A Friend Who I Loved for a Long Time

Chapter 39: Ridiculous


Yun Zhi blinked, and let out an ah.

Yu Mingxia rested his chin on his hand, raised his eyes to look at her, and repeated what he said just now with his lips bent: "Are you explaining to me?"

"Can't you explain it?" Yun Zhi asked seriously.

Yun Zhi's words threw the question to Yu Mingxia again.

Seeing her usual expression, I don't know if it's a deliberate cover-up or if she really thinks it's normal, but I think the latter is more likely. Yu Mingxia didn't ask any more questions, but nodded, "Yes."

"You are my good friend, I don't want to let you down, since I have made up my mind, I will definitely do it." Yun Zhi said confidently.

Yu Mingxia looked at her and was silent for two seconds, then smiled: "I know, you can do it."

There was silence in the office afterwards.

Afterwards, Yun Zhi returned to his desk, casually picked up the cup of coffee on the table, and quietly looked at Yu Mingxia.

It just so happened that Yu Mingxia turned over a page, causing Yun Zhi to subconsciously drink coffee to cover it up, forgetting the temperature for a moment, took a big gulp, and it made her softly hiss.

"What's wrong?" Yu Mingxia asked.

Yun Zhi smiled and shook his head: "No."

She just felt that Yu Mingxia seemed a little unhappy.

Yun Zhi sighed.

After get off work, Yunzhi went to the flower shop that is a must pass between the studio and home. Before going to work, Yunzhi always liked to buy a bouquet here, and put it on his desk to make him feel better.

The directions of L&Y and the studio are different, so Yunzhi has not been here during this period.

In the past, Yun Zhi was a frequent visitor to the flower shop. Even though she hadn't been here for a long time, the proprietress still recognized her at a glance.

As soon as she entered the door, she heard the greeting from the proprietress——

"I haven't seen you for a long time, have you left Yuncheng again or what?"

When he came to buy flowers in the past, Yunzhi often chatted with the proprietress, so the proprietress knew her better.

"The place of work has changed, so I don't pass by this street." Yunzhi explained.

"Then what flowers do you want to buy today? I'll send you this as a wish for your success at work." The proprietress looked at her with a smile and said.

"it is good."

During off-duty hours, besides two clerks, there are several young people who buy flowers in the flower shop.

"Small ice blue as usual?" the proprietress asked.

"No." Yun Zhi looked around for a week, his eyes fixed on the flower stand.

"That's hyacinth. The flower language means rebirth and hope, and it also expresses love. It's not the flowering season yet. I just planted it myself. Do you like it? If you like it, I will give it to you. I still have several pots."

The landlady's gaze swung between Yunzhi and the flower pot, then she walked to the flower stand and took out the flower pot.

The flower pot is only the size of a palm, and only one plant is planted in it, so it is very convenient to carry.

The flower shop has been open for two years, and Yun Zhi is the first batch of customers here, and he and the proprietress have a good relationship with each other, and they are also flower lovers.

So the proprietress is extraordinarily generous to Yunzhi, and she will give her something every time she comes, sometimes flowers and sometimes seeds.

And Yunzhi also opened an annual card here, and the money saved in it can't be used up in a few years.

In the end, Yunzhi did not reject the proprietress' kindness, and besides the hyacinths, Yunzhi also ordered two bunches of sunflowers, and agreed to deliver them to L&Y tomorrow.

Yun Zhi looked at the other flowers in the flower shop, waiting for the proprietress to pack the things.

There was noise from the street, Yun Zhi glanced at it, and saw a group of young people in blue clothes sweeping the street with brooms.

The words Yun Chuan Yi Xie were written on their clothes.

The noise just now was because they stopped someone from throwing garbage everywhere, and there was a small conflict between the two parties.

"Those are students from Yunchuan University. They have been helping sanitation workers clean the streets for the past two days. There were some stray cat rescue activities before. They are young and caring."

The proprietress handed her the packed flower pot, and seeing her looking at the group of students, she talked to her.

"They are all kind people," Yun Zhi smiled, and said again, "Thank you, then I'll go first."

"it is good!"

After bidding farewell to the proprietress, Yun Zhicai walked towards home.

