A Fake Holy Mother in the Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 57


Bei Nuan thought to himself, there is more than one type of satellite phone, how could it be so coincidental that they use the same one.

Maybe this woman has something to do with Huo Ren's group.

She was leaning against the door frame, playing with the ends of her curly hair with one hand, as she spoke on the phone.

Fortunately, Bei Nuan can understand.

"Well, I've looked everywhere, but I haven't found it yet... We encountered heavy rain on the road yesterday, which delayed the night... Looking for a place to live, you can't bear me walking in the rain, right?"

Listening to the tone, it seems to be coquettish with the person opposite.

I don't know what the other side said, she said again, "... There is no car, I encountered a landslide halfway, and the car could not drive... I will go back tomorrow, will I see you soon?"

Tone of anticipation.

But the other side seemed to say something.

The woman's eyes were full of disappointment, "Oh", and hung up the phone.

She seemed to notice that there was a big living person waiting at the door at this moment, and asked Jue New: "What's the matter?"

Jue Niu respectfully stroked his chest and bowed deeply.

"Saint Yawen, the people from the house next door came out. There are indeed several men in them, and they are about the same age. We are not sure if they are them. We dare not let them go casually. We want to bring them up to show you."

It seems that this is Saint Yawen.

Saintess Yawen frowned, her eyes full of impatience that she couldn't even do this little thing.

Bei Nuan thought to herself, how come no one said to her, "You let Xiuye's evil fire control your heart, so impatient."

Jue New didn't seem to notice at all, and just waited respectfully.

Saint Yawen seemed to have a headache, raised her hand and rubbed her temples with her fingertips coated with Kodan, then turned her head and glanced at the corridor outside the door.

With just one look, her head seemed to stop hurting immediately.

The whole person froze, and the pair of eyes above the veil shone brightly.

Bei Nuan couldn't help but turned her head and glanced at her special painkiller.

Lu Xingchi stood there, a beam of sunlight just slanted in through the corridor window and shone on him.

The whole person is as fresh as the morning air.

It's like a god who came to hang out in the world at night. For some reason, he was nostalgic for this place, and he accidentally stayed until the early morning, before he had time to leave.

He is perfect, clean and elegant, with only the faint lines of muscles under his shirt pierced by the sun, reminding others that this is a threatening beast and not a vegetarian at all.

Bei Nuan glanced at his clothes and thought to himself, why didn't they feel so transparent before.

Lu**ss, are you not cold in the morning? Are you wearing too little

The Saint Yawen has already spoken.

"They don't look like the people in the photo, but..." She took another look here, tilted her head and explained something to her in a low voice.

Then he couldn't help but take another look before closing the door.

Jue Niu respectfully saluted the closed door before turning around and taking a few people downstairs.

He didn't make a sound all the way, and tiptoed, as if he was afraid of disturbing their precious saintess. He didn't speak to Bei Nuan until they got down to the first floor.

"Your luck is really good. Saint Yawen showed kindness and said that there are zombies everywhere now, and it's not easy to live. If you want, you can join our tribe and follow us."

Bei Nuan complained silently, what is kindness, is it lustful

However, this group of people are also looking for mysterious people and want to follow them, and this proposal comes at the right time.

Lu Xingchi really asked about their tribe's situation very carefully, as if he was thinking about it seriously.

It turned out that their tribe was originally located on the beach of a large salt river, and the terrain was flat.

Because it is really empty and there is no support at all, this time when the zombies broke out, they suffered a big loss.

The original site of the tribe was not easy to guard against zombies, so they found a safe place in front of them and were building a new camp that could guard against zombies.

These people were led by Saintess Yawen this time. They went out to do something. When they came back, they passed by and just happened to meet Lu Xingchi and them.

What is it, they refuse to say.

Bei Nuan reckons that in every possible way, she is going to find that mysterious person.

After Lu Xingchi listened, he pretended to think for a while, discussed with Bei Nuan and the others, and agreed.

Jue Niu was very happy, "Our tribe has always been very strict in accepting people, and we need to examine character and character. It is rare that Saint Lady Yawen is willing to accept so many of you directly."

He talked a little about the customs of the tribe, and Bei Nuan soon discovered that this tribe was a bit strange.

