A Friend Who I Loved for a Long Time

Chapter 11: The four eyes meet


On Wednesday, Yunzhi took Xiaobai to the l&y headquarters.

The people at l&y are very sincere. When Yunzhi and Xiaobai first arrived downstairs at the headquarters, there was already a woman in black business attire waiting at the door for a long time.

"Hello, Ms. Yunzhi, I'm the secretary of the president. I'm in charge of your visit this time. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

Yun Zhi smiled and nodded, followed her into the revolving door.

The lobby is bright and clean. The front desk is answering the phone. After seeing them, he covered the receiver and nodded to them with a smile.

Just as they approached the elevator, the elevator door just opened, and a woman with neck-length short hair stepped out from inside.

Yun Zhi heard that the secretary called her at this moment—

"Hello Director Qu."

Qu Lan originally just nodded casually in response, but before turning her head, she saw a slightly familiar face.

Isn't this the person who was with Yu Mingxia that day

Qu Lan has always been curious about someone who can have Yu Mingxia's attitude. Now that she saw her in the company, Qu Lan subconsciously thought she was looking for Yu Mingxia.

But just when she was about to speak out, she felt something was wrong. If she was looking for Yu Mingxia, then Yu Chuxue's secretary shouldn't be with her.

Yun Zhi felt a little baffled, the person in front of her was staring at her, standing at the elevator door and blocking her way.

Yun Zhi glanced at the secretary.

"This is the director of our legal department, director Qu, and this is the photographer Yun Liwuzhi and her assistant who were invited to visit the company."

After being introduced by the secretary, Qu Lan knew what was going on.

Not long ago, Yu Chuxue explained to her about the contract, but she didn't know that Yun Liwuzhi was the person in front of her.

"You pass this report to Mr. Yu, I'll do it here." Qu Lan handed the document to the secretary, then looked at Yunzhi, "Hello, my name is Qu Lan."

"Hello, Yunzhi."

Yun Zhi still hasn't forgotten the strange look in Qu Lan's eyes when he looked at her just now, as if he knew her and was wondering about something.

The secretary hesitated for a few seconds, and received Qu Lan's reminding eyes again, and said to Yun Zhi, "Director Qu is the company's initial investor, and she knows the company better than I do. Ms. Yun, please rest assured."

Even though Yun Zhi prefers to let the secretary lead the way, it is not easy to refute what she said, so he just nodded to show that he understands.

Then the secretary left.

Qu Lan took Yunzhi Xiaobai into the elevator, pressed the button for the fifth floor, and said, "Let me show you our designer works exhibition first, maybe you will be more interested."


Because the way Qu Lan looked at her earlier made her feel uncomfortable, so Yun Zhi's voice in the elevator was not very emotional.

"Miss Yun is just here to visit the company today?"

Yun Zhi thought that Qu Lan wanted to ask her if she had any intention of signing the contract immediately, and felt that this person's question was a bit blunt.

Maybe she should have retained the secretary just now.

"That was the original purpose."

Fortunately, when the elevator reached the floor, it dinged.

"Director Qu, we're here." Xiao Bai made a relief from the side.

Qu Lan frowned, Yun Zhi didn't seem to be looking for Yu Mingxia, although she was very curious about Yun Zhi, but seeing that she was in a lukewarm mood, she stopped asking and took her to the exhibition center.

On the way, Qu Lan didn't say anything else, and focused on introducing her the clothing designs in front of her, which ones were niche trends, and which ones were fashionable and high-end.

Putting aside the previous initial impressions, Qu Lan, who is explaining the introduction carefully at this moment, is much friendlier than just now.

l&y is undoubtedly capable, otherwise it would be impossible to make a fortune in the fashion industry in just a few years.

"Let's go to the next exhibition room."

After staying for more than ten minutes, Qu Lan said.

"Next?" Xiaobai said first.

The costume designs in front of me are amazing enough, I didn't expect there are others.

But after exclaiming, Xiaobai felt that he had overreacted again. How could such a big fashion company only have one showroom.

"Well, besides clothing design, our company also has jewelry design."

Qu Lan glanced at Yun Zhi, and met her gaze.

Her eyes are beautiful, clean and clear, and she looks like a classical beauty, looking gentle and gentle.

Are she friends with Yu Mingxia

But along the way, she never heard Yun Zhi ask about Yu Mingxia.

"Don't you want to ask about our company's designers?" Qu Lan asked her.

Yun Zhi didn't understand what she meant.

For some reason, Qu Lan felt that Yun Zhi's expression was not deceiving, she was really puzzled or not curious.

You might even find her inexplicable.

If it hadn't been for the promise that Yu Mingxia would not mention the matter of Yunshan Temple that day, Qu Lan would have asked Yun Zhi directly.

"It's nothing," Qu Lan said again, "I'll show you the design of our company's chief designer."

Since he is the chief designer, he must have an exclusive collection room.

Qu Lan took the two into the elevator again and went straight to the thirteenth floor.

Qu Lan didn't go directly to the exhibition room, but walked to the other side without getting closer.

Yun Zhi followed her, and her previous good impression of l&y dissipated a bit. Although the company's design is very good, she also pays attention to the working atmosphere. After all, they have to work together for more than three months. Not pleasant.

Maybe it was Qu Lan's sizing up at the elevator before, and then she inexplicably dismissed the secretary, which made her feel resentful, so she couldn't help but make such an evaluation in her heart.

Just as Yun Zhi was thinking this way, he raised his eyes and glanced casually, but suddenly stopped.

In the lounge next door, she saw a familiar person drawing something on paper with his head down and a pen in his hand.

Her drooping eyes looked very serious, she brushed her hair behind her ears, and touched her lips lightly with the tip of her pen, as if she was thinking about something.

There was a steaming cup of coffee on the table, she raised her hand to touch the cup, and looked out the window the moment she lifted the cup.

The four eyes are facing each other.

I don't know if she was frightened when she saw outside the window suddenly, Yun Zhi saw a few drops of the cup of coffee in her hand splashed out and landed on the back of her hand.

But she didn't care about the back of her hand, but put the coffee aside and walked out of the lounge.

At this moment, Yunzhi also vaguely understood that Yu Mingxia should be the designer of l&y.

"Yunzhi." Yu Mingxia opened the door and called her.

Yun Zhi's eyes fell from her face to her hands, and asked, "Is your hand okay? Is it burnt?"

The voice was gentle and didn't sound angry.

Yu Mingxia shook his head: "It's fine."

She was indeed frightened just now, but the person drawn on the paper raised her eyes and actually appeared in front of her eyes.

But more of a surprise.

Qu Lan frowned, seeing Yun Zhi's attitude changed drastically, she was indifferent to her just now, now seeing Yu Mingxia's voice became gentle.

The two said they were familiar, but Yun Zhi didn't know Yu Mingxia's identity, so they said they were unfamiliar, and they went to Yunshan Temple together.

But the play has to be complete, she should be completely unaware that the two have met.

"You guys know each other? Then I don't need to introduce you?" Qu Lan said.

"I know." Yun Zhi nodded.

This is too coincidental.

Unexpectedly, Yu Mingxia would be the designer of l&y.