A Friend Who I Loved for a Long Time

Chapter 23: You're so cute


The chat between Yunzhi and Jiang Yuan'an ended near Zero Point.

Yun Zhi looked at the sentence [Zhu Qingmeng forced me to sleep, good night Zhizhi] on the chat interface and laughed.

After replying good night, Yun Zhi put the phone on the pillow cabinet and turned off the bedside lamp.

In the dark, she thought of Nan Qiao, closed her eyes, finally shook Nan Qiao out of her head, and remembered what Jiang Yuan'an said.

—Maybe the one you like now is Yu Mingxia.

—You will fall in love with her sooner or later.

How can there be so much uncertainty and sooner or later.

Yunzhi yawned and fell asleep with the quilt in his arms.

I don't know if she thought too much before going to bed, she had a lot of weird dreams in the middle of the night.

She dreamed that she was in the auditorium of her high school, surrounded by darkness, only where she stood had a faint light. There was a loud noise, and she heard the reputation, and it was Nan Qiao playing the drums.

Nan Qiao looked up and smiled at her: "Didn't you say that the girl who played drums that day was cool? Do you want to try it?"

She saw herself in the dream taking the drum stick from her hand, sitting where she had been sitting before, and beating the drum set again and again. Even if it is knocked casually, it is pleasant to the ears.

In the auditorium, there is only the sound of drums, and no other sounds can be heard.

"Jojo, how am I doing?"

But no sound was heard.

She called out again, but there was still no sound.

She quieted down, only to find herself alone in the auditorium. When she turned her head again, the previous faint light also disappeared, and the surroundings were dark and silent, and she heard her own breathing.


"Nan Qiao?"

One sound after another, she finally looked at Nan Qiao again.

Only this time she was very, very far away, she was on the auditorium stage, and Nan Qiao was in the last row of seats.

The stage lights turned on, but the audience was still dim.

She wanted to call Nan Qiao to stop, but Nan Qiao just gave her a faint look, as if looking at a stranger.

The distance between them was very far, so far that she ran for a long time, but she still couldn't reach her. Every cry of her was like a stone sinking into the sea, and no echo could be heard.

Nan Qiao's strange eyes made her feel sad.

"Nan Qiao—"

Yunzhi woke up from the dream, she held her chest and tears fell unconsciously, she couldn't control her emotions, she felt so sad even though it was just a dream, her chest seemed to be blocked by a big rock.

She remembers that.

How could Nan Qiao know how to play drums? It was just that she wanted to cheer her up in her third year of high school, so she went to find someone else to learn from, and asked her to go to the auditorium so that she could listen to her and learn from her.

"Nan Qiao..." she murmured.

"Did you have a nightmare?"

A bottle of milk was suddenly placed in front of her, and a gentle voice of inquiry suddenly came from her ears.

She raised her eyes and was slightly startled, and what she saw was Yu Mingxia.

Compared to now, her face is more youthful and immature, she is wearing Yunzhong school uniform, with a gentle and shy smile on her face.

She is Yu Mingxia and it seems she is not.

"Drink some warm milk and feel better." Yu Mingxia's voice was still gentle.

But at the moment she just wants to ask about Nan Qiao's news.

"Where's Nan Qiao?"

When she asked out loud, she clearly saw Yu Mingxia was stunned, with a puzzled face.

"who is she?"

She heard Yu Mingxia say.

"Yunzhi! I see you slept through the whole class! Can't you listen to the class like me and let Ming Xia worry less about you?"

It's Jiang Yuanan.

"An An, where's Nan Qiao?" Yu Mingxia didn't know Nan Qiao, but Jiang Yuanan did.

"Which bridge? Why are you looking for a bridge?" Jiang Yuan'an was puzzled.

"Nan Qiao," she looked at Zhu Qingmeng, "Zhu Qingmeng, where is Nan Qiao? Where is she?"

"who is she?"

Zhu Qingmeng and Yu Mingxia said the same thing.

No one knew Nan Qiao.


Only then did she realize that they were all wearing Yunzhong school uniforms. She raised her head and looked around in a daze, only to see the class sign on the open door—Grade Three (1) Class.

No, she is in Class 3 and 7 of high school. Why doesn't everyone know Nan Qiao anymore.