Since ancient times, for so many years, probably because they lived by the salt river, they have always believed in the god of water.

It is believed that water is the ancestor of all things and can cleanse the body and soul.

On the contrary, I feel that all kinds of bad things are done by fire. The fire god who controls fire is called Xiuye, and he is a bad thing.

Fire will make people uneasy, and people will have greed, lust, and bad temper, so as long as you stay away from fire, nothing will happen.


Bei Nuan seriously suspected that it was probably many, many years ago that their tribe had been burned by fire, leaving behind collective psychological trauma.

"Then do you usually make a fire to cook?" Bei Nuan was curious.

If there is no fire, is it possible to eat raw food every day

Jue Niu replied: "Of course I do. Now there are people who specialize in fire cooking, and they all choose the person who is most favored by the water god. After cooking, it is enough to carefully purify and wash their hands with water. It was much more convenient before, and they all used electric rice cookers. and induction cooker."

Bei Nuan couldn't help: "You used electricity before? Isn't electricity a fire?"

Juenyue replied in a serious tone: "Of course we all use hydropower to generate electricity."

Fine. What a little wit.

Another feature of this place is that everyone is extremely polite. In order not to let Xiuye's evil fire control their hearts, everyone is gentle and calm.

No one ever speaks out loud.

There were so many people on the first floor, but it was quieter than the conference room where the big boss was.

Bei Nuan sometimes forgets to control her speech. If she speaks a little louder, someone around her will smile at her, making a "shh" gesture.

It caused Jue New to apologize again and again.

It rained and the weather was fine today, and it was just right for the journey, so not long after, the group of people packed up and set off.

When they left the villa, they really had no car and had to walk on their feet.

"Are you okay?" Lu Xingchi asked Bei Nuan in a low voice, holding her hand.

"It's okay." Bei Nuan replied.

I thought: otherwise? Are you going to carry me

Then I heard Lu Xingchi chuckle in a low voice: "If you can't walk, I will carry you behind my back."

Jue Niu, who has been with them all the time, suddenly glanced at the hands they were holding, a little embarrassed.

"We have another rule that we forgot to mention," Jue Niu said, "that is, the tribe must never fall in love casually."

Bei Nuan couldn't help but ask: "If you don't fall in love, how can you get married and have a baby?"

It is a miracle that this tribe has not yet become extinct.

"Our marriages are arranged by the tribe." Jue Niu replied, unable to control Xiu Ye's evil fire, and blushed a little, "Like us, when we get old, if we behave well, the tribe will arrange for girls to marry us."

Dareqing this tribe will assign wives and husbands.

This is quite worry-free. When you get old, one will automatically fall from the sky, so you don't have to worry about it at all.

Jue Niu continued: "We got married purely for the purpose of having children. The children born are also from the tribe, and the tribe will send people to raise them together."

Jue Niu explained patiently: "Because we think that things like falling in love and having children are also crimes committed by the god of fire, Xiuye, to lure people down the wrong path."

Bei Nuan thought to himself, if this is also a crime, then your Saint Yawen, the crime is probably not light.

In this way, I walked all the way, chatted all the way, occasionally stopped to rest, and before noon, I arrived at a place.

It is a canyon depression between two steep mountains.

The canyon is shielded by mountains, and only a high fence is built with wooden stakes in front, which seems to be able to prevent zombies.

From the gap between the wooden piles, you can vaguely see inside, as if many people are busy building houses.

As soon as they arrived at the gate, they saw a large group of people standing against the sun, waiting. When they saw them coming back, they rushed up to greet them and saluted Yawen in unison.

Saintess Yawen turned a blind eye, and did not mean to return the salute at all, she only glanced around in the crowd, showing a disappointed expression.

Bei Nuan could guess at a glance that the person she was coquettish on the phone didn't come.

Saintess Yawen was respectfully surrounded by this group of people and left, and the others could only honestly check their injuries.

It was an aunt who examined Bei Nuan's injuries.

Aunts all over the world are equally enthusiastic, and this side of the border is no exception. She chats with Bei Nuan while testing.

She also said that Bei Nuan and the others were quite lucky.

