A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 116: The little prince who loves animals (2)


With the shaking of the spaceship, a loud bang sounded, Gary turned his head, and found that the photo of him and Green that he had placed on the table had been shaken to the ground, and the crystal vase on the bedside table had also fallen to the ground. It was broken into pieces, and the bouquet of flowers that Green sent him the day before yesterday had fallen into pieces.

These are all testimony to the relationship between him and Green... Gary couldn't help being a little stunned, but he quickly recovered, and while opening the door, he used the contactor to contact the main control room: "What happened? How is the condition of the ship?"

The door opened quickly, and he rushed outside quickly—the spacecraft shook like this, and it was definitely hit hard. As a person in the maintenance department, he should have gone to see it.

However, before Gary could reach the door, the spaceship shook violently again, even more severely than before. He was unprepared and almost fell over.

Running his spiritual power, Gary was about to stabilize his body when Green behind him suddenly rushed up and hugged him: "Gary, be careful!"

Green's embrace was still so warm, and Gary only felt his eyes sore, but soon, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He smelled Emil on Greene!

The smell was very light, but it came from Green's body, not from Green's clothes!

Gary pushed Green away without even thinking, looking at Green who was looking at him with concern, he almost vomited.

This person actually had close contact with that Emil!

Both of them are orcs. They don't have special organs like the sub-orcs and can easily accept each other's entry. They both want to be the one above. In addition, it is very inconvenient to be in the army. Still, he still liked to talk to Green in bed hand in hand with Green...

However, Greene hasn't come to his dormitory to look for him for a few days, at first because he was busy with mechas, and later he used the excuse that he was busy...

Green is really busy, busy making out with that Emil!

"Gary!" Green, who was pushed away, looked anxious.

Gary didn't even want to look at him anymore, he ran out and ran to the door, and when he found that Emil was standing there, his stomach rolled even more, and he felt disgusting.

He never wanted to see these two again in his life! When this mission is over, he will immediately apply for retirement!

My more than ten years of youth were wasted on such a person!

Gary couldn't tell how he felt. The previous Green was clearly not like this. Back then, when he was young, Green's eyes were full of him. He said that he was hungry and wanted to eat food from a shop that didn't take out. Green could run out at night. buy it for him.

When they first joined the army, Green had a heavy training mission, but no matter how tired he was, he would come to see him every night before going to bed. The soldiers all had a curfew, and Green couldn't stay with him for a long time. Sometimes he even ran back when he saw him, but he still enjoyed it.

When did this Greene change

Thinking of the past, Gary's eyes were inevitably wet and a little remorseful—perhaps it was because he didn't tell Gary about his physical condition that all this happened now

If Green knew that he was similar to the Orcs and could have children, would they have been married long ago? When they get married and have kids, Gary shouldn't cheat...

All kinds of negative emotions almost drowned Gary, wiping the corners of his eyes, he still suppressed all these emotions.

He was very serious about managing his relationship with Green. His father and brother initially disapproved of him finding a not-so-good orc like Green as his partner, but he managed to get theirs. Agreed, and even negotiated with them once to take Green back to show them.

In the end, it was Green who refused. Green's parents had always disapproved of them. Green felt that the time was not ripe, so he refused to see his parents.

In fact... Green may have never intended to go to the end with him.

There are a lot more orcs in this year's beast love, but there are really very few beast love partners who can reach the end.

In any case, with the current situation, it is impossible for him to go on with Green. He has his own pride.

Gary finally calmed down, and his contact terminal also had the specific situation of the spacecraft.

Their warship ran into trouble and encountered one of the biggest killers in the universe - the cosmic army ants.

Army ants are a bit scary creatures. Although they are ants and small in size, when they gather together and move in groups, they can eat everything along the way, even huge creatures like elephants. , will become their dishes.

Cosmic army ants are of course different from the army ants that live on ordinary planets, and they look completely different, but their habits are exactly the same.

The cosmic army ants are only about the size of a human head. Countless of them gather together, form a ball, and then float in the starry sky, and the spaceships or meteorites they encounter will always be eaten clean.

If they choose to land on a certain planet, that planet will definitely be eaten in the end without any residue left.

This kind of cosmic creature is very terrifying. Fortunately, with the current technological conditions of the Orc Empire, they can be killed with weapons.

They can blow them up with weapons, but when these cosmic army ants have crashed into the ship, and even started to eat the ship, they will feel helpless.

"Those damn cosmic army ants have eaten away a layer of skin on the spaceship!" The observers in the main control room shouted, and the sound rang through the horn throughout the spaceship.

Just three minutes ago, a small meteorite hit their spaceship. The meteorite was so small that they didn't take it seriously at all, but they didn't expect that after hitting their spaceship, the meteorite would spread out. It turned into a group of cosmic army ants!

