A Fake Holy Mother in the Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 89


After Bei Nuan yelled at Shao Bai, he regretted it a little. After all, he wanted someone to give him a gun, so it was really inappropriate to speak so fiercely.

Unexpectedly, Shao Bai was yelled fiercely by Bei Nuan and stared at her for two seconds, and the half of his face exposed under the tactical goggles suddenly showed a suspicious redness.

He avoided Bei Nuan's gaze, handed her the rifle in his hand, took a few more loaded magazines, and asked her in a low voice, "Is five enough?"

Bei Nuan thought to himself that he gave the gun so happily, probably because the zombies were coming.

At the end of the road, the corpse group was surging, and they were coming here. From a distance, they could almost hear their strange screams.

Shao Bai showed how to load the magazine and adjust the camera door for this gun, and then instructed Bei Nuan, "We don't have many bullets when we come out this time, so try to save as much as possible."

Bei Nuan agreed, grabbed the gun, and studied up and down happily.

This gun has no butt, which is much shorter than the rifle used in Bei Nuan's military training before, and it is much lighter and more compact in the hand.

Shao Bai still had a gun left in his hand.

Jiang Fei reached out and said, "Give it to me, I will use it."

He had seen Bei Nuan eagerly wanting a gun, but he never scrambled with Bei Nuan. Now that Bei Nuan already had it, he took the one left from Shao Bai's hand and asked for a few magazines.

Bei Nuan and the others were assigned positions behind a jeep, not too far from Shao Bai and the others behind the tree.

When Bei Nuan and the others took their guns, the people on the other side of the tree had already started to fire sporadically.

Bei Nuan thought, Shao Bai's group is a regular army, and their combat effectiveness must be very strong.

Lu Xingchi raised his crossbow as usual, but he was not in a hurry, and just like before when he kept a low profile, he took a leisurely pace, killing one occasionally according to the frequency of Shao Bai and the others.

Yawen Library

Jiang Fei has also skillfully put the gun on his shoulders, posing, ready to shoot.

This person is not only very professional in using knives, but he is also very familiar with firearms. I don't know what he experienced before the story of this book happened.

Sometimes Du Ruo and the others would ask Jiang Fei about his past, but every time he evaded it, he neither lied to Du Ruo nor the others, but refused to elaborate.

Bei Nuan learned his posture and put the gun on his shoulder.

Then he aimed at a zombie at the end of the road and shot at the front.

The gun seemed to be hit, and Bei Nuan saw the zombies as if they paused for a moment, then howled and continued to pounce.

Did not hit the end.

Bei Nuan felt that the automatic aiming function didn't seem to work.

Isn't this ability just a shot

She had to open the task bar and searched carefully, and finally found a new red dot in the originally empty place under the progress bar of the Holy Mother.

Bei Nuan glanced at it, and it really popped up the words "automatic aiming".

How to play this

Bei Nuan tapped the dot with his mind, and the dot immediately changed from red to green, and a number appeared in the middle—"1", with two words next to it, "locked".

Then, a miracle happened.

Bei Nuan saw a bright line extending from the muzzle of the Shuribu gun, reaching far into the distance.

And as long as the pistol in Bei Nuan's hand moves, the trajectory of this line will change accordingly.

It's so obvious, it's a ballistic trajectory.

"Auto-Aiming" calculated in advance the ballistics that Bei Nuan would shoot in the current state.

It's really useful.

Bei Nuan quietly glanced at Jiang Fei and Du Ruo next to them.

They didn't respond at all, obviously they couldn't see the new bright lines on the Beinuan gun.

Bei Nuan was relieved, and according to the guidance of the line, she tried to place the line on the head of a zombie as far as the eye could reach, and pulled the trigger.

Still didn't hit the head.

The moment the trigger was pulled, the gun must have shaken. At this distance, even if there are bright lines, it is still difficult to hit.

Bei Nuan stared at the task interface for a moment, and suddenly realized how this function should be used.

When aiming at the head of a zombie with the ballistic line, Bei Nuan clicked the word "lock" after the small dot with his mind.

This time, the ballistics seemed to stick to the zombie's head, no matter how the zombie moved, it would not run around again.

This is the real usage.

Bei Nuan pulled the trigger, and the zombie fell with one shot. Exactly.

Bei Nuan tried a few more shots, but not a single shot failed.

Xiao San is absolutely right, Bei Nuan is now referring to where to fight, and he has really turned into a sharpshooter in an instant.