Although their tribe accepts outsiders, their standards are always very strict. They must choose those who are not too influenced by Vulcan Xiuye, so as not to destroy the peaceful and harmonious atmosphere in the tribe.

After the injury was examined, the aunt gave Bei Nuan a new dress.

It is a set of white clothes and white trousers, the same as everyone wears, the top is a small stand-up collar, and the trousers are slightly loose, which is convenient for movement.

Aunt not only gave Bei Nuan clothes, but also seriously taught Bei Nuan how to salute.

Bei Nuan also saw that the people of this tribe regarded salute as a daily exercise and bowed to each other at every turn.

It turns out that the salutes to different people, in different scenarios, and for different reasons, are actually different.

There are subtle differences in the position and angle of the hands, the gestures of the fingers, the amplitude of the bow, how the head is raised and the feet are placed, where the eyes are looking, and so on.

Different rituals can also express different meanings.

"Hello", "Thank you", "I'm sorry", "It's okay", and even "I am very grateful to you for helping me and I am willing to give you the same in return" and other complex meanings can all be expressed in a salute gesture .

All kinds of situations are arranged and combined, Bei Nuan calculates, there are probably no less than a hundred kinds.

If the etiquette is not enough, it is not good if it is too good. If you do it incorrectly, you will be considered too rude and uneducated by others.

For example, if you salute an older person to a young man, the other person may feel disrespected, but if you salute a young man to an elder, people may think that you are scolding him for his appearance.

Extremely troublesome.

If you have to come up with so many tricks, everyone will meet and ask each other, "Have you eaten?" Is it bad? Warm and sincere.

Bei Nuan studied for a long time, and only memorized it.

While learning to salute, Bei Nuan took the opportunity to ask her aunt, "Is there a saint in your tribe?"

Auntie knows everything and says everything.

"That's right, it's our saintess Yawen. Our tribe passed down a portrait of a saint hundreds of years ago, saying that the end of the world is coming, and then a saint will come to the world and save everyone. ."

Bei Nuan thought to herself: It's a saint again, it's a prophecy, and it's quite magical.

"Look, isn't the world in chaos now?" The aunt continued: "When Saint Yawen was a little younger, one day in the village where she lived, our old chief saw her and thought she was exactly the same as in the portrait. , take her over as a saint."

"Old Chief?" Bei Nuan was curious.

"Yes, he has passed away, and now the chief is Chief Gahan."

Bei Nuan changed her clothes, and before going out, she saluted her aunt according to their rules.

Aunt was embarrassed.

"Is it still wrong?" Bei Nuan wondered, "You are older than me, you are an elder, shouldn't you be doing this?"

The aunt explained, "Although I'm old, but now I'm serving you, you can't bow so deeply."

Aunt helped Bei Nuan to wave her hand again.

Bei Nuan wondered, "It's not even noon, shouldn't you put your hands like this?"

"I have to salute like this in the morning because I will meet again in this day, but I have been on the inspection side all day today. The two of us should not meet again, and the salute should be more formal."

Bei Nuan: Ah ah ah.

If this were a course, Bei Nuan would definitely fail the class without discussing it.

After Bei Nuan changed her clothes and came out, she suddenly felt that she was submerged in a large area of white clothes and white trousers in the whole camp, and she felt much better.

Over there, Lu Xingchi and a few of them also came out, and everyone changed into white clothes and white pants.

Bei Nuan glanced at Lu Xingchi, and there was only one thought in her heart - this dress is not bad, although it is thin, at least it is not transparent.

When Jue Niu saw her coming out, she immediately bowed to her.

Bei Nuan guessed carefully, comprehensively analyzed the current time, place, events, as well as the gender, age, and identity of the other party, and solemnly returned a salute.

Jue New's face twitched.

However, he had a good temper, and his heart as calm as water was completely unoccupied by Xiuye's evil fire. He endured it and said nothing.

Jue New took them to where they lived.

Camps are being built and houses are being built everywhere.

They used wood, bamboo and thatch to build a kind of vacant hut, and everyone was very busy.

Along the way, even though they were wearing the same clothes, their looks were so outstanding that everyone in the camp was looking at them.

Seeing that the eyes of so many girls were glued to Lu Xingchi, Bei Nuan meditated in his heart: Looking at your eyes, did you not realize that you were being controlled by the evil god? Don't you need to face the wall and reflect

While thinking wildly, Xiao San suddenly made a sound in his head.

