A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 1: Weak orange cat


"Fuck it!" Yan Leyang jumped up, if he hadn't restrained enough, he would have almost smashed the computer in front of him.

Of course, the main reason for not being able to do whatever you want is not getting money.

As an orc of the Siberian tiger family, the prototype is the largest carnivore in the world. There are many muscular men and muscular women in their group, and their strength is quite powerful.

But Yan Leyang was an accident. He is about 1.85 meters tall, which is actually quite tall among human beings. However, his people are all over 1.9 meters, so it doesn't make sense.

Yan Leyang's appearance is a bit of a combination of Chinese and Western, with thin lips, a straight nose, and blond hair. The bones are sharp and angular, but not so exaggerated, and the skin is still soft oriental.

Moreover, Yan Leyang has muscles but not obvious. He looks like a social elite in a suit and a small tie. And it's slender like a cat clan or a fox clan.

Generally, when they live in certain places, they will have some local characteristics, and they will not be too ugly.

So orcs are quite popular.

But no matter what kind of beauty she is, she still has to work.

As for Yan Leyang, he is a screenwriter, and he can take on any job, whether it is a movie, TV series or animation, as long as he makes money, he can do it.

And as a Siberian tiger, his combat power is not weak, and it is mainly his mother's fault that the human form turned into this ghost.

His mother is a lion cat, very beautiful. Then he was spotted by his dad, and had a cross-racial love affair with that guy.

So the two elders who had no racial segregation in human form gave birth to Yan Leyang, a crystallization of love.

The animal body is a pure Siberian tiger, not ambiguous at all. But the human form is similar to his mother, anyway, it can't be seen that it is a tiger clan.

Yan Leyang's temper is not very good. This bad temper was before work, but after entering the screenwriting profession, he almost lost the right to be angry.

If you want to change it, you can change it, the investor is the largest, what can he, an unknown screenwriter, resist

"Why the hell doesn't he just write it himself?" Yan Leyang reached out and smoothed the hair on his head. He has blond hair, which probably has something to do with his body hair.

"You can't speak like that." The man sitting on the side opened his mouth. This man was sitting on the sofa, with dark gray hair, a deep face, and his eyes were deep blue.

It looks better than the other, but it's a pity that it's a husky, and it talks a lot and is noisy.

This is Yan Leyang who met on a blind date before, but the two of them couldn't be together, this big husky brother is too noisy.

But it's nice to be friends.

Yan Leyang looked at him, and smiled indifferently: "This mentally retarded director wants to change the script, and after changing it, he turns it into a piece of shit. I'm the one who gets scolded the worst!"

He always felt that he was at least qualified as a screenwriter. My recent job is to modify a certain online literary work into a script.

He has read the original novel, and to be honest, it is a pure and refreshing novel. This type of adaptation is basically to keep the coolness of the original text as much as possible under the premise of being able to pass the review.

In the end, the director didn't want to, he had to go in a deep direction.

After Yan Leyang finished writing a bit, the director revised it a bit.

It doesn't matter if the modification is good, but in the end, the originally not bad plot was modified so that it doesn't make sense.

The male protagonist changed from Long Aotian into a Virgin Mary inexplicably, and she was still a particularly annoying Virgin.

Yan Leyang almost had a premonition that when the show aired, his Weibo would be attacked.

He's just a screenwriter, not well-known, the humblest one in the crew, he doesn't have much money, it's okay to change the script every day, he has to take the blame!

Can he not be angry? !

Husky Big Brother and his work are not too different, he is doing film and television concept design. That is, the performance of the picture in the lens.

What is the most tense, what is reasonable. He has worked with many directors.

Although he is an artist, he is an artist who is not bad as a painter.

"I know the director you are working with now." Husky tilted his head and thought for a while, "Maybe you are lucky."

"Let's not talk about it, bro, I'm planning to go to Siberia recently." The big husky brother's eyes lit up when he said this. Once those blue eyes widened, he didn't look very smart.

"Oh." Yan Leyang was not interested.

He knows what the husky wants to do, he wants to go sledding, experience the joy of atavism, it is said that it will make him bursting with inspiration.

"Leyang! Don't be so indifferent!" Husky jumped up from the sofa and rushed towards Yan Leyang.

Yan Leyang took a step back, "Hey! Calm down!"

It turns out that verbal reprimands are of no use in trying to calm down a husky.

With a bang, the mentally handicapped husky's foot tripped over the plug, and he slammed into the computer desk in a daze. The water on the desk also splashed and fell to the ground.

