A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 68: During prenatal education


Shu Shu felt a little pain in his stomach, especially in the back, and it felt like it was cracking. Fortunately, although it hurt, it was bearable, and even felt very relaxed because it was finally pulled.

It's just that although he felt relieved, he also felt ashamed... He was actually pulled when he was being held by Edgar, as if there was still water falling on Edgar...

Wait, there's something wrong with him...

"What the hell happened to me?" Shu Shu couldn't help but said, he doesn't seem to be the same as ordinary diarrhea

"You... gave birth to an egg." Edgar was lingering with Shu Shu before, and now he is naked, but his body and bed are now covered with mucus, and the whole person looks very embarrassed.

However, he didn't care about it at all, all his attention was on the egg, and his steady hands couldn't help but tremble.

This is Shu Shu's egg, Shu Shu gave him the egg!

This is his child!

He just found out that he had a child not long ago, and the child was born...

All of this came unexpectedly, Edgar didn't know what kind of expression he should have, and his whole body stiffened for a while.

"It was born so quickly? It's so easy!" Shu Shu also saw the egg at this time, and he was a little surprised. He thought that it would be as painful as a woman giving birth for a long time, but he didn't expect to be born so quickly. If only this If so, it doesn't matter how many you have!

"Yeah." Edgar nodded in agreement. It was really too fast. It was completely different from what he imagined. Generally, it would take several hours for the Orcs to give birth... Many Orcs even had to have a caesarean section.

What about Shu Shu? When the two of them were halfway through, they said they would have diarrhea, and then they gave birth to the child very quickly!

wait, halfway through? Will this teach bad children

Edgar's expression was stunned. Shu Shu saw him like this and kicked him: "My butt hurts!" His back hurts a lot. Looking at the bloodshot on the egg, he knew that his back must be cracked. ! It's all because Edgar didn't continue to input spiritual power to him!

Shu Shu was naked, but at this moment, Edgar looked at his body without any thought, only distressed - Shu Shu was bleeding!

It's all his fault, he even let Shu Shu give birth to a child at home, and he forgot to input his spiritual power later...

Edgar immediately injected spiritual power into Shu Shu, and with the nourishment of spiritual power, Shu Shu's "diarrhea" opened wound immediately healed. After Shu Shu was no longer in pain, he was free to look at the egg he laid.

The eggs he laid were not big, and it could even be said to be a little small, just as big as his two fists combined, and it was not round, but rather long and pointed.

But even so, the egg is already huge...

"I'm so powerful that even such a big egg can be born. Looking at it this way, your penis is a little small." Shu Shu looked at the egg with a bit of emotion, and then looked at Edgar.

Edgar: "… "

"It's a pity that mine is smaller... Sigh..." Shu Shu said again with a disappointed face, and at the same time thought of another thing: "Is this egg going to be washed?" Kind, but really dirty... By the way, he and Edgar have to wash too.

"I can't wash it, I'll clean it up!" Edgar said immediately, Shu Shu was inexperienced and didn't know how to take care of eggs in this way, but he still knew that eggs can't be washed casually just after they were born.

Let 006 find a tool to clean the eggs, and Edgar carefully picks up the egg on the bed... The feeling of blood connection makes him always feel that the egg in his arms is the cutest and most beautiful egg in the world, and he can't help it. Just a few kisses on it.

Shu Shu looked at Edgar, his eyes widened in surprise, and finally he couldn't help saying, "You kissed this egg, don't kiss me again." This egg looks dirty now!

Edgar: "..." Do you despise your own child so much

006 quickly sent a clean white cloth, and at this time, Edgar had already tidy up the room, and he simply washed it himself.

Gently wipe the mucus off the egg, and slowly, the egg's true colors are revealed.

It was a white egg with nothing out of the ordinary, but Edgar looked at it with a fascination. It was the first time he had seen such a beautiful egg...

"Why is this egg so sharp at both ends? It looks weird." Shu Shu couldn't help but said.

Edgar wanted to echo Shu Shu, but this is his egg... Edgar was reluctant to say that his egg was not good, and immediately said, "Eggs are like this, this one is already very beautiful."

"It doesn't look like an egg." Shu Shu frowned and hugged the egg.

This egg gave him a very intimate feeling, and Shu Shu inevitably had a good impression of this egg, and was even reluctant to let it go.