It's only ten minutes away from the flower shop to home, Yun Zhi didn't take a taxi, and stopped in front of the zebra crossing to wait for the green light.

She felt her phone vibrate.

As if he had a premonition, Yun Zhi thought of Yu Mingxia's name before he took out his phone to check it.

After opening the phone, it really was Yu Mingxia's name on it.

Asking if she's home.

Yun Zhi chuckled, feeling that his guess was too accurate.

At the moment of replying to the message, Yun Zhi suddenly remembered that at this point in time, she seemed to be with Yu Mingxia most of the time.

Sometimes they have dinner together, sometimes they go out to play together, sometimes even if they are not together, Yu Mingxia will ask her what she is doing at this time.

During normal hours, Yunzhi's work and rest are relatively regular, which time to cook and which time to sleep, Yunzhi will unconsciously do it at the exact time.

And every time Yu Mingxia looks for her, she is almost free.

[not yet.]

[Have you finished the session yet?]

[Today I went to a flower shop I used to go to, and the proprietress gave me a pot of hyacinths.]

[It's not convenient to take pictures now, I'll show you when I get home.]

After sending the message, Yun Zhi looked up at the signal light. There was still 30 seconds left before the red light. When she looked away, she looked towards the sky, and then took a picture with her mobile phone.

Yu Mingxia had already replied to her about the previous message.

Yunzhi shared the photos he took with her.


[Look, the fire burns the cloud.]

After sending the message, the signal light almost turned green.

So after saying "talk at home" to her, he put away the phone.

The passing vehicles stopped, and Yun Zhi followed the crowd to cross the road, but suddenly heard a shout.

Yun Zhi paused, and looked to the right at the person calling her.

Qin Rou bit her lip, looked at her and called again: "Sister Yunzhi."

Yunzhi looked at her: "Is there something wrong?"

Strange to say, she didn't have the slightest dislike for Qin Rou, even though the meeting and communication between them last time was not friendly.

When I saw her wearing a coat with the words "Yun Chuan Yi Xie" on it, I knew she was still a college student.

In fact, she found out last time that although Qin Rou's temptation to her was purposeful, it was also straightforward, and it was easy for people to see her intentions.

So her impression of Qin Rou is not that bad. According to Nan Qiao, the two of them have broken up, so Yun doesn't know Qin Rou's intention to stop her at this moment.

Qin Rou looked around, and the nearest one was a milk tea shop.

"Can I buy you a cup of milk tea?" Qin Rou seemed worried about being rejected, and said, "Coffee is also okay, but it's far away, and the restaurants nearby are crowded and a bit noisy."

"Just interrupt you for a while, okay?"

Yun Zhi could tell that Qin Rou had something to say to her.

At this time, the signal light had also turned red, Yun Zhi pursed her lips, seeing that she looked a little nervous.

Yun Zhi finally nodded.

The milk tea shop was less than 50 meters away from them, and they arrived in a short while.

The store was playing popular songs, and there were only a few scattered people waiting for milk tea. They seemed to be very busy, and there were not many people sitting in the seats.

The two found a window seat.

"What do you need?" Yun Zhi asked Qin Rou, not intending to ask her to ask for it.

"I'll come, you sit down."

Under Qin Rou's insistence, Yun Zhi didn't get up and said "lemonade", and sat down on the seat with peace of mind.

This time meeting Qin Rou seemed to have changed a lot, she was indescribably attentive.

In fact, she could guess that it was related to Nan Qiao.

But she felt that was not all.

I don't know the reason, but thinking that she will definitely say it herself later, Yun Zhi didn't think about it any more.

Two minutes ago, Yu Mingxia sent her a message.

It was a reply to her previous picture of Huoshaoyun.


[Look, Huoshaoyun from another angle.]

[are you home yet?]

Yun Zhi clicked on the picture, zoomed in on the picture below, and felt that it was redder than the one she took, so he asked:

[Did you add a filter?]

[Not yet, I met someone I knew on the road and asked me to have a cup of milk tea.]

Yu Mingxia: [It was discovered, because the camera function of the mobile phone comes with a filter.]


