A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 60: Candle night in the bridal chamber


Stick meat stayed in Edgar's arms and was led out by Edgar. Shu Shu was a little regretful at first, why did he pretend to be dead and get arrested

But after regretting it for a while, his mood changed, and he couldn't even restrain himself from touching Edgar's abdominal muscles with his paws.

This man's muscles are so good... Shu Shu felt a little shy as he touched it.

The military usually does not allow outsiders to enter, but there is no war now, and the management is not so strict, and today Edgar is going to watch the recruit competition, which does not involve secrets, even if you directly bring Shu Shu in, you can. Not to mention that Shu Shu has become a little hamster now.

"Wait when I put you in my pocket, be good, and I'll show you the mecha." When the aircraft was about to reach the military gate, Edgar caught Shu Shu, who was so itchy, from his clothes. come out.

Shu Shu squatted on Edgar's hand and nodded again and again.

After getting off the aircraft, Edgar walked to the military gate. At the same time, the scanner at the military gate beeped.

"Your Highness, do you have a living thing on you?" The soldier guarding the gate looked at Edgar in surprise. Edgar didn't look like he had something with him.

"Bring a little guy here today." Edgar patted his chest pocket, Shu Shu heard the words, and immediately stuck his head out of the pocket to make people look at him, staring at a pair of small eyes that looked extremely innocent.

The soldier glanced at Shu Shu in surprise and opened the door. It is really surprising that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince brought a pet to the military headquarters!

Isn't it only sub-orcs who like pets? Orcs, especially snake orcs, should see this little guy and want to swallow it

The military recruits troops every year. Now that high-tech weapons are becoming more and more powerful, the recruitment situation of the military today is completely different from that in ancient times.

In ancient times, as long as the orcs with healthy hands and feet had no major problems, they could join the army, but now, without going to a special military school or learning the manipulation of various weapons, it is basically impossible to be a soldier...

It is also because of this that there are many, many military academies in the Orc Empire, including ordinary military academies that do not care about the grades of cultural classes, and high-level military academies that aim to train officers. For example, when students trained by the Royal Academy join the military, they will definitely become officers.

And today, another batch of recruits is about to join the army.

This batch of recruits was actually recruited two months ago. The military has been training them for two full months. Today is the day for these recruits to compete. After the game, they will officially swear to join the military.

A lot of people came to watch the recruit competition. All the eight legions of the Orc Empire came, and even four legion marshals came, and the other four didn't come because they were not in the capital star.

Every year, new recruits can find some good seedlings, and these good seedlings will be scrambled by various legions.

However, the Royal Fleet and the Eight Legions are separate. The independent Royal Fleet will recruit soldiers instead of going through the military headquarters. Therefore, Edgar is purely here to watch the fun today, and he also brought Shu Shu to watch the fun.

The individual mecha competitions on the playground and the team battles in the virtual network are held at about the same time. The latter may be incomprehensible and boring to those who do not understand the military. The book went to see the mecha game.

Even if the recruit's mecha played well, Edgar thought it was very ordinary, but Shu Shu stuck out a small head from Edgar's chest pocket, looking at it with great interest.

Bringing Shu Shu here was indeed a correct decision. Edgar couldn't help but touched Shu Shu's little head with his fingers.

Although he and Shu Shu have known each other for a long time and have been with each other for more than half a year, the two of them never spoke the same language at the beginning, so they didn't communicate much, and they haven't dated much...

Today, the two of them are considered to be dating together, right

Shu Shu was rubbed by Edgar's head, then turned his head and gave Edgar a dissatisfied look, but as a small hamster the size of a slap, his stare was really painless to Edgar. itchy.

The corner of Edgar's mouth ticked upwards, and at this time, Meyer, who was wearing a military uniform, came towards Edgar.

"Edgar." Mayer glanced at Edgar, then looked suspiciously at the little hamster in Edgar's pocket.

Edgar has always liked strong people and strong animals. He really didn't expect Edgar to smile at a little hamster...

"Mayer." Edgar nodded towards Mayer.

As the son of the Duke and a mecha master, Mayer came over, and the orderly brought him a chair, and after he sat down, he looked at Edgar with complicated eyes: "I heard that you want to get married?"

"Yes." Edgar nodded.

"It's really sudden. I thought that someone like you, who is devoted to the army, won't get married until you are fifty or sixty years old." Mayer added.

"I thought so too," Edgar said.

"Didn't you say you like strong, non-sticky demi-orcs? Why did you end up choosing completely different from what you said?" Mayer smiled and said in a joking tone.

