A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 94: Learn to fly an aircraft


Shu Shu has always known that his talent is very poor, but he really didn't expect his talent to be so poor.

He only ate a little water plant with spiritual power, but he had to show his original shape because he couldn't absorb the spiritual power inside.

It's really embarrassing. It's obvious that Edgar is fine after eating so much, and the little snake is fine. How can it be his turn... Shu Shu is so angry that his cheeks are bulging.

With the help of Edgar, the spirit power that was scurrying in the body finally calmed down, and many of them were absorbed by the child in his stomach... Shu Shu still maintained the appearance of a little hamster, lying on his back on the ground and pretending to be dead.

"What else is wrong?" Edgar asked worriedly.

There is no discomfort, just don't want to move... Shu Shu gave Edgar a gloomy look. Edgar is a divine beast with very good talent, but he is a hamster spirit with poor talent. The gap is really big, making him want to bite Edgar again.

However, his teeth couldn't bite Edgar at all... Excuse me!

Edgar saw that the little hamster was grinding his teeth with his black eyes open, but there was no expression of pain. He knew that Shu Shu should be fine.

The little hamster turned over and sat up when he heard the words, and nodded reservedly. It hurts to be ravaged by spiritual power in his body. After the pain, he is indeed a little hungry...

Although Edgar is now a fallen beast, his situation is much better than when he first met Shu Shu. After all, he has claws now. Using the short claws to clean the fish, Edgar grilled it directly on the solar grill.

The grill is not only solar powered, but can also adjust the temperature by detecting the condition of the food, so there is no need to worry about the fish being burnt, so Edgar had no trouble grilling the fish, and even cooked a fish quickly , and put it on a plate in front of the hamster.

Shu Shu, who turned into a hamster, was much smaller than the fish Edgar caught. Smelling the aroma of the grilled fish, Shu Shu couldn't wait to climb onto the plate, and intoxicatedly smelled the fragrance in the air. After the grilled fish was cool, he went straight into the fish's stomach and ate the meat on the fish's stomach.

Edgar left two fish for Shu Shu, and then put the other two in the food grinder to make a mush, and gave them to the little snake that was still in the box.

The two fish for the little snake did not put too many seasonings. If I really want to say that the taste can only be described as bland, but the little snake did not dislike it at all, and I was very satisfied.

Shu Shu was also very satisfied with the food. At the same time, because of his behavior of getting into the belly of a fish, he now smelled like grilled fish and looked like a fragrant plush ball.

It's too slow to eat like this... Shu Shu gnawed at a fish for a long time and didn't gnaw much, and finally turned back into a human shape when he gritted his teeth, put on his clothes and sat down at the table, and ate, um... In fact, the speed was not much faster. When he was a hamster, the fishbone was so big and easy to remove. Now that he has become a human, the fishbone is very troublesome.

"Enough?" Edgar asked.

"Enough." Shu Shu said, wiping his mouth and looking at the remaining aquatic plants; "After eating it, I have strength all over my body, and I still want to eat..." Although he ate too much water plants just now, he felt that the spiritual power was rushing around. It was very uncomfortable, but now he felt so comfortable that he couldn't help but want to eat more.

Of course, he also wanted to give the child in his belly a little more spiritual power—after eating the aquatic plants, his child grew bigger in a circle visible to the naked eye, and his belly also protruded.

"Wait before you eat, and eat less when you eat." Edgar said, the look of Shu Shu just now really scared him, but eating some water plants should be good for children...

Shu Shu nodded and agreed with a face full of regret. Edgar glanced at the barbecue next to him, and suddenly said, "I'll let those who follow go back later."

"Ah? Why?" Shu Shu was a little puzzled. He felt that it would be very imposing to go out with a large group of people...

"You can't let others know your secrets. We only need to bring one robot." Edgar said, Shu Shu has a lot of secrets. Without those people, their movement must be more convenient.

Edgar thought that a two-person world was impossible, because Shu Shu had to keep the snake and felt that they could not irresponsibly throw the snake to others.

Edgar agreed.

Anyway, he is a snake now and can't do anything. Shu Shu can take the snake if he wants.

Parting ways with those soldiers on the oasis, Shu Shu and Edgar climbed into the best aircraft they had left behind.

The aircraft can be auto-piloted, but autopilot requires the driver to connect to the Internet to choose a route, and there is no Internet on the Fallen Beast Planet, so autopilot is naturally useless.

"Shu Shu, you can learn how to fly the aircraft." Edgar suggested.

"I don't know it at all!" Shu Shu quickly refused. He has never ridden a bicycle, so how can he directly drive such a high-end aircraft

"Actually, it's very simple to fly an aircraft..." Edgar explained to Shu Shu.

Technology can liberate human beings, and many things are naturally easier to use. The same is true for transportation. The aircraft of this orc empire is much easier to drive than human cars—it has many functions, such as obstacles in front of it. Automatically dodge, for example, no matter how much you toss, he can keep the body from shaking, etc., ensuring that people who can't drive will not have traffic accidents.

Shu Shu was relieved immediately after hearing about these two functions, and without hesitation, he pressed the switch to start the aircraft, and then he held the steering wheel and flew away.

