A Friend Who I Loved for a Long Time

Chapter 64: I like you


"This time the new product is promoted, you should pay more attention to it, and don't make low-level mistakes again."

After Yu Chuxue finished speaking, she returned the planning copy in her hand to the person behind her.

The head of the Propaganda Department nodded repeatedly, and then led the assistant behind him to leave after seeing that she hadn't spoken any more.

"What are you thinking? You haven't said a word all afternoon." Yu Chuxue looked at Yu Mingxia beside him who hadn't said a word.

Qu Lan also looked at Yu Mingxia strangely: "Is there something on your mind?"

Yu Mingxia hesitated to speak, looked at his watch, it was time to get off work, and the work was over, so he was about to bid farewell to the two of them.

She plans to try to confess tonight, no matter what method she uses, she must express her heart.

But before she could make a sound, she saw Yun Zhi walking towards her in the distance of the corridor.

It's more like running than walking, her skirt draws a beautiful arc in the air.

Yu Mingxia walked towards Yunzhi.

As soon as he met her eyes, before he could make a sound, Yun Zhi suddenly hugged her.

Yun Zhi's hands were strong, and he hugged her waist tightly, leaning his head on her shoulder, probably tired from running all the way, and his face was still a little hot.

It took a while for Yu Mingxia's hands to fall to her sides, before he realized it. He placed them on her back and patted them lightly.

She had never seen Yunzhi lose control like this before. They were standing in the corridor on the twelfth floor, and there were few people standing around.

Yunzhi's current behavior is undoubtedly the rumor that they were in love before it was confirmed.

Yu Mingxia could feel her abnormal emotions, and asked her in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

Yu Mingxia's gentle voice was undoubtedly the biggest tear-jerker to Yun Zhi at this moment, and her eyes began to be sour after only a moment.

She is very uncomfortable.

Mingming had the opportunity to meet Yu Mingxia back then.

She felt strange why she always felt that the photos were not suitable for the person. She only regarded it as an atmosphere exaggeration, and what she liked was Pei Wenna in that atmosphere at that time.

Only now did I realize that it was not Pei Wenna from the beginning to the end, but Yu Mingxia.

If it was Yu Mingxia, everything would be right.

She finally understood why Nan Qiao never asked Yu Mingxia to take pictures for her.

Because she knew from the beginning to the end that the person she liked back then was Yu Mingxia.

Because Nan Qiao didn't want her to like Yu Mingxia.

Why would anyone be so bad.

"We just took up Ming Xia's time for a while, right? Why are you so clingy?" Qu Lan joked aside, not forgetting to dismiss the people who watched the fun, "The one who should get off work, the one who should go on a date, Stop eating dog food."

Yu Chuxue glanced at the two of them, feeling a little relieved in her heart.

Looking at the situation, Ming Xia is not far from getting what he wanted.

"Let's go." Yu Chuxue and Qu Lan said.

After the two left, Yun Zhi slowly let go of his hand, and looked up at Yu Mingxia.

Yu Mingxia looked at her reddish eyes, caressed her face distressedly, and said softly, "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Yun Zhi shook his head, and then whispered, "I want to go home."

"Then I'll take you home." Yu Mingxia stroked her hair, took her hand, and walked towards the stairs.

Along the way, Yu Mingxia didn't ask Yun Zhi what happened, and wanted to wait until she was willing to speak up.

Yun Zhi didn't speak, but all his eyes fell on Yu Mingxia along the way.

Whether in the car or while driving.

Yu Mingxia sighed, seeing Yun Zhi's pitiful and wronged expression, as if she was about to cry in the next second, she felt uncomfortable and wanted to know what happened urgently.


Yu Mingxia tilted his head to look at Yunzhi, seeing that the corners of her lips drooped and her eyes were reddish, she couldn't ask any questions she wanted to ask.

"What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you when I get home." Yu Mingxia coaxed her, wanting to make her happy, but Yun Zhi was even more sad. She shook her head and stopped looking at her, looking out the window.

Yu Mingxia pursed her lips and said no more, she remembered that Yun Zhi said that her tears were low, she felt distressed and helpless, so she could only increase the speed of the car.