"I didn't know what I liked at that time, and... Shu Shu is very good." Edgar touched the little hamster who was punching and kicking him in his pocket, and was comforted by him. The hamster finally quieted down.

Mayer took a deep breath, clenching and loosening his fists involuntarily.

He is the most noble sub-orc born in the entire empire, and he is also outstanding. He always thought that only Edgar was worthy of himself, and only himself was worthy of Edgar, but now Edgar is getting married, and the object is not him.

Mayer didn't speak, but Edgar had a rare desire to speak: "Shu Shu is really good, he's different from the Asian Orcs I've seen before..." Well, Shu Shu is actually not an Asian Orc.

However, Shu Shu at that time was not stronger than the orcs, but he survived in the dangerous forest. He clearly regarded him as a beast, and he was very afraid of him, but he did not give up on him.

Asking himself, Edgar felt that if he was in Shu Shu's position, he might not be able to save a beast that he was very, very afraid of.

Thinking of how Shu Shu was always frightened by himself at that time, Edgar's expression softened along with his eyes.

Mayer glanced at Edgar, turned his head and started watching the following recruits performance: "He looks very innocent and cute, congratulations."

Edgar nodded: "Thank you."

When Mayer said "simple and cute" before, it was not without irony, but now hearing Edgar's answer, he suddenly felt choked up, and he focused on watching the game and ignored Edgar.

At this time, Shu Shu let go of his guard against Mayer. Mayer and Edgar were not ambiguous at all, and he even said congratulations to Edgar. It was really inappropriate for him to guard against Mayer.

Edgar took Shu Shu to watch the recruit competition, and then took Shu Shu to the hotel on the top floor of the Royal Building. He asked for a couples box. After checking that the box was absolutely safe, he ate a table of dishes with Shu Shu.

The hamster's mouth is too small, and it eats very slowly. Shu Shu really wants to become a human, but thinks that he needs to be naked first...

He simply crawled into the middle of a plate of dried fruits, and shoved the whole plate of dried fruit into his mouth in grief and anger.

Edgar looked at Shu Shu on the plate, and suddenly had the urge to scoop up Shu Shu with a spoon... Of course, for the sake of the next day, he didn't do that, but quietly watched the waiter's strange expression. I ate up a couple's set meal with a pet in here.

But even so, Shu Shu didn't want to talk to him anymore after returning home. Shu Shu, who had been a hamster for a day, quickly ran into the study, and then got into the virtual cabin and started to learn etiquette.

He has already checked the wedding process on the Internet, and knowing that the wedding will be broadcast live on Xingwang, he can't lose face!

When Shu Shu thought about not being embarrassed, many people on Xingxing thought that he was going to be embarrassed, and even some media felt that his performance would definitely be poor.

"Someone I know went to the last banquet held in the palace. He said that the princess-to-be doesn't know anything about etiquette. Can he complete the wedding process like this?"

"The current queen made a fool of herself at the wedding, will this princess-to-be do the same?"

"It's okay to make a fool of yourself, I heard that he's not good-looking..."

Shu Shu didn't know anything about these remarks, but Edgar saw it, but he couldn't forcibly ban such personal remarks, so he could only turn off the star network with a gloomy face.

"The wedding is scheduled for the 20th of next month. Is there a problem with Shu Shu?" Ian asked his son worriedly. He had let Shu Shu practice the whole process in the virtual cabin, but he was still very worried.

He also practiced for a long time before marrying Chris. He didn't expect that he would make a fool of himself at the wedding, and even fell down. In the end, he had to rely on Jonathan to help cover it up.

"No problem, I won't leave him at that time." Edgar said, with lessons learned, he would never leave Shu Shu. Moreover, Shu Shu's progress these days, he can always see in his eyes, Shu Shu, who uses the virtual cabin to learn various movements every day, has a really big change in his temperament, which makes him feel a little distressed.

Shu Shu is an orc, but now he wants to marry him as a sub-orc...

When Edgar returned to his residence, he felt a little guilty, but when he saw that he was sitting upright, eating half of the food in a standard posture, and then showing his true shape, happily put all the rest of the food into the comfort of the food bag. Book, but couldn't help but laugh.

After Shu Shu learned all the etiquette, repeated the wedding process several times, made sure that he would not go wrong at all, and even took time to study some courses in elementary and middle school, his wedding came.

It was at this time that Shu Shu discovered a problem.

At the wedding, there was a link where the orcs gave the beast beads to the Asian orcs, and the beast beads…

"Edgar, you are going to give me the beast beads, how are your beast beads?" Shu Shu asked curiously.

