A Fake Holy Mother in the Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 6


A black off-road vehicle stopped in front of the three people.

Du Ruo's expression instantly froze.

After a while, he regained his senses, took a deep breath, and asked, "Bei Nuan, what do you call this? Great changes to living people... live cars?"

He circled the SUV, looked at the license plate, and opened the trunk.

It was full of stuff that couldn't be taken away just now.

"This is our car. Little robot, how did you make it?"

Bei Nuan said calmly, "I told you a long time ago that I have a special ability, and it will definitely benefit you to bring me."

When he was just retreating, while no one was paying attention, Bei Nuan ordered two cars and put them into the space.

The carry-on space is so large that it is almost empty, let alone two cars, it is no problem to use it as a parking lot.


Lu Xingchi was not too surprised. He glanced at his off-road vehicle and asked Bei Nuan a question.

"Where's your car?"

Bei Nuan was silent.

Driving on your own is horrible.

Knowing that she only put on the off-road vehicle, it was clear that she intended to sit on it, Lu Xingchi asked calmly, "Where are you going? Ning Cheng?"

"Actually, my home is in City S," Bei Nuan whispered, "I don't have relatives in other places, so I have nowhere to go now."

She put her hands behind her back and lowered her head halfway, her eyes secretly looking up at Lu Xingchi.

The face mask of the big round helmet was lifted, revealing the long eyelashes that flickered inside, and half covering a pair of watery eyes, looking pitiful, like a homeless little animal.

With such a pure and innocent face, the effect is more than doubled.

Those who can not be soft-hearted are hard-hearted.

Du Ruo is definitely not hard-hearted, and immediately said: "You have nowhere to go, why don't you come with us?"

Lu Xingchi was definitely hard-hearted, he glanced at Du Ruo, suddenly reached out and grabbed Bei Nuo's arm, and led her away from Du Ruo, before letting go.

Lu Xingchi leaned over to Bei Nuan and lowered his voice, "Bei Nuan, don't follow me with this, I know you're pretending."

Bei Nuan's character was determined not to collapse, and he blinked at him with a more innocent expression.

He is invulnerable and difficult to deal with.

Do you want to cry? Want it

Is it better to drop two beans or cry out loud

Bei Nuan was a little undecided.

Lu Xingchi suddenly said, "But you did me a favor, I can take you for a while, find a safe place in front, and let you get off."


Lu Xing paused for a while, "It's mainly because of the wilderness here, you're not very good at taking a ride, and if Du Ruo eats your way and leaves you, he will keep nagging in my ear."

Lu Xingchi changed his words, "However, I have conditions."

It's good to talk about conditions, Bei Nuan immediately forgot to pretend to be pitiful and cheered, "What conditions?"

Lu Xingchi stared at her, never letting go of the expression on her face.

"Before you find a place to put you down, make three chapters. First, follow my instructions, and don't make arbitrary decisions on anything. Second, you have special abilities, hide them, and don't let others know."

Bei Nuan asked, "What about the third?"

"Leave it for now, I'll tell you when I think about it." Lu Xingchi said, "If you violate any of the rules, get out of the car."

Bei Nuan agreed, and Lu Xingchi turned around and walked towards the off-road vehicle.

"Lu Xingchi." Bei Nuan stopped him.

Lu Xingchi turned around and listened to what she had to say.

Bei Nuan said to him solemnly: "Take me, you won't regret it."

Lu Xingchi slightly raised the corner of his mouth, "Then I'll... wait and see?"

After the negotiation, the two returned to the off-road vehicle. Bei Nuan whispered to Du Ruo, and Du Ruo smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Bei Nuan took the familiar back seat.

After being away for dozens of minutes, the back seat feels particularly comfortable.

So far, everyone has not eaten anything.

Lu Xingchi took out a few bottles of mineral water from the trunk, took out a bag of compressed biscuits, returned to the car, and distributed them to Bei Nuan and Du Ruo.

Du Ruo seemed to be starving, and quickly killed several biscuits, but he was still not satisfied.

Lu Xingchi also ate quickly.

Compressed biscuits are treasures in the apocalypse. They have high energy and small size and are easy to carry, but Bei Nuan can't swallow them.

It was dry and greasy, like a sweet brick soaked in oil.

Bei Nuan took two small bites and put it down, put her hand into her backpack, pretended to touch it, and took out a bag of charcoal-grilled sausages from the space.

Bei Nuan pursed her lips.

When I got on the off-road vehicle, I was a little bit floating, and I couldn't hold back the heart of wanting to provoke the big boss.

"Lu Xingchi." Bei Nuan knocked on the back of the front seat.

"what's up?"

"Can I have a pack of chargrilled sausages? You just said, 'Don't make up your own mind about anything'."

The word "anything" is particularly hard to bite.