Immediately afterwards, a larger meteorite composed of cosmic army ants hit them!

"The mecha warriors are ready, follow me out to fight!" Green's voice also rang, obviously, he has figured out the specific situation and took over the command.

Those army ants are already attached to the spaceship, and many offensive weapons cannot be used, so the mecha warriors can only go out to fight them, as for the others...

"Ordinary soldiers are shooting at the window with Ks009, maintenance personnel and medical staff are on standby, ready to rescue mecha warriors at any time..." Green's voice sounded in the spaceship, which made Gary very uncomfortable, but he didn't forget his business. Start gathering the repairmen from the repair shop together.

The mecha warriors soon went outside the spaceship to fight with those cosmic army ants. They could easily kill those cosmic creatures, but there were too many cosmic army ants, and it was obviously impossible to kill them in a short while.

Not only did they kill these army ants for a while, but these army ants quickly gnawed a hole in the spacecraft. Not only that, but some army ants drifted along with the smell of the same kind.

The number of marching ants hidden in this star field is unexpectedly large!

Army ants like to eat metal the most, and the better the metal, the more they like it. This warship has obviously become a feast for them to give up in the near future. The attack power of a single army ant is average, but if a lot of them get together...

Seeing the scene outside through the camera, Gary finally understands why there are merchant ships missing here - hitting such a group of marching ants, even the warships may not be able to escape, let alone the merchant ships!

"The marching ants climbed into the energy cabin! The mecha team is going to the rescue! The maintenance technicians are also over there. Don't let those ants damage the energy cabin!" Green shouted again.

Without even thinking about it, Gary took people to the energy cabin.

There is the energy source of the spacecraft, and maintaining the stability and aerobic state of the spacecraft requires energy.

If the energy system of the spaceship is normal, even if there are some holes in some places, the people in the spaceship are still safe, but if the energy cabin is destroyed, all of them will be completely exposed to the universe!

When Gary rushed to the vicinity of the energy cabin, there were several holes there, and the mecha warriors were guarding the holes and fighting the army ants.

The army ants are as big as someone's head, but the small ones are only the size of a fist. Several small army ants sneak through the defense line formed by the mecha warriors. They are already crawling around in the cabin, and they are still biting on many equipment. Out of the hole... After Gary went in, he stomped to death a marching ant that was trying to bite him, and then called the maintenance engineer behind him to start repairing it.

"Gary, you can actually step on these disgusting things!" A commander on the spacecraft looked at Gary in surprise. The shells of these army ants are very hard, but they cannot be easily trampled to death!

"My innate skills are very powerful." Gary responded casually and started to work at the same time.

Although he does not like to fight with people like his mother and father, his strength is actually very strong. His father and eldest brother are recognized as the strongest fighters in the Orc Empire, but when they meet him, they can only be beaten...

Well, they let him, but he was only slightly weaker than them.

The people in the maintenance department have to ensure that the energy cabin can be used normally, and also help to repair the mecha after some mecha warriors have been damaged and escaped. They are very, very busy, and Gary is undoubtedly the busiest among them.

Quickly repairing a mech, Gary went back to directing others to do things.

Many people in the maintenance department were brought out by Gary, and all of them followed his lead. Sometimes he didn't need to make the order clear, just by looking at him, those people already knew what to do.

Emil stood by and watched this scene, feeling a little jealous. He has only been here for half a year, and his skills are not good. He can only help others, but Gary is a major...

Emil bit his lip and couldn't help but look outside through the hole.

Outside, those mecha warriors were fighting with the cosmic army ants, and the most striking one was a golden-yellow mecha.

The other mechas were bitten by the marching ants more or less, but this mecha was not damaged at all, and there were many corpses of marching ants floating around it, far exceeding the number of others.

The person driving that mech is Green, the Green he loves, and will be his husband in the future.

Emile looked at Green with a dazed look on his face, and the movements of his hands stopped.

"If you don't want to work, get out of the way!" Gary stepped on two more marching ants, and took Will away, who was almost bitten by the marching ants while he was busy repairing. In a blink of an eye, Emile was in a daze , My heart was suddenly distraught.

Emil was suddenly reprimanded by him, but he felt aggrieved.

But Gary didn't have time to pay attention to him, and no one else had time to comfort him.

"Retreat! Abandon the energy cabin!" Green's voice suddenly sounded, Gary was stunned and looked up, and suddenly found that many marching ants appeared, rushing towards this side, and among these marching ants, wearing golden yellow The mecha's Green is like a killing machine, rapidly harvesting the life of the army ants.

He made the mecha himself, using a lot of precious materials, and even used the spiritual stone his mother and father brought back from the Fallen Beast Planet, and the effort poured into it was countless.

If he had known that this person would betray him, he would not have sent such a mecha out anyway... But now it is meaningless to think about it, they are in big trouble now, maybe everyone will end up Become the belly of the army ants.

