei Nuan was also frightened by herself.

It was purely out of instinct, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Maybe it was because she saw lobster juice on his hands and was afraid that he might get infected

Lu Xingchi stared at Bei Nuan in a trance. Bei Nuan was holding his fingers, and the whole person was in a daze.

In the distance, Dr. Du's voice came.

"Who taught you to use your mouth to get hurt? If he carries a zombie virus, you'll be infected by now."

Only then did Bei Nuan remember to let go of his hand and rummage through the medicine box.

Lu Xingchi looked at her for a while, passed her, took out a box of Band-Aids from the medicine box, handed it to Bei Nuan, and whispered, "It's not a big deal, wrap it up for me."

Bei Nuan hurriedly took it, tore up the coke, and carefully helped him wrap his fingers.

Both of them were a little flustered, and neither looked at the other, all staring at the injured finger.

It seems like wrapping a Band-Aid is an incredibly important event that requires full commitment.

After wrapping the Band-Aid, Lu Xingchi continued to deal with the lobster as if he was fine.

Not far away, Jiang Fei fiddled with his finger, which was wrapped in gauze like a carrot, and tilted his head to look here, wondering what he was thinking.

Although it was the first time in his life, Lu Xingchi had nothing to say about his knife skills. A plate of lobster meat was evenly and thinly sliced and laid on crushed ice, crystal clear and flawless.

Jiang Fei's braised lion's head is also very tasty, with a thick and rich juice.

Helpless, Lu Xingchi's lobster sashimi is naturally beautiful, and it does not need any concoction at all, and it is already in seconds.

The two dishes are equally divided.

In comparison, the lobster sashimi disappears a little faster.

Bei Nuan spent the afternoon looking for opportunities to continue to increase the value of the Virgin.

Unfortunately, there are only a few people here, and it is rare to have electricity, and it is rare to have free time. Everyone is playing games with their mobile phones, and there is really no chance.

Not to mention the increase in the value of the Virgin, it was so quiet that no one even said a word.

Bei Nuan decided that once they left here and started the generator, they would never charge their phones.

Everyone was holding their mobile phones in one posture, not moving or speaking, and without being infected by the zombie virus, they all turned into zombies.

Only Lu Xingchi was not playing games. He moved a chair and sat by the window far away, reading a book.

The window is open, the warm wind blows in, and the afternoon sunlight penetrates into the glass, outlining his graceful silhouette.

He was only wearing a white shirt, holding a book in his hand, without any murderous aura on his body, he was at ease.

As if it was just an ordinary afternoon, the chaotic apocalypse and zombies outside did not exist at all.

He is really good looking.

Even after being with him for so many days, even if there were outstanding people like Jiang Fei, Du Ruo and the others, Bei Nuan still couldn't fully adapt to his good looks.

Every time I see him, I hold my breath subconsciously.

Now he is concentrating on reading, and can peep unscrupulously.

It took a long time for Bei Nuan's eyes to fall from his handsome face, past his broad shoulders, his arms with even muscles, and finally landed on the book in his hand.

Although he hides far away, seeing the thickness of the book in his hand and the color of the cover, he can still immediately know what he is looking at—

The "Zero-Basic Delicious Cuisine"

It seems that Lu **ss really intends to conquer the highland of cooking.

Bei Nuan called up the task bar, and there were only four hours left in the twelve-hour countdown. It didn't look like there was another chance to increase the value of the Virgin.

There is no chance to increase the value of the Virgin again, at least to consolidate what has been earned.

Jiang Fei must take the initiative to say things like 'You are very kind', 'You are too kind', and the Virgin value that has risen today will be considered real.

Bei Nuan quietly approached Jiang Fei.

"What are you playing?" Bei Nuan looked down at the screen of his mobile phone and started chatting with him casually.

"It's called a room. It's a puzzle-solving and escape game. There are all kinds of organs. You have to find a way to find clues and get out of the secret room."

