A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 19: Is it an antelope?


Wolf Eleven's attitude towards Yan Leyang has improved a lot during this time. The most obvious thing is that the protagonist with facial paralysis occasionally smiles at Yan Leyang.

This frightened Yan Leyang until he was covered in white sweat.

"Brother Yan, do you feel that something is missing recently?" During the meal, Dai Zu held a rabbit leg in his mouth and frowned in confusion, "Saibu hasn't come over these days. "

Seb? Yan Leyang was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, indeed, the last time he saw Saibu was that he was inexplicably poisoned by that monitor lizard, and then he looked for someone everywhere to beat up that anaconda.

Come to think of it, I haven't heard from Seb since.

Yan Leyang would not miss this pervert in Stockholm, but judging from this pervert's temperament, this sudden disappearance is either dead.

Or they are holding back their big moves.

Yan Leyang thought about it, and suddenly realized that Wolf Eleven was looking at him again.

He got goosebumps again.

"Ahem, Eleven." Yan Leyang turned to Wolf Eleven, and when he saw Wolf Eleven's face, he felt dazed for a moment, settled his mind, and said, "You want to eat this one in my hand?" portion?"

"No." Wolf Eleven turned back.

He was just curious about Yan Leyang, and what kind of creature Yan Leyang was.

Is there another perfect creature like this in this world. Mysterious, powerful, and beautiful.

A perfect killing machine, Wolf Eleven likes Yan Leyang's prototype, and is also very curious about his human form, after all, Yan Leyang's human form looks too weak.

If possible, he wanted to find out about Yan Leyang thoroughly.

"Hi, you guys." A woman's sweet voice came, and Wolf Eleven's thoughts were interrupted, and he followed Yan Leyang and the others to look at the door.

It was the woman named Luo Ma, with her hands behind her back, she smiled after seeing Yan Leyang, and then walked in so naturally.

"Get out." Wolf Eleven frowned, this woman is not simple, she was able to enter this gathering point, and being able to stay here safely for so long showed her skillful methods.

Wolf Eleven doesn't want to have any deep communication with her.

Yan Leyang glanced at Wolf Eleven, then at the woman, and chose to shut up.

Strictly speaking, this lady is the peach blossom of Wolf Eleven, but judging from the plot, they have never had a substantive relationship.

Because Wolf Eleven is an indifferent boy.

And to be honest, even if this lady is the official spouse, Yan Leyang doesn't plan to care about the relationship between the two.

When the two are dating, the one who plays Lalang in the middle is pure stupid/pussy.

When Yan Leyang's brother fell in love with a little girl before, that idiot Hatch happily acted as a mouthpiece, a placebo.

After the incident, the couple did not say much about Hutch, this is not a person inside or outside.

So Yan Leyang pretended not to watch.

As a result, he didn't look at it, and the little girl was still wobbling, and wobbled towards him.

"Is your name Yan Leyang?" The girl's tone was so sweet, Yan Leyang looked up subconsciously, and noticed the girl's slender neck, cherry red mouth, and small nose, and finally met those pair of deer, who were as cute and pitiful s eyes.

Yan Leyang was almost choked to death by the meat.

What is the situation now

"I..." the girl lowered her eyes, "When I saw you, I wanted to know you. It's a pity..."

It's a pity that Yan Leyang suddenly exposed his animal form, and was quickly taken away by the mechanical guards after the incident. After he came out, he suspected that his mind was out of order.

The girl smiled, and stretched out her hand towards Yan Leyang: "Hi, my name is Luoma."

To be honest, this girl is probably the type that many guys would like. Slender, white and tender, she is cheerful and carefree when she smiles, like a little sun, hearty and sweet.

I don't know how many men's moods will be disturbed by this girl if she doesn't go to prison, and how many men will have to become the white moonlight in their hearts.

Yan Leyang sighed in his heart, but he was gay, so: "Hi, have you eaten?"

The atmosphere suddenly slipped from ambiguous, gentle and sweet to down-to-earth.

"Look, these big bastards of us all eat meat. You said that you want to keep you for dinner. It's inappropriate. No wonder you're disrespectful." Yan Leyang sighed pretentiously, "Do you have something important to do next time? Come again?"

"No, I'm here to look for you." Luo Ma sat next to Yan Leyang and pushed Dai Zu away.

Dai Zu's whole crocodile was in a daze. He just felt that the world was spinning. He was eating melons happily one second, but the ceiling was in his sight the next second.

Then Dai Zu was thinking about a question, why is this woman so energetic.

Wolf Eleven put down the food in his hands, and Loma's smile still hung on his face: "I'll just say it straight, I'm an antelope, and I hope to find a backer for myself, do you understand what I mean?"

This is fucking nonsense, not to mention Loma's animal shape, isn't the elephant she is backing not enough? Yan Leyang was extremely terrified.

