A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 26: Leopard Jones


The scandal of the royal family broke out in a short period of time. The cry of the victimized Asian orcs on the star network was spread everywhere, the crown prince was arrogant in the army, and the video and evidence of bullying the recruits were also posted on the Internet. There was news that the crown prince was playing with Asian orcs and framed highly talented classmates, and there were even many parties who came forward to testify against Edgar in person.

Among them were Asian orcs who were toyed with, as well as recruits who were bullied and classmates who were framed. These people gave their real names and testimonies. For a time, the crown prince, who was worshipped before, turned out to be a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouted and beat him.

"I didn't expect His Royal Highness to be such a person, it's really disappointing!"

"You still call him His Royal Highness upstairs? Such a person is not worthy of being a prince at all."

"His previous perfect image was deliberately created by the royal family, right?"

"If he is really an eight-star warrior, how can he be besieged by a few beasts, and even the beast core is gone? Most of his strength is fake, right?"

On the Star Online, various remarks accusing Edgar emerged one after another, and some people wanted to defend him, but those justifications seemed pale in the face of absolute evidence.

More importantly, the royal family has not come out to give an explanation.

"His Royal Highness is not such a person, don't be deceived!"

"I used to be classmates with His Royal Highness the Prince, he is really good, there is no need to frame others."

"His Royal Highness will definitely not become a fallen beast..."

"Aren't those who say Edgar is a good man blind to the evidence?"

"If he really didn't do these things, come up with evidence! He has the ability to confront those people!"

"The fallen beast that hurts people is exactly the same as Edgar's beast. Who else is he?"

In the palace of the Orc Empire, the emperor and the queen looked at the comments on the Internet with very ugly expressions.

Edgar disappeared while exploring a new planet, and they were all looking for someone, but before anyone could be found, such news suddenly broke out on the Internet.

If Edgar is still there, it will be fine for Edgar to come forward and explain, but the point is that Edgar is not here now, and has even been missing for half a year.

Edgar couldn't stand up, and no one would believe them no matter how much they explained, not to mention that the people behind them seemed to be prepared, and what they brought out was difficult to explain at all.

For example, the video of Edgar bullying a recruit, that's true, it's just that the soldier was punished because he did something wrong, not just because the recruit was not respectful enough to Edgar, as it was said above. Degas slapped. But even if the royal family said such a truth, the people who were incited would not believe it.

not to mention…

"Is this fallen snake beast Edgar?" The queen played the video of the fallen snake beast hurting people on the Internet over and over again, her face dignified.

There are still a lot of snake orcs. Although the orcs of their royal family are amazingly talented, their appearance is very ordinary. There are many orcs who look similar to them, and the orc in the video in front of them looks exactly like Edgar.

Even... maybe he's Edgar.

Edgar was plotted during the mission, leaving only some fragments of the mecha on the battlefield, but the core components of the human and mecha disappeared. The strong energy fluctuations on the scene may also be the result of his self-destruction of the beast core. … They have always believed that he is not dead and think he is still alive. In this case, is it possible that he was controlled by someone after he blew the beast core

Could that fallen beast that hurt people really be Edgar

"Just watching the video, I can't tell, but Edgar wouldn't do such a thing." The emperor of the Orc Empire was in his prime. Half a year ago, he was in high spirits.

The sudden accident of the wonderful son hit him harder than he thought.

"Edgar wouldn't do such a thing, but what if he was controlled, what if he was injected with drugs?" said the Queen eagerly.

The two looked at each other, and finally fell silent.

If it was really their child, what would they do

When the royal scandal on the capital star intensified, the helicopter carrying Shu Shu and Edgar finally flew to the orc settlement on the planet Garth.

The orc colony is located in the northern hemisphere of the planet Gasth, but the forest they were in is located in the southern hemisphere. The distance between the two is thousands of miles, and there is a strait... It's strange that Jers and others travel so far to hunt. .

When he got off the helicopter, Shu Shu saw all kinds of high-rise buildings, all kinds of high-tech products, and even saw someone standing on top of something flying in the sky...

When did the technology on earth become so advanced? Shu Shu faintly felt that something was wrong, but before he had time to think about it, he had already begun to look around like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, and was still amazed.

