A Fake Holy Mother in the Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 5


Back on the off-road vehicle, Du Ruo pondered, "This little girl is very strange. Could it be that she suddenly saw a zombie and was so stimulated that she was frightened?"

Lu Xingchi started the car and said casually, "It's very possible."

After getting off the expressway, it is the provincial road. It is actually under construction, and half of it is dug. The road is full of big holes, and it is difficult to get through.

The off-road vehicle went around with the small yellow car, and went around a village. If you want to go further, you have to pass through the middle of the village.

There is obviously more than one person who thinks this way.

The intersection into the village is an open space, full of dozens of cars parked, all coming off the highway.

The cars stopped and did not go, and a large group of people were blocked under the big trees at the entrance of the village.

Bei Nuan saw an acquaintance at a glance.

Just now, the big brother with flower arm tattoo who drives the van in the auto repair factory is also there, and his little brother is standing next to him.

They also saw Bei Nuan warm and greeted warmly.

Bei Nuan went to ask them, it turned out that the village road here was built by the villagers with funds raised, and tolls were charged.

"There are so many cars to cross, and I'm afraid that the village road will be crushed. It is reasonable to charge five yuan or ten yuan tolls," said the elder brother Huaji, "but now they say that one car will charge three hundred yuan."

A driver in front of him corrected him, "It was three hundred just now, but it has risen to five hundred now!"

Sitting on the ground to raise the price, this is robbery.

By the side of the road stood the aunts and aunts of the village in groups of three or five, watching the fun while eating melon seeds.

They grinned, "Hurry up and pass five hundred now, maybe it will be five thousand in a while."

They were right, there were cars going up and down at high speed constantly, there was no way to go around here, and the open space was full.

Brother Huaji couldn't help but persuade them, "The city is in chaos, and many people are infected. You are still collecting money here, why don't you hurry up and run?"

"If you say flowers, we won't let you go in vain." The aunties burst into laughter.

Bei Nuan thought to himself: It's definitely not a good thing for so many people to gather together, it's better to go there quickly.

If the car in front didn't go, Bei Nuan and the others couldn't go either.

Several people crossed the parked cars together and came to the entrance of the village. They saw that the intersection was stopped by the villagers, and a group of people were collecting money.

Many people don't have 500 cash on them, so they can only transfer money, and the speed of release is very slow.

A couple is transferring money, but they can't transfer for a long time.

Bei Nuan knew that the zombie virus was infiltrating every corner of city s, city s was collapsing, and some banks were no longer functioning.

The couple was in a hurry.

"We came out in a hurry. We only have more than 300 yuan in cash. Can you give me some accommodation?"

A man who looked like a villager jammed in front of the car, crossed his hands, and pointed with his chin to a silver BMW that had just passed by.

"Look at the big boss, who pays five hundred yuan without batting an eye. If you can't afford it, stay by the side and let the cars behind you pass by!"

Next to him stood a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old, in exactly the same posture as his father.

The boy also copied his hands, like a replica of the smaller one, "Stay on the side! Let the back pass!"

"Just help!" the woman was still pleading.

The villager stretched out a hand and pushed the woman aside, "Go go go!"

The boy also reached out and pushed them, "Go go go!"

"How do you hit people?"

When the husband saw his wife staggered by them, his eyes were red, but there were so many villagers blocking the road that they dared not do anything with them.

This is an opportunity for the Ascension of the Virgin that has fallen from the sky.

Absolutely can't let it go.

There was a wallet in Bei Nuan's backpack with cash in it, and Bei Nuan immediately went out to touch it.

As soon as he took out his wallet, the flower-armed eldest brother who came over had already taken out two hundred-yuan bills and threw them into the man's hands with a fierce tone.

"What do you do? I'll help them out these two hundred yuan! Let them pass by, hurry up!"

Bei Nuan was silent.

He directly grabbed Bei Nuan's lines.

Bei Nuan took out 500 yuan, and whispered to the elder brother Huaji: "Brother, you can help out with their money. If there are other people behind who don't have enough money, can I make it up?"

The attitude is sincere, as if the two hawkers who set up stalls are vying for business with peace.

Big Brother Flower Arm: "… "

"How much did you build this road?" Lu Xingchi's cold voice came from behind.

He had the aura of the protagonist, and the man blocking the road didn't dare to ignore him. He hesitated for a while and replied, "That's going to cost a lot, um... ten... twenty... more than 300,000."

A cement road of several hundred meters, let's do it.

Lu Xingchi said coldly, "I will pay 400,000 to buy this road."

Bei Nuan understood what he meant.

Money is not a problem for him at all, the cars are all blocked at the entrance of the village, and the cars in front must be released quickly, so that the off-road vehicles that are late on the road can drive past as soon as possible.

