A Guest in a Ghost House

Chapter 588: What a mistake


After all, Wei Cheng didn't say no to it, and I was very considerate and not polite, so I just moved into Wei's house directly.

On the second day, there were countless people onlookers, and the Grand Duke of the Wei family even brought a group of people with various tributes. Amidst the constant discussions, the middle-aged woman did not appear, and the whole incident turned into a farce because of the absence of the protagonist.

I lived in Wei's house for a week, and the discussion about Wei's house gradually subsided, and I didn't see any weasels who came to take revenge, which made me very embarrassed. I feel very sorry to stay in someone else's house without paying any labor.

After waiting for another three days, I still planned to say goodbye and leave. As for Wei Lin's vagina, I didn't bother about anything. His grandfather gave him the best protection with his own life.

The important thing is that I really don't know how to solve the problem of the Yin body. In my memory, the final result of the Yin body is to be eaten, without exception.

Wei Cheng was a little hesitant, but in the end he didn't keep me. As food money, I also sorted out Grandpa Wei Lin's yin, at least the impact on Wei Lin would be much smaller.

Without a purpose, I still headed north, because I have been living in Wei Cheng's house in the name of relatives, and I have become familiar with many neighbors. No, not long after walking out, I met a neighbor who was driving an ox cart.

I said a simple polite word, and got on the bullock cart, which at least saved me from walking more than a dozen miles.

He chatted with his neighbor without saying a word, and soon reached the place where the road diverged. He was going to another county to buy things. And I want to see those rare sights.

Politely breaking up, looking at the fork in front of me, I was considering whether to toss a coin or toss a shoe, when a strange voice suddenly sounded in the grass next to me.

It sounds like a rough male voice insisting on pretending to be a woman's voice, which makes the hair stand on end. Compared with the voice, the content of the speech is not so scary.

"Am I human?"

It was a weasel, more than twice the size of the one I saw last time, sitting on the grass on one side, looking at me pitifully. I don't know if it's an illusion, but I actually saw a hint of pleading in its eyes.

My heart skipped a beat. I seem to have heard somewhere before that a weasel wants to take shape and needs to get a response from others. If the response says it looks like a human, the weasel will take shape. If it says it looks like a god, then the weasel will become a real person. Wujiaxian.

This is called beating. Of course, it also has a lot to do with the person the weasel wants to ask. If that person is a person with good deeds or a person with strong ability, the weasel who succeeds in beating will also become very strong.

It's just that this is not without its shortcomings. If people answer something like a beast, the weasel will forever lose the chance to become a Wujiaxian. After thinking about it, it seems that becoming a Wujiaxian is a shortcut other than hard work, um, the risk is a little higher.

I don't have a good impression of weasels, but I also don't want to ruin the future of a different species, after all, they didn't mess with me.

After thinking about it, I wasn't sure if my memory was correct, so I had to say, "Well, how should I answer?"

The tension hidden in the weasel's eyes turned dull, and his mouth opened but did not speak. Instead, he moved his paw along his mouth.

I understand this gesture, it can no longer speak and needs to be sealed by me.

After thinking about it, it is really unconscionable to say that it is like a god, let's say it is like a human.

"You look like a..."

As soon as I opened my mouth, I heard a shout: "Be careful!"

The neighbor pulling the ox cart came back at some point, pointing behind me in horror.

I subconsciously said: "What?"

"Squeak" sounded a sharp cry, and the weasel was looking at me with resentment, and I was taken aback for a moment before I realized, sir, I was wrong.

"You look like something."

This is what my words mean when put together. I was a little embarrassed at once, the weasel gave me a deep look, then turned around and ran into the forest, and soon disappeared.

The neighbor also drove over with an ox cart, with a look of surviving disaster: "Are you okay, a weasel was so big just now."

I opened my mouth, really not knowing what to say. Because I've seen neighbors with luggage I've left in the car. Of course there is nothing valuable inside, just some food that Wei Cheng gave me.

But I really had no way to blame, and I had to thank him. I watched the neighbor go away, and then I looked at the direction in which the weasel disappeared and sighed.

Forget it, this is also the bad luck of the weasel. As for whether it will retaliate, I don't care much. It's just Wujiaxian, at worst, I can run away, can't I

The road I chose in the end was not wrong. There were fewer and fewer people, and at most it was a small village with ten or twenty families. It's just a pity that the scenery can't be said to be beautiful, and the sameness makes people feel a little visually tired.

But it’s not bad, I bought a lot of wild game such as pheasants on the road. Although the grilling technique is not good, it still makes my mouth full.

Seeing that it was already dusk, and I was worrying about whether I was going to sleep in the wild, when I finally saw another village.

This village is obviously much larger than the previous one, and it is better built. The wooden houses are in harmony with the surrounding environment among the green hills. The only pity is that there is always a strange smell lingering.

I'm not surprised by this, the sanitation in the countryside is not good, and the fertilizers in the fields naturally don't have any fragrance.

I touched the money Wei Cheng gave me in my pocket, maybe it would be okay to stay overnight.

The village at night was not as busy as it was during the day. A few old people were sitting and chatting under the big tree at the head of the village. They were not surprised to see me, but they didn't want to pay attention to me.

A few little kids were chasing along the narrow village road, adding a bit of excitement to the quiet village.

Glancing around, I set my sights on a middle-aged woman who was feeding chickens with a benevolent expression. The most important thing is that women are always more soft-hearted than men. After a few auntie calls, the possibility of a successful overnight stay will increase greatly.

I managed my expression and tried my best to show a simple and honest smile before walking over slowly.

It's just that when I approached, I didn't say what I had prepared. Instead, I looked at the chicken coop and groaned inwardly.

After going through a lot of things, especially the ghost paste thing, I am not as careless as before. There is obviously a problem here, just look at the chicken ring.

The ground of the chicken coop was covered with grains, and the surrounding lights were bright, but the chickens inside were huddled one by one at the place farthest from the woman, huddled together in layers, not even daring to call.

I didn't speak, but the woman spoke first.

"Boy, is there something wrong with my chicken?"