He sighed, "Bei Nuan, I found out that if there is no punishment for the task, you won't do it at all."

Bei Nuan stuck out his tongue.

Too much has happened, the task is forgotten.

Bei Nuan opened the task bar and pulled the handle of the fun small task wheel.

This time the reels stopped on a quest called "Blessings of the Gods".

The mission statement is: sunshine, the warmth of your palm, and the comfort of your lover. If you get all these three, you will be blessed by the gods.

Bei Nuan complained silently: This mission shows that it is becoming more and more savage.

Sunlight. It has been raining and sunny today, the sun is basking unceremoniously, and I have to wear sunscreen with spf50+ for activities under the sun. It is very difficult not to be exposed to the sun.

palm temperature. The small stones on the side of the road are about to be sunburned, so just grab a piece of it and hold it in the palm of your hand, does it count

Lover's soothing...


Bei Nuan thought, this task is not done.

If you don't do it, there is no penalty, but if you don't do it, the series of quests will be stuck here, and you won't be able to continue.

I don't know what else is going on behind the scenes.

The ability to eavesdrop on other people's voices that day was very good, and this task was not difficult at all. It was a pity to give up such an easy opportunity to get the ability.

Bei Nuan glanced at Lu Xingchi quietly.

I don't know if it will work with him.

After all, the mission description is very clear, to "love".

If you want to find someone in this world to do this task, he is already the most qualified, right

Bei Nuan intends to find an opportunity, pretend to be pitiful or something, and let him comfort him, maybe he will succeed.

Lu Xingchi noticed that Bei Nuan was looking at him, turned his head and smiled at her. The smile was only a little bit, but it was brighter and dazzling than the current sunlight.

Bei Nuan immediately decided to try it with him.

Jue New led them to a large white tent.

The house has not been fully built yet, so many tents have been set up here for everyone to live in temporarily.

It is the kind of simple white cloth tent, each tent is filled with simple bamboo beds, which can accommodate six or seven people.

Bei Nuan found that, like a school, it was not divided into tents for families, but directly divided into male and female dormitories.

An old woman in her 60s or 70s was doing needlework in the tent, and what she was doing was the white clothes everyone was wearing.

She has gray hair and lives in a dormitory with the girls, not knowing where her husband and children are.

The rules of this tribe are quite miraculous.

As soon as Bei Nuan arrived at the girls' dormitory and just put away her bags, many people who saw her came to greet her.

Everyone saluted.

Bei Nuan hurriedly returned the salute one by one.

Too many people came, and the situation was complicated. Bei Nuan's brain was running at high speed for a while, and then it completely overheated and crashed.

Bei Nuan gave up: Forget it, just do it.

She returned the gift in seconds, killing the Quartet, and the effect was extraordinary.

Everyone who was greeted by her was the same as Jue New, with twisted faces.

Bei Nuan was busy putting down Xiuye's evil fire one after another with return salutes, when Jue New came again, and brought Lu Xingchi to them, saying that everyone had to go out to help with the work.

The job is to help build the house.

Jue Niu originally planned to take Bei Nuan away and let her go with a group of women, but probably considering that she came here on the first day, she softened a bit and let her stay with Lu Xingchi and them.

They were given the job of sawing wood with saws, cutting long pieces of wood into the standard lengths needed to build a house.

Lu Xingchi and the others got started quickly, and sawdust flew all over the sky in a while.

They can't use Bei Nuan at all.

Everyone was busy, Bei Nuan was embarrassed to be idle, so he carried his saw and ran around in the sawdust pretending to be busy. In fact, he was just being lazy and empty.

Jue Newu looked at it, felt that everything was working normally, and left.

But after a while, he came back.

He said to Lu Xingchi, "Saint Yawen said, you don't have to work here, the saint asked you to go to her side and be her attendant."


Jue Niu explained: "I usually bring tea and water to the saint, do some chores that require strength, and protect the safety of the saint when she goes out."

Jue Niu looked very happy, with envy in her tone.

It seems that Lu **ss has the opportunity to bring tea and water to his holy maiden to do chores, which is really a great honor.