A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 17: catnip


[What race is this? ! !]

[Who has seen this kind of stuff?]

[cat? ! You tell me it's a cat? !]

After lowering his body, Yan Leyang rushed up and jumped up. His original speed was too fast, and he jumped too high. His thick claws slapped the Asian elephant's head, and the sharp claws almost scratched the African elephant's eyes blind.

The size of the Asian elephant is crushing, but I have never seen such a desperate style of play, and the skill and strength of this "orange cat" are somewhat beyond the comprehension of ordinary people in this world.

They didn't know what Yan Leyang was or what the details were, so the Asian elephant could only back up and stop in a relatively safe place.

Dai Zu, who was guarded by Yan Leyang, was trembling, and his afterimage was almost coming out. But suddenly he heard the voice of Wolf Eleven behind him.

"Cute." Another exclamation.

Dai Zu turned his head and looked, well, this guy's face is still red.

Should the eyes be washed? ! How cute is this? ! That muscle, that explosive power, that terrifying expression! Dai Zu wanted to shake Wolf Eleven awake.

"What are you?" The Asian elephant returned to its human form and took another step back, showing its harmlessness.

"Hey..." Yan Leyang also straightened up, but he hadn't turned back into a human form when he suddenly felt his tail being pulled from behind.

Yan Leyang turned his head to growl, but found that the other party was Wolf Eleven, and fell silent instantly.

"He is a cat clan." Wolf Eleven explained, anyway, he has tested many times by himself, and the result is all cat clan, so Wolf Eleven assumes that Yan Leyang is a cat clan. As for why he is so big, Wolf Eleven uses it Yan Leyang's own statement: "It's an orange cat, so I eat a little more and get a little fat."

As he spoke, he walked to Yan Leyang's side and noticed Yan Leyang's paws. The nails are retracted, but there is no muscle line visible, and the claws feel very thick, very big, and thick.

The five fingers of my human figure seem to be smaller than this claw.

Thick meat pads! cute.

Shit cat family! The Asian elephant's cursing words were stuck in his throat.

"The cats I know generally don't look like this." This time it was the woman named Luo Ma who spoke, "No matter how fat the cat is, it shouldn't be like this, and is he fat?" , jumping so high all of a sudden, it's frightening to death, okay

"You can't say that." Wolf Eleven's expression was super cold, and he tried to reach out and touch Yan Leyang's head.

Yan Leyang naturally put his head in the opponent's palm, and then hung his furry head down aggrieved.

Tiger eyes are actually not small, but they are definitely the last two in the cat family. The main reason is that there is a very festive big face plate

Usually, when you stare fiercely and widen your eyes, it is really scary to look at. The white-fronted big bug with hanging eyes is not a joke, and it takes one child at a time.

But when his eyes drooped, and he was aggrieved and shrunk into lumps, he looked quite honest, not only honest, but also pitiful.

"You guys are discriminatory." Wolf Eleven opened his eyes and said nonsense, he reached out and touched the big tiger's face again.

It's really great, Wolf Eleven thought quietly, this kind of explosive power, this kind of aggressiveness. A perfect interpretation of what is called a top predator.

That trembling feeling still remained in Wolf Eleven's heart. He clearly understood that the "big cat" beside him was a wild beast. If his body had not been modified, then this kind of beast could bite him off with just one bite. neck.

Perfectly scary.

But: "Do you discriminate against getting fat?" Wolf Eleven looked at the group of guys sharply.

Not to mention that they are all in prison, and they probably won't be able to get out of this broken prison. They don't care about shit/political correctness, discrimination and anti-discrimination at all.

Let’s just talk about this physique, can a normal person get fat and gain muscle? ! And how much food does a cat have to eat to grow such a large face plate and arms thicker than most human thighs? !

Yan Leyang hummed pretendingly, but because his voice was relatively rough, it frightened those people in the comment area.

[Ask if you don’t understand, what’s going on now? !]

[Mom, I saw a monster!]

[Brother, with such a body, stop moaning, okay? I always feel that you want to beat me to the teeth.]

[This is a cat? This is a cat? !]

[So why did his assassination fail! If you don't answer me, I'm going crazy!]

[It appeared again upstairs.]

[Don't talk, I'm also curious now, how did he get held down by those guards?]

[I feel like every finger of his is bigger than a cat's claw!]

[One thing to say, he looked so handsome when he jumped up just now, did anyone take a screenshot to share?]

[It was too fast, there was no time to take a screenshot.]

[One thing to say, this beast shape is really handsome prprprpr!]

[Ask the official, and the official said it is investigating.]

[Don't say, I'm really envious of this board.]

Not long after, groups of mechanical guards came to Yan Leyang's side, expressing that they would take Yan Leyang away for racial testing.

