A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 115: The little prince who loves animals (1)


A warship is advancing at a constant speed according to the established route in the dark universe. This is the spaceship of the Third Legion of the Orc Empire's border patrol.

Recently, the area at the junction of the first and third army garrisoned areas has not been very peaceful. Not only are some detectors placed here inexplicably missing, but also a merchant ship has lost its track here, so the third army specially A lieutenant colonel was sent to patrol with a capital ship, trying to find the merchant ship.

The battleship is very large, can carry 100,000 soldiers, and is equipped with a lot of weapons. Of course, in today's technology that makes personal force seem insignificant, the number of soldiers is no longer the better, so now the total number of soldiers in this ship is also There are only 10,000 people loaded, and half of them are not soldiers who need to participate in battle.

Gary is not a soldier, but a warship repairer and mecha repairer. Because of his excellent skills, he has been in the army for only ten years, and he is already the director of the maintenance department and holds the rank of major.

After the routine maintenance of the warship, Gary began to greet his assistant and friend: "Will, it's time to go, or we won't be able to get the cheese chicken nuggets." He was very hungry after stealing food in front of his subordinates.

Will is a tall Asian Orc, about the same height as Gary, he packed his things and hurried to Gary's side, then frowned at Gary: "Mr. Gary, I don't think you can eat like this anymore. , you will get fatter and fatter."

"No way, I haven't reached the standard weight of an orc." Gary smiled and touched his somewhat round face.

"That's because you're too short," Will said mercilessly.

"Will you're so unlikable." Gary was speechless.

Will stared at Gary with wide eyes.

Gary knew a lot about the character of his friend, and immediately smiled: "Okay, my Will, can't you not poke my scars? You have to believe me, sooner or later I will lose weight successfully." He That said, but obviously he didn't take it too seriously. Although he is a little round, he can't be called fat. Isn't that pretty? As for losing weight... If he wants to, if he insists on not eating for a period of time like his mother and father did, he will definitely lose weight soon, which is really not a problem.

Will looked at Gary and couldn't help being a little discouraged: "Gary, I'm doing it for you too, Green he..."

"What's wrong with Green?" Gary asked in confusion. Green is his lover and has always been very kind to him. Recently, he is even more considerate. He doesn't know where he got a bunch of flowers for him... This is on a warship, so it's really hard for him.

"Gary, you have to be careful about that Emil, I think he has a bad mind." Will suddenly mentioned another person.

Gary was taken aback. Will always had something to say, reminding himself that there must be a reason for Emil to be careful, and that reason... I'm afraid it has something to do with Green.

Are Emile and Green related? what happened to them

Gary is actually no stranger to the name Emil. This person is a maintenance engineer who was hired by the maintenance department half a year ago, a very petite and cute demi-orc, and a few months ago, Green had mentioned to him, saying that Emil had confessed to him.

Green is the person with the highest rank on this spaceship and has control over the spaceship. Many Asian orcs on the spaceship like him as tall and handsome. Emile looks at him as normal, but he and Green have never concealed that they are lovers. The matter, the people on this spaceship are all related to them. Under such circumstances, Emil also confessed to Green that it was too much. Gary simply transferred Emil to the lowest cabin to be responsible for the maintenance work, so that he had no chance to come again. The cabin above swayed.

Later... He was so busy making mechas for Green these days that he didn't even have time to sleep, but he didn't pay attention to Emil at all. Could it be that something happened in the middle

Gary took Will's reminder in his mind, but still smiled at Will: "Will, I will be careful of him. But even if he has a mind, he needs others to have the same mind!"

"You're so worried about Green?" Will said directly.

Gary was stunned again, and then said: "We have been in a relationship for more than ten years."

"You! You took all your heart and soul to Green, and all the wages were used to replace him with equipment to make mechas, and you even squeezed out time to sleep for him. Be careful that you will end up with both money and money." Will said again.

Will had a good impression of Green before, and now he suddenly said this... Gary's eyelids twitched.

He and Green met at the Royal Academy, when he was studying Mecha Maintenance and Green was studying Mecha.

The Royal Academy has a batch of mechas used for teaching. The teachers will give the mecha to the students of the mecha department. If it is broken, I will let the students of the maintenance department repair it, because he has the best technology and the most broken mecha every time. , will be handed over to him.

