A Guide to Cultivating Immortality with The Interstellar Carnivorous Plant.

Chapter 40


Ye Tang held his new cute pet, the little black cat, and all his previous negative emotions such as sadness and loneliness disappeared.

The only bad thing is that he seems to dislike the name "Xiao Hei" and does not approve of the title "Baba".

Ye Tang really didn't have much talent for naming, so he poked the little black cat's face and continued to ask, "Then call it Little Cat? Little Fire? Who gave you a flame mark on your forehead?"

The little black cat was speechless. Strangely, Ye Tang could actually read what it wanted to express from its face—"Then it should be Xiao Hei!"

The little black cat was only the size of a palm, and for some reason it was very attached to Ye Tang. Ye Tang originally wanted the little fellow to get down and walk on his own, but the little black cat would nestle in his arms and rub against him, looking at him innocently with its bright cat eyes, as if to say, "Please hug me!"

Ye Tang: ... God, this little guy is so cute!

Ye Tang couldn't help but hold the little black cat to his lips and gave it a kiss.

After the kiss, Ye Tang remembered that his saliva was extremely toxic. Even though his lips were dry, it was still more toxic than other parts of his body. He hurriedly checked Xiao Hei's face...

But I found that the little guy had a dull face, and then shyly raised his paws as if covering his face.

Ye Tang was so adorable that he checked and confirmed that the little guy was okay, then he smiled and kissed it several times.

Mo Yan, who was wearing the skin of a little black cat, felt his mind go blank. This was the first time that the little demon cultivator was so proactive and enthusiastic towards him. Being a cat was such a blessing!

It was worth it that he took the top-grade elixir, the Fantasy Beast Pill, just to get close to Xiaotang!

The Fantasy Beast Pill was developed by the demon cultivators when they were bored. Only cultivators at the Mahayana stage and above can refine it. It can randomly transform human and demon cultivators into the appearance of monsters.

No matter how high the original cultivation level of a cultivator is, after taking the Fantasy Beast Pill, his cultivation level will be suppressed to the Qi Refining Stage. He can only wait for three months for the effect of the Fantasy Beast Pill to expire, or take the antidote to restore his human form and cultivation level.

Because the cultivation level will be forcibly suppressed to the Qi Refining Stage, the Fantasy Beast Pill will be regarded by some people as a deliberate means of harming others. Fortunately, the materials for refining the Fantasy Beast Pill are very rare, and the pill masters of the Mahayana Stage are even rarer, so there are very few people who can afford the Fantasy Beast Pill.

The Fantasy Beast Pill in Mo Yan's hand was made by Elder Yunxiao, the master of pills in the Cangjian Immortal Sect, out of curiosity. He gave one to him as a novelty.

However, the annoying thing is that Elder Yunxiao did not make an antidote. Perhaps Elder Yunxiao could not have imagined that one day Mo Yan would use the Fantasy Beast Pill on himself!

However, with Mo Yan's cultivation level at the Tribulation Crossing Stage, if he wanted to transform back into human form, he could still force out the medicinal power of the Fantasy Beast Pill. It would just take two or three days.

After taking the fantasy beast pill, what kind of monster one will transform into depends mainly on two factors. One is what kind of monster the cultivator wants to become and how much he concentrates on imagining it; the other is that it will inherit a small part of the cultivator's characteristics when he is in human form.

Mo Yan thought that Ye Tang liked small and cute creatures, and he himself preferred the color black, and he himself had a pure yang body with thunder and fire spiritual roots, so he transformed into the current appearance of a little black cat.

The Immortal Lord, who had always been high and mighty, suddenly turned into a weak and small cat. Mo Yan couldn't adapt at first.

However, he was worried that the little demon cultivator would be attracted away by the furry creatures of the fox clan, and he was too embarrassed to return to Ye Tang after he had already said he was leaving. He could only get close to the little demon cultivator in this way.

Although he could foresee that if the little demon cultivator knew that the little black cat was him one day, all his joy would probably turn into anger and disgust...

Mo Yan didn't know what was wrong with him. He felt like he was possessed or poisoned. After Ye Tang was taken into Tian Mei's flying car, he felt very anxious and uneasy even when he couldn't see Ye Tang for a moment...

He even developed an extreme mentality of wanting to kill everyone who competed with him for the little demon cultivator, and then lock Ye Tang by his side regardless of whether Ye Tang was willing or not!

He couldn't get what he wanted, and this probably became his inner demon.

Mo Yan knew clearly that what he should do most was to cut the little demon cultivator out of his heart, but he couldn't bear to do it.

Mo Yan could vaguely feel that the little demon cultivator was so resistant to getting close to him, not because he disliked him, but in large part because he was concerned about his status as a cloud-bound being and did not want to become dependent on him.

The person who loved him most can make him willingly fall from the clouds to the dust and linger at that person's heels just to see that person's smile.

