A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 30: educate


In the original text, the character of the cat family has no name. In the early stage, he was called "Crown Prince" in the text, and in the later stage, he was called "Young Monarch." Yan Leyang even suspected that the latter one was the author's reason for the number of words.

The name Xiaomi was really beyond Yan Leyang's expectations.

Yan Leyang approached Wolf Eleven and asked in a low voice, "What about the last one?"

Wolf Eleven recalled: "It seems to be Meow Mi."

Wow, Yan Leyang sighed from the bottom of his heart, the monarch of the cat family is a very brilliant character in the original text, and he is decisive. He is a good emperor, and now the name of this good emperor is Miao Xiaomi.

Now I feel down-to-earth all of a sudden, and the arrogance of domineering is gone.

"Do you think his coming has something to do with you?" Wolf Eleven asked, he thought for a while, "I think Miao Xiaomi has taken a fancy to you."

"Huh?!" Yan Leyang opened his eyes wide and subconsciously covered his chest.

"I fell in love with your prototype." Wolf Eleven added, "He is a good monarch."

He is a good monarch who is very considerate of his subjects and race.

Next, Wolf Eleven and Yan Leyang cooperated with each other, and Yan Leyang suspected that Wolf Eleven had used some shady method, but the routine went well anyway.

But nothing came out.

The horned eagle said that he didn't know what he was going to do. For the time being, Brother Xiao Mi only asked him to find out the gang forces on Taixi's side. The more clear the better.

The other cats didn't talk at all.

They didn't get any useful news until the horned eagle brothers left.

"By the way, did he forget something?" Yan Leyang asked Wolf Eleven after watching the horned eagle leave.

"Yeah." Wolf Eleven nodded coldly.

Boom boom boom.

Yan Leyang slammed on Luo Ma's door vigorously: "Get out!"

Loma in the room played dead.

"Do you know whose tofu you ate?!" Yan Leyang yelled loudly, "You almost brought me into big trouble!"

There was still no sound in the room, Yan Leyang's lungs ached, and he looked back at Wolf Eleven.

Wolf Eleven nodded, then Yan Leyang stepped back, and Wolf Eleven held the handle: "Ten seconds, if you don't come out, I'll blow the door."

"Ten, seven, five." Wolf Eleven raised his hand, and with a light click, extremely thin cracks appeared on his arm, and the cracks were distributed along the line of the arm, and the gun buried in the forearm was lifted slowly. Get up, "Two..."

"Counting is not like this!" Loma pushed open the door, just bumped into Wolf Eleven's muzzle, stepped back quickly and raised his hands, "Brother, calm down."

"Get out." Yan Leyang put one hand on his waist, "Come, stand here." Yan Leyang pointed to the field in front of him.

"I..." Loma swallowed, and looked at Eye Wolf Eleven. Wolf Eleven didn't speak, and raised his gun. Luo Ma had no choice but to walk up to Yan Leyang with her hands raised.

Loma's current appearance can be said to be unsightly. The lipstick on her mouth is smudged, and her face is black and blue. Who knows what she did.

Yan Leyang asked Luo Ma to stand over, but he didn't speak yet, just looked at Luo Ma with a half-smile.

Luo Ma had already thought of an explanation, but Yan Leyang didn't ask anything, and just stared at her sullenly. Loma, who was already at a loss, was getting weaker and weaker.

In the end, the head will be lowered into the ground.

Damn it, what is going on with this horrible feeling of oppression

"Where are the kidnappers?" Yan Leyang asked first.

"That's right, I sold it." Loma explained cautiously, "Sold it to their boss, no, I didn't play with it much, really."

Yan Leyang nodded, but didn't say how the matter went.

He walked slowly to the sofa and sat down, and after a long silence, he asked Loma, "Tell me, where did you go wrong."

"I drank too much." Loma trembled.

Yan Leyang didn't even answer, he raised his eyebrows, the pressure was so strong that Luo Ma couldn't breathe.

Why is it so scary! very scary! ! ! Luo Ma felt that now that Yan Leyang beat her directly, she would feel much happier.

"If I can't give you an explanation, I can send you back." Wolf Eleven showed no expression, "The man you ate tofu is a prince, do you know that?"

"I won't dare next time." Loma lowered her head, "I really drank too much..." This was one of the few confessions in Loma's life.

No, it's too scary. Yan Leyang didn't even show her prototype, and even the way she looked at her was not as aggressive as Wolf Eleven, but it was terrifying.

"Drinking too much is no reason." Yan Leyang didn't accept this.

Luo Ma fell silent, seeing that Luo Ma refused to speak, Yan Leyang stood up sullenly. Luo Ma quickly backed away, even breathing lightly: "I, I know horned eagles. I just drank too much and misjudged the person!"

The moment Loma finished speaking, Wolf Eleven grasped Loma's wrist, convinced: "What she said is true."