One day, he found a note in that mech that read: "I'm sorry, I seem to have broken the mech a little..." Signed by Green.

Then they got to know each other, and he also knew that the most broken mecha he repaired every time belonged to Green.

Green was the most dazzling student of the mecha department that year, and he was invincible when he used his mecha to fight against people, but he also had his shortcomings. of.

The academy's mecha is too broken and needs to lose money. After their own mecha is broken, it is even more expensive to find someone to repair it... Green dares to go to the mecha department, his family is still good, but he can't stand being spoiled by him so much. Also often make ends meet.

And he met Gary in this way, in fact, for a purpose - he wanted to find a student at school to help him repair his personal mecha, so that the repair price would be cheaper.

Gary agreed, and has been repairing Grimm's mech ever since, and experimenting with Grimm's mech.

He asked Green to buy back a lot of materials. In addition to repairing the mecha for Green, he also "helped" Green to transform the mecha.

He was still a student at the time and had little experience in transforming mechas at all. Although he could transform Green's mechas better most of the time, he would occasionally make a mess of his mechas. Green was fighting with people, and the mecha suddenly had a problem. In the end, it jumped up and ran away from him completely out of his control, making him lose completely.

But even so, Green didn't blame him.

The more time the two spent together, he inevitably had a good impression of Green, and he could feel that Green liked him too.

Sure enough, on the eve of graduation, Green confessed to him.

He agreed to Green, followed Green to the Third Army, and became a mecha repairer of the Third Army. It has been ten years now.

Although both of them are orcs, he and Green can't get everyone's blessings like ordinary orcs and sub-orcs, but they have regarded each other as a part of themselves for ten years, and they are very close.

He really couldn't imagine that Green would betray him, even if he got along less because he wanted to be a mecha some time ago, but Green has been giving him things every now and then, right

As for the fact that he spent a lot of money on Green... Although he would help Green repair or modify the mecha when he was in school, he was paid for it. After they work, Green will give three points every month. The second salary is credited to his account, and he will not charge Green for repairing the mecha and modifying the mecha.

He loves Green very much, and he often uses the best materials when modifying Green's mecha, and the value naturally exceeds the salary Green gave him, not to mention that some time ago, he also personally helped Green build a machine Armor.

He did spend a lot of money on Green. If you really want to count it, I am afraid that he has spent all his salary and bonuses over the years, and even continues to post it. It is no wonder that Will will feel injustice for him.

However, he doesn't really care about this money... You know, their family is the richest man in the empire.

His father is the emperor of the Orc Empire, his mother is the queen, and his elder brother is the crown prince... Although he is the most inconspicuous one in the family and has never appeared in public, his parents and grandparents love him more than his elder brother. , so now he is richer than his brother.

But he doesn't care about money, but about his relationship with Green... Later, he must talk to Green and ask Green if he has done something that will make people misunderstood.

After Gary made a decision, he went to the restaurant with Will, and when he got there, Gary went straight to the place where he prepared food for the demi-orcs.

"Uncle, give me a copy of all the meat dishes!" Gary immediately said after smelling the tempting aroma.

"Okay Gary!" The uncle in the kitchen smiled at Gary and started to cook for Gary. As a chef, he liked Gary the most on the whole ship, because Gary was always very enthusiastic about his cooking skills.

Gary seems to eat a lot, but compared to the orcs, it's actually quite a little Meat dishes can be worth a dozen servings here.

Although Will was as tall as Gary, he was a sub-orc in the end. Two servings of meat dishes and two servings of vegetarian dishes were enough. Seeing Gary sitting happily at the dining table, there was a helpless expression on his face.

"I really think you were born of the wrong gender." Will couldn't help but said, if Gary is a sub-orc...

"I think it's good to be an orc." Gary laughed. If he really wants to be a sub-orc, he must not be as free as he is now. It is estimated that he is not even allowed to wear mecha.

When he was young, he was actually proud that he was an orc, and he still wanted to marry a sub-orc, but unfortunately, he fell in love with Green somehow...

