A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 114: His Majesty the hamster-eating emperor


After Edgar ascended the throne, he was very busy, with things in the shopping mall, the royal fleet, and various activities of the royal family.

Shu Shu was also busy for a while, but soon became free. The hospital is often busy for a long time, and the two children are Chris and Ian taking care of... He has nothing to do, so he starts to miss Edgar and always wants to be by Edgar's side.

But it's not good for Edgar to work overtime there to read documents, sit beside him or sleep soundly, right? How bad is it for others to see? They will definitely feel that the queen has no temperament and no ability...

Shu Shu thought about it, and finally came up with a good idea, that is, to become a little hamster and hide in Edgar's pocket to accompany Edgar.

His previous master liked to be accompanied by him like this, and Edgar must like it too, if he dared not like it... hum!

Edgar reads the documents, Shu Shu eats in his pocket, Edgar works overtime, Shu Shu sleeps in his pocket, Edgar has a meeting, Shu Shu climbs into Edgar's clothes and licks Degas' belly...

Well, he didn't do the same thing, but it's not without benefits. At least his relationship with Edgar was not affected because Edgar was too busy, and it even got better.

After a long time, he realized the benefits of doing so.

After becoming a little hamster, he doesn't have to walk by himself, he can accompany Edgar at any time, he can eat anytime and anywhere without paying attention to etiquette, and he doesn't have to worry about being told that the queen has no posture.

Everyone has high requirements for the queen. Although they think he is a very good queen, they occasionally criticize him. For example, he has no taste in clothes, but even if some people don't like the little hamster, there is absolutely no one. Will accuse it, even if it has no image, people will not care about a small hamster.

He scratched a nasty official last time, and people could only stare at her. If it was the queen who beat someone... Wouldn't it make a headline in the sky

Shu Shu liked to go out with Edgar as a little hamster more and more instead of going out with Edgar as a queen.

As a result, Shu Shu was inevitably exposed, and the entire Orc Empire also knew one thing—His Majesty the Emperor kept a hamster as a pet.

"Your Majesty is really caring, and even keeps pets!"

"The picture of His Majesty with the little hamster looks so loving!"

"Your Majesty's eyes on the little hamster are so gentle!"

"Your Majesty takes the little hamster out all day without the queen, isn't he afraid that the queen will be jealous?"

Hmph, I'm not jealous, that's me! Looking at the comments on the Internet, Shu Shu was triumphant, and went to the Internet to look at his beautiful photos.

He must be the best looking little hamster in the world!

On Xing.com, people commented on the picture of His Majesty the Emperor with a small hamster, and these comments were basically positive.

"Nowadays, people like to watch big figures show their children and pets, and many politicians will deliberately release photos of themselves living in harmony with animals to show that they love animals... You can follow me out more in the future." Edgar said Go to the evaluation on Xing.com, and look at Shu Shu with a smile.

He hoped that Shu Shu could always be by his side.

"Aren't you afraid that something will happen then?" Shu Shu asked.

"What can cause trouble?" Edgar laughed, he just kept a little hamster...

Edgar was very confident and felt that walking around with Shu Shu would definitely not cause any problems, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face within a few days.

In the Capital Star, there is a very famous restaurant called Sky Restaurant. This restaurant is built in mid-air. Guests sit in separate suspension cabins floating in mid-air to eat. The hover of rice goes to serve people.

There are a lot of special dishes there, and they still don't take out. Shu Shu has long wanted to try it. This time he and Edgar attended a banquet nearby, and they went there together before they were full at the banquet. Dining in the sky restaurant.

Well, from start to finish, he was in the form of a hamster, and he didn't change back when he ate.

After eating, Shu Shu got into Edgar's clothes and started to sleep. Edgar took him home as usual.

This day I wrote to Edgar and Shu Shu, it was no different from usual, everything was very normal, but the next day, something happened.

A photo suddenly appeared on the star website, and this photo also caused an "uproar".

This photo, which appeared on Xingxing.com, is a photo of Edgar and Shu Shu, who turned into a hamster, having dinner together in a restaurant in the sky.

Edgar was photographed eating with a baby hamster, which was nothing at all, but... the timing of this photo was so clever.

In the photo, Edgar is sitting by the dining table, leaning down and kissing the little hamster, while the little hamster is lying on Edgar's plate with his eyes closed and his mouth raised as if waiting for a kiss.

If Shu Shu hadn't turned into a hamster at the time, this would definitely be a very beautiful kissing picture, but Shu Shu was a hamster at the time.

