A Guest in a Ghost House

Chapter 596: passed through


Jia Yin was not the first, nor would he be the last, to die suddenly in an Internet cafe, so he didn't pay much attention to it. But with the appearance of the second and third deceased, things slowly became serious.

All the dead were surfing the Internet for a long time, and finally died of a heart attack, and many people had no heart disease at all.

These seemingly unconnected people had browsed various supernatural websites before they died.

At the beginning, the focus of the breakthrough was also on the website, but the websites they looked at did not seem to have any connection, and the occasional overlap was only because of the search engine.

The only thing in common is that although everyone's performance is different, in general, from the beginning of searching for supernatural websites, their expressions have become very nervous, even excited.

"Excited? What are you going to do?"

Facing my inquiry, Wu Jian also seemed very helpless: "What can I do? Please go online. If you surf the Internet more, you will always meet."

"You mean to let me, who is just married, accompany you to go online every day?"

Wu Jian looked at my still trembling thighs: "I'm doing it for your own good."

I really wanted to show my strength, but my legs were weak and I couldn't stand up.

"Just at home, okay?"

"Internet cafe, there's no atmosphere at home. Uh, it's okay for you to walk to the Internet cafe. Sudden death on the road is none of my business."

"Get out."

After talking to Lulu, I went to the Internet cafe opposite the night market stall with Wu Jian's support. I haven't been to this kind of place for a long time, but it didn't affect my quick integration. What I didn't expect was that Wu Jian is also very good at playing games.

More importantly, we all play Warcraft RPG. I haven't found out that we still have common hobbies. The only thing that makes me feel unacceptable is that Wu Jian's smoke is too frequent. I doubt that I will become bacon before I hit a ghost.

Games are always addictive, Wu Jian and I had eaten two fast meals in the Internet cafe before we knew it, and I finally couldn't hold back the yawn.

"The last one, go back to sleep if you can't beat it again, and continue tomorrow."

Wu Jian's eyes were a little red, not because he was sleepy, but because this map was too exhausting.

Nodding, agreeing with me, a new game begins.

Soon, the cutscene ended, and I was ready to fight with the mouse. At this moment, the screen flickered suddenly, and then returned to normal.

Wu Jian and I looked at each other. This kind of situation is rare. Apart from the reason of the computer, there is only one possibility.

Secretly vigilant, teammates have already started to reprimand us for our reaction, so Wu Jian and I had no choice but to operate the characters in the game and start to act.

Who knew that until the failure screen was displayed on the screen, we did not encounter any abnormalities again.

"It seems that it was really just an accident just now, are you still here?"

There is always an illusion when playing games, that is, that you will definitely win the next game.

I nodded and rebuilt the room. As soon as Wu Jian came in, I heard anxious roars not far away.

"Fatty, fat, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Jian and I looked at each other and hurried over,

The place where the sound was made was already crowded with people, and a teenager who looked like a middle school student was urged by everyone to pick up his mobile phone and call the police with a crying sound.

Wu Jian gave me a split-action wink, and Wu Jian showed his identity and began to examine the young man reclined on the ground with his eyes closed. Looking at his body of no less than 160, he probably was the fat man that the man called just now.

The onlookers were driven to the periphery by Wu Jian, and I walked to the fat computer smoothly. There were more than a dozen webpages open on the screen, ranging from supernatural forums to fortune tellers.

I pulled the teenager who was still sobbing: "You are a fat friend? What's your name? Tell me what happened?"

Probably thinking that I am also a policeman, the teenager looked very scared: "Will I go to jail, will I be shot?"

"Don't think about it, just tell me what happened."

After comforting for a long time, the boy slowly opened his mouth.

His name is Liu An, and he doesn't know what Pangpang's name is. He just met him in an Internet cafe. We played a game together, and gradually became familiar with him.

Today they came just a little earlier than me and Wu Jian. When they arrived, they started playing games like us. They went to the bathroom under the name of Pangpang. After returning, the people in the game characters stopped moving.

After questioning, Pangpang only said that he had something to do, and his tone was very excited. At that time, Liu An took a curious look, seeing that Pang Pang opened the search engine and didn't know what he was looking for, so he didn't care.

I also communicated with Pangpang when I was handing cigarettes during the meal, and I didn't find anything unusual, but Pangpang didn't seem to find what he needed, and he seemed a little anxious.

Liu An also asked him what he was looking for, but Pang Pang looked around and refused to say. After all, he was not too familiar with him, so Liu An didn't ask him.

But just now, Liu An vaguely heard Pangpang say "I succeeded." He was about to turn his head to ask Pangpang if he would come to the game, when he saw that Pangpang was stunned, and then fell backwards , no more sound.

I nodded, and Wu Jian on the side had already checked Pang Pang and shook his head at me.

I walked over and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

"Cardiac arrest, soul gone."

Like all the deceased, it was not surprising that I had prepared myself. I pointed to the computer and told Wu Jian what Liu An told me last.

"Successful? Did he find something?"

After speaking, Wu Jian also went to the computer for a while to operate, but naturally, he found nothing.

The webpage opened by Fatty doesn't overlap much with the other deceased.

Soon the police came, and Wu Jian and I started to return, and the person died in front of us, which showed that Wu Jian's proposal was not wrong, but such a strange way of death made me feel a little guilty.

Early the next morning, Wu Jian and I went to the Internet cafe. Unfortunately, because someone died yesterday, the Internet cafe was not open. While searching for other Internet cafes with his mobile phone, Wu Jian's phone rang.

After answering the phone, Wu Jian patted me on the shoulder: "Quick, there is something new."

Soon Wu Jian and I walked to a community room. There were already two policemen in the room. A middle-aged couple was sitting on the sofa wiping tears. The woman was holding a 7- or 8-year-old girl in her arms.

I still don't understand the situation, so naturally I don't speak well. After a quick exchange with his colleagues, Wu Jian said to the couple on the sofa: "I know you are very sad, but this may help us solve the case."

The host sniffled: "Xiaoqiang, didn't Xiaoqiang die suddenly?"

Before Wu Jian could speak, the hostess shouted: "Xiaoqiang is only 17 years old, he is in such good health, how could he die suddenly, someone must have killed him."

After finishing speaking, the hostess began to comfort the little girl in her arms. After a long time, the little girl said timidly: "Brother, brother said that he has traveled through time."


Wu Jian and I looked at each other.