His physical condition is very special. Like his mother and father Shu Shu, although he looks like an orc, he has no beast beads. After eating other people's beast beads, he may be pregnant. Now he chooses to be with an orc, and he will say later May be forced to become an Orc...

Thinking of this, Gary was somewhat depressed, but thinking about Green, his depression disappeared again.

Green is very handsome and handsome. If he can have a child as handsome as him... According to his mother and father, having a child is very fast and not painful at all, and it would be no problem to have two.

Gary thought about his thoughts and quickly ate all the food in front of him.

He was wiping his mouth with a tissue when Gary suddenly heard a voice: "He's obviously an orc, always hanging out with Asian orcs, and even trying to grab food from Asian orcs, shameless."

This was clearly speaking of himself, and Gary's brows furrowed immediately.

He likes gourmet food, but the food of the orcs is all large pieces of meat processed by machines, so he will eat where the sub-orcs eat, and this has been applied for and approved when he entered the Third Legion.

His skills are very good, and the Third Legion doesn't mind giving him such benefits. In this case, which round will someone talk to

Looking up, Gary saw that the speaker was an Asian orc in a white coat, apparently a medical staff on the spacecraft.

He is in charge of the maintenance, and the medical care is not under his control. He can't do anything to others, but his rank is higher than that of the other party.

Looking at the Asian orc, Gary frowned and said, "Don't you know that you have to salute when you see the boss? So ignorant?"

In places like the restaurant, it has always been tacitly accepted that there is no need to salute when meeting the superior, but since Gary mentioned it, that person must salute, and he has to be charged with the crime of "ignorance".

The sub-orc was obviously very unwilling, and his eyes were red.

"Sorry Major, he's not from the maintenance department, so he didn't recognize you." A demi-orc next to him suddenly said.

Gary looked at the Asian orc, and suddenly realized that the Asian-orc who was talking was actually the Emir that Will mentioned before and made him be careful.

Emil is a very beautiful demi-orc, and although Gary has good looks and skin, he is not as good as him. Gary's brows furrowed when he saw Emir standing with the demi-orc who accused him.

These two people must be related, in this case... Emil dares to provoke himself, what is it for

Gary is not someone who thinks too much, but he was born in the royal family and received royal education since he was a child, so he is not as silly and sweet as his mother and father.

Thinking so deeply, Gary's heart suddenly "squeaked", and a bad premonition arose.

"Aren't you supposed to be working on the ground floor? How did you get up?" Gary looked at Emil. The spaceship is huge, with thousands of people living on each floor, with different restaurants, and there is no reason for people working on the ground floor to be here.

"I've moved my post." Emile glanced at Gary and lowered his head in fear: "Major, I'm sorry."

"Are you still in maintenance?" Gary ignored his apology.

"Yes." Emil said.

"There is no one to clean the waste cabin. You can go there tomorrow and sort all the parts into categories." Gary ordered directly. The waste compartment of the spacecraft is where various worn or damaged parts on the spacecraft are stored. There are many parts there and it is very messy. It was he who deliberately made things difficult for a demi-orc to sort it out.

He didn't know why Emil came together, but he had no good intentions, so he naturally wanted to get rid of it quickly.

"Major, you can't do this, I'm a maintenance division, not an orderly." Emil looked at Gary in horror: "You're not doing this in the way."

"This maintenance engineer," Gary looked over, "did no one tell you before you joined the Legion that you have to obey the commander's orders?"

Emil's face flushed red, and at this moment, an orc officer hurried over from outside. He had the rank of lieutenant colonel on his body and was handsome. It was Gary's boyfriend Green.

"Gary, what happened?" Green took off his hat and looked at Gary, and the corner of his eye swept over Emil.

"Someone is disobedient, arrange some work for him." Gary said, he was clearly relieved to see Emile and the sub-orc beside him, this...

"Lieutenant Colonel Green, Major Gary wants me to sort out the discarded parts... That should be what the cleaning robot does." Emil looked at Green with some grievances.

"Lieutenant Colonel Green, Major Gary is targeting us!" Emile's friend also said.

Gary's face darkened and he looked at Green.

"Gary, don't embarrass the Asian orcs." Green's brows furrowed, his face full of disapproval: "We are orcs, be generous."