"You sleep for a while, I'll give you dinner, you can eat when you wake up," Yu Mingxia brought Yunzhi to the bedroom after returning home, trying to make her lie down.

Yu Mingxia's gentleness and non-inquiry made Yunzhi feel even more uncomfortable. She sat on the bed and put her arms around Yu Mingxia's waist, leaning her head against her waist, and softly called: "Mingxia."

Yu Mingxia stood in front of the bed, stroked her hair, and hummed.

"May I ask you for a wish." Yun Zhi's voice was low, because of the previous silence, his voice was a little hoarse at the moment.

"What wish do you want to make?" Yu Mingxia kept moving his hands, and his soothing movements became more and more gentle.

"If I say something that you don't want to accept, can you not alienate me, don't leave me, don't...don't ignore me." Yun Zhi murmured.

"How could I ignore you?" Yu Mingxia listened quietly, and said softly, "I promise you, I won't alienate you, I won't leave you, and I won't ignore you."

After receiving her affirmative answer, Yun Zhi's hanging heart gradually landed.

"I..." Yun Zhi plucked up the courage to speak out in a low voice, "I... I like you."

The moment he heard these words, Yu Mingxia paused on her hairy hand: "You just said... what?"

Unusual, Yu Mingxia also panicked.

She thought that Yun Zhi might have a crush on her, but she never thought that he would take the initiative to confess his love to her.

"I like you, not because I like friends, but because I want to fall in love with you, hold hands, hug and kiss in the street, and sleep with each other in the middle of the night," Yun Zhiyue said in a lower voice, as if he was afraid of Yu Mingxia. Leaving her, she hugged her arms a little more vigorously, and she was still muttering, "I know that my confession must surprise you now, and you think I'm unruly and ruined the friendship between you and me. But I really thought about it for a long time, and I don't want to lose you."

"I was always afraid of losing you as a friend if I failed in my confession, so I tried very hard to chase you, but I was so stupid that I didn't seem to let you feel my feelings. You seemed to be only good to my friends."

"Yesterday I heard Yu Chuxue say that Pei Wenna likes you. I thought you liked her too. I'm so sad. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to see you treat others well. I don't want to see you become someone else's girlfriend. Ming Xia, and If I get along well, I will definitely treat you well."

Yun Zhi spoke incoherently, and as he spoke, Yu Mingxia felt that the clothes on her waist and abdomen were soaked, so she returned to her senses and squatted down, looking at Yun Zhi's eyes, gently wiping her tears with her fingertips, and said softly: "It's finally here."

Yun Zhi looked up at her, and was greeted by Yu Mingxia's light kiss.

Yu Mingxia's kiss landed on her eyelashes, eyebrows, and then a soft sigh: "Zhizhi, I like you too, for a long, long time."

With red eyes, Yun Zhi asked softly, "Then are you my girlfriend now?"

Yu Mingxia bent his lips and nodded: "Well, I'm yours."

It's yours from start to finish.

At this moment, Yu Mingxia knew that tears would overflow from being extremely happy.

"Yu Mingxia is Yun Zhi's girlfriend." Yun Zhi imitated her previous movements, gently wiping the corners of her eyes with his fingertips, and murmured softly.

Yu Mingxia raised his head slightly, let her touch, and repeated according to her words: "Yun Zhi is Yu Mingxia's girlfriend."

Before speaking, Yun Zhi was already prepared for Yu Mingxia to issue a good friend card, thinking that she would reject her with gentle words.

But I never thought that she would tell her so gently, and also liked her.

Yun Zhi felt like a tearful person now, the tears in his eyes couldn't be stopped, it was because he was happy to confess his success, to have Yu Mingxia, and he was also happy to make up for the regrets of that year.

She didn't miss the person she liked at first sight.

Going around, the person she likes is still Yu Mingxia.

"Don't cry, Zhizhi." Yu Mingxia felt uncomfortable watching her cry.

Obviously logically speaking, it is she who likes to get what she wants for many years, and she is the one who should cry the most, but Yun Zhi cries worse than her.

Yun Zhi obediently held back tears, bit his lip, and didn't think about what happened back then.

