A Guest in a Ghost House

Chapter 603: Finish


Three days later, Qiqi and I were on the road together. I don't know what method this little guy used, but it was obvious that he could determine the direction.

Walking and listening, I don't know how long we walked, we finally stopped.

It's not that Kiki finds his parents, it's that we finally meet people, people alive.

This is a family of 7 people, and traces of civilization can still be vaguely seen on them.

What really surprised me was that there were many ghosts around this family, but none of them approached them.

The group of ghosts formed a circle, paying attention to the daily life of the family, with nostalgia in their eyes from time to time.

They voluntarily protect people they don't know, drive away wild animals, shelter them from the wind and snow, and even search for food.

This is the first time I met such ghosts, and from them, I saw something called humanity.

"Uncle, shall we take a look?"

"Aren't you looking for mom and dad?"

Qiqi's nose twitched, and tears were already rolling in her eyes: "My parents used to be like this. I'm a ghost, I won't die, I can always see my parents, but this family..."

Kiki didn't finish, but I already understood what he meant.

Not moving forward, we stopped and, like many ghosts here, looked at this family silently, as if only in this way could we remember that we were alone.

Spring and autumn come, cold and heat alternate, and 10 years have passed, and this family still has not escaped the clutches of fate.

In the third year, the only old man in the family died, and his soul joined the crowd of onlookers.

In the fifth year, the youngest child was inexplicably infected with a legendary disease. Although the family buried the child alive far away with tears in their eyes, the spread of the disease was not stopped.

In the tenth year, the male master hugged his wife's body and died of hunger strike.

After the child contracted the disease, the surrounding ghosts began to dissipate slowly, with a hint of despair on their faces. Most of the remaining ghosts were still looking forward to a miracle, but unfortunately, they didn't wait for it.

I also saw Ghost Suicide for the first time.

It was an old ghost, with layers of wrinkles, and a lot of silver hair had fallen out.

He stayed until the end, and when the man's soul stood up blankly from his body, he staggered up a small hill on one side.

In the gaps between the dense trees, only a little bit of sunlight shone on the old man's body, and then the yin energy on the old man's body began to dissipate.

Not a single ghost tried to snatch the escaping Yin Qi, but they all looked at the old man silently.

Until the old man's body faded, and finally only a wisp of black smoke disappeared.

The group of ghosts seemed to be seeing them off. After standing for several days, they slowly dispersed with heavy steps.

Qiqi and I also went on the road again, and it took a long time before we were in the mood to chat. I don’t know if it was influenced by the old ghost who committed suicide. Qiqi began to take the trouble to talk about her life.

Over and over again, during which we meet several living people, or a family on guard against each other, or a person struggling to survive, but the result never changes. Witnessing death after death, Qiqi talked about the past more frequently.

I even started to remember a lot of things that I had forgotten.

I began to feel a little apprehensive, but I didn't know how to persuade Kiki.

Been walking like this for years, I'm pretty sure we're going in the same direction, but still in the forest.

I asked Qiqi, and Qiqi opened a piece of grass indifferently, and I saw the road that had been deeply buried under the grass.

And Qiqi didn't leave anymore, but carefully cleaned up some vines, revealing the ruins below, and sat down after watching for a long time.

"Uncle, I don't want to go."

"You don't want to look for your parents anymore, maybe they are looking for you."

I worded my words carefully, but Kiki still shook her head.

I wanted to say something else to inspire Qiqi's courage, but Qiqi spoke first: "Uncle, Qiqi is tired, really tired."

As she said that, Qiqi's Yin Qi began to disperse. There was not much Yin Qi in the first place, but now her whole body became a little blurred.

I hastily stretched out my hand to pass the Yin Qi to Qiqi, but Qiqi stubbornly avoided it.

"Uncle, it's nice to have someone to accompany you, but Qiqi is really tired, so tired, so tired, please let Qiqi rest."

With my hands in mid-air, I stood stupidly, looking at the smile on Qiqi's face, a child who was less than 10 years old, but there was relaxation after extreme exhaustion in her smile.

Seeing the yin energy on Qiqi's body dissipate little by little, I felt extremely uncomfortable. Kiki completely disappeared, as if she never existed at all.

I walked over and sat where Kiki sat. The world was so heavy that there was no way to make people feel any hope.

I don't know how long I sat there before I calmed down and looked aside.

My own coercion makes the ghosts dare not approach at all, but there are two ghosts who look very dirty, but they have been peeping around me.

Turning Yin Qi into big hands, he grabbed the two ghosts.

This is a man and a woman, but the body is too dirty, it is already difficult to distinguish from the appearance. After being caught by me, both of them were trembling and begging for mercy.

"Who are you, why are you spying on me?"

"No, no, my lord, we just live here all the time."

"Here?" I pointed to the ground, with a sneer on the corner of my mouth: "I didn't see you guys here."

"It's true. It's just that we went out for a while. There is not enough Yin Qi here. We will replenish Yin Qi every once in a while."

I nodded, the yin energy here is indeed much less than other places, but I was very surprised: "Then why don't you go to other places?"

The two looked at each other, and the man spoke first: "We are waiting for our child, although we may not be able to wait."

My eyes widened suddenly: "Your child, what is your child's name?"

The man gave me a strange look: "My name is Lin Xiaoqi, Xiaoming Qiqi."

I opened my mouth, and finally let out a burst of laughter with tears in my eyes, which puzzled the two of them.

Smiling, laughing, I ignored the tears on my face and gave them the place with tears in my eyes.

Now, I already know why Kiki made that choice, but I didn't tell the couple, let this luxury become the reason for them to continue to live.

You may not be able to see the change while you are alive, but you must not be able to see it when you are dead.

Walking, walking, the scenery around me began to change, the trees became blurred, and the shadows of high-rise buildings appeared faintly. As I walked, the shadows became clearer and clearer.

When there was a lot of noise from the traffic, I had already appeared on the side of a road, and beside me stood a familiar man.