Yan Leyang only felt that his vision changed instantly, from that silly dog to the ceiling, and then he didn't know anything.

The moment he opened his eyes again, Yan Leyang saw something pounced towards him with his own eyes, he was startled, a black tiger took out his heart, punched the opponent four meters away, and the opponent hit a wall There are three people embracing such a thick tree.

etc? Tree

Yan Leyang was still a little dazed, he looked around his surroundings, it wasn't a forest, indeed, the tree grew directly from the dilapidated building.

The surrounding buildings are pretty good, but it looks like a zombie crossing, and the wasteland atmosphere is particularly strong. Yan Leyang thought that her husky friend would probably like such a place.

Take materials.

He stretched out his hand to touch his face, and felt something cold and hard, and he was groping along it, okay, it's a muzzle, and it's still quite hard.

Zi, Zi.

The sound of electricity was heard again, Yan Leyang was a little dazed, he reached out and touched the collar on his neck, and then with a snap, Yan Leyan fell to the ground, his hand touching the collar was still shaking.

How did this thing return electricity

[Don't touch things you shouldn't.]

The electronic voice came, with a very serious tone, warning Yan Leyang.

"Fuck." Yan Leyang is not a good-tempered tiger, his appearance is a bit deceiving, but he is still quite irritable on the inside, "You, you fucking..."

His words just stuck in his throat.

A panel appeared in front of Yan Leyang, the kind that really appeared out of thin air, a translucent blue panel with Yan Leyang's photo, name, and race on it.

There's nothing wrong with the photo or the name, just the race, cat

Yan Leyang just lay there for a while, his head was empty for a long time, and then he sat up suddenly.

He reached out and pinched his elbow, well, it hurt.

Then it means that he may have truly time-traveled.

Traveled into a novel he had read.

Yan Leyang likes to read online articles. There is indeed a supporting character in this novel with the same name as himself, and the description of the character is also very similar to Yan Leyang, but this is not a coincidence.

Because Yan Leyang and the author are friends, if that guy can't come up with a name, he will harm his friends. Yan Leyang accepted this well, and he finished reading the book after it was finished.

And it's so good, he researched it quite thoroughly, because this article's novel was bought, and Yan Leyang was responsible for adapting it into a script, which was the one he had a fight with the director not long ago.

It is precisely because of this that Yan Leyang feels hopeless, because judging from the character's current attire and the surrounding environment.

The plot of "Yan Leyang" has come to an end.

This character is just a small boss who is not very eye-catching in the early stage. He intends to assassinate the crown prince of the cat clan. After being exposed by the protagonist group, he is thrown to the planet of dawn.

That's right, this is still an interstellar text. The name of the planet of Dawn is Dawn, and it is written as a prison.

The people inside are all criminals. After throwing people in, the alliance doesn't care much, unless those criminals want to escape.

Yan Leyang was sentenced to life imprisonment, as was everyone here, but the more troublesome thing was that the alliance did not stop the criminals from killing each other, rather it was happy to see it happen.

After all, there is also a channel on the star network that monitors the movements of criminals in real time, and anyone who is twenty years old can watch it.

The moment these criminals were thrown in, they became beasts without privacy.

And the original Yan Le should have died in the first attack on this planet.

That is to say, he died at the hands of the big brother who had just rushed towards him, the big brother who had been stabbed by his black tiger and hadn't woken up yet.

Yan Leyang walked over, looked down at the unconscious brother, stretched out his hand and patted him, he was angry, but he still didn't wake up.

That's all right, Yan Leyang got up and ran as far away as possible from this big brother.

At the same time, there was a click on his muzzle.

The muzzle was opened, and a voice sounded from inside the collar: [Start Monitoring]

Yan Leyang knew that the 365-degree monitoring with no dead ends had also been turned on, and he was now one of the objects being monitored by the interstellar people.

After running into an abandoned building, Yan Leyang temporarily calmed down, and sat down on the dilapidated sofa in the lobby, thinking about what he should do.

If he remembers correctly, it seems that there are no tigers in this world, not even tigers, lions or even leopards.

Because the author thinks that this kind of large carnivore is not easy to write about. In fact, Yan Leyang thinks that it is simply that the guy doesn't like large beasts.

Yan Leyang is still struggling with this mess.

He didn't know that after his channel was released on Xingwang.com, a large number of viewers flooded in. After all, Yan Leyang did something awesome, assassinating the crown prince.

Although the assassination was not successful, this did not prevent the people of the cat clan from cursing him to die early and to be reborn early.

People of other races don't hate him that much, but it's hilarious, and everyone loves to watch it.

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