In order to avoid being stared at by the strange birds in the air, Shu Shu drove the aircraft one or two meters above the ground. He had a hard time grasping the steering wheel, so that the aircraft hit the trees and stones several times, but there is no need to worry about it. Because every time it was about to hit, the aircraft could dodge by itself.

Really... so much fun!

Shu Shu felt like he was playing a game. He slowed down the speed of the aircraft and flew in the desert.

This oasis is not far from where Shu Shu and others live. Shu Shu has been very busy recently, and there are inevitably fallen beasts coming to rest in this oasis.

At this moment, a group of fallen beasts came to this oasis. They glanced in the direction of the oasis, and finally sat in the desert to eat the captured prey. These fallen beasts were the hyena who ran to the mountain before to inform the group of people.

The fallen beasts in this team were filled with a fierce aura, and the lead snake fallen beast looked even more gloomy, as if with murderous aura, and they began to communicate while eating.

They have been with each other for a long time, and they have a set of communication methods that belong to them. The low roar and words have already allowed them to chat at a slow speed.

"Aldous, the crown prince and princess are really in that oasis? What are we going to do later?" A fallen cat looked at their leader.

The huge snake beast patted the ground with its tail: "We must find a way to save ourselves."

These fallen beasts have committed crimes. Some of them are criminals directly. They will only become fallen beasts when their cores are broken during the crime process or when they are caught. To take revenge is to commit a crime. Such people should be imprisoned by reason, but they are fallen beasts... Since the Orc Empire did not prepare prisons for fallen beasts, the upper echelons of the empire simply sent them to the fallen beast planet.

Before Raynor came to the Fallen Beast Planet, it was such criminals who ruled the Fallen Beast Planet. After all, they were the most vicious, but after Raynor came, these people were defeated and could only hide in despair. Get up, and when another criminal arrives later, he will be driven away by Renault.

Fallen beasts like them, the prince concubine who has the method to help people repair the beast core is obviously impossible to save them... Even if Shu Shu is willing to save them, so many people are waiting for Shu Shu to save, maybe it will take a hundred or ten It takes years to get their turn, so they can only try to save themselves.

"How?" someone asked.

"As long as we can catch that Shu Shu, we don't have to worry about anything." Aldous wrote on the ground, a cold light flashed in the snake's long and narrow vertical pupils.

They have come all the way, and have already inquired about the crown prince and princess with many people, and they have learned a lot about Edgar and Shu Shu.

The crown prince used to be very strong, but now he is just a fallen beast. There are still children in the belly of the crown prince, so it is not difficult to catch them. After catching them, they might turn into orcs!

Even if they can't turn into orcs... Since they can't recover, it's best for others not to recover!

That's what they had in mind, and they have been investigating the whereabouts of Edgar and Shu Shu these days.

These people were discussing when a fallen goshawk suddenly flew from a distance and landed in front of Aldous: "The people who followed the crown prince and crown princess have all gone back, but the crown prince and crown princess stayed behind. in that oasis!"

And such a good thing? The eyes of these fallen beasts lit up, and at this moment, they saw a flying machine streak across the sky, driving crookedly into the distance.

"That's the aircraft of His Royal Highness." The fallen goshawk wrote a line on the ground, a little confused. It took them a lot of effort to keep up, and they happened to meet the prince and concubine who were single, but they ran away before they started

This is too unfair!

These fallen beasts were in a very bad mood. At this moment, they saw that the flying machine that had gone away actually flew back.

"Let's chase." Aldous flicked his tail, signaling everyone to catch up. But how can the aircraft be so easy to chase? Their running feet were worn out, and they didn't catch up with the aircraft that was actually not flying fast.

The aircraft was flying crookedly, it was still flying back and forth in the air, and it was impossible to see where it wanted to go. They could not wait to spit out a mouthful of blood.

After the chase, Aldous wanted to give up, and at this moment, the aircraft suddenly stopped in front of them.

Shu Shu had already discovered that a fallen beast was following him, so he was very helpless. He didn't know how to get along with those fallen beasts who worshipped him and wanted to please him, so he just ignored them, feeling that they would definitely give up after a period of time, but he didn't think that these people were unexpectedly firm-willed and kept chasing after him. hold on to him.

Running like this, there will be problems with the bodies of these fallen beasts... Shu Shu thought about going down and having a good chat with them, so that they would give up the idea of running with the aircraft.

After the aircraft stopped, Shu Shu shouted to those people, "Hey, don't follow me!"

Aldous took people and slowly approached the aircraft. He knew that the Crown Prince and Crown Princess must not know them, so they could pretend to be ordinary fallen beasts...

"I'm leaving here, you all stay at the oasis, don't follow me." Shu Shu said again, trying not to look at Aldous, there was no way, he was afraid of snakes.

As a result, at this moment, a wolf-shaped fallen beast beside Aldous jumped up and rushed towards Shu Shu.

"Ah!" Shu Shu screamed, and at the same time, Edgar threw out the snake's tail and pulled the giant wolf out.

Aldous had already launched an attack at this time, and even sprayed venom directly, but before his venom fell on Shu Shu, he was blocked, and he didn't know what was blocking the venom.

A group of fallen beasts all gathered around the aircraft, intent on doing something "big", Edgar looked at them with disdain and excitement in his eyes.

He dared to bring Shu Shu out alone, which means that he has the ability to protect himself. With just a few fallen beasts, he still wants to be detrimental to him and Shu Shu