A Guest in a Ghost House

Chapter 606: after the car accident


Liu An could clearly feel that he was not the ghost's opponent, but it was about his sister. He still rushed forward without hesitation, but before he got close, the struggling grimace looked at him.

Liu An trembled, his body was dominated by fear, and he couldn't move at all. Even so, he was still like a boat in a storm, moving towards the center of the storm with difficulty.

"Go away, I've taken a fancy to this girl."

A huge yin energy impacted Liu An's body, and the severe pain from the tearing of the soul made him scream involuntarily.

"Brother, brother's voice?"

The younger sister spoke suddenly, but the parents who were still sad did not reprimand, but looked around with red eyes. They also faintly heard the child's voice just now.

"Liu An, Liu An, are you back? Talk to mom."

Just like the cuckoo's cry of blood, it can't cover up the gap in strength.

Liu An was kicked out of his room full of unwillingness.

At that moment, his heart was bleeding, and he tried to enter the room several times, but he was chased out every time. If it wasn't for the ghost not being too far away from his sister's forehead, Liu An would have been gone long ago.

Desperate Liu An thought of the people he met in the Internet cafe, the person who can see ghosts without being afraid must have a lot of means. Liu An hurriedly returned to the Internet cafe with hope.

After listening to Liu An's words, I thought of the girl who blamed me for littering. Fate is really so wonderful sometimes.

Seeing that I didn't reply, Liu An knelt heavily on the ground and kowtowed: "I will give you all my equipment, please help me, help my sister."

Equipment, this is the only reward Liu An can offer.

I yawned: "Okay, anyway, I don't think I can get those equipments out."

Standing up, I walked to the cashier. When the waiter was paying me, his eyes were full of surprises. He was probably afraid that I would die suddenly in the Internet cafe if I played for too long.

Liu An led the way, and soon we arrived at his door.

The door was closed tightly, and gusts of Yin Qi emanated from the room. It was not considered a powerful ghost, but it was already an irresistible existence for Liu An.

"Bang bang bang."

I knocked on the door, and soon, a skinny middle-aged man opened the door. Because he was disturbed by Yin Qi, the man's condition was very bad, and his whole face was abnormally sallow.

Seeing me, the man was very strange: "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Liu An."

A trace of sadness flashed in the man's eyes: "Liu An, Liu An has passed away."

"I know, I just want to pay homage to him."

I casually gave a reason, and the man was taken aback: "Worship?"

For him, worship should not be at home. It is obviously unreasonable for someone to come to worship at home when someone dies at home.

But out of love for the child, the man nodded: "May I ask who you are?"

"I'm Liu An's friend."

While answering, I walked in through the passage that the man gave way to.

In the living room, two women, one big and one small, were looking at me strangely, and that girl was the one who persuaded me at that time. Unlike her parents, the girl obviously still had memories, but she couldn't remember them for a while.

"Hello, Auntie."

I said hello, and under the strange eyes of several people, I sat directly next to the girl.

The girl wanted to get out of the way, but I stretched out my hand to stop it. This kind of behavior made the old couple a little angry, but I didn't give them a chance to talk.

"Where's the talisman paper I gave you?"

The girl was taken aback, and seemed to remember: "It's you."

"Where's the talisman paper I gave you?"

I repeated again, and the girl took out the torn talisman paper from her clothes, looking a little embarrassed: "I thought it was useless, so I tore it up."

"Tear it up and still carry it with you?"

The girl blushed: "There was no trash can at that time."

"Fortunately not."

I'm a little dissatisfied, if the girl doesn't tear off the talisman, it will only take a few hours for the ghost on her forehead to be expelled, or even eliminated.

The man finally found his chance: "Who the hell are you?"

I didn't want to beat around the bush. Under the surprised and angry eyes of several people, I reached out and stroked the girl's forehead.

The girl was stunned, then stood up and leaned towards her mother: "What are you doing?"

I didn't speak, but picked up the water glass on one side, put the things in my hand into it, and then turned it upside down on the table.

The eyes of several people fell on the table following my movements. In the water glass, a black human head the size of a finger was constantly hitting the wall of the glass. Knock the cup to move it from time to time.

"What is this?"


"Ghost?" The girl was taken aback again, and then the expression on her face became strange: "Is it brother?"

"No." I looked at Liu An: "Would you like to come out?"

My words made the excitement in Liu An's eyes disappear, replaced by a sad expression: "They can't see me."

Seeing that Liu An was willing to show up, I directly waved a cloud of Yin Qi.

"Liu An, is that Liu An?"

"Brother is there?"

Amidst the family's questions, Liu An, who got my yin energy, slowly appeared, and suddenly the whole room was filled with crying.

After a while, the family calmed down and thanked me constantly.

I waved my hand indifferently, looked at the head made of black mist in the cup, and asked the girl, "Why did you provoke this ghost?"

The girl shook her head in confusion, so I focused on the cup.

"Tell me, why are you pestering the girl?"

The head in the cup no longer struggled. Hearing my question, the black mist above his head seemed very excited.

"Why did I look for her, why did I look for her, hahaha, why didn't I look for her, she should be the one who died, it should be her."

The words of the head made everyone a little confused. After a while, the girl seemed to think of something, and asked with a trace of uncertainty: "Are you Brother Long?"

"Do you remember me? You should die, you should die."

I looked at the girl: "What's going on?"

"Didn't I have a car accident when I came back? He was the driver."

Following the words of the girl and the head, I gradually understood.

It turned out that the girl did not know this brother Long, but she and his wife were good friends.

So the girl took Long Ge's ride home, along with Long's wife and children.

Because of chatting with Brother Long's wife, the girl also sat in the back seat, leaving the co-pilot free.

In this way, Brother Long drove the car all the way up the highway.

It was already evening, and Brother Long was not going fast for safety's sake. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to home, Brother Long suddenly turned the steering wheel in a hurry, and the car crashed into the fence on the side of the road without warning.

Fortunately, because of the slow speed, no one was injured. Soon after the police arrived, Brother Long kept saying that he saw someone in front of him, so he rushed in the direction, but the surveillance showed that there was no one on the road at that time.

A lot of time was wasted, and the vehicle was damaged. The last few people returned to their hometown in a police car, and only Brother Long stayed because he had to deal with the accident.

And the change happened after returning to my hometown.