A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 112: That menacing rival in love (4)


Why is this in the news? Shu Shu looked at the news headline and felt extremely depressed. Edgar belonged to him. It was really annoying that someone coveted it!

Wait, that Elena was in the Beast Palace when she confessed to Edgar, and the Beast Palace's secrecy work has always been very good. How can this matter make headlines now

Shu Shu didn't even think about it, so he clicked on the news.

After clicking on the news, Shu Shu knew why the title was written like that... This Elena, she really boldly showed her love! After she left the beast palace last night, she was interviewed by some reporters from the orc empire, including a live interview on the central station of the empire, and then... she confessed to Edgar in front of the whole empire, saying that she fell in love with the orcs The Emperor of the Empire, wants to give birth to Edgar!

Edgar cut off one of her legs, no, one tentacle, how could she still say that she wants to give birth to Edgar in front of so many people! Shu Shu glanced at Edgar who was sitting not far away and felt extremely depressed.

"What's wrong?" Edgar asked.

"It's not your peach blossom!" Shu Shu said indignantly, and then went back and opened his own social account, intending to read the comments.

"Empress, what do you think of someone coveting His Majesty the Emperor?"

"Don't worry, Empress, Your Majesty will definitely not take a fancy to that strange-looking princess."

"Empress, don't worry, even if your Majesty has a crush on that very organ-looking princess, he can't have a child with her."

"Queen, if Your Majesty cheats, marry me!"

"Queen, if Your Majesty cheats, I will marry you!"

What is this... Shu Shu flipped through the comments and was a little speechless, but he wasn't angry anymore.

Obviously everyone thought that Edgar wouldn't like the princess, and took it as a joke. If so, why would he be angry

And looking at how it looked last night, that Elena would be like that. It should be a matter of the customs of the Camilla Empire. As long as Edgar doesn't want to, she can't help it, right

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was worrying too much, so Shu Shu was no longer angry, but he was a little dazed when he looked at Elena's photos.

"What are you looking at?" Edgar had already understood the situation on the Internet, but he didn't understand why Shu Shu was staring at the picture of Elena in a daze.

"If this princess doesn't look at her hair and tentacles, she still looks good. I like it like this." Shu Shu said, the more she talked, the more she felt that Elena was really pretty.

Edgar: "..." It seems that he didn't work hard enough last night. The box of Shushu grabbed a total of three sets, too few. He should find a box of ten to use up.

Although Edgar really wanted to do that, he was just thinking about it. He had an appointment with a few people yesterday, and now he is going to meet someone...

When Edgar went to work, Shu Shu ran back to the bedroom, but he threw himself into the bed and lay down for a while, then he dragged Edgar the wood onto the bed.

Cover the wooden Edgar with a quilt, then pounce on him, nibbling on the exposed head of the dummy, while surfing the Internet.

I read all the news posted by the people I follow who will post all kinds of funny content. Shu Shu went to look at the two topics of "What's wrong with you on Valentine's Day" and "How do you spend Valentine's Day when you are single?" .

"Hahaha, those people are so unlucky!"

"You're so talented, you even thought of using this method to toss your nasty ex-boyfriend!"

Shu Shu was very happy to read it, and after enjoying it, he began to switch to shopping websites.

As a result, before he could open the shopping website, he saw a push message—“Princess Camilla will be participating in a live interview, and Empire News welcomes you.”

What's New in Empire is a very famous live show, this is... Elena plans to participate in this show

Shu Shu didn't even think about it, so he clicked in. Many people in the Orc Empire who saw the push also clicked in.

Although it seemed impossible for His Majesty the Emperor and this alien princess, people still gossip about going to see the excitement.

The host of this show is a sub-orc named Xi Qin. He is the dream lover of many orcs in the empire. Many sub-orc idols. After the live broadcast started, he first introduced himself as usual, and then Elena said appeared.

Elena was still wearing a large tutu skirt, covering all her tentacles, and walking step by step looked very charming.

"Her dress is so beautiful!"

"This dress looks amazing."

"Although it's beautiful, it's not practical, and even a small door can't get in."

"What happened to her chest? It's swollen?"

"I'm also curious about what happened to her chest. Camilla has always been very mysterious, and I can't find much information on the star network. Every time I came to the Orc Empire, it was a male."

Various comments flashed quickly in the live broadcast room, and Shu Shu pouted as he read it—these guys in the Orc Empire are all bastards, and they don't even know women... But that princess, she can't be considered a woman.

Xi Qin and Elena exchanged a few words, then looked at Elena with a smile: "Princess Elena, I heard that you expressed your admiration for our emperor last night?"