At this time, Qin Rou handed over the lemonade she asked for, and Yun Zhi took a photo and sent it over.

Seeing her movements and expressions, Qin Rou felt a little tangled in her heart.

Seeing Qin Rou sitting down in front of her, Yun Zhi put away her phone, looked up at her, and asked, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"I broke up with Nan Qiao," Qin Rou said again, "less than half a month."

Yun Zhi didn't answer, he inserted the straw and took a sip of lemonade, waiting for her third sentence.

"But I didn't want to talk about it, I just wanted to thank you for your reminder." Qin Rou lowered her eyes.

Yun Zhi looked at her. Compared with her that day, Qin Rou looked much more silent at this time, and she didn't see a bright smile on her face along the way.

"Sister Yunzhi, do you think I look like you?" Qin Rou looked up at her.

Yun Zhi could see the bitterness in her eyes, and didn't understand what she said, but he still said truthfully: "It's not like."

"But my roommates say it does," Qin Rou smiled at her. "In the past two days, your photos have been leaked on the Internet. I have two roommates who usually like to look at the things you take. When they saw your photos, they said I Like you."

Yun Zhi was silent for two seconds, and vaguely began to understand what Qin Rou wanted to say.

"Everyone sees different things in their eyes. You are who you are, why should you feel like someone else?"

Qin Rou forced a smile: "Don't comfort me, I understand. At first I kept refuting them when I heard this, but later I understood that no matter how I refute some things, they are still true."

Knowing that Qin Rou couldn't listen to her now, she didn't comfort her anymore, but just listened to her quietly.

"I met Nan Qiao on the afternoon of July 3rd. I was rushing to participate in a dance competition. There was a car accident on the road. The owner of the car was Nan Qiao. I fell in love with her at first sight."

Nan Qiao's appearance is the type that many girls would like, so it is not unusual for Yun Zhi to fall in love at first sight.

"Originally, my injury was not serious, and I was also responsible. Nan Qiao sent me to the hospital to register. I didn't dare to tell my family because I failed to participate in the dance competition. It was Nan Qiao who helped me in those few days. Busy up and down, I heard that I am still in college, and she covered all my expenses."

Yun Zhi listened quietly, she understood that what Qin Rou said was not to recall Nan Qiao with her.

What made Yunzhi feel silent was that on her birthday, which was also the last day of her solo photography exhibition, Nan Qiao said that she was busy with work and was actually taking care of Qin Rou.

Clearly, such purposeful care goes beyond simply caring for the victim.

"Do you know? Actually, she was angry when she bumped into me and got out of the car, but after she saw my face, her attitude changed," Qin Rou laughed, as if mocking herself, "I have been praised since childhood Looks good, at that moment I thought she was conquered by my beauty, haha."

Even though she was smiling, Yun Zhi could hear the helplessness and sourness in her words.

"It wasn't until a few days ago that I realized, ah, it's not because of my beauty, it's just because I look like you."

Even though Qin Rou said this sentence again and again, Yun Zhi still didn't think they were similar.

However, at a certain moment, she remembered Jiang Yuan'an's words.

—I heard that girl looks a bit like you.

In fact, this is not the first time Yunzhi has heard such words, as early as when Nan Qiao first fell in love, she had heard such whispers from others.

At that time, Yun Zhi only thought it was because he had a good relationship with her, so that person said that on purpose.

Even so, Yun Zhi couldn't think of the reason why Nan Qiao did this.

According to them.

You rejected me, but found someone who looked like me.

Yun Zhi didn't understand the logic of this.

"Actually, before I met Nan Qiao, I just lost my relationship. During that time, my relationship was not smooth, my friends had conflicts, and my studies were also hindered. It was very painful." Qin Rou burst into tears after saying this.

Yun Zhi could see that Qin Rou had held back her tears for a long time, and the tears that swirled in her eyes did not slip out until she said this.

Yun Zhi pursed her lips, took out a tissue from her bag, and handed it to her.

"Thank you," Qin Rou breathed a sigh of relief, "When people are in pain, they like to grab things that they think are life-saving straws. Nan Qiao was like me at the time, so I put all my feelings on her, even if it's just two A small injury that can be discharged from the hospital in just one day, I delayed it for a week, but I asked her to accompany me when I could do things by myself. She is very good and will respond to me almost everything."

