A Guest in a Ghost House

Chapter 607: my decision


The tow truck took Long Ge's damaged vehicle away, and because he had to negotiate with the insurance company and the 4S shop, Long Ge also got on the tow truck.

The tow truck master is a very talkative middle-aged man. He has seen too many tragic accidents, and he keeps comforting Brother Long along the way. Let his mood relax.

Because the tow truck master was right, it is very lucky to have a car accident on the highway, but the people are almost fine.

The two were chatting, chatting, and they were about to get off the highway. Brother Long, who had become a little sensitive because of the car accident, also calmed down. In his opinion, this nightmare is finally coming to an end.

When the crossing was less than one kilometer away, Brother Long suddenly saw a white figure appearing in front of him, and before he had time to remind the tow truck master, he heard the screeching sound of brakes from the trailer.

The entire car body lay horizontally on the highway due to inertia, and the tow truck driver looked at Long Ge profusely: "Did you see it?"

Brother Long nodded, looking at the place where Bai Ying appeared just now.

The two sat there for a while, but neither of them mentioned getting out of the car to check.

After a while, it was Brother Long who broke the silence: "Brother, move the car first."


The tow truck master nodded repeatedly. It was very dangerous for the vehicle to run across the road like this. The vehicles behind were very likely to bump into it, resulting in a serious accident.

Just as the tow truck driver started the car, a cold voice sounded behind them: "Do you want to run after hitting someone?"

The tow truck driver froze and forced a smile: "Brother, what are you talking about?"

"I didn't, I didn't..." Brother Long couldn't say a complete sentence at all, he turned his head stiffly and looked behind him. The back seat was empty, nothing.

"Huh." He took a deep breath, and Brother Long was about to speak, but he saw his car on the trailer through the back window.

In the driver's seat sat a pale man who seemed to catch his sight and honked his horn.

"A car is coming."

The tow truck driver started the car that had stalled due to nervousness again, and the cold voice came again: "I wanted to find a woman, but now I can only find you."

Before they understood what it meant, the two felt a strong light coming from the side, and when they turned their heads, they saw a huge truck crashing over.

Brother Long, the co-pilot, was the first to be hit. The trailer was no match for the truck. The door of the co-pilot was dented instantly, and the sound of the broken bones of Brother Long was covered up by the loud impact.

Except for the head, Brother Long's whole body was made into a patty.

The head in the cup stopped struggling, and looked at the girl resentfully: "It's all you, you should be the one who died."

"Why isn't that your wife?" Liu An responded angrily.

"How could it be my wife? She is the one who died."

"Okay." Birth stopped the bickering between the two, and I looked at Brother Long in the cup: "Okay, I won't say anything else, you don't know whether that ghost is after her or your wife, Let's stop this matter, at least you can go to see your wife and children, if the trouble continues, I will kill you, so that you will never see your family."

Brother Long looked at me very dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to speak. This was a trivial matter, and I didn't take it to heart, but I still sighed in my heart. If everything in the underworld was normal, I am afraid that such a situation would not happen. .

Sending off Brother Long, I also left with the gratitude of Liu An's family. When I walked on the street, the sky was already dark. There were many people on the street, but there were even more ghosts.

In the shadow of every street lamp, a ghost claw or a terrifying head appeared from time to time. Among the passers-by, quite a few of them were followed by a pale figure.

Without the control of the underworld, not only those lonely ghosts, but also many ghosts who committed suicide swaggered out to find substitutes.

Sighing, I was about to leave when I saw a man with a noose slowly approaching me, with a ferocious smile on his ashen face, and the noose in his hand slowly approaching my neck.

This is a hanged ghost looking for a substitute.

Just as the hanged ghost showed a proud smile and put the noose around my neck, I reached out and grabbed the noose, and then easily removed it under the sluggish gaze of the hanged ghost.

"The hanged ghost can only find someone who has reached the end of his lifespan as a substitute at the place where he hanged himself. Don't you know that?"

The hanged ghost nodded blankly, and then he realized that he looked me up and down: "Going together?"

It seems that it is an ignorant hanged ghost, otherwise it would not be able to say such stupid words.

Kicking the hanged ghost away with one kick, I continued on the road, from Liu An's house to the Internet cafe, but in just a few kilometers, I encountered ghosts who tried to attack me five times in a row.

Only after one of them didn't come out during this period of time did I realize that the matter had become so serious.

Now it is not an exaggeration to call it a ghost town.

Back at the Internet cafe, I didn't rush to play games, but looked at the news and forums. Sure enough, all kinds of weird things were overwhelming. Unlike before, there were very few people who refuted this time.

Some forum posts even published the number of abnormal deaths in a local county in the past month, more than 1,000 people.

Most of them are teenagers or even children with weak yang fire.

For the first time, I knew that what my father did had such a big impact.

"Perhaps there is something I can do?"

Looking at a posthumous photo of a child, I muttered to myself. I hate this kind of life, and hate the life and death that appear around me all the time.

Only this time, instead of returning to Fanlou, I contacted him according to the contact information left by my brother.

When I saw my brother again, I didn't know how to describe my mood, I just nodded lightly: "How is the situation now?"

Maybe he misunderstood what I meant, and my brother showed a slight smile: "The underworld retreated steadily and completely withdrew from the human world, and Fengdu City also returned to the hands of my father."

"Isn't that the winning chance? Why don't you deal with the ghosts in the world well?"

The elder brother's smile turned into a wry smile: "The remaining forces in the underworld have retreated to the six realms of reincarnation, and now they are powerless to counterattack, but we want to completely wipe them out, I'm afraid..."

My brother didn't finish his words, but the meaning was already evident.

I began to think, whether it is from the relationship or the situation, I should stand on my father's side and end the current corrupt situation as soon as possible.

Seeing my appearance, my brother tried to speak: "Why don't you manage Fengdu City?"

"Fengducheng?" I shook my head, "I have another idea."