This scene…

What is your Majesty the Emperor trying to do? Why would he kiss a hamster? He actually... molested a hamster!

As soon as people on Xingwang saw this photo, their brains were opened.

"Your Majesty, what does he want to do? To tease a hamster?"

"How can you do this, Your Majesty, are you worthy of the Queen?"

"Your Majesty, you have done such a maddening thing to a hamster, I see through you!"

"Isn't it just showing affection? Who is afraid of who! I also have hamsters! I kiss, I kiss, I kiss!"

Of course, occasionally there are some more normal comments.

"His Majesty looks so caring, I didn't expect him to have such a gentle side."

"The little hamster is so cute!"

"Suddenly I want to raise a little hamster too!"

However, such comments are too few, and the vast majority of people are making fun of the picture.

Under Shu Shu's social account, a large wave of comments suddenly appeared.

"The queen doesn't cry, just stand up and lick."

"Don't worry, Queen, even if His Majesty the Emperor empathizes with the little hamster, I still love you."

"Queen, His Majesty the Emperor cheated on the little hamster, do you want to beat him up?"

Looking at these comments, Shu Shu couldn't help laughing.

It was just a photo taken by someone secretly, why did so many things happen all of a sudden

"Edgar, what should we do now?" Shu Shu looked at Edgar tangled.

"Don't worry about them, it will be fine after a while," Edgar said.

Shu Shu agreed.

However, after a period of time, the incident did not subside, but intensified.

"You all read it wrong, His Majesty the Emperor is molesting the little hamster, he is going to eat the little hamster!"

"The poor little hamster was caught on a plate, waiting for someone to taste it!"

"I heard that snakes like to eat mice. His Majesty the Emperor is a snake orc, so he probably likes to eat hamsters."

"Let me analyze it from a psychological point of view. It is very likely that His Majesty the Emperor was often teased with small hamsters by his parents when he was a child, so he would eat hamsters."


"Poor Your Majesty..."

Edgar: "… "Hey, is this really okay

Shu Shu looked at the picture, then went to see Edgar again, making up his mind that he would never stay on the plate again.

After being told that by them, this picture looks so scary.

There are many people discussing this picture on the Internet, and some people have made it into an emoji package with various texts.

What "Don't move, I'm going to kiss you", what "Stay on a plate and feed me", all kinds of things.

For a while, pictures of Edgar kissing a hamster were everywhere on the Star Network of the Orc Empire.

His Majesty's little hamster is so red.

The people outside looked at the photo and just laughed, thinking that Edgar was not as cold as he looked, but he actually liked animals, but Ian Chris knew that the little hamster was Shu Shu.

"You still have to be a little more restrained in the future, don't talk to me outside..." Ian looked at his son tangled: "I don't want someone on Xingwang to say that my son is a zoophile..."

Edgar: "… "

Fred approached Shu Wen: "Father and mother, I want to kiss too!"

"You're so old, don't kiss, you have to kiss your own daughter-in-law." Shu Shu refused without hesitation.

Fred started to miss his daughter-in-law.

As for Gary... He hugged Shu Shu's leg: "Father, I'm going to eat there too!"

The matter finally ended with Edgar taking Shu Shu and the children to the Sky Restaurant for another meal.

This time, the restaurant in the sky didn't charge any money. The last time Edgar was eating with them, he was photographed secretly. How could they be embarrassed to charge any more

And that night…

Edgar grabbed Shu Shu and threw it on the quilt.

"Hey, what are you trying to do!" Shu Shu shouted with a surprised expression on purpose.

"Eat the hamster." Edgar said, eating the head and the tail, he wanted to taste the taste of his little hamster.

After a long time, the princess of the Camilla Empire came to the Orc Empire to find information about Emperor Edgar on the Internet in order to communicate better.

"Your Highness, the Emperor of the Orc Empire seems to like to eat a small animal called a hamster!" A male reported to Elena with a picture.

"Let me see... something so small is still hairy, what's so delicious..." Elena curled her lips, and then noticed Edgar's appearance: "He's very good-looking, I want to have sex with him !"

"His Royal Highness, it's not appropriate to have sex, we'd better be more subtle."

"What do you say then?"

"Just... a night together?"

So, after seeing His Majesty the Emperor of the Orc Empire, Princess Elena asked, "I wonder if I have the honor to spend a night with His Majesty?"

After being rejected, she tried to talk to Edgar again, pointing to the little animal in Edgar's pocket that she forgot its name: "What is this? Did you bring a late night snack?"