Bei Nuan was holding the gun, and he continued to ponder in his mind. There was a "1" on the green dot, what did it mean

With "1", is there a "2"

Bei Nuan tapped the small green dot again with consciousness. As expected, the color of the small dot was still green, but the number on it changed from "1" to "2".

As the numbers on the dots changed, the glowing ballistic line that had just extended from the muzzle disappeared.

At the same time, the zombie that Bei Nuan's muzzle was facing suddenly burst into a dazzling light from the top of his head, as if he had suddenly become an immortal.

Bei Nuan: "..."

Bei Nuan pulled the trigger and tried to fire a shot, and the zombie who became immortal fell in response.

Bei Nuan leaned towards the muzzle of the gun, and a zombie next to him also got it.

The muzzle swept over, and the heads of a whole piece of zombies shone one by one.

Bei Nuan deliberately raised the muzzle a little and pulled the trigger above the zombie's head. As a result, the glowing zombie still fell down.

Bei Nuan pressed the muzzle down again and shot the zombie's stomach, but the glowing zombie was still headshot.

Bei Nuan already understands that this function is a real automatic lock.

It can lock the head near the muzzle by itself, mark it with light, and then ignore how the muzzle is aimed, correct the trajectory by itself, and ensure that the gun hits the head.

Because zombies can only die by hitting the head, this function is very suitable for killing zombies.

The mode "1" just now is a function that refers to where to hit, as long as you aim at the place you want to hit with the ballistic line, lock it, and the bullet will definitely fly to the locked place.

And mode "2" is really necessary for home travel and fighting zombies. It is very lazy. You don't have to worry about closing your eyes, and the gun will aim at other people's heads.

Bei Nuan thought for a while, then turned the gun and pointed at Jiang Fei next to her.

Jiang Fei's head also glowed.

Jiang Fei tilted his head and smiled at her, then continued to fight zombies seriously, as if it wasn't a gun facing him.

Bei Nuan aimed the muzzle at Du Ruo again, and Du Ruo's head also lit up.

It's shining brightly, and it's beautiful.

Du Ruo protested aggrievedly, "Why are you pointing a gun at me?"

"Yes," Bei Nuan said, "I wanted to look back at you, but I forgot that I was holding a gun in my hand."

Du Ruo was speechless, "It's not bad, you haven't forgotten that you have the trigger on your finger and didn't give it to me casually."

Bei Nuan smiled apologetically at him, turned the gun, and went to fight the zombies again.

While thinking in my heart, this auto-targeting function turned out to treat people and zombies equally, without favoritism.

Bei Nuan was trying to press the small dot marked with the number, and the number jumped back to "1" again. After Bei Nuan pressed it several times, the number kept jumping between "1" and "2". both modes.

Bei Nuan's mind was wandering, but there was one shot in his hand.

This hangs up, simply.

Lu Xingchi was the first to realize the difference, and turned his head to look at Bei Nuan thoughtfully.

As soon as he thought about it, he knew that he must have wanted to help Bei Nuan to control the bullet, but it turned out that the bullet flew so accurately that he didn't need to intervene at all.

"Why did you suddenly become a sharpshooter?" he asked.

Bei Nuan said confidently, "I've used so many guns, you know what enlightenment is, right? It's that the void suddenly shatters, the earth is flat, and I understand the profound meaning of the whole world - I'm in this state now."

Lu Xingchi smiled, not surprising at all, with a well-informed look.

As if I had seen her do something even more miraculous than this, I didn't go into it with her at all,

Lu Xingchi only said: "In case you suddenly can't understand the profound meaning of the world again, just ask me to help you."

Bei Nuan thought to himself, it was no use, this time this new skill has no countdown, it is permanent.

It's too easy to switch the mode of the head glow, and it's meaningless. Bei Nuan switches the mode to the one that shows the ballistics. Sometimes he clicks on the lock, sometimes he doesn't, and he carefully aims with reference to the ballistics and kills the zombies one by one.

Soon someone else noticed the strangeness here.

Shao Bai and the others hid beside the fallen tree, and gradually discovered that the corpses fell faster than ever.

Shao Bai and the others were experienced and knew that the distance of about 400 meters was almost on the boundary of the effective range of this kind of rifle.

At this distance, when aiming, the upper body of the zombie is smaller than the sight of the gun. Even a trained soldier can be considered a good shooter if he can target the upper body.

However, zombies are very special, and it only works if they hit the head.

Therefore, in order to save bullets, Shao Bai and the others all aimed for a long time, and only fired when they felt confident, mainly waiting for the zombies to charge closer.

