A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 106: Those things about being a queen (below)


Shu Shu made out with the two children for a while, and then he remembered that he didn't say hello to Ian, and felt a little embarrassed at the moment.

Ian knew for a long time that Shu Shu's origin was rather special, and he was a bit unsophisticated, but he was accustomed to it and smiled reassuringly.

Seeing this, Shu Shu immediately felt relieved, and after saying hello, he asked Jones if he wanted to check.

This hospital is a charity, and the patients who come to treat diseases are all patients who can't afford the medical expenses. They basically suffer from serious problems. As for pregnancy... In the Orc Empire, all pregnancy examinations are free, and naturally there is no People come here, so Shu Shu has not personally examined other pregnant sub-orcs except Jones. As for Jones, when he checked Jones before, the egg was just a soft yolk, and he couldn't tell what was inside, but now Jones is only a month away from giving birth, and the baby in her womb should be almost developed.

Looking at Jones' belly, Shu Shu was full of curiosity - he didn't know if Jones would give birth to an orc or a sub-orc...

Jones himself is a doctor. He has already used the instrument to check, and it is meaningless to use the instrument to check, so Shu Shu used his spiritual power. The spiritual power slowly entered Jones' body and stayed in Jones' abdomen, where the situation began to be known by Shu Shu...

"It's a sub-orc." Shu Shu suddenly said, Jones will take some time to give birth, and now he can't see the child's condition with the instruments of the Orc Empire, but his spiritual power senses the child's condition, take a look at the child's condition The development situation, and then compared with the medical data, you can see that the child is a sub-orc, lo and behold, the leopard ears have come out!

"Really?" Jones looked at Shu Shu in surprise, and then his face was full of surprise. The Orc Empire has always had many Orcs and few Orcs, and basically everyone wants to have Asian Orcs.

The Asian Orcs are good, the Orcs often have a normal relationship with their parents, and they run after the Asian Orcs when they grow up. What about the Orcs? They are always closer to their parents, and will have a partner in the future... Then the partner will have to please the parents of the sub-orcs!

Ian was also full of surprise: "It turned out to be a sub-orc!" God knows how much he likes sub-orc babies, and each of them is definitely cute! Of course, Gary the hamster is not bad at all.

Shu Shu is not so persistent about the sub-orc baby. As long as a snake is not born, the birth is the same in his opinion, but it is obvious that other people's ideas are different, and they are all very happy.

Since knowing that Jones had a child, Reynolds, who has been thinking about making money all day, worked very hard and vowed to make a lot of money to raise the child. Jones began to read parenting books every day, and discussed with Ian how to do it. Taking care of the Orcs and trying to experiment on Gary...

Gary doesn't cooperate with this at all. He doesn't eat the food that the sub-orc baby eats. The orc baby eats more food than the same-sized orc baby. In addition, his development is completely according to the orc. of.

Asian orc babies grow very slowly, just like human babies, they need to be cared carefully and get sick easily, but Gary is different. He grows fast and is very strong. Not to mention, he never gets sick. Orcs.

Ian is helpless, in the end he can only raise Gary and Fred, and even watch the two children fight... Fred, be careful, don't hurt your brother!

Ian drove the little snake that had pressed the hamster aside again, and at the same time did not forget to warn him. The little snake nodded obediently, but was chased by the little hamster and ran everywhere. Compared with his younger brother, he is indeed much more powerful. At least his younger brother can't get rid of the scales on his body with his claws. If he gives his younger brother a claws...

Last time, he used a little force and grabbed his younger brother's skin. The younger brother was too weak. He really couldn't do anything to his younger brother. Let him ride on him and show off his power.

However, although the little hamster is weaker than the little snake, it is stronger than the ordinary orcs. It is very gratifying to find that Dr. Dean, who still thinks he is a deformed child - although the little prince is deformed, the human shape is very good. Strong! In the future, I should be able to find a sub-orc for a lifetime!

Edgar struggled to adapt to the life of an emperor, and when the snake played around with the little hamster every day, Shu Shu became popular again.

The people who come to the Charity Hospital for treatment are all poor people, and the diseases they treat are serious diseases. Some of them have no cure at all and can only be controlled with drugs.

However, Shu Shu cured a patient who could not reasonably be cured.

After Shu Shu entered the hospital, he was assigned to a sub-orc patient. This sub-orc was congenitally weak, and some organs in his body were very bad. He could only control his condition so that it would not worsen and could not be cured.