"So today Zhizhi hugged me suddenly because he was afraid of being rejected for confessing?" Yu Mingxia gently stroked her cheek, trying to help her dry her tears.

Unexpectedly, this question made Yun Zhi cry even more.

"I… "

"I found the wrong person."

"The back view I took was not Pei Wenna at all."

"Pei Wenna said that she lent you the drawing board that day."

"Before she transferred to another school, she gave Nan Qiao the photo and asked her to convey the message to me, but Nan Qiao didn't give it to me..."

Yun Zhi spoke out one sentence at a time, and at the end she cried louder. She once again felt the pain when the camera was thrown away. The shock and regret were like a sharp knife cutting at the tip of her heart. with.

Obviously she had a chance to meet Yu Mingxia in high school.

If she hadn't found the wrong person at that time, if Nan Qiao hadn't concealed it, would she have liked Yu Mingxia a long time ago, and she wouldn't have said that about Yu Mingxia in her third year of high school, which made her feel sad.

"I'm sorry, I just found out that the person I liked back then was you." Yun Zhi bit his lip and said the words little by little.

To Yun Zhi, it was a pity and a blow, but to Yu Mingxia, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Her fingertips rested on Yunzhi's cheek, but she couldn't caress and comfort her like before.

Say it's okay

How can it be all right.

In those hopeless times, she can only rely on Yunzhi in the memory of drawing on paper to fill her missing.

She thought they had never met before, and the Yunzhi she remembered always looked into the distance with a bright smile, with flowers, mountains and rivers, warmth and love in her eyes, but none of these things fell on her.

Only now did she know that Yun Zhi had looked at her before, even before Nan Qiao.

No wonder Nan Qiao was so hostile to her before, and he did not hesitate to turn back and humiliate her to warn her.

It turns out that the love letter is not the source.

The source of everything is Yun Zhi's liking and Nan Qiao's jealousy.

It took a long time for Yu Mingxia to know how to suppress the grievance and anger in his heart, and comforted her in a low voice: "I know, don't cry anymore, it's over."

"But I'm so uncomfortable, Ming Xia, I obviously have the opportunity to know you, and I have liked you since I was a freshman in high school."

It's even possible that she won't go through Nan Qiao and waste nine years on her.

Every word Yun Zhi said was like a thorn in Yu Mingxia's heart.

Everything that Yunzhi regrets is her regret and pain.

But there are many, many things that Yun Zhi doesn't know, Nan Qiao's warning, the love letter thrown away by Nan Qiao, and even her love for more than ten years.

Because of a bad thing Nan Qiao did, she has been crying for almost two hours.

If she knew about those things, how would she cry? Thinking of this, Yu Mingxia felt even more distressed.

"Zhizhi, don't cry, okay?" Yu Mingxia kissed her eyes, comforting her, "We will have many, many years, and we will not be separated in the future, okay?"

Yun Zhi choked, and nodded his head after a long while.

The first time she saw Yu Mingxia at the old bus station, she felt that he was very eye-catching, and that he was the type she would like.

But she has her own principles, so she classifies Yu Mingxia as a friend.

If the first year of high school knew that that person was Yu Mingxia, at least they would become friends, if not more than that.

In her wasted time, Yu Mingxia's name should have been in her heart.

But all of this was ruined by Nan Qiao.

Seeing that Yunzhi had calmed down, Yu Mingxia hugged her for a while.

Joy and pain intertwined in her heart, making her speechless.

The two hugged for a long time, until there was a grunt in the room, Yu Mingxia slowly let go of her, and asked in a low voice, "Are you hungry?"

Yun Zhi's eyes were still red, and he nodded, "I'm a little hungry."

Yu Mingxia lifted the quilt on the bed, and said softly to her, "Go to sleep for a while, I'll cook, and I'll eat when you wake up."

Yun Zhi shook her head like a rattle, hugged her again, and whispered, "I don't want to sleep."

"Aren't you tired?" Yu Mingxia asked softly.

Yun Zhi still shook his head, coquettishly: "I'm afraid my girlfriend will disappear if I wake up."

Yu Mingxia bent his lips, stroked her hair, and said softly: "I should be the one to be afraid of, you know."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her body and kissed Yunzhi's lips, looking straight into her eyes with serious eyes: "I love you, Zhizhi."

