A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 14: what exactly is it


Meng Han froze in place, Yan Leyang bypassed him and entered the door.

After Yan Leyang left, Meng Han reached out and grabbed Wolf Eleven who was following him: "What's going on?"

Wolf Eleven turned his black wolf head to look at Meng Han, who was also half-beast: "What do you mean?"

"Fuck, you can talk?!" Meng Han was surprised again, "How do you speak human words with such a long mouth?"

Wolf Eleven shut up. He stretched out his leg and kicked Meng Han, which staggered Meng Han. He transformed from a half-animal form into a prototype and went in.

Meng Han, with rough skin and thick flesh, hurriedly shouted: "Hey! Brother! What race is he!"

Yan Leyang in the room was still a little irritable, and sat on the ground covering his mouth and nose.

"What's the matter?" Dai Zu was a little confused, "Are you in trouble again?"

"No, he should have been scared." Wolf Eleven, who came in from behind, explained.

Dai Zu bent down and met Yan Leyang's eyes. After looking at each other, Dai Zu got up quickly, "Are you sure he was scared? Why do I think Brother Yan wants to eat me?"

Are you scared? Dai Zu recalled Yan Leyang's eyes at that time, and had reservations about Wolf Eleven's judgment.

"It should have been frightened by the corpse, and the Komodo dragon that suddenly appeared." Wolf Eleven doubted Yan Leyang's race, after all, ordinary cats should not have such a rough cry.

After a while, Dai Zu carefully patted Yan Leyang's back: "Brother Yan, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, it's just a little disgusting." Yan Leyang waved his hand, "Let me alone for a while."

Wolf Eleven glanced at Yan Leyang again, but didn't speak.

When Dai Zu and Lang Shiyi finished their meal, Yan Leyang was still squatting there to calm down.

Yan Leyang collapsed a bit. He was terrified, and then he was hooked by the smell of blood. According to this setting, he may have to struggle between humanity and animality next.

If one is not careful, the plot after this may have to run wildly on the dark road.

He is a novelist himself, so he knows these routines well.

Struggling between "being a man" or "being a beast", and then using a pusher to completely push myself to the side of the beast. He will change his temperament drastically and become an out-and-out "hunting machine".

Even if he can maintain his heart after becoming a "beast", he will not end well in the end. Batman is enough to maintain his heart. The night knight is not surrounded by the clown and the people who cannot accept him.

His story is coming to an end.

Yan Leyang is just a little tiger who aspires to become a famous screenwriter, how can he stand up to this.

"Yan Leyang?" Wolf Eleven came over again, only to find that Yan Leyang not only failed to calm down, but the whole cat turned gray, and the round black ears on its head were all stuck on its forehead, becoming airplane ears.

"It's meaningless." Yan Leyang sighed, "My cat life is a joke."

Looking back on my life, the glory days when I was young in the second year of middle school are not counted. After work, I was not happy. The directors I met had their own ideas.

Having been a social animal for so many years, once time travelling, without going to a different world, without a harem, without love, he was so confused that he almost lost control, and then he might have to blacken and kill here.

What a failure.

This time Wolf Eleven failed to keep up with Yan Leyang's thinking.

"Brother Yan, that's not the case. We have all entered this kind of place, and there is no hope." Dai Zuna is quite incapable of comforting others.

Dai Zu squatted beside Yan Leyang: "Think about the good, we are already in the worst situation, and it won't get any worse."

Yan Leyang glanced at Dai Zu, and the bloody scene just now suddenly appeared in his mind.

The corpse torn in half, the minced meat and internal organs scattered on the ground, the disgusting and tempting smell.

Yan Leyang shook his head.

Seeing Yan Leyang's state, Wolf Eleven subconsciously felt something was wrong. Yan Leyang shouldn't be affected for so long because of that thing.

Yan Leyang felt absent-minded for a while, and at a certain moment, he seemed to have become a prototype, and he had a goat in his mouth, and he was biting the neck of the sheep.

In the blink of an eye, the goat in his mouth turned into a human shape, shouting for help. Because the trachea was bitten, blood came out, and the orc who was bitten by him spoke with the sound of ho ho.

But at this time, Yan Leyang was excited.

He's the beast, he's an apex predator, it's in his nature.

"I'm a beast." Yan Leyang stared into the eyes of Wolf Eleven, who was opposite him at the moment. For a moment, Wolf Eleven felt an imposing aura.

However, after Yan Leyang blinked his eyes twice, his momentum dissipated. Yan Leyang actually cried out, which even Yan Leyang himself did not expect.

It was a strange feeling, Yan Leyang felt as if a surge of emotion suddenly came up, it was very strong, it was not normal.

The crying is not beautiful, it is quite broken and heartbreaking. It felt like a woman from a good family suddenly realized that she was actually an oiran, and her world view was about to collapse.