The marching ants rushed towards them like a tide, and many mecha warriors were surrounded by them, and they were all eaten away, and the only thing left was a scream from the contactor.

Gary is determined to go out to the rescue, but the situation on the ship is no better than outside.

Countless army ants broke through the defense line erected by the mecha warriors outside and entered the spacecraft. The maintenance personnel and medical staff on the front line in the spacecraft were facing life-threatening threats.

Grabbing the two demi-orcs around him, Gary threw them behind without thinking, and then went to save the next one.

"Gary!" Will shouted when a large piece of meat had been bitten off from his leg and was thrown into the protective circle by the soldiers: "Retreat!"

As a maintenance engineer, although he is an orc, Gary also has the right to retreat in advance, but the current situation... Gary did not retreat, but fought against the marching ants that rushed in while saving people.

"Help!" A familiar voice sounded, and as soon as Gary looked up, he saw the Emil who disgusted him.

The maintenance personnel are usually in the inner part, but this Emil did not know what was going on, but ran to the outermost part of the spacecraft, and is now holding a metal pillar for help.

There were originally hundreds of soldiers killing the army ants, but now many of those soldiers have been eaten, and there are only a dozen or so left. It is the nature of the orcs to protect the sub-orcs, so these dozen orcs are surrounding Emir to protect him.

There are marching ants all around these people, and if they don't save them, they will die... Gary runs over there, grabs a soldier and throws it back, followed by a second and a third...

"Save me! Save me!" Emil's cry for help became even more shrill.

At this time, Gary finally threw the last soldier back. Although he was a little unhappy, he still reached out to Emil, but at this moment, the pillar that the man was holding was gnawed by the marching ants.

Gary wanted to grab his collar, but in the end he only grabbed his hand, and that's all, Emil somehow threw him away.

Wasn't this person calling for help just now? Why are you letting go of yourself now? Gary was a little puzzled when he suddenly discovered that a cannonball had killed many army ants near him, and at the same time, a golden mecha appeared in front of him.

"Green!" Gary was subconsciously surprised.

He thought that Green would reach out to him as before, and then grab him and put him into his mecha, but he didn't expect that after Green controlled the mechanical arm and stretched out, it turned out to be Emil who was grabbing.

The army of marching ants could no longer be resisted, and they all retreated to various small spaceships or rescue capsules configured by the warship, and scattered to escape, so Green returned with his mecha warriors.

These mechas are already tattered, and even Green's golden mecha has become pitted. They fled in a panic, but Green didn't forget to grab Emil and put him in his cockpit.

But he ignored Gary.

Before being loaded into the cockpit by Green, Emile gave Gary a smug look, at this moment he was a winner and Gary a loser.

Gary couldn't tell how he felt. He was helping Green find reasons before, thinking that Green should still love him, but now, he was slapped hard by reality.

Green doesn't care about him at all!

At the juncture of life and death, Green saved the sub-orc, but left him and ran away!

Watching the golden-yellow mecha run to the back, Gary's whole body stiffened, until his leg hurt, and a marching ant bit his leg through the protective shield made of his spiritual power, and he let him Finally woke up.

The people behind were already retreating, and he heard Will and some people in the maintenance department calling him, obviously worried about him, but they had no ability to resist, and were finally wrapped up by the soldiers and left.

Gary kicked a marching ant out with one kick, and as far as he could see, there was no one left, only countless marching ants remained.

He saved a lot of people just now, but Gary's spiritual power has been depleted by half, but there are more and more army ants around him, surrounding him into a giant cocoon.

"Heh..." With a chuckle, Gary took out a mecha from his space.

Although he is a mecha repairer, he rarely drives mechas, so others don't know that his level of driving mechas is actually good, and he even owns one of the strongest mechas in the Orc Empire.

Meyer, the most powerful mecha master in the Orc Empire, once collected countless materials and spent ten years designing and making a unique mecha in the world. Ten years ago, he gave this mecha to his disciple Gary. .

This is not to mention, in the past ten years, every time Gary left the army and returned to the capital to reunite with his family, Mayer would come to see him, teach him about mechas, and help him improve it.

There are thousands of mechas in the Orc Empire, and there are countless custom mechas, but Gary is very sure that it is his own mecha, which is definitely the strongest in the entire empire, and even the one he made after imitating it. Green's golden mecha is also enough to shock the world.

Of course, now is not the time to think about that.

The mecha that Gary released was fiery red, like a fire, and when Gary jumped into the mecha, it really turned into a fire—the army ants surrounding the mecha were almost instantly destroyed. was burned to ashes.

The surrounding army ants couldn't get close to Gary's mecha at all, and at this moment, Gary moved...