"Yes." Elena admitted directly: "I like him very much and want to have a child with him."

"Did you know that our emperor already has a partner?" Xi Qin asked again.

"I don't mind, what I want is not marriage, but children." Elena said with a smile.

"However, our empire has always been loyal to marriage between orcs and sub-orcs." Xi Qin frowned and said that the orc empire has been one-to-one since ancient times because of the beast beads between orcs and sub-orcs. There is no way to put an end to cheating, but there is no doubt that such behavior will be despised.

Because of this, even though there were many outstanding demi-orcs who liked Edgar, they all gave up without hesitation when Edgar got married.

Elena shouted that she wanted to give birth to Edgar, which was a bit immoral in Xi Qin's opinion. However, Elena is an alien, and the situation there is different from that of the Orc Empire, so he does not have any opinion on Elena. He just explained the relationship between the orcs' beast beads and the sub-orcs, as well as the relationship between reproduction, and also emphasized Said beast beads.

"I know this." Elena said.

"Since you know this, you should know that you can't give birth to a child for His Majesty the Emperor. Why do you still say that?" Xi Qin was puzzled: "And with all due respect, you and His Majesty the Emperor are of different races, even if His Majesty the Emperor is of a different race. If you didn't give the beast beads to the queen, there is also racial segregation between you."

"The sub-orcs of your orc empire will be restricted in terms of fertility, but in our Camilla Empire, there is no need to worry about these at all!" Elena was confident: "The females of our Camilla Empire can integrate various There is no racial segregation at all, and it is impossible to have children without eating animal beads."

After Irina finished speaking briefly, she explained her situation and Camilla's situation.

For the females of the Camilla Empire, giving birth is a very simple matter. Their tentacles can grab each other's genes by touching males. As long as they are in love at the same time and secrete follicles, they can become pregnant immediately.

And they grab genes, even directly from the body surface.

Can you still do that? Xi Qin was stunned, so the emperor can make the other person pregnant as long as he has contact with this person's tentacles

Xiqin was stunned, and people on the Internet were also stunned. They all knew that in many places in the alien world, children can be conceived without relying on beast beads, but genes were obtained directly from the male's body, and all males were also stunned. can grab...

"This is too strong!"

"Could it be that if you touch her, she will get pregnant?"

"My God!"

Shu Shu was also stunned. Edgar had met this woman yesterday. Could it be that his genes have already been grabbed? This…

"Of course, it's not easy to get us to secrete follicles in love." Elena said again, her face suddenly turned red: "However, I think His Majesty the Emperor should be able to make me emotional easily." They Kami The way of making love in the La Empire is completely different from that in the Orc Empire.

When they have sex, the female will wrap the male with tentacles, and then keep rubbing it... In such friction, both of them can get pleasure, regardless of race, and the stronger the male, the easier it is to make the female emotional, if Males are weak... sorry, females aren't interested in them at all.

She first proposed to Edgar to spend the night with Edgar, just to wrap up Edgar and rub it, but now she has changed her mind, just rubbing it is enough? She also wanted to grab genes from Edgar and have children.

"I don't think Your Majesty will agree." Xi Qin frowned.

"It's not necessarily." Elena suddenly said: "Do you know what the ratio of females to males is in our Camilla Empire?"

Xi Qin really didn't know. The Camilla Empire and the Orc Empire have always had trade exchanges, and there is not much contact between the two sides, but the Camilla Empire has always been male, and they don't like to talk. People from the Orc Empire to the Camilla Empire often only The males can be seen, so that although the Orc Empire knows a little about the Camilla Empire, they don't know much.

"In our Camilla, there is only one female in a hundred people." Elena said. There are fewer sub-orcs than orcs in the Orc Empire, but there are still 80% of the number of Orcs, but the Camilla Empire is different. In the Camilla Empire, females are especially precious.

"The ratio is so small? Then your fertility problem..." The Asian Orc was taken aback. There are so few females who can bear children. How can they reproduce

"We can give birth to at least ten, usually dozens." Elena smiled: "Not only that, because I am one of the rulers of the Camilla Federation, and your emperor is very powerful, I believe Our children will surely inherit my position and even do better!"

After Irina finished speaking, she looked at Xi Qin confidently.

She has heard about the royal family of the Orc Empire. They have very few children. They can have so many children at once. She doesn't believe that Edgar is not moved. You must know that in Camilla, the greatest wish of those males is to let her bear children to them.

Not to mention her child, who can become the ruler of Camilla!