A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 93: To find the spirit grass


I carefully prepared a romantic candlelight dinner, but it scared the person I liked... Edgar rolled up his huge body and sat quietly next to him, his head resting on his body, and he was in a really bad mood.

Although Shu Shu was startled, he calmed down later and sat beside the table: "Why did you make the room like this?"

"It's nothing." Edgar said, "You're in a bad mood recently, so I asked someone to make you something delicious."

"So that's how it is." Shu Shu looked at the table and found that there were indeed a lot of delicious food on the table, although it didn't smell good because it was a little cold, but he always liked to eat cold food, so Just right.

Thinking like this, Shu Shu used a fork to fork a piece of meat, put it directly into his mouth, and then narrowed his eyes with satisfaction - delicious.

"You've been in a bad mood recently, what's wrong?" Edgar asked when he saw Shu Shu happily eating.

Hearing Edgar asking about this, Shu Shu, who was still excited just now, was deflated like a dead balloon: "I'm just worried. So many fallen beasts... How long will it take me to remove their Are all the beast cores repaired?"

Will he have free time in the next ten years

Shu Shu was originally worried about this... Edgar wanted to laugh a little, but his current physical condition made him unable to laugh, and it seemed strange to simulate laughter with his spiritual power, and finally said: "You don't have to worry about this, I will handle this later, there will always be a way." When his body fully recovers, these things should be done by him, how can Shu Shu be kept busy all the time

After his recovery, his spiritual power will be much stronger than Shu Shu, and it should be much faster to help people repair the beast core.

Edgar looked at Shu Shu tenderly. He knew Shu Shu's character. Hearing him say that, Shu Shu should hug him gratefully and say, "Edgar, how nice of you" or something else.

Now as a fallen beast, he can only hope for such intimacy.

However, Shu Shu didn't say what Edgar wanted to hear, as Edgar wanted. Instead, he stared at the vase next to him, staring intently.

Edgar couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and then said, "Isn't this flower beautiful?"

flower? Shu Shu focused his attention on the flowers in the vase, and then said, "It's not beautiful at all, it's ugly." There are many kinds of flowers on the earth, and there are even more varieties of flowers in the Orc Empire. For a goblin who took an illustration class at the Royal Academy bridal class, Edgar's random flower arrangement is really ugly.

Shu Shu stared at the vase, and all he saw was the grass in the vase.

There was a faint spiritual power lingering on the humble grass. Although Shu Shu didn't know it and couldn't name it, he knew that it was a spiritual grass.

He had just heard from Jones and the old doctor that the Orc Empire might have spirit grass, but he didn't expect to see it so soon!

Shu Shu looked at the spirit grass excitedly, and regretted it a little. When he was on the planet Gasth, he shouldn't have stayed on his own two-acre land. If he knew that there were spirit grasses in this world, he would definitely look around. looked.

Spirit grass is a good thing that can increase your cultivation base! If there is a spirit grass, he might not need to cultivate! When he secretly followed the master to read a novel of self-cultivation, what Shu Shu envied most was not the protagonist who worked hard all the way and finally reached the top, but the second generation of immortals who could take drugs to advance.

Also... Spirit grass might be as useful as a fallen beast

Shu Shu looked at the spirit grass, and his saliva was about to flow out.

Edgar was silent, he wanted to be romantic, but the result... Obviously, the romance he was preparing for was a complete failure.

"Where did you get this grass? Is there still such grass?" Shu Shu asked Edgar with the spirit grass.

"It was obtained by someone else, and I don't know where it is." Edgar said, "This kind of grass with spiritual power is very special?" Although this grass has spiritual power, the spiritual power on it is very weak. There is nothing surprising.

"These are all treasures!" Shu Shu found out the various alchemy knowledge he got from Hong Zhuzi in his mind, and said slowly.

Edgar heard Shu Shu say something before, but Shu Shu only mentioned it briefly, so he didn't know the details until now.

I don't know where Shu Shu knew so many things... Edgar was very curious, but didn't ask.

"This is indeed a good thing." Edgar agreed with what Shu Shu said, and realized the preciousness of this spirit grass: "I will let people find it again."

"Orcs who haven't practiced, even if they see the spirit grass in front of them, they won't recognize it!" Shu Shu said a little disappointedly, and suddenly had an idea: "How about we go to find it together?"

"Then I'll make arrangements." Edgar said.

"Okay." Shu Shu nodded, he knew that Edgar's so-called arrangement should be to find someone to accompany them, and he had no opinion on this - it's a good thing to have someone to serve!

Edgar quickly arranged things, and when Shu Shu woke up the next day, he was told that he could leave at any time.

Is it possible to go out and have a good time? Shu Shu nodded excitedly: "Then let's go now!"

Edgar and Shu Shu took the aircraft to leave the place where they lived for a long time. After they left, Shu Shu discovered that although their rescue capsule fell into the desert, so that no plants could be seen these days, the planet's Other places are full of various plants, even though these plants are not very good-looking, and the varieties are also single.

No wonder Edgar put such ugly flowers into the vase before. It is really a planet that has too few good-looking plants!

Shu Shu sat in the aircraft and looked at everything outside, and felt the changes in spiritual power by the way, and his mood became better and better. After they left the desert, the spiritual power in the air became stronger and stronger.

The spiritual power in the desert is even richer than that of Gasth Planet, and the spiritual power of other places on this planet is incomparable to Gasth Planet.