The fiery red mecha quickly beheaded the surrounding army ants. This scene looks very beautiful, and it makes people unable to help but worship.

Green and the others who escaped into a small exploration spaceship attached to the warship looked at the mecha and were stunned.

"Who is that?" Green's adjutant couldn't help but said, that person is really too strong! Or that the mecha is too strong! He has always felt that Green is already very powerful, but that person's combat power is probably a hundred times that of Green!

"I don't know." Green's face was shocked. When he used the mecha that Gary made for him just now, he felt a lot of fun. He felt that his mecha couldn't be better, but now... that red mecha Much stronger than his mecha!

He looked a little crazy - when did he become so strong

"Green, you actually dropped Gary, you bastard!" A crippled demi-orc suddenly rushed out and threw a hard protective helmet at Green.

Green grabbed the helmet and his face changed: "Gary didn't come back? How could it be?"

"So many army ants! After you left him, how do you want him back?!" Will looked at Green with hatred on his face: "You bastard! You will definitely be punished!"

"Why are you crazy, the situation was so urgent, how could we have time to save him?"

"He ran out on his own and tried to murder the Asian Orcs, why should we save him?"

"He deserves it!"

The mecha warriors around Green spoke one after another.

"Enough, don't say it!" Green stopped them. Although Gary had to harm Emil at that time, he was unbearable and very angry, but when he learned that Gary didn't come back, he felt hollowed out. . Gary he... didn't come back

"You didn't save Gary?" Green looked at the soldiers beside him. In addition to the pilot himself, the cockpit of the mech can only enter one person, so after he caught Emil in, he couldn't care about Gary.

Gary is the best maintenance engineer on the spaceship, and has the rank of major. He belongs to the ranks that must be rescued... He thought that his comrades behind him would definitely save Gary, but as a result... these people didn't save Gary

The only mecha warriors around Green were full of indignation, and even more humane: "Why do we want to save him?"

Grimm, whom they admired, could obviously marry a gentle Asian orc, but he was haunted by Gary, and he even had to hand in his salary every month.

"That's right, he was going to kill Emil at the time!" Another humane said, they all saw it when they fled back, and Gary could clearly hold Emil who fell out, but let go.

"Nonsense, Gary was there to save people!" Will shouted, and at the same time, several orc soldiers with bruises and wounds came to Will: "Yes, Major Gary was there to save us!"

"He clearly pushed Emil out!" Green's adjutant said.

The two sides were about to quarrel, and at this moment, the driver suddenly shouted: "Come to the reinforcements! We are saved!"

They sent out a distress signal before, but they didn't expect the rescue spacecraft to come!

The spaceship behind them was almost eaten up, and the marching ants might catch up at any time... It couldn't be better for them to be able to come for reinforcements at this time.

Green looked at it subconsciously, and saw three huge spaceships heading towards this side, and these three spaceships all had the logo of the First Army Corps. Engraved with a majestic white tiger.

"It's the White Tiger Army of the First Army! Such a configuration... Could it be Colonel Mond?" A mecha soldier looked at the spaceship not far away with surprise.

Thirty years ago, Calvin, the only son of the Duke of Mond, resigned from the position of the chief of the Capital Star Police Station and entered the First Army because his mother and father Jonathan attacked the royal family and even kidnapped the Queen and others.

He is brave and good at fighting, and is not afraid of life and death. In the first year, he caught the fleeing men of his mother and father Jonathan. Later, he made many military exploits. In the end, he brought out a white tiger army belonging to him in the first army!

Today, Calvin has inherited the title of Duke of Mond, and also has the rank of general. He has also atoneed for his mother and father, and is respected by others. Ten years ago, his only son Ludwig also entered the army. .

When Ludwig entered the army, he had just come of age. He was only eighteen years old, but he was stronger than everyone else. In the past ten years, he had accomplished so many tasks that he was already a colonel before he was thirty years old. There are even rumors that he might become a major general before he turns thirty.

This Colonel Mond has a high status and is powerful, and is the idol of many people. Green admires him very much. If it is normal, he will definitely go to say hello to Colonel Mond right away, but now... Gary's affairs are on his mind. In his heart, it made him seem a little dumbfounded.

The drivers were quickly connected, and Colonel Mond's image appeared on their screens.

Glancing at them through the screen, Colonel Mond, who is younger than most of them, frowned and seemed a little unhappy: "How is it?"

"Colonel, we have suffered heavy casualties..." Before Green finished his words, he suddenly found that Colonel Mond turned around.

The colonel suddenly looked at the position next to him, not knowing what he was looking at.

"Is there a red mech in those army ants?" Colonel Mond seemed to be asking the people around him, but the voice was passed to them.

"Yes." Someone replied.

"Full speed ahead! Let the mecha team prepare for the rescue! No, I'll do it myself!" Colonel Mond said, turning to leave, and then running.