Edgar was stunned for a moment. He had already given Shu Shu the beast bead. Could it be that Shu Shu didn't know that it was a beast bead

"I already gave it to you." Edgar said, "It's the red bead I gave you last time."

"That's the beast bead?" Shu Shu was taken aback, the beast bead seemed to be the same thing as a diamond ring on Earth, and Edgar ate the beast bead after he gave it to him...

I always thought it was strange for a man to give birth to a child. I was certain that I was different from the people here and would never give birth to a child. Therefore, I never read Shu Shu, a book on puberty education. I didn’t know the true function of the beast beads, so I regretted it a lot. , regretted that he had eaten the "diamond ring" given by Edgar.

Shu Shu invited his classmates from the talent class to his wedding, as well as Jones, but on the wedding day, he didn't have time to talk to them at all.

Royal weddings are really complicated.

The wedding etiquette of orcs and sub-orcs is completely different from that on Earth, and the clothes they wear are a bit weird to Shu Shu, but they have the same oath as on Earth. As for Edgar giving him the beast beads... Since Edgar has already taken If there is no second beast bead, this link will be omitted.

Meyer looked pale as Shu Shu held Edgar's arm and completed the entire wedding process perfectly.

The Shu Shu that I saw at the royal banquet last time looked so rustic and could only be his sidekick, but the current Shu Shu has undergone tremendous changes.

The princess-to-be, who was specially styled, looked very, very beautiful. Even if he dressed up today, that person was still not covered by his light. The most important thing was that this person's temperament and behavior were completely different from before. .

It's only been a few days? How can one person change so much

So, at the banquet that day, this person was pretending? To act like that to make Edgar pity him

After gulping down the wine in his hand, Mayer felt cheated.

At this time, on the Star Online, there were also a group of people who were clamoring to be deceived.

"The princess is obviously very beautiful, who said he wasn't beautiful?"

"His temperament is also very good, not like coming from a remote planet at all!"

"The princess looks so cute and looks small. I want to have such an Asian orc in the future."

A commoner-born prince concubine can make people jealous, but also make common people feel close. Looking at the live broadcast, more and more people began to bless. Below the live video, there were piles of flowers and gifts from everyone.

After discovering that there was no link in which the crown prince gave out the beast beads, many people laughed.

"His Royal Highness is really in a hurry, he sent the beast beads out before he got married."

"This is learning from His Majesty. His Majesty was like this at the beginning. Before marrying the Queen, he gave the beast beads to the Queen."

"It's not really good for them to make the wedding less perfect..."

Some people said that on the Internet, and everyone was talking about it at the wedding scene.

Calvin thought it was funny: "Edgar doesn't look like the kind of person who would give out beast beads in advance to please people. Why can't he even give out beast beads now?"

Hearing Calvin's words, his father, Duke of Mond, frowned: "Don't talk about the royal family indiscriminately."

"Lord Duke, it's no longer ancient, isn't it? Everyone's favorite thing now is to talk about the royal family." Calvin laughed. Now that speech is free, the royal family is very close to the people.

"Maybe Edgar didn't use the beast beads to please people in advance." Jonathan said suddenly.

"Father, what did you say?" Calvin looked at Jonathan curiously.

"It's nothing." Jonathan smiled: "I just think that this crown princess may not be as simple as it looks. Last time I didn't understand all kinds of etiquette, but now I can do it with ease..."

"Mother and father, you think too much, Edgar said, he has been practicing in the virtual cabin these days!" Calvin said.

Jonathan smiled and stopped talking. It is really convenient to use the virtual cabin to practice, but the virtual cabin does not have the effect of slowing down time as some novels say, which means that Shu Shu's practice time is only one month.

In one month, can a person be turned upside down

After the wedding process, the live broadcast was closed, and the guests were taken to a special place to eat, but Edgar and Shu Shu returned to their residence together.

These days Edgar moved to live with Shu Shu, and his room was redecorated, and now it has changed a lot. In the middle of the room, there is a very, very large bed.

Shu Shu was tired for a long time, and when he saw the bed, he immediately jumped on it: "I'm going to die of exhaustion!"

Edgar looked at Shu Shu with a funny look, and then saw Shu Shu suddenly jumped up from the bed again: "But I'm very happy, I'm married!"

He thought that he would not have a wedding as a goblin, but he did not expect that in the end he would have a wedding that attracted the attention of the world, and he also had a magical beast as his partner, which was really great!