The little snake is also in a good mood. He has been in the desert since he was born, and he has never seen the outside world. Now when he suddenly sees it, he is reluctant to blink. Snakes have no eyelids and cannot blink, but they are not really A snake can wink like a human.

On the first stop of Edgar and Shu Shu, they came to the place where the soldiers who helped pick flowers before picked flowers. This is a large oasis in the desert, it looks very beautiful, and there are all kinds of creatures...

As soon as the aircraft stopped, Shu Shu jumped from it, and then walked around the oasis excitedly. He liked the small lake in the middle of the oasis even more: "The scenery here is so beautiful... There are fish in the water. ?"

Edgar was silent, he knew that Shu Shu's focus was always different.

"I'll help you catch fish." Edgar said, and the huge snake body slid into the water.

Upon seeing this, Shu Shu immediately asked the soldiers who followed to put out the prepared tables and chairs, and also took out the solar grill, waiting for Edgar to catch the fish and come back.

Edgar stayed in the small lake much longer than Shu Shu imagined, but when he came out of the lake, he brought back the fish as expected.

After Edgar, who caught a fish in each of his four claws, climbed out of the lake, he said to the soldiers who followed, "There's nothing to do here for now, you guys go to the aircraft to eat something."

"Yes, Your Highness." Hearing Edgar's words, the soldiers quickly left, allowing Edgar and Shu Shu to live in a two-person world.

Shu Shu only thought that Edgar thought those people were an annoyance and would let them leave. He didn't think much about it. He picked up the fish that Edgar caught and cleaned it up, saying, "You should let them kill the fish. Let's go..." Not to mention the fish monsters here, they are all quite big, so it is not convenient for him to deal with them.

"I found some good things, I just want to show you." Edgar said, opening his mouth, and suddenly spit out some water plants.

These aquatic plants are very ordinary, but they all have spiritual power! Shu Shu was shocked when he looked at these aquatic plants, and he couldn't even care about the fish that he had packed in half.

"The underwater spiritual power is very strong, and there is a place where a lot of such aquatic plants grow." Edgar said, after he dived into the water just now, he wanted to catch fish first, but he felt that there was a place where the spiritual power was very strong. It was rich, so I went to investigate first, and then I caught some fish when I picked the water plants and prepared to go ashore.

"I don't know what this is, but it has spiritual power on it. Do you think this is the kind of elixir that will skyrocket your cultivation after you eat it?" Shu Shu looked at Edgar excitedly.

"I saw fish eating the surrounding aquatic plants, and this thing should not be poisonous." Edgar said, he noticed Shu Shu's mouth watering appearance, and simply ate one of them himself: "I'll try it first. "

The snake's mouth is inconvenient to taste, but Edgar thinks that the taste of the waterweed should not be good, because it is a little rough, but after eating... The waterweed has just been eaten, and a spiritual power is in Edgar's chest. The belly spreads out. This spiritual power is not particularly large, but it is also a lot, which makes Edgar feel comfortable.

After waiting for a while, Edgar still had no other reaction other than being comfortable, and he didn't feel any discomfort at all, and immediately said, "This spirit grass can be eaten." After saying this, Edgar also pulled some of the tenderest stems and leaves of the spirit grass. To the little snake that was placed in the small box next to it.

Yes, they came out and brought the little snake with them this time, but the treatment of the little snake was obviously not very good-Edgar put him in a transparent box before he went into the water.

The little snake was not unhappy, on the contrary, he liked the box very much... After Edgar threw the water plants in, he ate it even more happily.

Edgar was fine after eating, even the snake was fine, so Shu Shu was welcome and picked up a water plant to eat.

Immediately after the aquatic plants were eaten, a spiritual power appeared in Shu Shu's body. Shu Shu's cultivation speed has been very slow, so the experience of suddenly gaining a lot of spiritual power is very precious to him. He hastily stuffed some water plants into his mouth again.

Edgar also took a big mouthful. His mouth was so big that he ate dozens of times the amount that Shu Shu ate, which made Shu Shu feel a little resentful.

"There are still a lot of aquatic plants below. If you still want to eat it, I will go and get it for you." Edgar said.

"I don't need it for now, so much spiritual power is enough for me to absorb it for a long time." Shu Shu smiled at Edgar, but his face suddenly changed, and then he covered his stomach.

"What's wrong? Stomach discomfort?" Edgar asked worriedly, but he didn't want the next second, Shu Shu suddenly turned into a little hamster in front of him.

The little hamster was lying on the ground on its back, with its four feet twitching, it looked very bad... Edgar only felt that the blood all over his body seemed to stop flowing: "Shu Shu!"

Shu Shu, what happened? Isn't that water plant poisonous? Obviously he ate a lot and was fine! Edgar carefully placed the snake's tail on Shu Shu's stomach, and his spiritual power entered Shu Shu's body to investigate, and after his investigation, he found that Shu Shu would suddenly become a prototype. Energy cannot be digested.

The little hamster's body is full of spiritual power brought by water plants, and under the rampage, the little hamster twitches.

Looking at the little hamster, Edgar felt distressed, but he couldn't even hug, so he could only gently stroke the little hamster with the snake's tail, and at the same time help the little hamster absorb the excess spiritual power.

It was at this time that Edgar discovered that the child in Shu Shu's belly seemed to be absorbing this spiritual power.

This unborn child absorbs spiritual power faster than Shu Shu.