Yan Leyang followed away strangely, there was no way, if he didn't follow and leave, these mechanical guards would forcibly use anesthetics on him.

Wolf Eleven and Dai Zu followed, and the rest of the group who stopped in the middle of the fight silently watched the three of them leave.

The mechanical guards brought Yan Leyang to a starship, but prevented Wolf Eleven and Dai Zu from entering.

Yan Leyang was brought into a pure white room, and the mechanical guards deliberately reminded him not to change back to the prototype for the time being.

[Hi, please cooperate.]A mechanical guard with a red cross printed on its stomach ran in. It looked funny, with a big round belly, but it still had lipstick and blush on its mouth, and its voice was much lower than other mechanical guards.

The mechanical nurse took out a needle from her stomach, startling Yan Leyang: "What are you doing?"

There are no tigers in this world, he suspects that these guys want to capture him for research.

In fact, the original alliance thought so, but before they put it into practice, two calls came in. A call came from the leader of the second planet of the wolf tribe, saying that if they did anything to Yan Leyang, they would be blatantly provoking him.

The second call was from the crown prince of the cat clan. The crown prince said that although Yan Leyang was in prison, he was still a member of their cat clan in the final analysis. I hope the alliance can understand that this is a threat.

The mechanical nurse moved to Yan Leyang's side: [Please stretch out your hand, I'm going to draw a tube of blood~] with a strange dragging sound.

[Very few. After a while, draw a little more from the doll and you will be able to go back.]The mechanical nurse even took out a candy from her big belly, [Kiss, eat something sweet first, let me decompress~]The nurse's tone was weird.

Until Yan Leyang found that the edge of the cross on the opponent's stomach was a little glued.

This is not a mechanical nurse at all, it is a temporary impersonation of a mechanical guard! ! Just put a few stickers on it and it's done temporarily. Is he acting like a fool? !

The tone was disgusting.

[Do you need to close your eyes, dear? ] It’s that tampered voice again, [Don’t be afraid]

Yan Leyang shrank his neck, but in a daze, he seemed to smell something, quite familiar.

"Hey, tell me. Will Brother Yan come out?" Dai Zu was a little worried, "When will he come out?"

"Wait first." Wolf Eleven stared at the warship.

Not long after, Yan Leyang, who was still in the shape of a beast, came out. It wasn't that he didn't want to change, the main reason was that his blood was drawn after his shape, and then the other party did a simple test.

The mechanical nurse who lacked Dade brought him a big bowl of catnip juice.

Ordinary catnip will only make Yan Leyang feel dizzy, but obviously, this pot is so purified.

Then the "cute" mechanical nurse was almost dismantled into an iron sheet, and the big basin was broken by Yan Leyang, and now the whole body is covered with concentrated liquid.

Yan Leyang felt as if he was unconscious, and his feet were floating. Although he knew that his original body would be exposed, there would definitely be troubles in the future, but he was very emotional now.

After dismantling the inside of the starship room, he ran out happily. The so-called mechanical guards behind him were torn apart by Yan Leyang.

The mechanical guard is round and shiny, so attractive.

Yan Leyang felt that he was very excited, the kind that was about to fly, and when he got out of the warship, he let out a cry, which scared the animals that were hiding nearby to watch the fun and blew their hair.

The big tiger ran out happily, ran up to Wolf Eleven and Dai Zu, who was stupefied, and stuck out his tongue to lick each of their faces.

this! Dai Zu tilted his licked head to the side, this! This feeling! It hurts! It felt like someone was using sandpaper as a bath towel, rubbing his face with 100% force.

Fortunately, he has thick skin.

As for Wolf Eleven, Wolf Eleven's eyes lit up, and he didn't need to ask Dai Zu to understand that this guy probably wants to say cute again.

Yan Leyang looked towards the forest, just in time to meet the gaze of a certain melon-eating fennec fox. Yan Leyang turned his head, and his mind became even more unclear.

where is this Take a closer look, oh, there are trees, so is that a forest

Who is he then? Yan Leyang looked down at his thick paw pads, pondered for a long time, and suddenly realized! He is the king of beasts!

So where is the story going now

etc! He should be in human society...

Yan Leyang raised his head violently, his pupils dilated with excitement, he was completely overwhelmed, and his rationality was completely thrown away.

right! He is the king of beasts kept in captivity in the zoo. He broke free from the shackles of humans, fled to the grassland and bit Simba. After finding out that he had gone the wrong way, he turned to the hills and defeated Wu Song. He finally escaped.

he! become free! !

Look at the group of animals and humans, what is this? This is a gift of nature!

Thank you Mother Nature.

"Wait, what is he looking at us for?" The watching animals noticed something was wrong and wanted to run away, so they turned around and showed their backs to Yan Leyang.

Yan Leyang let out a long roar, and rushed forward.

Chase your prey! Great! !