The one in this egg is his child, the child he has been waiting for for hundreds of years! He must take good care of him in the future!

Of course, he has other things to do before that: "I'm hungry."

It was already dark, but Shu Shu was hungry and wanted to eat. Of course, he couldn't be too hungry!

Without even thinking about it, Edgar called the cook in the palace and asked the cook to cook.

"Yes, Your Highness, I'll do it right away," the chef said immediately. He had been working in the palace for a long time, and it was the first time he was called up in the middle of the night to cook, so he must behave well.

This time, the cooking should be for the princess who is pregnant with a child, right? He must cook all the delicacies that the princess likes, and serve them to the princess.

Edgar called Chris and Ian again when Mr. Chef rolled up his sleeves and was about to show off his skills.

Chris and Ian suddenly learned that they had a grandson. They were so excited that they couldn't fall asleep, so they talked together, talked, kissed and hugged again...

As a result, at a critical juncture, the contactor suddenly rang, and it was Ian's personal contactor.

"This ringtone... It's Edgar, Edgar suddenly called in the middle of the night, shouldn't there be any problem with Shu Shu?" Ian became anxious, and as soon as he pushed Chris away, he crawled out of bed up.

Chris's face darkened: "What's the matter? It's impossible to give birth."

Ian didn't care about Chris at all, and directly connected to the contactor. Of course, he turned off the video on his side - he and Chris were still naked!

"Edgar, what's wrong? Did you encounter any problems?" Ian asked worriedly.

"Father and mother, Shu Shu is born." Edgar said.

"What did you say?" Ian felt that he didn't understand a bit.

"Scholar Shu is born, an egg is born!" Edgar's voice was full of excitement.

Ian jumped up from the bed at once, he pushed Chris, who was trying to stick to him again, and hurriedly got up to get dressed.

His grandson was born! At this time, who has time to pay attention to the old man Chris!

With a dark face, Chris found that his partner had no longer set his eyes on him, so he could only get up a little sullenly, and also began to put on clothes: "Why did you give birth so soon?" In the middle of the night, this Isn't it disturbing other people's night life

"It's a bit fast..." Ian also said: "Hamsters are born very quickly, they can have two litters a month. Maybe Shu Shu is born very fast because of the hamster genes?"

"Hey, when Shu Shu had a baby, I wanted to buy something for the baby, as well as an egg incubator. I blame you for pestering me, so I didn't buy anything in the end!" Ian got dressed and stared again. glanced at Chris.

In an ordinary orc family, when the child was born, his parents prepared a lot of things for him. As a result, when the little prince of the royal family was born, he didn't even buy anything... Ian felt a little pitiful for his precious grandson.

As Ian and Chris rushed to the house where Edgar lived, Edgar put the egg on the bed and took a picture and uploaded it online: "The child is born."

On Xingwang, there was still a discussion on the crown prince who deleted his post because of a word from the crown princess. When the wife was strictly controlled, it was discovered that the crown prince sent another update.

baby born? Are you kidding me? How could it be so fast

Usually, when Asian beasts give birth to their first child, it takes seven or eight hours. How could it be possible that they were online not long ago, and they gave birth suddenly? And although the crown princess has a big belly, it's not really big, on the contrary, it's a little small... It seems that it will take two months to give birth!

The most important thing is, how can anyone give birth to a child and put it on the bed at home? The royal family finally got a little prince, why should they use the best egg incubator in the entire orc empire

"Your Highness, are you kidding too?"

"Your Highness, are you laughing too much by us and want to lie to us?"

"Your Highness, the sheets in your house are beautiful!"

"I think it should be a photo sent by the princess!"

Various comments popped up on Edgar's personal homepage, and when no one took the egg for real, the royal family suddenly issued a family portrait.

The emperor, the queen, the crown prince, the princess, and an egg took a photo together, which was posted on the personal homepage of the royal family, and said that the royal family had added a baby.

"… "

"… "

"… "

The princess actually gave birth to a child!

Their crown princess was suddenly pregnant, and the birth of a child was even more sudden!

So much has happened today!

"I can't sleep tonight, how can I fall asleep when I'm so excited at night?"

"Obviously it has nothing to do with me, but I'm so excited!"

"The royal family has a little prince. The crown princess gave birth to the crown prince at such a young age. Will there be a few more in the future?"