Gary didn't speak, and Green asked again, "Why are you targeting them?"

"I also want to ask you, you never took care of my maintenance department before, why do you want to help this demi-orc now?" Gary looked directly at Green with a cold expression: "Also, you didn't mean to be free. Do you want to eat with me? Why are you here again? Why are you stamping me against them when you come up?"

"Gary, don't do this." Green looked at Gary's expression, a little guilty on his face.

This time, even Gary's heart sank.

"This is an order. If you don't want to listen, please leave the maintenance department in the future." Gary looked directly at Emil, and then at Green: "Green, you have to give me an explanation!"

There is obviously a problem between the two people in front of me, so Emil's job transfer is Green's handwriting? No wonder Green suddenly started giving him gifts recently. It turned out to be because of a guilty conscience

Gary only felt a surge of anger rising from the bottom of his heart, but he restrained himself in the end, and did not do anything humiliating in public.

Maybe... What's Green's trouble

"What explanation do you want? You're an orc holding on to another orc, it's shameless!" The medical staff in a white coat who had previously accused Gary of being shameless once again accused Gary of being "shameless".

"Major Gary, you are an orc. It's too much to bully a sub-orc. You don't deserve to be an orc at all." The adjutant behind Green also stood up, and then looked at Gary with disapproval.

"Gary, don't pester Lieutenant Colonel Green, Lieutenant Colonel Green will not be with you as an orc!" Another person came out behind Green.

Gary knew that many people around Green didn't like him, and hoped that Green would marry a sub-orc and lead a normal life, but he was suddenly accused, and he was still a little unacceptable.

"Shut up!" Green said to his adjutant. He looked at Gary with hesitation on his face, and finally said, "Gary, let's talk?"

"Go." Gary turned around and left, but as soon as he took a step, Emil's exclamation came from behind him.

He stopped in his footsteps and turned around, just in time to see Green looking at Emil worriedly.

"Emile, what's the matter with you?" His companion was a little anxious.

"My stomach hurts, Green, it hurts." Emile said with a frown.

Gary could tell at a glance that he was acting, but... Seeing the worried look on Green's face, he always felt like he had been stabbed mercilessly in his heart.

Green is the person he likes, and he has liked such a person in his life, but now, this person only has the Asian orc left in his eyes!

He doesn't even know how it all happened!

Gary turned around and left, ignoring the people behind him. He walked so fast that he didn't even pay attention to Will's shouting behind him.

There are many problems between him and Green, which he should have thought of long ago. Before, he was blinded by love and couldn't see through.

Many of Green's friends didn't like him, but Green just told him to keep his friends as little as possible, never thinking about changing his friends' opinions.

Green's family has been against their relationship, and Green will only make him wait, but never fight.

And beast beads... After two orcs choose to be together forever, they usually express their determination to each other's beast beads. Among his uncles, there are partners who are orcs on both sides, and they exchanged beast beads early.

He didn't have the beast beads, so he couldn't exchange it with Green, so he couldn't mention it, and Green never mentioned it from beginning to end.

He also thought before that if Green offered to exchange beast beads, he would tell Green his identity and physical condition, but Green never mentioned this.

Because he concealed his identity, although Green had many shortcomings before, he accepted it completely, and even felt a little guilty for Green, but now...

Clenching his fists, Gary's face was very ugly.

After sitting alone in the room for a long time, his contactor suddenly rang. It was a message from Green that told him to open the door.

After a moment of silence, Gary stood up and opened the door, he'd give Green a chance to explain, and then... They'd probably break up

"Gary, I have nothing to do with that Emile." Green said immediately as soon as he entered the door.

"Why did you help him just now?" Gary asked.

"I just don't think it's good for you to bully a sub-orc, Gary, you're an orc after all..."

"I don't want to hear this, and you don't have to say this to fool me."

Green was silent, and finally said: "Gary, I love you, but my parents don't allow me to be with orcs, Gary, please forgive me..."

"How do you want me to understand?" Gary asked, already disappointed.

"Gary, we can be together in private..."

"Go away!" Gary slapped Green in the face. He never expected that Green would say such a thing.

"Gary..." Green received a solid slap, and just as he was about to say something, their ship suddenly shook violently.