"You can still detect lies?!" Loma couldn't believe it.

"It's just a physiological reaction." Wolf Eleven was still indifferent, and even pointed the barrel of the gun at Loma, "Even if you admit it wrong, the trouble you caused is real."

"If it wasn't for fear that you would suddenly become angry and blow up that prince with a weapon, I should have let him in to beat you!" Yan Leyang finally talked a lot this time, and he even picked up the broom next to him, "Hippo Right? Thick-skinned, right?"

Luo Ma wanted to break free from Wolf Eleven, but found that she couldn't move, and was a little annoyed: "Yan Leyang! Don't go too far!"

"Why do you care about me?!" Loma wanted to say more, but was held down by Wolf Eleven's backhand, and Loma's voice changed: "Ouch! It hurts!"

"Is there a next time?" Yan Leyang asked her again, but Luo Ma still didn't speak. Yan Leyang smiled slightly: "Luoma, how old are you?"

Loma still refused to answer.

Yan Leyang's smile was so fake that it made people frightened: "Very good."

At that time, after Yan Leyang finished the game, Dai Zu did not come back with them, and Dai Zu went to his work place. As a qualified worker, he only took half a day off.

When Dai Zu came back from get off work, he felt a pain in his head. He was out of touch with society during the time he was in prison. Some of his weapon knowledge was too old, and he needed to update that set of theories.

All in all, he had a very fulfilling life these days.

And when Dai Zu got home and opened the door, he saw Loma standing diagonally opposite the wall with a board on his head.

Loma didn't just stand there, she didn't know what to say.

The smoky makeup on his face was washed off, and he looked quite small in white and white. The fancy faux mink coat was gone, and he simply wore a white T and knee-length pants.

It doesn't look so coquettish anymore, like a student.

"You're back?" Dai Zu casually mentioned, "What are you doing?"

Loma looked at Dai Zu, opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"Huh?" Dai Zu saw Yan Leyang and Wolf Eleven sitting on the sofa after passing through the fantasy. Yan Leyang and Wolf Eleven were sitting in a row. There were dishes and rice in front of them, and they hadn't moved.

"What happened?"

"Ask her." Yan Leyang glanced at Luo Ma, who trembled all over.

Dai Zu felt that this situation was not right.

Just, the last time I saw Luoma, Luoma was still coveting Yan Leyang's beauty. Why did Luoma look at Yan Leyang this time as if he saw some kind of monster

Loma stumbled and explained the ins and outs of the matter, and repeatedly stated that she would not make this mistake again, and she did not have that kind of worldly desire.

Rather than saying this to Dai Zu, it is better to say that he is secretly expressing his loyalty to Yan Leyang.

In the end what happened? Dai Zu always felt that he missed a lot of things.

And Loma, Loma no longer wants to remember.

Loma was a precocious person; her parents died when she was five years old. She is a wild, wild, free-spirited child.

Of course she has a bad personality, she knows this, but no one can control her.

However, just now, Yan Leyang taught her love.

In fact, it didn't hurt at all when Yan Leyang beat her, because what Yan Leyang hit was her palm.

Then Yan Leyang and Wolf Eleven made Loma feel the joy of having parents.

Yan Leyang began to give her an inventory of the cases of old women who were on multiple boats being dismembered by their lovers, and there were various ways to die. Then I will give her an inventory of the achievements of those young geniuses who were in the same period as her. They have won many awards, and Loma only knows how to be a man.

It's okay to engage in men, but in the end, I didn't get any men, which was a failure.

Among them are words such as "You child." "It's for your own good." "Think about it for yourself." "You will understand later."

And Wolf Eleven was watching from the side, answering a sentence from time to time, his face was expressionless from beginning to end, but he felt that as long as Yan Leyang said a word, he could violently throw himself out.

The final result was that Loma was thrown here by the two of them and punished to stand.

Dai Zu finally understood the cause and effect thoroughly: "... Is this so scary?"

Loma nodded frantically, and the board on his head almost fell off.

He quickly supported the board again.

After a while, Yan Leyang finally let go: "Okay, let's put down and eat."

"Hey, okay." Loma breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next time, you are not allowed to drink so much alcohol, and you are not allowed to flirt with a man who has never offended you." Yan Leyang warned again.

"Understood! Absolutely not!" Loma patted his chest, "I will definitely quit this bad habit."

"Eat quickly, don't eat cold anymore." Yan Leyang called Dai Zu to come over.

"Hey, I thought you guys would eat first." Loma picked up the chopsticks eagerly.

Dai Zu felt that he was still out of the situation. Listening to Luo Ma's description, Luo Ma was very disgusted with Yan Leyang and Lang Shiyi's restraint, but: "Luo Ma, why are you smiling so happily?"

happy? Loma didn't even realize it. She glanced at her reflection through the flat surface of the coffee table. She was indeed smiling happily, with her gums showing.

How could this be so

Is she shaking M? !