And why is Yu Mingxia here.


The piercing bell rang suddenly.

Yun Zhi suddenly opened her eyes, and sat up from the bed, her messy hair was caught behind her head, she looked around blankly, and her slack eyes gradually gained focus when she saw the familiar furnishings in the room.

She held her heart, and it seemed to be empty.

She realized that she had just had a bad dream within a dream.

In the dream world, Nan Qiao and her became strangers.

The shrill alarm in the room continued.

Yun Zhi raised his hand to turn off the alarm clock, but he was still sitting on the bed in a daze, still immersed in the dream just now.

She kept thinking about the details of the dream, thinking that in order to get comfort, she simplified the dream and searched for dream interpretations in the browser.

In one answer after another, her heart gradually sank.

——There will be a lot of differences or conflicts between you recently, and if you don't handle them well, you may face parting ways.

Yun Zhi closed his eyes, allowing the feeling of emptiness to spread in his heart.


The phone on the bedside table vibrated suddenly.

[Sorry, know, I was really wrong before, I shouldn't always let you go, I was too fierce to you yesterday, I'm sorry, I will definitely not do this next time. Please Master Zhizhi forgive Qiao Qiao.]

Looking at the news, Yun Zhi thought of the strange Nan Qiao in the dream, the Nan Qiao whom no one remembered, and his heart softened.

She always cared.

Yunzhi glanced at the calendar on the wall, and then replied:

[Tomorrow night there will be a Klloy concert, are you free?]

After a while, Yunzhi received a reply:

[some. Let's go and listen together.]

After receiving the reply, Yunzhi bought two concert tickets on the ticketing software.

Klloy was a band that both she and Nan Qiao liked when they were in college. Now it's the concert tour, and it's Yuncheng's turn.

After the agreement was made, Yun Zhi gradually forgot the dream he had before. So he got up and washed up, planning to go to the hospital to visit Jiang Yuan'an.

She had relatively free time, but considering the relationship, Yun Zhi still sent a message to Yu Mingxia, telling her that she would not go to the company today.

Then I took a taxi to the hospital.

Zhu Qingmeng's job is a dentist, usually time is tight, and she can't stay with the hospital all day, so Jiang Yuan'an mostly stays alone in the ward playing with electronic devices during the day.

She thought the show was ugly, so she randomly threw the tablet on the bedside table.

What Yun Zhi saw when she entered the ward was the scene of her throwing the tablet.

"Are you venting your anger with a tablet?"

"Zhizhi! You finally came to see me."

Although Jiang Yuan'an called Yun Zhi with joy, his eyes kept staring at the bag in her hand.

Yun Zhi shook his head helplessly, and handed her the bag full of snacks and fruits.

"It's still hello, Mengmeng won't let me eat these." Jiang Yuan'an complained while picking from the bag.

"These are what Zhu Qingmeng asked me to buy for you." Yun Zhi smiled helplessly.

Jiang Yuan made a cry, took out a biscuit from inside, tore it open and took a bite.

Yun Zhi sat on the chair beside the bed, watching her gobble it up.

"By the way, I heard that Nan Qiao and a girl got very close recently," Jiang Yuan'an said again, "I planned to tell you yesterday, but I think it's better to tell you in person."

"A new friend?" Yun Zhi didn't know what he was thinking, and took out a bottle of milk and handed it to Jiang Yuan'an.

"Hmm... It's not like a simple friend," Jiang Yuan'an paused for a bite of the biscuit, looked at her carefully, and said in a low voice, "I heard it's a bit like you."

"Huh?" Yun Zhi was taken aback.

Jiang Yuan'an bit her lip, she didn't know where Zhu Qingmeng knew about this, and asked her to disclose it to Yunzhi.

She thought this was too cruel, but Zhu Qingmeng said that it could help Yunzhi.

"Anyway, it's just..." Jiang Yuan'an hesitated to speak, "Don't you think that the girl who dated Nan Qiao for a few days is somewhat similar to you?"

Yun Zhi was speechless, and after a while he said, "That's true."

Just as Jiang Yuan'an was about to say something, she heard her say again: "Two eyes, one nose and one mouth must be similar."

