A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 31: Davari's


two days later.

"What's the situation with that Luoma?" Elef was still a little uncomfortable when he came over again, "She just looked at me, and she said what does Amitabha mean?"

There is no religion in this world, and Luo Ma's understanding of religion comes from the miscellaneous stories that Yan Leyang occasionally tells.

"Amitabha means that she is going to give up male sex." Yan Leyang didn't talk too much about this topic. These days, Luo Ma is really ascetic, and he is short of shaving.

And Yan Leyang had to solve another matter.

His second match is over, and his performance is not bad, but the problem now is his next opponent, the Nile crocodile.

Fighting against the Nile crocodile itself requires certain skills, and it is not so easy to win. This is the question, a creature that even a tiger has to be vigilant about, what should a cat player do to win

The body shape is too different, isn't this a hooligan

A little orange cat exploded to defeat the Nile crocodile? UC didn't even dare to write the title like this, it was pushing the audience's brains on the floor and rubbing them madly.

"It doesn't necessarily mean you will lose." Elev felt that Yan Leyang had a problem with his thinking.

Yan Leyang looked at Elef.

Elev smiled: "Did you know? Ever since you escaped from Dawn Prison, your popularity on the Star Network has never dropped."

Yan Leyang is actually clear, he always pays attention to his own movements on Xingwang. I also know that the entry photo of the original owner "Yan Leyang" was picked up.

There are both human and animal forms, and the animal form of "Yan Leyang" is an ordinary orange cat, so the speculation on the Internet is that he is actually mutated.

And Yan Leyang probably didn't disappear, but was put under house arrest by the alliance for research.

For this reason, some interstellar people organized demonstrations/parades/parades, demanding that the alliance release Yan Leyang. I think the alliance's behavior is very inhumane.

"Who stipulates that only one cat can mutate?" Elef smiled, "You can be the second 'Yan Leyang'."

"No." Wolf Eleven, who was squatting behind the sofa, vetoed it, and the fighting of the reformed people will soon begin. "It's too dangerous. Once the real strength is revealed, trouble will come to the door."

"But that orc's half-beast-shaped head will turn into a crocodile head. Your first two opponents hit you without pain, so you can pretend to be injured and then get back up." Elef also struggled with it, " Getting bitten by a Nile crocodile is no joke."

Indeed... Yan Leyang was lying on the sofa. He didn't have scales on his body, and the bite force of the Nile crocodile was terrifying. Yan Leyang didn't want to break her stomach either.

Yan Leyang has been discussing with Wolf Eleven for two days, but nothing came out of the discussion. Logically speaking, let alone Nile crocodile cats of normal size, they might not even be able to beat the smallest Chinese alligator.

But if they fight directly, they will expose their strength. They didn't come up with an accurate and effective method until the start of the game at 8 o'clock in the evening.

Yan Leyang had no choice but to fight hard under the pressure. The clever killer whale didn't come up with an idea, but Wolf Eleven was once again ready to run away with his family.

On the opposite side was a 1.9-meter tall man. Yan Leyang was dazzled by the opponent's green skin when he came on the court.

At the same time as the starting bell rang, Yan Leyang started running around the venue. The Nile crocodile was chasing behind Yan Leyang. It was not slow, but its position was not as coquettish as Yan Leyang's.

Yan Leyang dodged, jumped, and dodged.

The mentality of the Nile crocodile that was walking exploded.

"Okay!" A cry sounded, scaring Wolf Eleven into a fright, Wolf Eleven looked over, okay, it was that familiar old man again.

The old man seemed to admire Yan Leyang very much: "It's a good cat! It's a pity..."

Unfortunately, it fell into the hands of the Nile crocodile.

Wolf Eleven looked over silently, it was impossible for Yan Leyang to lose, it depended on how fake he won.

Yan Leyang deliberately slowed down to let the Nile crocodile get closer to him. After a few walks, Yan Leyang stepped onto the side of the fighting arena with a strong force.