Amazed and amazed, he was a little scared again.

Uncomfortably pulling the animal skin on his body, Shu Shu always felt that he was out of tune with everything here, and Gilles and others also made him feel strangely strange, and finally he involuntarily went to Edgar's side. Gathered over.

"Big snake, it's really big here!" Shu Shu sighed with emotion.

Edgar is silent, he can't speak now, and... This place is not big for him, really speaking, the capital star is hundreds of times bigger and more beautiful than this place.

"I feel a little scared." Shu Shu said again, his voice was very low, only Edgar heard it, and only Edgar understood it.

Stretching out his tail, Edgar patted Shu Shu on the shoulder.

Shu Shu was appeased, and then he remembered that it was the snake's tail who patted himself... It seems to be even more frightening!

Shu Shu looked at the big snake that was very close to him, the hair on his body was about to explode, and it was at this time that he heard a very gentle voice: "Are you the little Asian orc they picked up in the forest? "

Shu Shu couldn't understand what that person said, but the appearance of that person made Shu Shu feel very, very secure—that person was like him, half human and half animal!

It was a man in his thirties, not as muscular as Gilles and the others, but a little thin on the contrary, looking at a gentle man, with a gentle smile on his face, people can't help it after seeing them Feel good.

Of course, Shu Shu likes the two round ears on his ears the most... These are leopard ears, right? This person in front of me is a leopard sperm

"Are you doing the same thing as me, did your cultivation go wrong?" Shu Shu asked.

The leopard-eared young man didn't understand Shu Shu's words, but he already knew something about Shu Shu from the message sent by Gilles, so it's not surprising, and at this time he smiled gently at Shu Shu: " Hello, my name is Jones, I'm a doctor, I'll take you for a checkup?"

Jones beckoned to Shu Shu, Shu Shu followed after a few steps and looked at the big snake again.

Edgar glanced at Jones and clapped his tail a few times on the ground.

"He can go with him too." Jones said to Shu Shu.

"Dr. Jones, this can't be done, this is a fallen beast!" Giles said immediately. Although Dr. Jones is very powerful, he is only a sub-orc. What if he is hurt by this fallen beast

"You think I can't even deal with a fallen beast?" Dr. Jones looked at Gilles with a smile.

"When... Of course not..." Jiers said intermittently, showing a little bit of fear.

This leopard sperm looks amazing! Shu Shu looked at it with admiration and encouraged himself at the same time. He believed that he would definitely become very powerful. Even if he couldn't become very powerful, his apprentice would definitely become very powerful!

"Let's go." Dr. Jones turned and walked forward.

Shu Shu followed with some trepidation.

"Jers and they found a little Asian orc from the forest!"

"It looks so cute! It's so small!"

"I'm going to talk to the little Asian orcs!"

A group of orcs huddled not far away and whispered, watching Shu Shu drooling, finally someone couldn't help it, stood up and walked towards Shu Shu.

It was an extraordinarily tall orc. He was wearing a tight combat uniform, showing all his muscles, and he was even more imposing when he walked.

It was the first time that Shu Shu saw such a tall person, and he was stunned and frightened. After meeting the gaze of the other party that seemed to eat him, he couldn't help but wince, and turned to the "leopard essence". Hide behind you - this goblin looks so fierce, doesn't she like herself

Then, Shu Shu saw a scene that shocked him.

"Leopard Essence" pressed the switch on his hand, and a needle flew towards the muscular man, the muscular man's eyes straightened, and finally fell to the ground with a bang, turning into an elephant and fell asleep. .

What a powerful dark weapon! What a powerful leopard sperm!

When Shu Shu was in awe, Jones, the sub-orc who he thought was a leopard spirit, glanced at the surrounding orcs with a smile: "This sub-orc is still young, you better not have any thoughts that you shouldn't have."

The surrounding orcs thought of what Dr. Jones had done in the past, and they were instantly stunned. They didn't dare to think about it any more. Jers, who wanted to follow up, also stopped with a bitter face.

Jones directly took Edgar and the Asian orcs to his infirmary, and his expression suddenly became solemn: "His Royal Highness, why are you here? How can you... become a fallen beast?"