Now it was Jiang Yuan'an's turn to lose his voice.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this." Yun Zhi interrupted the topic, she didn't really want to talk about such absurd things.

Yun Zhi didn't leave the hospital until the afternoon, planning to go back to the company.

Yu Mingxia, who was alone in the office today, did not feel lonely like he did a few days ago.

Maybe it was Yun Zhi's behavior yesterday that gave her a little more confidence.

Just after processing a pile of documents in a row, Yu Mingxia felt a little tired, she stopped and rubbed her temples.

On the table is the document paper spread out, and on the right is the pen she just used to sign. During the rest time, Yu Mingxia began to unconsciously draw Yunzhi's outline again.

When Yu Mingxia was most absorbed in painting, Yu Chuxue entered the office.

Yu Mingxia didn't notice it at first, but it wasn't until Yu Chuxue approached the desk that he realized it, and covered the paper with a document as if trying to cover it up.

"Tsk, I'm still shy." Seeing her movements, Yu Chuxue smiled, and then walked to Yunzhi's place to sit down.

Yu Mingxia ignored her sarcasm, but stopped her from sitting down and said, "Sit over there."

There are other seats against the wall on the other side.

This is to dislike her for taking Yunzhi's position.

Yu Chuxue chuckled knowingly, didn't intend to sit down, walked to her desk, tapped on the table with her fingertips: "Let me see your Yunzhi."

When Yu Mingxia heard "Your Yunzhi", her mood suddenly softened, and she almost took out the paper in Yu Chuxue's words, but she came back to her senses at the last moment.

Yu Chuxue laughed because of her action.

"I found that every time you mention Yunzhi, you can talk a lot, and it's easy to lose your mind." Yu Chuxue looked at her, and clicked her tongue twice, "This can't be done, Yu Mingxia."

Yu Mingxia knew that Yu Chuxue was teasing her, so he didn't respond to her words, but just moved his eyes to the documents aside, reminding her: "If you are free, you can take these documents back and deal with them yourself."

Yu Chuxue glanced at the pile of documents that was as high as her little finger, and shook her head: "I'm busy."

Yu Mingxia glanced at her, as if saying that if you are busy, get out, don't get in the way of her eyes.

"Does Yun Zhi know that you are so fierce? You have to hide your tail well, or she will despise you." Yu Chuxue felt that Yu Mingxia was very cute today, especially when Yun Zhi was mentioned, his little expression made him want to refute but couldn't. I don't know how to refute, so I can only ignore her helplessness in the end.

There is also a faint sense of joy.

Just like at this moment, Yu Mingxia just looked at her lightly and said, "She's not as superficial as you."

Yu Chuxue: "?"

She is superficial

"Okay, I'm superficial," Yu Chuxue leaned against the edge of the table, tilted her head slightly to look at her, squinted her eyes and explored, "I wanted to ask a few days ago, did you say something to Yunzhi, otherwise she Why are you so indifferent to me?"

Hearing this, Yu Mingxia paused for a moment when his fingertips were flipping through the documents, and then said nonchalantly, "Maybe it's because you didn't hide your tail properly, which makes people disgusted."

Yu Chuxue: "..." actually blocked her with her words.

But from her words, Yu Chuxue also understood that it had something to do with her.

However, who made her a good sister. To make my sister happy, sacrifice a little.

"By the way, the relationship between you and Yunzhi is developing pretty well recently? She's been very attached to you recently, isn't she?" Yu Chuxue asked with a smile, curious about the progress of the two.

Yu Mingxia paused, recalling what happened yesterday, he felt mixed feelings of sadness and joy.

Although sticking to her just wanted to apologize for what happened in high school, at least he didn't think about the love letter, and later he lost his appointment with Nan Qiao because of her.

She thought that there should be progress between them.

"Has Yunzhi shown that he likes you?"

"Yun knows who still likes that?"

"Have you ever asked Yunzhi if he plans to give up liking someone?"

Yu Chuxue didn't know who Yun Zhi liked, only heard from Yu Mingxia that she had someone she liked.

"Do you know where Yunzhi went today?"

Yu Mingxia saw that Yu Chuxue was really idle.

I don't know how she, who looks gentle and talkative to outsiders, can control herself from speaking.

