A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 107: Little Snake's Child Bride (Part 1)


Reynolds sometimes feels that his current life is as beautiful as a dream.

He has become a fallen beast, he can still recover, he can marry his beloved Asian orc, and he can even have his own children.

He is so lucky, he is simply the luckiest person in the world!

However, although he is very happy now, occasionally encountering some situations will make him unable to bear it.

After learning that he had become a fallen beast, he was able to accept the reality very quickly. Reynolds, who never cried or was frightened, cried when Jones gave birth to a baby.

He followed Jones into the delivery room, and then, when Jones, an older midwife, gave birth calmly, he trembled and cried, and when Jones gave birth successfully, he fainted.

Jones: Is "..." need to be so exaggerated? Didn't this guy Renault laugh when he was bombed to death before? Why is it so useless now

Because Shu Shu had helped him adjust his body in advance, he had a very smooth birth, but he was still in pain and was a little annoyed at Renault. As a result, he was about to lose his temper when Renault passed out.

He is a sub-orc who has just given birth to a child, does he still need to take care of his orc's body

He should have let Reynolds carry himself to the bed, but now... Jones can only let the robot carry him from the birthing bed, carry him to the next bed, and carry Reno and his eggs by the way.

After doing all this, Jones took out the contact terminal again, contacted his friends in person, and told them that he had given birth.

"Where's Reno? Why didn't he come to inform?" Ian frowned and looked at Jones, who was haggard at the other end of the contact terminal. The Asian orc who had just given birth should not need to do anything.

"He's dizzy." Jones turned the camera to the unconscious Jones.

"!!!" Ian said without thinking, "I'll come right over."

Ian did come to Jones very quickly, along with Chris and his eldest grandson—whose little snake is now mostly in their care.

"What happened to Reno?" As soon as Chris came over, he looked at Reno worriedly.

"Too excited and dizzy." Jones' mouth twitched, and at this time, Ian had helped Jones clean up Jones' egg, and the little snake was staring at the egg.

The little snake has grown very big recently, and can easily swallow a fist-sized egg, which Jones has seen with his own eyes before. That time, after the little snake swallowed a raw egg with a shell in one mouthful, there was a bulge in his stomach, and then he threw himself to the ground with a flick of his body, the egg shattered in his body, and his body recovered. normal…

Thinking of that scene, Jones was a little worried: "Fred, you can't eat this egg."

Ian was speechless for a moment: "Fred doesn't eat everything."

"I'm confused... Gary is the one who wants to taste everything..." Jones covered his forehead.

Gary? Speaking of Gary... That kid might really drool when he sees such a big egg... Ian sat on the chair with the egg and said to the snake-shaped Fred: "Fred, what's inside this egg? There's a baby, you know? It's a cute sub-orc."

The little snake looked at the egg, and doubts flashed in his eyes. His mother and father said that he was an orc and could not be too close to the Asian orc, including his mother and father, but he could marry an Asian orc as his daughter-in-law in the future, and the daughter-in-law, he He can be close and kissable, and his daughter-in-law will give birth to a snake for him.

This egg is a sub-orc, could it be his daughter-in-law

He doesn't want a chubby daughter-in-law who doesn't even have a face...

Looking at Eggy, the snake was a little sad, but fortunately, he quickly cheered up again.

The Asian Orc is not the only one, he doesn't want to marry Eggy, he can marry Jones or Grandpa Ian!

After spitting out the snake letter, the little snake lost interest in Eggy.

At this moment, Renault suddenly woke up: "No!"

"Don't what?" Jones picked up the pillow and patted him on the face: "It's time for you to faint!"

The pillow didn't hurt at all when slapped on the face. Not only it didn't hurt, but the smell of Jones from the pillow made Reynold suddenly wake up, and then hugged Jones and kissed it.

"Cough cough." Ian coughed twice to remind Renault that these two guys were too careless, but they couldn't teach children badly.

The little snake sat beside Ian, but stared at Renault with wide eyes, a little jealous. His father also kissed his mother and father like this, but unfortunately he was not allowed to kiss... Humph! When he has a daughter-in-law, he must kiss her daughter-in-law well!