As long as such a patient has a medical cabin, it will not be a big problem to give appropriate drugs, and it is not easy to have a medical accident, so those people will assign him to Shu Shu, and then they will not care anymore, and Shu Shu, he really does his best I tried my best to help the patient.

In this way, a patient who has problems with most of his organs cannot undergo surgery. He can't bear it. Relying on drugs alone can't fill the hole in his heart and can't cure his body riddled with holes. Books have power.

He used spiritual power to help him nourish his body every day, and he also fed him a little bit of the spiritual herbs brought from the fallen beast planet every day. This person's organs began to improve. Then, Shu Shu performed another operation on him. , to mend his heart.

Feeling that he had cured him, Shu Shu sent the sub-orc out, and the sub-orc was a little dazed at first—how could my body suddenly be operated on, and still so strong

By the way, didn't you prescribe a bunch of medicines for yourself before? Why is there nothing this time

The Asian Orc was full of doubts, but he obediently followed his Orc back home. Not to mention his poor health, he is still an orphan, so he has been receiving treatment at the Charity Hospital, and now, at the age of twenty, he married an orphan who was also an orphan more than a year ago.

He can't work. Although his orc works hard, all the money he earns is spent on him. Therefore, the two have no savings. Every time it is serious, they can only rely on the help of the charity hospital. For example, this time he suddenly fell into a coma. will be taken to hospital.

His orcs were very happy to see that he seemed to be much better. They bought a sumptuous meal and cooked him a meal. After the meal, the atmosphere was very good. The two also had the second intercourse after marriage very carefully.

The first time, halfway through seeing that he was uncomfortable, his orcs didn't dare to continue, but this time... they did it smoothly, and the sub-orcs didn't feel any discomfort after that.

His body, as he told the Crown Princess, is almost in good shape!

However, even so, they didn't dare to do too much, and they never dared to have sex again. As a result, after more than a month, the sub-orc suddenly felt unwell, and went to the hospital for a check... He turned out to be pregnant!

This sub-orc was suddenly stunned. His body couldn't bear a child at all, and the gestational sac didn't develop well at all. How could he be pregnant now

They did a detailed examination in that general hospital and found out... His body is not particularly healthy, but there is no major problem, he can get pregnant and can work in the future!

Is he alright

The sub-orc was completely stunned, and so were the people in the hospital. Whether it is an orc or a sub-orc, if he has ever been ill, the case will be recorded in his personal information. The hospital can read it with the patient's consent, and this patient, he agreed.

The hospital was puzzled and didn't understand why such a disease could still be cured. It should be known that even if this sub-orc was well-kept, it was reasonable to say that he would only have a few years to live.

"It's the crown princess... No, the queen cured me." The Asian orc suddenly said.

Not to mention that the queen can develop a method to help the fallen beast repair the beast's core, she can even cure the terminally ill!

Although this should have taken advantage of his innate ability, but it is also amazing!

This incident spread on the star network for the first time. At the same time, the news of Jones' pregnancy at an older age was also reported, and those who had lived on the Fallen Beast Planet and now returned to the Orc Empire began to praise Shu Shu. .

The queen is really amazing, she can cure terminally ill patients, and can make the Asian Orcs who can't get pregnant get pregnant again!

Shu Shu was so hot.

A day later, a patient came to the Charity Hospital, and as soon as he came, he hoped that Shu Shu would treat him.

Two days later, many patients came to the Charity Hospital, all hoping that Shu Shu would treat them.

Three days later, someone donated their family property and came to the hospital, just to seek a chance of life.

Shu Shu: "..."

After Edgar, Shu Shu was also busy. He asked people to investigate the condition of each patient, and prioritized the treatment of those who had contributed to the Orc Empire. He ignored all those with bad morals.

But even so, he was still very busy, his spiritual power was exhausted every day, and he didn't even have time to spend with the children and Edgar, but even so, the number of patients in the hospital continued to increase. more.

As he cured several terminally ill patients, his reputation on the star network became even greater. It is said that even people from planets other than the capital star are already coming to the capital star, wanting to ask him to cure the disease. .

How can this be done

There are so many planets in the Orc Empire, and the population is extremely large. There are not many people who get sick, and there are new ones every day. Even if he does not sleep every day to help people heal, he will not be able to cure them in a lifetime.

Shu Shu was frightened.

"Edgar..." That night, Shu Shu looked at Edgar pitifully, wanting to ask for an idea. He wants to be happy when he is a queen, and he is also interested in going to work. He can't be left to work in the hospital all day long, right

Recently, he relies on sleeping with Edgar to let Edgar input spiritual power to restore his spirits. He really feels sad just thinking about it.