Yu Mingxia only felt that the words "Yunzhi Yunzhi" kept repeating in her ears. Although she liked to hear it, the more she heard it from Yu Chuxue's mouth, the mood became more delicate.

"Can you stop calling her name all the time." Yu Mingxia was helpless.

"Why, you haven't caught up yet, and you're not allowed to be called by name?" Yu Chuxue raised her eyebrows, with a provocative tone.

Yu Mingxia: "..."

Yu Chuxue quite liked seeing Yu Mingxia's helpless look, maybe because she had encountered too many obstacles with her before, now Yu Chuxue found it very interesting to see her like this, and couldn't help but yelled a few more times:

"You know, you know, you know, you know, you know?"

Yu Mingxia pursed his lips: "Does it have to be like this?"

Yu Chuxue raised her eyebrows, feeling that Yu Mingxia is much cuter now, she used to like to stay in the room and office to draw design drawings that she was interested in, and she might not even reply to ten sentences she said. Unlike now, almost every sentence echoes.

As long as Yunzhi is mentioned, his expression is unnatural.

Don't tease her, tease who.

"You know, you know, you know?"

Yu Chuxue's joking voice was still lingering in her ears, Yu Mingxia raised her eyes to look at her, and said with a calm tone, "Next month, Jiang Ling will hold a make-up wedding, are you going?"

"Do you want to provide her with a wedding dress for free?"

"Oh, I forgot, even if you are willing, Gu Qingyue will not agree."

As soon as the words fell, the smile on Yu Chuxue's face froze, and she said after a while, "I am your sister anyway."

I've never seen a knife stabbed in the heart.

Yu Mingxia smiled politely.

But the air froze for a few seconds.


Yu Chuxue continued to resist her again: "Since you have hurt me, can you tell me how you and Yunzhi are going?"

"Is Yunzhi planning to give up liking others?"

"Are you going to make an appointment with Yunzhi today?"

"You know, you know, you know, you know."

She not only mentioned her but also mentioned it several times.

Yu Chuxue understood that the reason why Yu Mingxia stopped her from mentioning Yunzhi's name was because she would miss her when Yunzhi's name was mentioned.

Tut tut big love.

The two stood and sat as if confronting each other, and Yu Chuxue's face was covered with the words "Come and hurt each other".

As soon as the words fell, Yu Mingxia was about to end this boring battle, and by the way, when she asked Yu Chuxue how old she was this year, she suddenly heard a noise.

A faint voice came from the door—

"Are you calling me?"

Outside the door, Yun Zhi leaned against the door frame, poked his head in, and looked at the two suspiciously.

She didn't know what happened, but as soon as she walked to the door and opened it, she heard Yu Chuxue calling her name.

Yun Zhi was full of doubts, while the two people in the office seemed to have been petrified.

Aside from the panic when Yunzhi suddenly appeared, an emoticon unexpectedly appeared in Yu Mingxia's head inappropriately.

It was a cat poking its head from the door frame, with a few words 'your little cutie suddenly appeared' written on it.

She felt that Shang Yunzhi's expression at the moment was very suitable.

But now is not the time to think about it.

Yu Chuxue obviously didn't expect Yun Zhi to appear suddenly, Yun Zhi told her earlier that she would not come to the company today, so she talked about it so brazenly.


Yu Chuxue blinked at Yu Mingxia, and mouthed to her: I can do it myself.

After that, regardless of Yu Mingxia's eyes blocking him, he pointed to Yu Mingxia who had already come to Yun Zhi, and said in a warm voice, "What a coincidence that you came, Mingxia was still thinking of you just now."

"Ah?" Yun Zhi was confused, what she just heard was Yu Chuxue calling her

"I don't know what she asked you to do. Let's talk, and I'll deal with business first." Before leaving, Yu Chuxue nodded to the two of them.

Although she received Yu Mingxia's unfriendly gaze.

Yun Zhi, on the other hand, was in a daze the whole time, not understanding what was going on now.

As Yu Chuxue walked out of the office, Yun Zhicai said slowly, "You called me?"

Yu Mingxia pursed her lips, there was nothing she could do if she had already been heard.

Saying that it was Yu Chuxue who called her even weirder, was likely to make her suspect that she was talking about her behind her back.