Yan Leyang feels like he is alone now, he seems to be ashamed of the nine-year compulsory education. He seemed to be going crazy, as if he couldn't treat his parents very well.

The psychological pressure is incredible.

"You've been recruited." Wolf Eleven was hugged by Yan Leyang, and Yan Leyang was crying and screaming with snot and tears. To be honest, he didn't look like him at all, "There's something wrong with that monitor lizard."

It should be some kind of potion that affected Yan Leyang's mood and magnified Yan Leyang's mood. At this moment, Yan Leyang's fierceness and sadness flowed upstream, which was obviously not normal.

As for why the monitor lizard did this, Wolf Eleven thought of a guy—Seb.

Saibu usually looks like he has a brain problem, but this guy is very smart. If this guy is not careful and vigilant, he probably died at the hands of Wolf Eleven.

Saibu is an out-and-out pervert, but sometimes he is extremely vigilant. Wolf Eleven suspected that Saibu's identity is not simple, and the most important point is that the Komodo dragon There was the breath of Seb on him.

But how could this kind of potion get into Shuguang? I'm afraid that the snake's background is not simple.

"I will become a killer without emotion!" Yan Leyang hugged her even tighter, her tone almost broken.

Emotionless killer? Seeing Yan Leyang complaining emotionally, Wolf Eleven felt terribly uncomfortable, but still said: "I will become a killing machine that kills people without blood, and ignores life." Such words.

... No, Wolf Eleven felt that it was quite difficult for Yan Leyang to get rid of the emotion.

"You can go to Sebu." Wolf Eleven suggested, "Maybe you can solve the current situation by beating him up."

"Brother Yan, be normal." Dai Zu pushed Yan Leyang's back, "I'm afraid of you like this."

While crying, Yan Leyang let out a heart-pounding growl, looking weak and terrifying.

She is weak because of her looks, and scary because of the strange aura that Yan Leyang occasionally exudes.

"What happened to him?" Dai Zu asked Wolf Eleven, and Wolf Eleven frowned: "It should be the monitor lizard's problem, but I don't know the specifics."

Yan Leyang was still crying, and the ears on his head were trembling. Wolf Eleven stared at it for a while, and then he stretched out his hand and poked it without holding back.

These shaped ears are a bit like bear ears, not like cat's.

In other words, he remembered that the cat clan with folded ears had a congenital genetic disease. Does Yan Leyang count as folded ears? No, it shouldn't be.

But Wolf Eleven secretly tested Yan Leyang, and it was indeed a cat.

"Otherwise, brother Yan, why don't you change back to the original form and take a rest?" Dai Zu sincerely suggested that the most comfortable form of an orc is the animal form.

Yan Leyang was still sobbing miserably: "No, my animal shape will scare people."

"No, no matter how big the cat is, it's just that small. Brother Yan, even if the cat's shape and fur are not good-looking, it's okay, we don't dislike it." Dai Zu continued to comfort.

Yan Leyang shook his head and didn't say any more.

"You said just now that I've been bullied?" Yan Leyang let go of Wolf Eleven, with tears in his eyes, soft and weak, "That Komodo dragon? And Seb?"

"Well, I can help you solve this problem." It is only necessary for Yan Leyang to take him with him when he leaves, but the latter words must not be said under surveillance.

Yan Leyang stood up: "What's wrong?" His nose was still surrounded by the smell of blood, the corners of his eyes were red, and he looked so pitiful.

"Affect your emotions, expand your emotions." Wolf Eleven tilted his head, "You feel vulnerable and sad right now, including the orc who died in front of you, which aroused your emotional ups and downs. The effect of the medicine."

"And that monitor lizard has the breath of Seb on it."

The most emotional thing about him right now is not fragility. Yan Leyang took a deep breath and rolled up his sleeves: "I'm going to beat someone up." His tone sounded a little aggrieved.

"You'd better be careful, if the medicine is matched, then you may unconsciously feel attached to him." Wolf Eleven felt that it was not appropriate for Yan Leyang to go alone.

Wait a minute, is there such a potion? Dai Zu blinked twice, but didn't say anything, after all, he didn't make medicine himself.

"It's not attachment." Yan Leyang was convinced of this, what he felt after smelling the bloody smell was not love, but the urge to hunt.

Wolf Eleven was noncommittal.

"I haven't felt attached to anyone yet." Yan Leyang stretched out his hand to stroke his hair a little irritablely, "Hit me? I'll fuck him up today." His tone was still so weak.


The dangerous breath came again, and Wolf Eleven subconsciously took a step back. He looked at Dai Zu, and sure enough, Dai Zu's expression was not very good.

This is a feeling of oppression. How did this feeling of oppression come from

What the hell is Yan Leyang

For a moment, Wolf Eleven even wanted to turn his head and run away. This kind of fear engraved in his genes made Wolf Eleven unable to understand.

Wolf Eleven stared at Yan Leyang's side face, Yan Leyang still looked so...well, helpless.