Lu Xingchi turned his head speechlessly, his beautiful eyes narrowed, and he stared at Bei Nuan with a look of "provocation."

Bei Nuan looked back at him innocently, and threw a small charcoal-grilled sausage into his mouth.

q is salty and fragrant, not greasy at all.

Then he brought one to Lu Xingchi's mouth and asked in a more innocent tone, "Do you want one?"

"I don't need it." Lu Xingchi refused.

Bei Nuan held it firmer than him.

The two were in a stalemate.

Lu Xingchi couldn't beat her, but he finally gave in and ate with her hand.

Bei Nuan bent her mouth and handed the bag to Du Ruo.

Du Ruo ate one, came over and asked Bei Nuan in a vague voice, "Bei Nuan, so what is your special ability? Is it teleportation?"

Du Ruo looked back at the village not far away and took a guess, "How far can it be moved? Five hundred meters? One kilometer?"

He was thinking completely in the wrong direction.

"This is a secret." Bei Nuan refused to say, and sent the bag of sausages to him.

"Benefit will be revenge." Du Ruo didn't answer, suddenly stretched out his hand, spread his fingers, and stared at the little sausage.

"What are you doing?" Bei Nuan was puzzled.

"Gong Gong." Du Ruo replied, "It's the end of the world, I'll practice hard, maybe I'll have the ability to move objects in the air."

After eating the small sausage, Bei Nuan took out another bag of small fish and handed it to Du Ruo first.

Du Ruo looked at Bei Nuan's shriveled backpack in amazement, "What kind of treasures do you have in here? Is it all delicious?"

This is nothing, Bei Nuan actually wants to dig out a big can of ice cream.

Bei Nuan took out a small fish and held it to Lu Xingchi's mouth.

Du Ruo gave up and protested vaguely, chewing something in his mouth, "Why do you keep feeding him? You are still feeding him so cold-blooded? Why don't you feed me?"

"You see he's busy oiling the crossbow and has no hands."

Bei Nuan explained, still holding the little fish.

Lu Xingchi didn't refuse this time, he tilted his head silently, and took it from her hand cleanly.

After eating and drinking enough, Bei Nuan sat fine and consulted with Xiao San in his head.

"Little San, I still haven't figured out what to do to increase the value of the Virgin. How exactly are your standards set?"

"The standard is not set by me, I am just a procedure."

Xiaosan explained carefully.

"I'm going to your human network to crawl all the information about Our Lady."

"Climb? How?" Bei Nuan was curious.

"That is, if something happens and someone comments like 'Holy Virgin' and 'Good Virgin', I will enter it into the database, and if it exceeds a certain number of repetitions, I will label similar behaviors as Notre Dame."

Bei Nuan was a little speechless.

This is too unreliable.

"So you don't understand the difference between the Virgin and the Virgin?" Bei Nuan asked.

Little San was silent for a while.

Bei Nuan continued to attack him, "Everyone's thoughts on the matter of the Virgin are too different. Do you know that Buddha cut meat and fed eagles?"

Bei Nuan gave Xiaosan popular science.

"Some people call the one who cuts their own flesh to the birds, the Madonna, and some people who cut other people's flesh to feed the birds call the Madonna, and some have taken all the birds away from their children and are going to take another one, and they continue to feed the birds called Madonna. "

"There are also people who are perverts themselves, abuse birds every day, and call all the normal people who don't look good to him as Our Lady, and you put them all in your database without distinction?"

Little San was a little confused, "Is it so complicated? Then do I need to refine the standards?"

"No, no! It's fine now!" Bei Nuan said quickly.

The definition of "the Virgin" of Xiaosan is a pot of simmering.

Whether it is the true Virgin and the false Virgin, the virtuous virgin or the derogatory Virgin, they all boil together and bubbling.

Refine what? A fool would let him refine.

It's just a one-pot stew.

The larger the scope of the definition, the more opportunities to increase the value of the Virgin. This account is very clear.

When Bei Nuan was chatting with Xiao San, Lu Xingchi got out of the car and walked to the back, opened the trunk, and pretended to be looking for something.

When the two people in front were not paying attention, he turned his head and glanced at the village not far away with clear eyes.

Almost instantly, over the village, dozens of spikes rose into the air.

Like an array of small soldiers, the spikes gathered together and shot straight at the off-road vehicle at a speed so fast that it was almost impossible to see.

Lu Xingchi flicked his slender fingers, and the magazine cover in his hand snapped open.

Dozens of spikes flew over the off-road vehicle as if they had eyes, and turned in unison in the air. With a crisp light sound, they fell into the magazine quickly and smoothly one by one. inside.

This is the spike that was just used to kill zombies.

Lu Xingchi retrieved the spikes and closed the lid.

Lu Xingchi also has special abilities.