A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 98: A spaceship is coming


It is not easy to train a group of fallen beasts, after all, there are so many types of beasts, so there is no way to train them uniformly.

However, Renault didn't plan to train them into regular troops, he just wanted to let those fallen beasts vent their strong energy and understand a little bit of rules, so it was very simple.

These fallen beasts were messy at the beginning of training, but now they can form a neat team, and they can perform many difficult movements according to orders, and the progress is very large.

During the day, the fallen beasts were trained, and at night, Reynolds would show them open-air movies and show them various videos that the army brought to the soldiers.

These videos specially for military personnel have been deleted and selected. If nothing else, at least they all promote positive energy, and also promote some spirits such as "selfless dedication".

These things are not suitable for ordinary people, but it is just right for these fallen beasts. The fallen beasts have undergone great changes and have been abandoned by the entire society. Many of them are jealous of normal orcs and sub-orcs, and their mentality is that Not suitable for re-entering society.

There is no way to give them psychological counseling at this time, so we can only do this first.

This evening, the open-air movie will be broadcast as usual.

There is very little precipitation in the desert area, and occasionally it only rains for a while. Reynolds did not prepare a place for the fallen beasts. When playing a movie, he just found a place to put the machine on the air, and the fallen beasts basically had to find a place by themselves. Lying down and watching, but they are already very satisfied.

As fallen beasts, they didn't have any entertainment before.

What is playing tonight is not a movie, but a documentary video.

Even though the orc empire is very powerful now, no country around dares to invade them, but once, they also encountered all kinds of troubles. When they first entered the interstellar era, the orc empire even suffered from colonial rule.

Those aliens invaded the home planet of the orc empire, captured orcs to work for them, explored new planets, and even used the sub-orcs who retained some beast-shaped as playthings, and took the orcs to the arena to let them duel...

Later, it was His Majesty the Emperor who brought many orcs to resist, and the Orc Empire got rid of the humiliating colonial rule. After that, the Orcs fought countless times to gain more living space.

In those battles, many orcs died, and many orcs were injured and turned into fallen beasts, but the orcs still did not give up, and rushed to the battlefield one after another.

Many of those battle scenes were filmed, and the video materials I watched today were edited from those filmed images.

Although the fallen beasts had undergone arduous training during the day, they have recovered now, and all of them are quietly watching the huge screen not far away.

They used to feel very poor, but now it seems... they are actually lucky.

Although they have become fallen beasts, they can live freely on the fallen beast planet, instead of being charged as cannon fodder at the forefront like in the war years, and even they still have hope of repairing the beast core.

As a fallen beast who has followed Renault for many years, the male lion Bruno is in a leading position among the divided lion-shaped fallen beasts, and he also occupies the best position when watching the video.

He had always sneered at the movies that Renault asked them to watch before, and even faintly felt that it was the royal family who wanted to brainwash them with bad intentions, so they naturally didn't watch them seriously.

But today, he is still attracted by the video content.

Seeing the battles in the video, he even inevitably felt a sense of shame.

"Bruno." Jesse, who turned into a lion, came to Bruno's side and slowly licked Bruno's hair: "Don't worry, in a few days, your animal core will be repaired."

At the beginning, Edgar said that he would help Bruno repair the beast core at the end, and he has not been on the turn for the past few days. Jesse was worried that he was not happy, so he came to comfort him.

"I'm fine," Bruno said. "I'm not worried... not really."

Having said that, Bruno lay on the ground, his eyes inexplicably complicated. He had been taught a few times before, but he always felt that he had done nothing wrong, and even rejected Edgar and others, but now looking back and thinking about it, he suddenly realized that he had done a lot of things , seems to be a bit middle school.

Because of some of his experiences after he became a fallen beast, he had great opinions on the Asian orcs, but thinking about it carefully, even if his mother and father gave him chills, not all Asian orcs were like this.

Turning around, Bruno leaned on Jesse and stopped talking. He secretly swore that he must perform well in the future, so that Shu Shu would impress him, so that he could get the opportunity to repair the beast core as soon as possible.

Bruno was in a complicated mood, but Renault was very excited at the moment.

The Fallen Beasts on the Fallen Beast Planet are very, very much. The Fallen Beasts that follow him are basically sober, but those Fallen Beasts living in various settlements have already started to have a lot of memory degradation, and even go crazy from time to time.

These fallen beasts barely remembered that they were orcs and not real beasts. After the news that Shu Shu could repair the beast core spread, they came here, but they caused a lot of trouble after coming.

Renault was very worried before, worried that these fallen beasts might not be able to become orcs in the end because their minds were not clear, but now...

Since Shu Shu created the so-called Spirit Gathering Array, these fallen beasts have become much more awake. One of the fallen beasts, who had long forgotten him, but was once his friend, still remembered him again. .

Reno was overjoyed to find this, and admired Shu Shu very much. Thinking that Shu Shu seemed to like watching the fallen beasts being drilled in various ways, he even took out his PDA and started designing various kinds of things for the fallen beasts. New moves so that they can please Shushu while they practice.