"In retrospect, I feel that I am a smart person, but Nan Qiao will agree to me. She is very tolerant and patient."

"In this way, Nan Qiao filled the vacancy in my previous relationship. I no longer worry about those things and fell in love with her."

Qin Rou's words unfolded in Yun Zhi's mind like a picture scroll, how they met and how they got along.

Yun Zhi couldn't say a word.

"Because I cherish Nan Qiao very much because of the previous experience of being broken in love, I will test her feelings and inquire about her life. In mid-July, I saw the message you sent with her. You have an appointment with Yunshan Temple. I asked Can she take me with her? She rejected me at first, but I can tell that she cares about you very much and is very happy every time she replies to your message, just like when we go to an art gallery, she will take pictures and want to send them to you. "

"She didn't take me there. The more I thought about it, the more angry I became. I asked her in the morning if she liked you. She denied it, as if to coax me, and took me to another temple, which was the time you made an appointment with."

—Sorry, know, I have something to do temporarily.

This sentence suddenly appeared in front of Yun Zhi's eyes.

It's really temporary.

"I thought about it for the past two days. At first, I thought it was because I was afraid that I would notice you when I saw you. Later, when I stopped lying to myself, I realized that I was actually afraid that you would see me." Qin Rou's eyes were red, "I think too much too much."

"I'm sorry, because I cared too much about her, I was hostile to you before, and even broke the agreement between you and her, I'm sorry." Qin Rou had already figured it out in a few days.

Yun Zhi is the most innocent, and the one who is at fault is Nan Qiao.

Even though Nan Qiao sincerely apologized to her when they broke up, it made her suffer for a long time.

Because I couldn't think of the reason, I even attributed the fault to myself at one time, thinking that I had done too much.

So even though Nan Qiao apologized and explained, she didn't believe it for a while and wanted to get back together.

"You're right, no need to apologize."

Yun Zhi, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke out.

She didn’t even know how to comfort Qin Rou.

When meeting Yun Zhi for the first time, Qin Rou felt a sense of crisis. Yun Zhi looked too gentle, and sometimes she even felt that he had overlaps with Nan Qiao's gentleness.

This made her uneasy, so when they met, even though she knew that Yun Zhi was warning her, she turned a deaf ear to it and tried to test her to warn her instead.

"The thing you reminded me that time, I actually understood it at the time, but I am a person who is easily dominated by emotions when I am in a relationship, so I am more likely to test you, warn you, and even feel that as long as she can It doesn't matter if you're with me, I'm sorry."

After ending the emotional pain for a period of time, Qin Rou's rationality also returned a lot, and she also began to understand that Yun Zhi at that time might be advising her as someone who had experienced it.

"There's no need to apologize," Yun Zhi smiled, not wanting her to be so sad again, and said again, "I only heard blessings from your words, I should thank you."

Knowing that Yun Zhi was comforting her, Qin Rou lowered her head and remained silent for a while, before saying again after a long time:

"The only thing I can be sure of is that she likes you, but what is also certain is that she doesn't want to like you. During the time we were together, Nan Qiao didn't have any intimate behavior towards me, and she didn't seem to regard me as you Instead, I want to forget you through me."

"When I asked her if she liked you, she would deny it. The photos I took and wanted to send to you were deleted before sending them out. I don't know the situation between you, but I think I should tell you."

After waking up, Qin Rou no longer pursued that illusory relationship, but she also didn't want to remember Nan Qiao with hatred.

When she saw Yun Zhi, she thought that perhaps the person in front of her was the only one she could confide in.

After telling everything, Nan Qiao will be a complete passerby to her.

Yun Zhi's mind was in a mess, receiving too much information.

The reason why Nan Qiao missed the appointment, lied to her, and cheated on another girl.

Now that she fully understands, she never really understood Nan Qiao from the beginning to the end.

What lives in her memory, what she misses and likes may be the girl in high school who cried because she cried and laughed because she laughed.

She thought it was ridiculous.