This time he came back! Loma, are you looking at me directly? ! Why!

Oh, that's right, it stands to reason that my character died immediately after entering the gathering point, and this Ms. Loma couldn't see her. Maybe it's a little girl's heaven to look like this

Having done something wrong, Yan Leyang stretched out his hand to hold his eyebrows: "This lady..."

"Ma'am?" Loma's eyes lit up. She had never been called such a title before. She was old-fashioned and rigid, but respectful enough, she liked it.

This man is so damn attractive, Loma bit her lip secretly.

If you get it, you must get it, and if you don't get it, it's good to sleep.

"I don't like women, do you understand what I mean?" Yan Leyang pointed to himself, "Compared to women, I prefer men."

"I don't mind." Loma was quite open, and immediately interrupted Yan Leyang, "It doesn't matter if you don't like me, I don't need your heart." What she fell in love with was Yan Leyang's sex.

Wolf Eleven stared at Loma silently, and Loma also noticed Wolf Eleven.

The atmosphere became tense for a while, Loma looked around at Wolf Eleven, and smiled shyly: "Actually, I don't mind you being with your lover."

Good guy, Dai Zu was amazed, he thought she was a simple and cute little girl, but in the end... old-fashioned/approved, this girl can do it.

And the next moment, Luo Ma was thrown out of the window by Wolf Eleven, all in one go, without any muddling.

"Ah!" Loma's scream sounded, and at the same time, the voice of the mechanical guard rang out.

[Find the intruder, find the intruder.]

Loma's whereabouts were exposed again.

Then with a bang, the woman actually broke through the wall and walked in: "What are you doing!"

"Throw you out." Wolf Eleven clapped his palms twice, "You interrupted my meal."

"Damn it, I'm giving you a face." Loma attacked Wolf Eleven, and Wolf Eleven didn't dodge, and went straight up.

Dai Zu took this opportunity to sneak up to Yan Leyang's side, and whispered: "Then what, is it not good to hit a woman?"

Yan Leyang looked at Dai Zu with pity, and reached out to touch Dai Zu's head: "Are you Kai Meng Crocodile?"

"Caiman." Dai Zu corrected his pronunciation.

"Don't think too much, you can't even beat this woman." Yan Leyang, who knew everything, looked at Dai Zu lovingly for a while before turning to Wolf Eleven.

Sure enough, when the two clashed for the first time, Wolf Eleven miscalculated Loma's combat power, and almost missed it all at once.

During the second and third confrontation, Wolf Eleven was prepared.

Yan Leyang vaguely heard a small "ding," and looked at Lang Shiyi's body, and there seemed to be a few inconspicuous gaps.

The protagonist's body has been remodeled, 80% of which is quite extreme.

It's a bit like a robot, with a cyberpunk flavor.

There are weapons under those gaps.

Wolf Eleven is not the original wolf clan.

In fact, some of the arms or organs at the gathering point have been partially remodeled, and there is no feeling of complete renovation like Wolf Eleven.

Because it is generally a hurdle to transform to 30%, and after that, people will die.

No one knew that Wolf Eleven would be so desperate.

A blue electric current flashed under those pure black pupils, and Wolf Eleven stretched out his hand to point at Loma: "Stop."

How could Luo Ma listen to him, and charged directly at Wolf Eleven.

Yan Leyang got up, ready to go up and pull the two of them away.

"Looking for death." Wolf Eleven clenched his fists, and when the weapon under his arm was about to be exposed, he heard a cry.

Loma's back was attacked by the mechanical guard's electric current that suddenly appeared, and she just fell to the ground, her face landed on the ground, and she spun around for a long distance with her face as the center.

Hearing the sound of rubbing against the ground, Yan Leyang gasped.

Seeing that the girl was silent, the mechanical guard stepped forward to arrest Luo Ma.

As a result, when he walked to Loma's side, Loma suddenly exploded and turned into a beast.

The gray behemoth rose from the ground, bit the mechanical guard with its huge mouth, and actually crushed the mechanical guard alive.

The reversal was so fast and the movement was so loud that the other three people were stunned.

The mechanical guard was bitten into two pieces, and the huge monster was still angrily venting its anger on the remaining tracks, biting and trampling at the same time.

What a mechanical guard, he just changed from a three-dimensional solid to a two-dimensional plane.

Dai Zu couldn't help but took two steps back: "This thing is called an antelope? Where's its horn?"

Wolf Eleven took three deep breaths, and his state returned to normal before looking at Luo Ma.

To be honest, even if Loma is in this state, Wolf Eleven can win. It is better to say that Wolf Eleven suddenly realized after seeing Loma's animal form.

"I don't know what the advanced planet is called." Wolf Eleven said indifferently, "Put it in our slums, this thing should be called a hippopotamus."