"If only I had a sub-orc, it must be very cute."

There are blessings everywhere on the Internet, and many stores even directly printed out a 20% discount on all products to celebrate the accident of Xiaohuangsun.

Some restaurants that have been closed have reopened: "Are you hungry? To celebrate the birth of the little emperor, all takeaways in this restaurant are free!"

It was already night, but the entire Capital Star suddenly became lively.

Jones also saw the news on the Internet, and without thinking, he turned on the aircraft.

Shu Shu was obviously pregnant, but he didn't realize it, so he naturally felt guilty. Originally, he planned to apologize tomorrow, but... Shu Shu gave birth tonight

After Jones started teaching Shu Shu medicine, he lived in the palace, so it didn't take long for him to come to Edgar's residence, and at this time Shu Shu was eating.

He ate a lot before, but he was hungry again after giving birth, so he had a good appetite now. Ian watched him eat, but he was a little confused.

Generally, Asian orcs who have just given birth only drink some soup. They have to be raised for a week before they can eat and drink. Is it really okay for Shu Shu to eat like this after giving birth

"Father and mother, what's wrong?" Shu Shu found that Ian had been staring at him, and asked puzzled.

"Shu Shu, do you have any discomfort?" Ian asked worriedly.

"No." Shu Shu shook his head, Edgar gave him some spiritual power at this moment, and the wound on his body that gave birth to a child had already healed.

Shu Shu's face was rosy and his appetite was very good. It seemed that there was no problem at all. Ian reached out and touched his hair: "Shu Shu is amazing! Edgar is definitely lucky to marry you."

"I think so too." Shu Shu nodded seriously.

"Father and mother, don't do anything." Edgar stopped Ian's hand.

"It's all sub-orcs, what does it matter." Ian looked at his son speechlessly.

Edgar didn't speak, Shu Shu... He could also be considered an orc!

"How is the child?" Jones asked immediately after entering.

"The child's condition is the same as before, and there is no way to use the instrument to check." Edgar said. Usually, after the egg of an Asian orc is born, it can be checked immediately with an instrument to find out whether it is an orc or a sub-orc, but the egg that Shu Shu gave birth to cannot be checked at all.

"This child must be very strong." Jones said, and then apologized to Shu Shu: "I'm sorry, I misdiagnosed before." Shu Shu was obviously pregnant, but he didn't notice it...

"It's alright, usually children make mistakes if they don't do this." Shu Shu didn't care. He didn't even see that this was actually a child. How could he expect Jones to see it? "However, I'm afraid I can't go to the Fallen Beast Planet. At least I have to wait for the child to come out." Generally, after the child is born, it will take three or four months to hatch. It was too fast, and he might suddenly pop out in a few days. He must not leave easily, not to mention that he needs prenatal education!

"It's alright, it's been so many years." Jones chuckled lightly. He's been waiting for so many years, it's not too short of time... You can't force Shu Shu to accompany him to the Fallen Beast Planet, right

Everyone was talking when a few robots suddenly started moving things from outside to Edgar's villa.

The egg incubator and the like that every child should have prepared before they are born is finally here!

Edgar looked at the white egg wrapped in soft cotton and placed in the incubator, and couldn't help but start taking pictures of it.

Why is his egg so cute

Shu Shu also liked this egg very much. He lay beside the incubator and looked at his egg, the more he liked it. He leaned over and kissed it. Then he took out a book and began to read to the egg in the incubator. story.

He had always missed Earth and wanted to go back to Earth, but now, looking at this weird looking ball, and Edgar, he suddenly felt that it was good to live here.

He liked Edgar, and he liked his own eggs.

This night, many people stayed up all night and joined the carnival, and the biggest carnival was undoubtedly initiated by the royal family.

After Chris left from Edgar and Shu Shu yesterday, he started to send red envelopes on the star network. Everyone can go and grab it, and he can grab a lot of money...

He thought it would be the end of the world, but Chris took out a lot of money and planned to donate it to develop a new planet, but now a grandson suddenly appeared... He decisively gave the money into a red envelope, and decided to invest 100 in Planet Gas Billion, build it into a tourism planet, and connect it to the star network.

Gas planet, that's a really good place.

"The royal family is so rich, I actually grabbed a big red envelope with 1,000 credit points!"

"I'm not very lucky, and I also grabbed 200 credit points!"