"You are the queen, and you still treat people for free. There is no reason to work overtime to help them heal, and then you can work according to working hours." Edgar said.

"Then what?" Shu Shu asked again, seeing so many patients waiting for him, he couldn't let it go, and then... Now the Charity Hospital is about to be overcrowded with patients, what can I do

"Don't go to the Charity Hospital to treat others in the future. In another place with beautiful scenery, build a hospital yourself." Edgar added: "If you want to find you for treatment, you will have to pay a huge amount of medical expenses. You only pay those who pay for it. People who have paid huge medical bills and who have not done bad things will be treated by you, and the patients will be chosen by you."

"What about the people at Charity Hospital?" Shu Shu asked. Those patients are very pitiful! Also, what does he want huge medical bills for? His owners are the richest man in the empire.

"The huge medical fees you charge are used for charity, expanding the charity hospital. In addition, whether it is the charity hospital or the hospital you will be staying in next, you will set up a spirit gathering array." Edgar kissed Shu Shu. .

"Good idea!" Shu Shu's eyes lit up. After the charity hospital has donated money and gathered spirit array, the patient will definitely be well taken care of and will be much more comfortable. On the other hand, he chooses the patient for treatment, and he will not be tired.

Shu Shu made such a decision and it worked quickly, and most people support his decision.

The queen is a sub-orc, they can't really let him treat people without sleep, right? Now the Queen is willing to use all the money collected for treating people to be charitable, which is already very good!

Of course, there are also people who say that it is unkind for the queen to charge so much money to treat people, so she should treat people for free as before, but such people will soon be slapped back - you have the ability to do it for others Live without pay! Why let the queen treat people without receiving money

That's right, that's what you want and I want. If you think it's expensive, don't come to me for treatment. Why let me treat you for free? Shu Shu hummed at the comments on the Internet, and decided that he must charge more money when he treated people.

As a result... After Shu Shu started doing this, he suddenly realized that the money he could receive was much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much more than he thought!

He used to treat others for free before, now what? The money he got from treating one person was enough to buy a luxury version of the personal spaceship!

This is really lucrative!

Shu Shu was dumbfounded when he saw the huge number.

"With this money, Charity Hospital can expand a lot." Edgar laughed.

Shu Shu turned his head suddenly and looked at Edgar pitifully: "Edgar, what should I do if I can't bear to give so much money?"

Edgar: "… "

Shu Shu still used all the money for charity, after Edgar gave him more money.

He figured it out, the money Edgar gave him and the interest he put in the savings bank could not be used up. In this case, no amount of money is useless, isn't it

Empress Shu Shu started a life of going to her own hospital to treat people every day. Not to mention making a lot of money easily, her reputation is getting better and better...

No way, the chance to find him for treatment is going to be auctioned, so that every time he receives a lot of money after treating someone, the money he uses for charity is also very large. The queen of charity, who doesn't like it

It's just that ordinary people like him. The upper echelons of the orc empire, whether they are nobles or politicians, soldiers or businessmen, all like him.

If they get sick, they must seek treatment from the Queen. Under such circumstances, no matter who offends them, they cannot offend the Queen!

Not only do not offend, but also have a good relationship with the queen! Although it is necessary to go to the auction to find the queen for treatment, and to buy a chance to see the queen, but in fact, if you have a good relationship with the queen, the queen is willing to help people in private, even without spending money...

They must have a good relationship with the queen!

Shu Shu has become the most popular person in the entire empire. Many luxury stores in large hotel chains, shopping malls, not only do not charge him for shopping, but they insist on giving him a lot more.

On a birthday, all the honorable people in the empire will send gifts.

Even if he just posted something casually on the star network, the big bosses of the empire can all turn it over to express their support.

It is estimated that he is just a fart, everyone can say that it is fragrant... Even the emperor Edgar does not have such treatment.

Shu Shu felt very proud, he is definitely a heartthrob now, the world's number one heartthrob who sees everyone's car, flowers and flowers!

Edgar was definitely taking advantage of him to find someone like him! One night, Shu Shu said triumphantly to Edgar.

Edgar chuckled and gave Shu Shu some nuts from the newly discovered planet.

"Ow! Edgar, you are so kind! I am so lucky to have met you!" Shu Shu rushed over to grab the food, and was "eaten" by Edgar by the way.

It tastes so good!