"I'm very happy too." Edgar said, "Let's go take a bath together?"

"Take a shower? Okay." Shu Shu nodded and went into the bathroom. Today, his face was wearing make-up. Although the makeup was different from the one on Earth, it would never fall off, and it wouldn't even be able to be wiped off by hand. , but he still felt very uncomfortable.

Shu Shu entered the bathroom and was halfway through washing his face when he saw Edgar walking in from outside, already stripped.

Well built! Shu Shu sighed and looked at the important part of Edgar.

He has seen Edgar's snake shape, there are two... ahem... Yes, Edgar's human form... Shouldn't it be weird too

Edgar doesn't have two human figures, only one, which is much bigger than his... This must have something to do with stature. Shu Shu felt that if he calculated the proportions, he would not be much smaller than Edgar.

Looking at Edgar jealously, Shu Shu was hugged.

After being dragged by Edgar to take a bath and hugged to the bed, Shu Shu remembered that getting married is not just a wedding, but also a wedding night.

Looking at Edgar, Shu Shu's face was flushed, and he inevitably reacted, and immediately said excitedly: "Come! Come quickly!"

According to the books his master has read, men should be very comfortable with men...

Imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Shu Shu caressed Edgar passionately, and both of them were in love.

A scream suddenly sounded.

Edgar was taken aback by Shu Shu's scream. Even if the arrow was on the line, he immediately stopped and did not dare to move. Shu Shu took this opportunity to break free, and then... he turned into a little hamster without hesitation. .

On the huge bed, one of the two lingering people had disappeared and turned into a hamster. The little hamster jumped on the bed angrily at first, but finally bent over and began to examine a certain part of himself.

The scene looked cute, but Edgar's face went black when he saw it.

Should he spend the candle night in his bridal chamber with a hamster

Shu Shu was about to die of pain. He was kissed and touched by Edgar before. He was very comfortable, and he didn't want to move. He almost let Edgar do whatever he wanted...

At that time, he still thought, he can just enjoy it without exerting any effort, it must be very comfortable, how can he know that he is not comfortable at all, it is still very, very painful!

If he had known it was so painful, he would definitely not have done it!

"Shu Shu, change back." Edgar hugged Shu Shu and said, he has been enduring it these days, but now he really can't bear it anymore.

Shu Shu rolled himself up completely, ignoring Edgar as if he didn't hear it.

"It's our bridal chamber now, aren't you looking forward to it?" Edgar said again.

Shu Shu still didn't speak, he was looking forward to it, but that was because he didn't know it would hurt so much!

Edgar looked at Shu Shu, and suddenly turned into a prototype, a snake with a thick thumb and feet.

Even though snakes are very small, they can often swallow things that are thicker than their own bodies. After a thumb-sized snake opens its mouth, the mouth is very, very large, and it can completely swallow a small hamster.

Shu Shu's body was stiff, and he was stunned. Could it be that because he refused to bridal chambers, Edgar was going to eat him

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, but he was not frightened to death or stiffened because of fear, just a little scared, and at the same time subconsciously turned into a human shape - after he grew bigger, this snake would definitely not be able to swallow he is!

Shu Shuzheng was a little proud when he realized that the snake had also turned into a human, and then pinned him down.

"Shu Shu, I was wrong just now, I was in a hurry... Shall we take it slow?" Edgar kissed Shu Shu's face and said, "Just now... I'm sorry."

He was anxious to turn Shu Shu into a human form, so he used the prototype to scare Shu Shu, but when he saw Shu Shu's face pale, he immediately regretted it.

"You can't take it slowly, it hurts too much!" Shu Shu said without hesitation.

"This time I promise it won't hurt. If you feel pain, I will definitely stop right away." Edgar said.

Shu Shu looked at Edgar, nodding mysteriously.

Edgar breathed a sigh of relief and slowly kissed Shu Shu.

Shu Shu would have pain before, which has a lot to do with him being too anxious. After the Asian orcs are emotional, it is very easy to enter, but Shu Shu is not a Asian orc...

When he found that Shu Shu was a little swollen, Edgar felt very distressed, so he massaged it with the help of spiritual power. Under the action of spiritual power, the place where Shu Shu was a little sore just now didn't hurt at all, and Shu Shu still endured it. keep moaning...

Spiritual power is really a good thing... Edgar put all the spiritual power into Shu Shu's body to ensure that Shu Shu would not be hurt or hurt, and then slowly ate his partner clean.

Shu Shu was always afraid of being eaten by him, but at this moment, it was really eaten by him.