"I grabbed more than 2,000, hahahaha!"

"I'm not in the capital star, the internet speed is not good, I only got dozens of TT."

There is talk about the little prince all over the Internet, and celebratory banners are hung on one website after another, and almost everyone is talking about the little prince who was just born.

In the midst of such a national carnival, another person and another thing are inevitably ignored.

The crown prince was injured by someone deliberately. Later, the crown prince's reputation was smeared and Donald attacked the crown princess.

This news has already been released, and many people have seen it, but compared to the news of the birth of the little prince, everyone obviously doesn't pay much attention to it, and they only think that Jonathan, a sub-orc, is simply inexplicable.

"What is he trying to do? If it is placed in ancient times, it can be said that he wants to usurp the throne. What good is it for him in this era!"

"That's right, a good duchess is inappropriate to be a wanted criminal!"

"Upstairs, it's too simple for you to think. It's not without benefits for him to do this. If the crown prince dies and the royal family has no heir... Is it his turn?"

"It's terrifying to think about it like that!"

People kept talking, and Chris and Edgar were in a bad mood watching it.

"Have you caught him?" Edgar asked.

"No, his private spaceship is very fast and well-equipped. Now he wants to hide, we can't catch him at all." Chris said.

Edgar frowned when he heard the words, and said again: "Have all his men who were hiding in the capital star caught?"

"They've already been arrested." Chris nodded, and added, "I don't want to make a big fuss about this matter, I'm wronging you."

"It's fine," Edgar said.

Although Jonathan was going to kill him publicly, it didn't make a big deal. There was a reason - Chris didn't want it to be too ugly. After all, it was going to be a big deal, and the royal family would be ashamed.

Although Jonathan was a nobleman, his parents were declining nobles. The royal family raised him and he became the most outstanding Asian orc ever in the capital star, and was able to marry the Duke of Mond.

Now, this person actually murdered Edgar... It's really a big mess, I'm afraid all kinds of guesses will come out.

Chris hated him so much, but in the end he still controlled public opinion.

Of course, even if the matter is not publicized, that person will definitely be arrested. Chris has even collected a lot of charges and intends to let him spend his life in prison.

Chris's thoughts, Jonathan knew nothing.

As a sub-orc who was once more striking than Meyer, Jonathan used to be extremely inaccurate, but now, he is huddled in a small, dark basement, with messy hair and clothes that have been worn all day and night No change.

That's right, Jonathan didn't leave the capital star, and what stayed on the spaceship that left was just a substitute for him.

After his private spaceship escaped, he might be shot down by a cannonball if he was not careful, and he would have nowhere to go after leaving the capital star... Of course he couldn't just escape like that.

Of course, the most important thing is that what he wants to do has not been done.

He has planned for so many years, sacrificed so much, and now he is even charged with murdering the royal family, and he will never be able to live the life he once had in his life... He is like this, how can the people he hates still live well and be loved by others

The anonymous contactor in his hand was flickering faintly. Looking at the family portrait posted by the royal family on the contactor, Jonathan's eyes were cold, and he finally took out a knife, which suddenly stabbed Ian in the face.

The contactor was pierced by a knife, and it broke after a flash. Jonathan took out another contactor and continued to read the news on the Internet.

Edgar's beast is not lost at all... Ian told him that to frame him and let him show his feet

He knew that Ian was never as innocent as he appeared.

If it wasn't for Ian, he wouldn't be where he is now, and he would never be living like this... Reaching out, Jonathan touched Chris's face displayed on the contactor.

Chris must still have feelings for him, otherwise, how could the news about him on the Internet be suppressed so much? If it weren't for Ian, he should be the queen by now.

Jonathan's eyes were filled with hatred, he was silent for a long time, and finally moved.

He took out the food from the space button and ate a little, he walked to the side, and then tapped on a computer.

He has become a wanted criminal, destined to have nothing. He would never be able to live the days of wandering outside, so he might as well fight for it.

The big deal is just one death, and I can still drag Ian to die together.

A strange smile appeared on Jonathan's face.

While Jonathan was beating on the computer in the basement, Shu Shu and Edgar got together to teach Eggy a prenatal education.

"Baby, don't grow into a snake. If you grow into a snake, your mother and father will be afraid. If your mother and father are afraid, they won't be able to hold you..." Shu Shu said to his son.

Edgar was heartbroken.