She probably understood why Nan Qiao would suddenly ask her to stay every time she wanted to leave.

Maybe, Nan Qiao just wanted to let go of this relationship first, but he couldn't let go of his worries due to various reasons.

Suddenly, she realized that when Nan Qiao made her struggle and suffer, she was also struggling.

Yun Zhi thought all this was ridiculous.

"When you see hope, you must try to hold on to it. If you lose hope, let it go. This is what my mother taught me before. I didn't really understand what she meant until now."

After talking about all this, Qin Rou's mood improved a lot.

Because there was hope at the time, he was hostile towards Yun Zhi and played cautiously.

Because there is no hope, she is honest with Yunzhi.

She apologized to Yun Zhi, but it wasn't all about apology, there were many complicated emotions.

But these emotions are not worth the gratitude to her.

Yun Zhi came back to his senses, looked at Qin Rou, as if he saw himself.

If she heard this half a month ago, maybe she would be as sad and painful as Qin Rou and even cry.

But now there are only absurd and ridiculous words in her mind.

"Don't be sad, it's not worth it." Yunzhi comforted her softly, "After you walk out of the milk tea shop, forget about these things, I don't blame you, and you don't blame me, live your own lives well, don't repeat the same mistakes .”

Qin Rou pursed her lips, she knew she couldn't hide it from Yun Zhi. In the saddest moment at first, when she first heard her roommate say that she looked like Yunzhi, she hated Yunzhi, and blamed her unreasonably in her heart.

After Yun Zhi said this, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, looked at the flower pot she had just placed on the corner of the table, and asked Qin Rou:

"Have you ever raised flowers?"

Qin Rou nodded: "Nursed."

Yun Zhi moved the flower pot in front of her: "It's a courtesy, I'll give you these flowers."

Qin Rou looked at the flower pot in front of her, and she could faintly see the flowers inside through the packaging bag.

She worked part-time in a flower shop and had memorized some flower language.

Hyacinth represents hope and rebirth.

This is a blessing to her.

After Yun Zhi delivered the flowers, he got up from his seat: "Thank you for the hospitality, I hope that the next time we meet, it will not be because of these things."

Qin Rou suddenly discovered the gap between tenderness and tenderness.

It is the difference between Yun Zhi and Nan Qiao, and also the difference between true and false.

It wasn't until Yun Zhi walked out of the milk tea shop that Qin Rou came back to her senses, holding the small flower pot, and stopped Yun Zhi again.

At the door of the store, Yunzhi stopped and looked at the girl who suddenly rushed in front of her, and heard her say—

"Do you remember what you reminded me earlier?"

After realizing her intention, Yun Zhi smiled and nodded: "Don't worry."

Yun Zhi didn't go home, but went to the nearest embankment.

It was getting dark, the street lights were on, and the streets were bustling.

Yun Zhi just leaned against the guardrail of the river embankment and blew the wind for a while, without thinking about anything.

After an unknown amount of time, her cell phone rang suddenly.

Seeing that the caller was Yu Mingxia, Yun Zhi adjusted his mood and answered the call.

"You said what time will I be on camera tomorrow?"

Yun Zhi: "At three o'clock in the afternoon, I will call you then, don't worry."

"Okay," Yu Mingxia paused and asked again, "Where's the promised hyacinth?"

It was only then that Yunzhi remembered that she had promised Yu Mingxia to show her hyacinths when she got home.

"Give it away, I can only show it to you next time."

"Don't you like it very much? Why did you suddenly give it away?"

Yun Zhi was silent for a few seconds, did not answer her question, and asked her instead: "What's the matter? Do you like it? I'll buy you another pot tomorrow?"

The other end of the receiver was also quiet for a while, but instead of answering her, he asked her directly: "Where are you?"

Yun Zhi glanced around, and replied, "Blow the evening wind on the river bank."

Did not hear the answer, Yun Zhi said again: "The wind here is so cool at night."

She heard a rustling sound, and after a while she heard Yu Mingxia say again: "Really? I don't believe it."

Yun Zhi was thinking about how to prove it, when she heard her say, "Is it Hebin Road?"

Yun Zhi was stunned: "How do you know?"

"wait for me."