Bei Nuan was very sorry that he did not squander 400,000 yuan.

It's good to have it, how much does it increase the value of the Virgin

Hearing Lu Xingchi's words, the man was dumbfounded for a long time before he said, "Are you serious? Well, 400,000 is not enough, at least..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a loud bang in the village.

The silver BMW, which had not driven far, suddenly slammed into the brick wall of a house, knocking the wall in half.

Seconds later, the door opened in red brick debris and a person climbed out of the driver's seat.

Is a middle-aged man.

With blood red eyes, he stood up crookedly, his hands clenched into fists and raised in front of him, making a gesture of turning the steering wheel, "dududu...didi..."

Bei Nuan glanced at it, turned around and ran away.

This is mutated.

Everyone who ran out of S City knew how powerful it was, and they fled in all directions in an instant.

The villagers who were blocking the road were still standing in ignorance, "What are you running for? Why are you running away? Don't you want to go there?"

After a while, Bei Nuan heard a scream of chickens and dogs.

Bei Nuan didn't look back, and went straight to the off-road vehicle—

Lu Xingchi would definitely come back to get the crossbow first, and it is safest to be with him, much safer than hiding in the fields and woods next to him.

Sure enough, Lu Xingchi followed her closely, saw her go straight to the off-road vehicle, smiled slightly, opened the door, and took out the steel crossbow.

But for a moment, all the villagers who were blocking the entrance to the village just now turned into zombies.

Bei Nuan saw the man and his son blocking the road at a glance.

The man turned into a zombie, still holding a large amount of banknotes in his hand, he rushed over with a ho-ho roar, as if he was saying with a hoarse throat, "Pay the money! Pay the money!"

The teenage boy also turned into a zombie, still acting exactly like his dad.

Lu Xingchi picked up his crossbow and shot steadily, and instantly collapsed.

The infection continues, the virus has spread rapidly throughout the village, and there are simply too many people.

"Withdraw." Lu Xingchi said to Du Ruo.

But off-road vehicles and small yellow cars were stuck in a pile of cars and couldn't get out.

There is no other way but to abandon the car and walk.

Lu Xingchi picked up his bag and took two steps, and found that Bei Nuan hadn't followed, and turned to ask her, "Are you still leaving?"

The big boss didn't drop Bei Nuan this time.

Bei Nuan was very moved, and hurriedly packed her bag, "Let's go."

Lu Xingchi blocked another wave of shocks, the zombies couldn't come, and people seized the opportunity to escape.

There was chaos, and everyone's attention was on the zombies that rushed over. Bei Nuan took the opportunity to sneak back to the off-road vehicle and turned around, then bypassed all kinds of cars parked in disorder and caught up with them.

With Lu Xing late, no "people" can get close.

Retreat to the side of the road, Bei Nuan saw a small yellow dog tied to a telephone pole.

I don't know who raised it, and in the midst of the screams, he was screaming and wailing in fear, staring at a pair of black eyes, desperately trying to break free of the rope.

The rope was tied so tightly that it broke into a straight line, strangled the neck, and could not break free.

Bei Nuan hurried over to help it untie the rope, "Run!"

If you don't run, you will soon become the rations of zombies.

As soon as the rope was untied, the puppy, like an arrow shot out, swooped into the grass on the side of the road and disappeared.

Bei Nuan's ear was wow, hahaha, and the value of the Virgin has risen again.

Lu Xingchi was a little speechless, "At this time, are you still responsible for saving the dog?"

"What's wrong? Can't you?" Bei Nuan said to him, "It's still a child!"

Bei Nuan emphasized to him seriously, "I will never make a mistake this time, it's really a puppy, baby dog!"

Lu Xingchi: "..."

Bei Nuan called up the task bar, which showed: The Voice of the Virgin "Child" task (2/2) was completed, and there was a small white halo in the upper right of the field of vision that was counting down five hours.



The three fought and retreated, and when they retreated into the fields outside the village that had not yet started farming, there were no zombies following.

Bypassing the village and climbing up the main road from the roadbed again, this section of the village passed smoothly, but unfortunately there was no car.

"How can we get to Ningcheng without a car?" Du Ruo asked.

Lu Xingchi replied: "At this time, there should be a car with no owner on the road. Let's walk along the road and find a way to find one."

Bei Nuan cleared his throat.

"Lu Xingchi, I actually have a solution."

Lu Xingchi and Du Ruo both looked at her.

Du Ruo smiled, "Little robot, what can you do to build one on the spot?"

Bei Nuan blinked, "You close your eyes and don't peek. I count to three, and you open them again."

"one two three."