Reynolds was awake, so Ian didn't stay to disturb others. He left Jones' house with the little snake. When they left, Jones threw the pillow on Reno's face again: "What the hell is going on with you? ? It's actually... It's actually..." Is it appropriate to be so close in front of outsiders

"I had a nightmare." Raynor looked at Jones.

"What nightmare?" Jones lay down in Raynor's arms.

"It's nothing." Renault said, even though he said that, his heart was still beating very fast, and he had lingering fears.

That dream really scared him.

At the beginning of the dream, he had just become a fallen beast, full of despair but reluctant to die, and then he was carried to the fallen beast planet by a spaceship.

When he went there, he was a little self-sacrificing. He didn't expect to encounter a robbery when he first arrived there, but it cheered him up.

Jones told him that he would send him something in the future. Although he was not sure whether the other party would really do that, he couldn't let the things sent by Jones, whose spaceship dock was controlled by others, be taken away.

He tried his best to defeat the fallen beasts and became the leader himself.

Then, every year, he gets something from Jones, and that's the happiest time of the year.

This kind of thing, he has been receiving it for more than 40 years, and he has been the leader for more than 40 years. Everyone is very envious of him. That year, he was already a little weak, but he still straightened his body. Waiting at the ship's dock on Fallen Beast, guessing expectantly what Jones will send him.

As a result, what he waited for was Jones' body.

Jones died unexpectedly because he left a will saying that he would be buried on the Fallen Beast Planet, and the body was brought here.

He has never passed on his news back. The life of a fallen beast is usually very short. Jones probably thought that he had died a long time ago to leave such a will, and then let him see the body of his lover.

He couldn't hold it any longer and fell to the ground.

It was at that time that Renault woke up. After waking up, there was still a deep fear in his body. It was not until he hugged Jones that his heartbeat slowly stabilized.

Jones is not dead, they still have children, that dream is fake!

Reno hugged Jones for a while, then got up and picked up the egg that Jones had laid.

Since then, Reynolds has left all his time except work to Jones and the children, sometimes waking up in the middle of the night and unable to sleep, and quietly watching Jones and the children for a long time.

Many orcs have to wait for their children to break their shells before they develop fatherly love for their children, but Renault is probably too concerned about children. His own child is still an egg. Countless times without speaking, he will continue to tell stories and talk to him.

After examining Eggy and knowing the approximate time of egg breaking, he even took a week off, vowing to watch his child break the shell and accompany him through the first few days of life.

However, things don't always go the way he wants...

The day before Renault's seven-day vacation, Jones took Dandan to Shushu's newly opened hospital, intending to have Shushu give Dandan his last checkup when he was an egg.

Since moving to the new hospital, Shu Shu only needs to treat one patient at a time, and his life has become very leisurely. He even brought two children to the hospital, so he was very happy to examine Jones. When Jones came, He hugged the balls to check.

The two eggs he laid by himself can input spiritual power, but he can't see the situation inside. Jones's egg is different. After his spiritual power passes through the egg shell and enters the inside, he "sees the situation in the egg". "It's very clear and very interesting.

Jones' egg is not big, and inside the egg is a very small child curled up.

Kangaroos on Earth can grow very large, but their children are only the size of peanuts when they are born. Pandas are chubby in size, but their children are also very, very small when they are first born, and the same is true for the children of the Orc Empire.

However, although the child is small, he has clear facial features and can open his eyes to make many movements in the egg. Shu Shu can even see the sub-orc in the egg beating the eggshell with his own small fist.

The little Asian orc looked extremely soft and cute. Shu Shu, as usual, gave him a little spiritual power.

Unlike the little snake and the little hamster, Jones's child cannot absorb too much spiritual power. Shu Shu was very careful when he input spiritual power to him. He let go after a little input.

"The child is healthy." Shu Shu hugged Eggy and looked at Jones with a smile, but at this moment, he suddenly felt the long, pointy nails sticking out from the little hand of the child in the egg.

Orcs' hands are generally semi-animalized, especially when they are in eggshells, because they rely on this to help them open the eggshell...

Shu Shuben wanted to take a good look at the claws of the little Asian orc, but he didn't want to see the little Asian orc swiping his hand and making a small incision in the eggshell. After that, his movements became bigger and he began to struggle with the egg. shell to fight.

He's about to crack!