After Ye Tang was so touched by the cuteness that she couldn't help but kiss the little black cat continuously, Mo Yan, who was disguised as the little black cat, also couldn't control his emotions. He couldn't help but stick out his pink little tongue and licked Ye Tang's rosy and attractive lips.

When Ye Tang kissed Little Black Cat, he could only get a mouthful of fur. But when Little Black Cat kissed Ye Tang, it was different. Both of them felt a tingling and weak spiritual current spreading from the contact point to the whole body.

Fortunately, because Mo Yan's cultivation has been suppressed to the Qi Refining Stage, this magical reaction when the two of them have close physical contact is still many times weaker than when they are in other forms.

Ye Tang was stunned, wiped his face and muttered: "Oh my God, I always have a reaction to physical contact with Mo Yan, and I often have to try hard to restrain the desire to pounce on him! Why do I have such a strange reaction to a little kitten! "

Mo Yan in the form of a little black cat: ... He seemed to have heard some extraordinary information! It turns out that this is what the little demon cultivator really thinks of him! So... Happy, but also so shy...

Ye Tang held the cat in his arms and leaned very close to it and said, "Fortunately, I'm full now! Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself and eat you whole! Xiao Hei, if you see that daddy suddenly becomes very hungry in the future, if you don't want to be eaten until only fur is left, you must stay away, understand?"

The little black cat blinked, not sure if it understood or not. It meowed softly and came over to rub his face.

Ye Tang felt his heart melted by the cuteness, and he didn't think much about whether the appearance of the little black cat was too strange or not. After all, which protagonist in all the immortal cultivation novels doesn't have one or two cute pets around him that can be cute and kill enemies


Ye Tang continued to walk up with the little black cat in his arms. As he was now a cultivator in the Spirit Transformation Stage, thousands of steps were nothing to him, and they soon reached the Thousand Fox Palace halfway up the mountain.

What surprised Ye Tang was that the Thousand Fox Palace seemed to be quite lively at this moment... a full-scale fight between the Red Fox and the Snow Wolf was taking place.

The fox and the wolf were both in their original form, and the fight was fierce. In terms of pure fighting power, the red fox was obviously inferior to the snow wolf, but the fox was cunning and often used some tricks, so it was not easy for the snow wolf to defeat the red fox in a short time.

The other fox cultivators who were watching were surprised at first when they saw Ye Tang coming. How could an outsider come to the Thousand Fox Palace without disturbing the restrictions? They all looked at Ye Tang with suspicion.

Ye Tang quickly explained: "I originally came back with your demon king Tian Mei, but Tian Mei had to leave for something, so he let me come here by myself in his flying car..."

The red fox took the time to look in Ye Tang's direction during the fight and said, "Yes, this is the Spiritualization Stage demon plant that the boss personally managed to get..."

After saying that, the red fox didn't want to fight anymore, so he pulled away and turned back into a beautiful boy with flaming red hair. He jumped in front of Ye Tang nimbly and said with a smile, "My little beauty, why didn't the boss come back with you? The boss was able to find you so quickly because I helped tip you off!"

Ye Tang guessed that this young red fox was probably similar to Bai Zhu and the others, and was responsible for recruiting new demons in the Thousand Fox Palace. He didn't know how to explain that Tian Mei was going to deal with the estrus period, so he asked curiously, "What were you doing just now, sparring?"

The young red fox pointed his lips in the direction of the snow wolf and said, "The Snow Wolf Demon King and our fox clan have always been at odds. I heard that our boss personally went out to bring you back, and he thought you must be a great treasure. So, he sent his silly son over to spy on the enemy."

The snow wolf also turned into a tall, cool and handsome man with short silver hair and a pair of snow-white pointed animal ears on his head. He rolled his eyes at the red fox boy and said, "I'm not stupid!"

As he spoke, the handsome Snow Wolf approached Ye Tang and circled around, sniffing his nose and saying, "It smells like grass, nothing special, what's there to explore? Hey, is this just a black flame cat cub in your arms? This is an eighth-grade demon beast, no matter how much it practices, it can only reach the Golden Core stage, the meat is scarce and not tasty, and the IQ is low, what are you doing with it?"

Ye Tang: … …I really want to touch the furry ears on this handsome guy’s head! But his words are so annoying! As soon as he opened his mouth, he offended both him and his pet cat!

The little black cat looked at the snow wolf warily - if he wanted to transform into a human form, why did he keep the animal ears? What a scheming dog!

After hearing what the snow wolf said, the little black cat stiffened its body and called out pitifully, "Meow, woo, woo, woo..."

A tender boy's voice sounded in Ye Tang's mind: "Dad, don't like him! Don't give up Xiao Hei either, Xiao Hei is very powerful, I can protect you..."

In order to win favor, Mo·Xinji Miao·Yan also risked everything:... What is moral integrity? Can it be eaten? Anyway, Xiaotang had called him "Daddy" before, this is the interest between the two of them, okay!

Fortunately, he followed with wisdom! Otherwise, the little demon cultivator would definitely be attracted by this group of furry creatures! (83 Chinese.83.)