However, someone is killing zombies calmly and accurately.

One shot one.

One shot after another.

Everyone turned to look at the jeep.

Someone was whispering, "Is that the man? He looks very thin and gentle, so powerful?"

Someone said hesitantly: "Look carefully, I think... it seems to be that woman."

"Don't make trouble, it's impossible."

"Just her? The fire of this gun. The smoke of the medicine smoked her eyes, so she had to cry, right?"

Many people laughed.

There is a big problem with this kind of bullpup gun, that is, the fire and the smoke are too close to the eyes.

Bei Nuan's eyes are clear and clear, and it seems that she is really easy to cry.

Everyone subconsciously imagined Bei Nuan crying pitifully with red eyes like a little rabbit.

Shao Bai raised his gun and aimed at the group of corpses in the distance. After a long time, he said, "Don't talk nonsense to me, it's that woman."

He paused and added, "I didn't give her the scope just now."

Without a scope, at this distance, headshots are shot one by one.

A group of soldiers of the special forces were silent.

Although some people didn't believe it, since their boss Shao Bai said so, no one dared to say anything.

Shao Bai and the others were not far away, and their voices were not small, so Bei Nuan could vaguely hear them.

But her mind was on the newly acquired auto-aiming function.

The zombies came in groups like a tsunami advancing along the road, getting closer and closer, and now they could clearly see their blood-red eyes and bared teeth.

Shao Bai and the others also started to fire continuously, and the zombies fell one by one, but they were not afraid.

Although it looked scary, Bei Nuan probably estimated that according to everyone's current killing speed, they should be able to kill all the zombies before they rush in front of them.

However, before her wishful thinking was over, there were shouts of scolding from the side.

"Damn! Boss, there are zombies here too!"

A series of panicked gunshots, as well as people's shouts, became a mess.

Bei Nuan turned around and found that at some point, a group of corpses came behind them.

Another group of zombies flanked on the other side of the road, cut behind them, and rushed up when everyone was not paying attention.

I don't know how the zombies came up with this tactic. They are very clever. They even used a group of zombies to attract firepower on the road, and another group bypassed them to copy them.

Behind the big tree, Shao Bai and his group were closer than Bei Nuan and they had already started to fight the zombies at close range.

There are a lot of zombies, mixed with people, and they are messed up everywhere.

Bei Nuan quickly switched the self-aiming function to the mode where his head was shining brightly, and helped them kill the new zombies that appeared behind them with one shot.

The only problem with this mode is that it doesn't matter whether the opponent is a human or a zombie, each of them can be cut through, so Bei Nuan has to be extra careful not to accidentally hurt his teammates.

Everyone turned their guns to clear the zombies that emerged from behind.

Lu Xingchi stopped keeping a low profile and speeded up.

Although it is still not like he usually rains arrows all over the sky, he accurately guarantees that every zombie can get a nail before it hits a person.

Knowing that Lu Xingchi took over the control of the field, there was no need to worry at all. Bei Nuan no longer cared about his back, turned around and continued to clear the zombies that were rushing towards him on the front road.

Stable and very fast, one shot takes care of one.

After a while, she emptied the additional magazines that Shao Bai gave her, and then picked up Jiang Fei's magazines and continued.

After a while, Bei Nuan suddenly realized that there seemed to be no movement behind him.

Bei Nuan's side also just knocked out the last zombie that rushed over and turned around.

She found that the zombies who had raided from behind had already been dealt with, and everyone was watching Bei Nuan.

Just now everyone was dealing with the zombies that suddenly appeared behind them, and no one had time to take care of the road.

As a result, Bei Nuan alone, armed with a gun, defended the entire road in the face of the surging tide of corpses.

No need for any help at all.

And everyone saw it, she was sure to hit every shot, the gun hit the head of the zombie, and not a single precious bullet was wasted.

What is even more incredible is that the speed is extremely fast, one shot after another, without any pause in the middle, and the flow of water.

Even though Shao Bai is well-informed, he has never seen a person with such terrifying combat power in the federal army, or even among the elite troops who often go deep into the infected area.

Still a little girl who looked soft and weak.

Looking at the corpses on the road, no one could speak.

Bei Nuan smiled at them, put down the gun in his hand, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

Du Ruo asked concernedly, "What's wrong?"

"Oh," Bei Nuan replied sincerely, "There is something wrong with the design of this gun. The smoke that spews out smokes my eyes. I think I'm about to cry." :,,,