Yu Mingxia had no choice but to respond: "Well, just now I was wondering when you would be able to come back."

"Then just send me a message, just ask me." Yun Zhi said casually, "I thought you guys were talking about my recent work."

After all, apart from work, Yun Zhi didn't know that the two of them had anything to mention her.

"No." Yu Mingxia pursed her lips, Yun Zhi's eyes were too clean, when she looked at her, she couldn't bear it, and lowered her eyes.

"Think when I'll come back, I'm back now, and then?"

Since Yu Mingxia said no, Yun Zhi definitely believed it.

She doesn't trust Yu Chuxue's words, but she trusts Yu Mingxia.


"I miss you coming back to work with me, I'm too boring alone." Yu Mingxia said.

"Ah?" Yun Zhi was stunned, and wanted to say that you were working alone before, but in a flash she realized that Yu Mingxia was shy.

Did you miss her

Hey, it's not in vain for her to make this friend seriously.

Suddenly, Yun Zhi chuckled.

Yu Mingxia raised his eyes, just in time to see her leaning slightly against the edge of the table, her eyes fell on her face.

"Yu Mingxia, I discovered something." Yun Zhi's voice was clean, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Yu Mingxia's mood suddenly tightened: "What?"

"I found," Yun Zhi dragged out a long voice, lowered his body, and changed his eyes from his eyes to her earlobes, "Your ears seem to turn red easily."

Yu Mingxia was stared at by her, and he let out an ah in a daze.

It was the first time for Yun Zhi to see her look like this, which was completely different from the calm and self-possessed look before, and he felt teased for a moment, and repeated ah along with her.

It's just that the sound is a little more teasing.

Seeing Yun Zhi's smiling eyes, Yu Mingxia pursed her lips and swallowed softly, her ears became hotter and hotter under her stare, she knew that she could explain a few words casually at this moment, but she couldn't say a word.

Don't even dare to refute.

In tension, but also in restraint.

Yun Zhiwei didn't notice her abnormality, chuckled, then leaned back, found the mobile phone from the handbag he had put aside just now, turned on the camera and pulled out the front camera.

Then he raised his hand and gently brushed her long hair behind her ears, and then put the front camera in front of her: "Here, look, is it red?"

Yu Mingxia's eyes did not look at the phone immediately, but fell on Yunzhi's slightly raised lips. Today, she has applied lip gloss, and her lips are full of color, as if they are shining brightly, very attractive.

Because of her approach, Yu Mingxia felt the clean and fresh scent of lime in his nostrils, as well as the slight warmth when her fingertips touched her cheek when she brushed her hair.

Yu Mingxia felt that his breathing was about to stop, and his heartbeat was almost piercing through his chest.

The original random movement, Yun Zhi also stagnated the moment he approached. The moment he met her eyes at close range, Yun Zhi remembered the dream from last night.

When she woke up from the dream, Yu Mingxia was beside her handing her hot milk, Yu Mingxia looked at her shyly and sincerely with a smile. She didn't know why she had such a dream, but when she suddenly thought of it under such circumstances, it inevitably made her feel a little more flustered, and she was not as calm as before.

She didn't think much about it just now, she just remembered the previous few encounters, the one in the suburbs was the one that impressed her most, she thought it was the weather that made Yu Mingxia prone to blush, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

Her fingertips were faintly hot, and she clearly realized that the silence between the two sides at the moment made the atmosphere unclear, and her behavior just now might have brought trouble to Yu Mingxia.

She hastily withdrew her hand, eyes dodging. The ear hair that she had lifted earlier fell down again. Just when he was about to apologize, he heard Yu Mingxia hum.

Even though the voice was faint, Yun Zhi still heard it.

Yun Zhi calmed down, seeing that Yu Mingxia just took the phone from her hand, slightly lowered his eyes and touched his earlobe with his fingertips, and pursed his lips slightly, his face full of incomprehension.

It was as if it was the first time that he found himself so easily blushed.

Not knowing whether it was to ease the embarrassment or from the heart, she suddenly said:

"So cute."


"I said you are so cute."

Yu Mingxia didn't know how to answer these words for a while, this was the first time she heard someone praise her for being cute in all these years.

But the person who praised her like this is Yun Zhi.

This feeling is very good.