As an orc, you should work hard to make the sub-orcs happy... Renault carefully designed difficult moves for those fallen beasts.

He is also good for these fallen beasts! Nearly half of the fallen beasts are single. After they become orcs again, they will definitely go after the Asian orcs. Now learn more, the Asian orcs will be unhappy in the future.

He angered Jones yesterday, and Jones refused to let him into the room. In the end, it was by performing juggling and even wagging his tail as a pet dog that Jones couldn't help laughing, and finally climbed onto Jones' bed.

Shu Shu felt that his recent life was extremely rich.

He can play with the children, watch the fallen beasts practice, study the formation, and take Edgar to watch a movie with the children at night, and do something inappropriate with Edgar...

With such a life, Shu Shu felt that no matter how long he lived, he would not feel bored!

Shu Shu thought so, but Edgar's thought was completely different from his.

Although the Fallen Beast Planet is good, it is more convenient to live in the capital city and can give the children a better education... As a father of two children, Edgar felt that he had to work harder to solve the Fallen Beast problem as soon as possible. Back to the capital with the children.

In the beginning, Edgar could only help ten fallen beasts repair their cores every day, but as time went on, this number changed. Now, Edgar has been able to help twenty fallen beasts repair beast cores every day!

As a result, there will be more animals in the base that will suddenly turn into naked men when they walk...

These beast cores are not stable yet, and the orcs who can't control their body changes temporarily lived with other fallen beasts at first, but Edgar bumped into two big changes of living people, and found that Shu Shu was still interested After carefully observing the bodies of those fallen beasts, he did not hesitate to expel these people and let them live in other places to hunt for meat.

Of course, he found a high-sounding reason - he made such a decision for the good of those orcs, to make them adapt to their bodies as soon as possible!

A new day has come. Outside the house where Edgar and Shu Shu lived, twenty huge beasts gathered early in the morning.

These beasts are so large that a sneeze can make a hole in the sand, but now they are motionless, not making a sound.

They were all waiting for Edgar and Shu Shu to wake up, hoping to recover the beast core as soon as possible.

When Edgar and Shu Shu came out of the room, the twenty fallen beasts looked at them together, and their eager eyes even made one’s heart tremble, but fortunately, whether it was Edgar or Shu Shu, both I'm used to being watched like this.

Edgar looked at the twenty fallen beasts in front of him. Among them, he saw Bruno, the lion he was familiar with, but he said nothing, greeted these people, and let them follow him into the building next to him. one room.

There is a very effective spirit gathering formation in this room, which gathers a lot of spiritual power. As soon as these fallen beasts entered, they felt inexplicably comfortable...

Twenty fallen beasts soon regained their cores.

After completing today's task, the spiritual power was also exhausted. Edgar was about to go back and find a way to improve the efficiency of repairing the beast core when he saw Calvin walking over from a distance.

When Chris took Ian away from the Fallen Beast Planet, he took several spaceships and many people with him, but he did not take Calvin and Duke Monde away.

Edgar was very busy, and the fact that Jonathan almost killed his family made him a little concerned, so he didn't go to Calvin, and Calvin avoided him deliberately, so the two never communicated after their reunion.

Calvin has lost a lot of weight. The former playboy looks very haggard now. Edgar glanced at him and stopped him: "Calvin."

"Your Highness." Calvin saluted Edgar, looking at Edgar with shame in his eyes. He has always regarded Edgar as his best friend, and Edgar and the emperor and empress took great care of him. The result? His mother and father had nearly killed Edgar twice.

"What are your plans for the future?" Edgar asked.

"I want to go to the army." Calvin said.

Calvin used to be the police chief of the Capital Star, with a high status, but now he has been dismissed. If he enters the army, I am afraid that he must start from the bottom... Edgar wanted to say something, but when he saw Calvin's firm expression, he He swallowed what he was about to say again, and just said, "Come on."

"I will." Calvin took a deep breath.

Edgar didn't say anything else, he knew that his relationship with Calvin would never go back to the way it used to be. What Jonathan has done cannot be completely obliterated.

The two looked at each other silently. At this moment, a soldier from the Royal Fleet came to Edgar: "Your Highness, a spaceship has come to the Fallen Beast Planet!"

"What ship?" Edgar asked.

"One of them is a royal spaceship, one is a civilian spaceship, and the other is a private spaceship, which is unmarked," the soldier said.

Before Chris returned to the Capital Star, he had already used the military emergency communication channel to contact the Capital Star to inform the situation here, and also let the Capital Star send some supplies.

The Fallen Beast Planet is a little far from the Capital Star. Chris is estimated to have not reached the Capital Star yet, but the supplies sent by the Capital Star should indeed arrive.

There are a lot of materials that they are in short supply. It is said that there are several professional parenting teachers... Edgar immediately asked: "Where is the spaceship?"

"Those spaceships are still outside the atmosphere and can land at any time," the soldier said.

"Immediately arrange the landing." Edgar said, thinking of something again: "You find someone to inform the Crown Princess." He asked someone to prepare a lot of food to bring along, Shu Shu would definitely like it.