Jiang Fei stopped looking at his phone immediately, raised his head and talked to Bei Nuan, his eyebrows and eyes were gentle and smiling.

Bei Nuan leaned over to take a closer look, but her mind was not on the screen.

"What mobile phone did you borrow?" Bei Nuan asked.

Jiang Fei had escaped directly from prison and had no mobile phone on him, so he must have borrowed someone else's mobile phone to play.

"Yes, it's the captain of their water defense team. He's busy. You can borrow my phone to play for a while." Jiang Fei replied.

The topic could naturally turn around, and Bei Nuan rejoiced.

"Their defense team of Shui University is really well organized. It seems that they also go out regularly to find supplies?"

"Yes, Song Xiyi and the others said that they brought back a lot of things from the school supermarket two days ago, but they can only carry them in backpacks, and they must not be as much as what you brought back today."


Bei Nuan nodded and tried to continue to guide the topic, "Today's entire vehicle of supplies will probably be enough for them to support them for a while longer."

Jiang Fei smiled, "That's right."

Bei Nuan boasted shamelessly, "As soon as I saw the supermarket today, I thought I should bring them some supplies back."

Jiang Fei still smiled at her.

Why didn't he compliment her

Bei Nuan bit the bullet and guided him directly, "So do you think I...?"

Jiang Fei seemed to be stunned for a moment. He saw Bei Nuan's praised look at a glance, and immediately said, "You are very cute."

Bei Nuan: "..."

cute? ?

Jiang Fei was very alert, and found that Bei Nuan's expression was wrong, so he quickly changed the way of compliment, "I think you are very beautiful, considerate, and considerate."

despair. There seems to be no word for kindness in Jiang Fei's complimenting dictionary.

Bei Nuan had to ask him directly, "Do you think I'm kind?"

Finally figured out what she was waiting for, Jiang Fei quickly said, "Yes, you are very kind."

Bei Nuan glanced at the taskbar.

Sure enough, if he asked directly like this, his answer would not count.

Bei Nuan sighed and stood up in pain, "Go ahead and play, I won't bother you anymore."

If he doesn't say that, the value of the Virgin that he gets today will be cleared, and he will be busy.

Bei Nuan returned to where she was sitting, flipped through her phone, thinking: How can I set a trap so that he can take the initiative to say that sentence

No clue at all.

Suddenly someone blocked the light above his head.

Jiang Fei followed. He crouched down beside Bei Nuan's chair and rolled his eyes at her.

"Bei Nuan, you are the kindest girl I have ever met."

Bei Nuan was stupid for a second, quickly called up the task bar, and saw at a glance that the mission of the first stage of the Holy Mother's Light became (1/1).

He actually said that.

He came over specially, solemnly, and took the initiative to help her say the words to complete the task.

Bei Nuan was so moved that she almost cried.

She said very seriously: "Jiang Fei, you are the most considerate boy I have ever met, no one."

Du Ruo heard it next to him, and raised his head blankly from the phone screen: "Huh?"

Lu Xingchi by the window held the book in his hand and kept his eyes on this side.

As if he heard Bei Nuan's words, his eyes fell back to the page again, but he stared at one place and didn't move for a long time.

Sure enough, as Bei Nuan expected, in the next few hours, everyone was still playing games. After dinner, it was dark, and there was no chance to increase the value of the Virgin again.

The first stage of the Light of the Virgin is over. In any case, the Virgin value still gets a lot.

When the twelve-hour countdown reached zero, the task prompt for the second stage popped up, and a line of small print appeared below the countdown:

"The target person at this stage: Song Xiyi."

Song Xiyi


Bei Nuan reacted for a moment, and then realized that it seemed to be the captain of the water defense team, the tall and handsome boy who was guarding the door.

Without saying a few words to others, he ran to them to show the Virgin Mary, and asked for praise, even asking him to praise her for her kindness.

It's not easy to live.

The author has something to say: Lu Xingchi: Song Xiyi? Who is this? :,,,