A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 15: Step on a snake in the middle of the night


Serpents don't even eat frogs! Shu Shu looked at Edgar in puzzlement, and after thinking about it, he finally attributed it to the fact that the snake couldn't catch the frog.

That's right, with such a serious injury, I don't think he can move much now. I didn't see him asking the big snake before. Did the big snake only use its tail to point

Shu Shu gave the big snake a sympathetic look, grabbed a frog and broke its legs, and then threw it to the big snake's mouth: "Snake, eat the frog."

Edgar watched the slimy frog struggle beside his head and moved his head away from it.

When Edgar moved, Shu Shu was startled again. He took a few steps back and leaned against the wall of the cave. He was relieved when he realized that the big snake just wanted to avoid the frog and didn't mean to attack him.

However, being scared by his apprentice is really a bit embarrassing... Shu Shu pretended that he only came to the cave because of something, he grabbed a frog by his feet, and started talking again to calm himself down: "Don't eat frogs... Why don't you eat frogs?"

"It's not good for picky eaters, it's hard to support you like this, do you know that!"

"I can't catch other prey. It's good luck to catch a frog. What else do you want to eat!"

"If you don't eat, I'll starve you to death."

Shu Shu relied on the big snake to not understand his own words, and taught the big snake earnestly. Of course, since he was afraid of snakes, he did not dare to look at snakes when he was teaching, but he caught all the frogs that ran up to him, and then ran to the entrance of the cave. , killed.

Shu Shu was too lazy to go to the lake. After killing the frog, he buried the insides of the frog's head in the nearby mud, and then brought the frog meat back to the hole and washed it in a small wooden basin he made by himself.

The frogs here are bigger than the frogs Shu Shu has seen before. Each one is the size of a slap and has a lot of meat. After Shu Shu washes it, he is so greedy that he wants to eat raw. Of course, he will definitely not be like this. made.

It's just that how to cook this frog is another question...

After thinking about it for a while, Shu Shu took out the slate for making jerky.

This slate has been used by him to make jerky before, and the top layer has become oily. Shu Shu put the slate on the fire, put the frogs on it one by one, and then adjusted the fire under the slate.

"Slate frog, this is the first time you see it? I made it, it must be delicious!" Shu Shu said to the big snake again. He likes to talk. Before, he was the only one who had to sing, but now there are more The apprentice started chattering: "The world's first delicious frog is about to be made by me!"

"The frog meat is too tender, and it will burn after a little roasting. It won't go on like this... It should be enough to add some water? Don't you need to add water to make pan-fried dumplings?" Put a little water on it, and turn it over with chopsticks.

In the steaming room, the frog was really cooked, of course, that's all. Not to mention the best delicacy in the world, in this case even saying it is delicious is not enough.

"I can't finish it, do you want to make it into dried frogs? The flesh of frogs is too tender, will it shrink a lot when made into dried frogs?" Shu Shu looked worried at the pile of frogs in front of him, and suddenly heard some movement. Only then did he realize that the big snake was staring at him not far away, and tapped the ground with its tail.

It's really eager and not a fierce look!

That gaze was the same as when he was begging for food from his master before. Of course, at that time, his movements were much richer than that of this snake, and he would even put his two claws together for a bow! Definitely a hundred times cuter than a big snake!

"Do you want to eat?" Shu Shu asked. After asking, he felt a little stupid. This snake should still not understand the word "you want".

As a result... Orochi nodded his head.

Did the snake understand? Or, understand "eat"? Shu Shu was a little curious, but quickly let go of it - his apprentice is very smart, which is a good thing!

Shu Shu caught a total of eight frogs, he kept two, and the remaining six were all wrapped in leaves and placed not far from the big snake.

In fact, these beasts can eat the food thrown on the ground, but Shu Shu is a hamster spirit who loves cleanliness, so every time he gives food to a kind person or a big snake, he will use leaves to pack it, he believes, One day, he will become like a human being, um, when he has time, he will make a few wooden bowls!

To Edgar, the six frogs were just a snack, but this time he ate it with great satisfaction. Looking at the little Asian orc who was roasting chestnuts in the dying fire not far away, Heart warm.

When the orcs had not yet developed technology, and were still in primitive society, it is said that in some places the orcs and sub-orcs lived in caves. At that time, the orcs went out to hunt, and the sub-orcs stayed in the caves to prepare food for the orcs. The two live close together...

It's a pity that he didn't catch these frogs... Edgar suddenly woke up, he... seems to have eaten the food that the little Asian orcs worked so hard to find

Obviously he should raise Xiaoya orcs, how could Xiaoya orcs be allowed to raise him!

"I didn't expect that the current snakes don't like to eat raw, but cooked ones. This is a good habit. You must keep the big snake, so that I will catch frogs for you tomorrow." Shu Shu didn't know Eddie Jia's idea, he muttered for a while as he packed up his cave, and after putting everything where it should be, he dug for a while and expanded the cave a bit.

The home that originally seemed very big to him, became too small after adding a snake...

The sky soon became dark, and of course it didn't affect Shu Shu very much. After all, it was always dark in the cave, and... he actually preferred nighttime compared to daytime.

Before that, Shu Shu would choose to go out to absorb Sun Moon Guanghua for cultivation, but today he was very tired, so he didn't do that, and instead got into his bedroom early to sleep.

Of course, before going to bed, he didn't forget to input all the spiritual power in himself into the body of the big snake.

Burying himself in the haystack, Shu Shuben thought that he would not be able to sleep, after all, there was a snake outside... He even thought that if he couldn't sleep this time, he would definitely not be able to dig a hole, but should practice hard...

As a result... Shu Shu fell asleep as soon as his thoughts turned to here.

Edgar was nestled in the big hole outside and quickly fell asleep...

Just falling asleep, Edgar suddenly felt that someone was approaching him and stepped on him... Who was suddenly approaching him? Edgar subconsciously wanted to grab the man, and the snake body rolled up involuntarily, and only then did he realize that the little Asian orc who had his eyes closed was a little confused. At this time, the little Asian orc was still open. eyes.

The two looked at each other in the darkness, and the little Asian orc who got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet screamed and ran back into the hole.

Edgar patted the ground with his tail, feeling a little depressed, the little Asian orc, shouldn't he be more afraid of him? By the way, the little Asian orcs seemed to be naked again just now...

In fact, Shu Shu was not more afraid of big snakes because of this, and even found that his fear of big snakes seemed to be a little less - the snake rolled him up and didn't eat it, he must be reluctant to eat him.

But he was still frightened! Stepping on a snake in your own hole at night is really scary!

The apprentice actually scared the master, it really shouldn't be! Shu Shu felt that he had to teach Orochi some lessons!

As for what lessons...

He is still shivering now, and he doesn't dare to climb out of his hole to pee, why not pee in the snake's hole...