Yun Zhi stared at her blankly, feeling his heart beating violently.

"So, don't think about it, don't even think about leaving me in the future." Yu Mingxia touched the corner of her lips and said softly.

Yu Mingxia's voice was full of charm, her ears were numb, and the corners of her lips that were kissed by her were even hotter.

Yu Mingxia's gentleness at this moment is different from the past, it is a bit more domineering now, making no secret of her possessiveness.

It made Yun Zhi feel a little more real.

Yu Mingxia was her girlfriend.

Yu Mingxia also liked her.

She was with Yu Mingxia.

She will not lose Yu Mingxia anymore.

Cognitions hit her one after another, until Yu Mingxia left, Yun Zhi lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, clutching the position of his heart, listening to it beating violently.

When she was happy, she thought of Pei Wenna and Nan Qiao again.

She felt bad again.

Even knowing that no matter how many regrets and regrets, there is no way to change the reality, Yun Zhi still can't help but assume.

Assuming that she is uncomfortable again.

In the kitchen, Yu Mingxia had just washed the vegetables and was about to cut them when she heard soft footsteps. She was about to speak when she was suddenly hugged.

Yun Zhi hugged her waist and leaned against her back, calling her: "Ming Xia."

"Yeah," Yu Mingxia cut vegetables lightly, and asked in a low voice, "Can't you sleep?"

After crying for so long, she must be tired now, so Yu Mingxia let her sleep for a while.

"I miss you."

Yu Mingxia paused for a moment, then smiled lightly: "You know, I just left for less than ten minutes."

"Well, I know," Yun Zhi said again, "but I just want to."

Yu Mingxia didn't expect Yun Zhi to be so clingy when it comes to love.

Of course, she also loves her clinginess.

Very pleasantly surprised, very happy.

"Ming Xia."


"I've been chasing you for a long time, why didn't you notice? Is my method too stupid?"

Yun Zhi's voice was calm, and he didn't sound resentful, as if he was just curious.

Yu Mingxia paused with his fingers, and replied, "I'm too stupid."

Then he seriously thought about Yun Zhi's recent behavior, and it seemed that there were some abnormalities. Perhaps those abnormalities were what Yun Zhi called "chasing".

Because he had experienced disappointment before, Yu Mingxia restrained his thoughts. From Yunzhi's point of view, these things can be put in the position of friends.

Apart from…

"You mean that I was afraid that the insects came to sleep with me last night and kissed me during the day?"

"Well, it's obviously more than that. I also made an excuse to ask you to help me braid my hair. I said that I was secretly holding your hand because I was afraid of a fall. Someone said that physical contact can make people more easily moved."

Yun Zhi spoke seriously and did not notice Yu Mingxia's pause.

It took Yu Mingxia a while to turn around.

Yun Zhi let go of her.

Yu Mingxia lowered his eyes slowly, and asked with a light smile, "What should I do? I'm too stupid to see Zhizhi's thoughts at all, and I have been chasing Zhizhi for so long."

Yun Zhi snorted softly, as if saying: Just know.

Yu Mingxia smiled: "Then you punish me, okay?"

Yun Zhimu: "How to punish?"

"Kiss me, bite me like you did in the morning, and let me be questioned by Chuxue and Qulan the next day."

"Ah? No... no, I didn't do it on purpose this morning." Yun Zhi hesitated.

After a while, without hearing Yu Mingxia's answer, Yun Zhicai slowly approached Yu Mingxia, kissed Yu Mingxia lightly on her lips, and then bit her lips gently.

Rather than biting, she teased her lips with her teeth.

Yu Mingxia turned around with a chuckle, and whispered to her, "Zhizhi, I can't cook with peace of mind when you're here."

"I can do it too."

"I don't need it today, next time." Yu Mingxia stroked her shoulder and pushed her out of the kitchen.

Yun Zhi curled his lips, and after being pushed away, he leaned on the kitchen door to peek again.

The relationship between them transitioned naturally, without any discomfort.

Yun Zhicai slowly realized that it might be because their previous line was not deep at all.

