A Guest in a Ghost House

Chapter 584: Escape ghost ointment


There was a strange sound outside the door, and I turned my head to look, frowning involuntarily.

From the slowly opened door, countless water began to flow in, and it was almost close to where I was sitting in a short while. At the same time, I also smelled a familiar smell of the sea.

This is sea water, I struggled to stand up, looked angrily at the door that was still open, and let the sea water submerge my feet.

The slight sound of dripping water was getting closer, and not long after, a man in a windbreaker appeared at the door. Although he was facing me this time, he couldn't see his face because of the backlight.

"Lord of Fanlou, hehe."

"It's you, go to hell."

I directly transformed into a ghost body and rushed over, the long nails formed by Yin Qi in my hand were like sharp swords, and went straight to his head. The man in the windbreaker let out a contemptuous laugh, and slowly twisted open the small bottle in his hand.

A strange fragrance appeared in my nasal cavity, which immediately overwhelmed the strong fishy smell of the sea.

An irresistible impulse appeared in my heart, and the yin energy on my body seemed to be uncontrollable, and as I approached, the smell became more and more difficult to resist.

"Ah." I yelled, and turned my head away from the man in the windbreaker forcefully. My nails pierced my palm deeply, suppressing the longing in my heart with severe pain.

"Hey. It's hard. Do you want to try it? It's delicious."

The man in the windbreaker stretched out the bottle towards me. Although I couldn't see his face, I could still imagine the smug smile on his face now.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

I resisted the temptation, the uncontrollable surge of Yin Qi in my body made my ghost body shake a little.

The man in the windbreaker smiled: "Haha, I only want one subordinate, it seems that you are more suitable."


"Dreaming? Hehe, I don't think so. By the way, my subordinates have to do things. Well, I will tell you what I want you to do later."


After the man in the windbreaker finished speaking, he poured the ghost ointment in the bottle onto the half-collapsed shelf on one side.

"You can't resist anymore, now go back to Fanlou pretending nothing happened, hahaha."

The man in the windbreaker laughed and walked away, the sea water on the ground began to flow out of the door, while I looked at the ghost paste poured on the sundry rack with red eyes, and the yin energy continued to extend towards the place where the ghost paste was.

No, the ghost body's resistance to ghost ointment is too low. I seemed to have exhausted all my strength to transform myself into a human body. At this time, I was horrified to find that my hand was only a finger away from the bottle.

Although the body's resistance to ghost ointment has improved a lot, it still can't resist it, as if it has been hungry for a century, and the stomach keeps convulsing.

No, no, I yelled, pushed open the door and ran out, looking for a random direction and running wildly. Just when the broken house was about to disappear behind me, the voice of the man in the windbreaker seemed to ring in my ears.

"Fresh soul can make you less dependent on ghost ointment, go, go."

I ignored it, and now I am in a trance, and I don't even know if I really heard this sentence.

As the distance expanded, the strange fragrance lingering in the nasal cavity became much weaker. I stopped weakly and tried to transform into a ghost body. The ghost body is too sensitive to the ghost ointment.

Even though it was so far away, I still almost couldn't resist the temptation and rushed over. He hastily turned back to his body and lay weakly on the grass. Although he didn't know why the other party did this, it was obvious that he had successfully ruined me, and it was very likely that he would use me to disadvantage Fanlou.

I can't be used by it, but I really don't have the confidence to resist the attraction of ghost paste. After thinking for a long time, I plan to tell Fanlou about someone's plot, and I will leave here, as long as I stay away from ghost paste, maybe it will be like Just like detoxification, it only takes time to weaken the control of ghost ointment on me.

The mobile phone is still in that dilapidated house, and I dare not go back now. After thinking about it, I found a mailbox and sent a letter to Wu Jian and Fan Lou, explaining that someone was trying to harm Fan Lou.

As for my affairs, I didn't say anything, I just told them that I felt that my ability was still lacking, and I planned to sharpen it.

After finishing all the work, I directly and secretly climbed on a train bound for an unknown destination, away from my relatives and friends.

The train kept roaring, taking me away with that characteristic booming sound, and I just lay on the top of the train. I don't know what my purpose is, but I know that the distance between me and ghost paste is getting farther.

I can no longer feel the ghost ointment in my human body. As long as I don't transform into a ghost body, I will look the same as normal.

The weather is getting colder and there is snow falling from the sky. If there is no accident, I should be heading north, because only the north can be so cold, and it starts to snow in autumn.

Sure enough, when I saw the familiar name on the street sign, I already knew where I was.

Bingcheng, one of the coldest cities in my country, is snowed nearly one-third of the year. The most important thing is that it is close to the Daxue Mountain, and the land is sparsely populated, which is just right for me to hide.

Quietly out of the train station, I touched my empty stomach, only to find that I didn't have any money on me. After getting used to mobile payment, I seldom carry money with me anymore, and now, my mobile phone is still in a dilapidated house thousands of kilometers away.

Not right, maybe Wu Jian has found my mobile phone and is scolding me for leaving without saying goodbye.

I won't starve to death here, I shook my head speechlessly, endured the hunger and continued to move north, the place became more and more remote, and my stomach became more and more uncomfortable.

The ghost body is useless, but you have to find a way to feed yourself. Could it be that finding a job is a good idea, at least it can better hide your identity.

It's just that I don't have an ID card, and I have few jobs to choose from. More importantly, I guess I will starve to death before the day when I get paid.

I was thinking wildly, I passed by a family and stopped. It's not just me, many people around have stopped talking in low voices.

This is a two-story small bungalow. It seems that the family is relatively rich. Of course, it is not his family's money that attracts everyone's attention, but the performance in the yard.

A middle-aged fat woman, wearing fancy clothes, kept dancing, and beside her was a thin man who kept beating the drum in his hand, singing incomprehensible words.

I couldn't figure it out, maybe it was a performance, but when I saw the sad faces of the family who seemed to be the owner, I immediately denied my thoughts.

Just as he was about to ask the people around him, the man who had been beating the drum suddenly stood up and let out a long yell.

As the yelling stopped, the middle-aged woman who had been dancing also stopped, her whole body trembling like a pendulum.

And at this time, the man who looked like the male master respectfully said to the man: "Master Ershen, are you ready?"

The man known as the two gods glanced at the host with dissatisfaction, and then said to the middle-aged woman, "Can you come to the old fairy's house?"