Thinking of this, Yun Zhi became much happier, and even annoyed that perhaps she shouldn't have hesitated for so long, afraid to confess.

After all the dishes were put on the table, Yu Mingxia noticed that Yun Zhi was taking pictures of the table seriously, and then he lowered his head and tapped on the keyboard of his mobile phone.

Yunzhi noticed her gaze, raised his head and smiled at her, hooked her hand with his little finger, shook the phone in his hand at her, and said in a soft voice: "Xia Xia, like it."

Yu Mingxia first looked down at the palm that was hooked by her, and held her hand instead, before looking up at the screen.

[Girlfriend's dinner is so delicious[Picture][Picture]]

Less than a minute after it was posted, there are already countless likes and question marks underneath.

They were all asking her when she fell in love and who she was with.

Among the replies, only Jiang Yuanan's reply mentioned her name.

[It's Yu Mingxia! ! !]

Yu Mingxia bent his lips.

Yun Zhi bowed his head and responded to Jiang Yuan'an's news bombardment, not noticing Yu Mingxia's actions.

After a while, when she clicked into the circle of friends again, a new circle of friends appeared.

The time was two minutes ago, and Yu Mingxia posted a photo of the two of them together.

The accompanying text only has two simple words "Yunzhi".

That group photo was taken by Yun Zhi a long time ago, only with big heads and relatively close together.

The comments below were even more interesting. Their mutual friends were hardly surprised. Yu Chuxue and Qu Lan's replies were only blessings, as if they had known it for a long time.

"You seem so casual to me, and why aren't Yu Chuxue and Qu Lan surprised?"

Yun Zhi bowed his head and imitated Yu Mingxia's copywriting and pictures, and reposted it.

In the past, Yun Zhi felt that the official announcement was childish, but now he feels happy.

Now all friends know that she and Yu Mingxia are in a relationship, and it's not a fake relationship to avoid something, but a real relationship because of liking.

"Maybe," Yu Mingxia paused, and helped her pick up food as usual, "You just can't see that I like you."

"Really? When? Why don't I know? Tell me quickly." Yun Zhi asked.

"Think slowly," Yu Mingxia handed the bowl and chopsticks in front of her, and said, "Eat first."

Yun Zhi curled her lips, suppressed her curiosity, and thought about those things that she had ignored.

Seeing her calm down obediently, Yu Mingxia bent his lips and chuckled, more obedient than before.

After eating, Yun Zhi was still struggling with that question.

Yu Mingxia seemed to have always been very kind to her, but she couldn't tell which link was enough for Yu Mingxia to spoil the friendship.

"It doesn't matter when, you just need to know that I'm tempted before you, and never worry that I'll leave you." Yu Mingxia didn't want to see her struggling, so he spoke out in a soothing voice.

"Then you are not allowed to think about others in the future." Yun Zhi paused, and then said, "Me too, we don't talk about the past, you have to love me now, and only like you me wholeheartedly."

Yun Zhi's tone was domineering, Yu Mingxia nodded.

Don't mention things that will make her sad.

In the evening, after taking a shower, the two nestled on the sofa to watch TV.

The difference is that today, the two of them are no longer sitting on one side as usual, but nestled together.

Yun Zhi was lying in Yu Mingxia's arms, and there were washed grapes on the tea table, which would be fed to her every once in a while.

Occasionally, Yun Zhi felt that Yu Mingxia was watching too seriously and kissed her on purpose to disturb her.

"It's time to sleep." Yu Mingxia reminded.

"Oh sleep," Yun Zhi hooked her skirt with her fingertips.

Yu Mingxia asked again: "Sleeping separately or..."

"What do you think?" Yun Zhi frowned tightly, dissatisfied with Yu Mingxia's question.

"When we were friends, we could lie in the same bed. Why can't we sleep together when we are lovers?" Yun Zhi said angrily and bit her earlobe.

Yu Mingxia's ears warmed up instantly, and he replied softly, "I'll just ask."

"Don't ask, go to bed quickly." Yun Zhi interrupted her domineeringly.

In fact, Yun Zhi was only domineering in her mouth and panicked in her heart. She didn't know much about this aspect.

I was also worried that Yu Mingxia would feel too fast.