The auditorium is on the top, and the fighting arena is surrounded by the auditorium. The nearest auditorium is about one person high from the fighting arena. Yan Leyang flipped over relay, trying to let the Nile crocodile hit it by itself.

It's fine if you get knocked out, if you don't get knocked out, he will make another kick.

As a result, the Nile crocodile stopped, not only stopped, but also stretched out its mouth to Yan Leyang, then grabbed Yan Leyang's clothes, and pulled Yan Leyang off.

There was a sting.

Yan Leyang's clothes were ripped open, and Yan Leyang's pupils dilated. He reached out to grab his clothes, pulled them hard, and quickly wrapped the cloth around the opponent's mouth. This action was so fast that Yan Leyang didn't even react.

Yan Leyang:...

Nile crocodile:…

Yes, after the crocodile's mouth was sealed, its attack power seemed less terrifying.

Just as Yan Leyang was thinking, the Nile crocodile on the opposite side grabbed the cloth and pulled Yan Leyang towards him.

"Wait a minute!" Yan Leyang himself had just landed, his center of gravity was unstable, and the two of them were not far away, so Yan Leyang staggered and fell down.

It fell on the Nile crocodile, accompanied by a slamming sound.

Now the Nile crocodile fainted.

Yan Leyang reacted quickly. He got up in disbelief, looked at his elbow, and then at the opponent's head: "This... I actually won."

"Damn it! Is that an elbow?? Borrowing a humanoid elbow? That Nile crocodile capsized in the gutter!"

Uh, Wolf Eleven suspected that it wasn't an elbow, but a matter of weight, but this uncle was holding it too fast, and he realized what Yan Leyang's poor acting skills were trying to express in an instant.

"It's here?" The gray-haired man walked to the door of a house and pointed, "Are you sure? Teacher Zhao."

"Boss, just call me Zhao Lirong." The tall and stern man stood behind the gray-haired man, "There is nothing wrong here. We noticed that the cat tribe is also investigating Mr. Yan."

Hatch and the others are at the door of Yan Leyang's residence at the moment.

The alliance is almost done. The main reason is that the alliance found that the leader Hatch is really crazy. Not long ago, the leader even hand-painted a painting of Yan Leyang. Hand-painting has been eliminated in the alliance.

Then he wrote a song for Yan Leyang, and even clamored to abdicate, saying that the world is so big, and he wanted to go and see it. It is said that the wolf clan finally persuaded him to come down.

Then the horned prince who happened to be on Thunder Cloud Star also heard about this and invited him to come and play and relax.

That's how Hatch came.

He knew that the cat tribe was behind the horn carving, but the cat tribe didn't want to take action against Yan Leyang for the time being. The cat clan and Hatch are actually quite complicated. They are guarding against each other, but they are cooperating with each other.

Hatch stood at Yan Leyang's door, and with that face, he attracted the attention of many people.

He's wearing a punk mask, but the top half of his face is showing.

Gray hair, blue eyes as beautiful as sea water, attracted a lot of attention.

Among them was Luoma who talked about Amitabha, but after taking a look, Luoma quickly turned around and went to calm down again.

She thought it was an illusion, why such a high-quality man appeared out of nowhere... and the man next to him was so familiar, although he was also very handsome, but why did he want to laugh for no reason...

Wait? !

Loma remembered!

Zhao Lirong! ! A member of the wolf clan, so is that high-quality handsome guy!

Eh? As soon as Yan Leyang walked to the door, he met a pair of blue eyes, that familiar pain! Yan Leyang's brows furrowed in an instant.

And Hatch saw the familiar golden hair, familiar green eyes, especially the familiar expression of disgust. Even Yan Leyang's face changed! He can recognize it too!

"Davari's family!!" Hutch rushed forward, hugged Yan Leyang and rubbed wildly.

The speed was so fast that even Wolf Eleven didn't react, maybe it was because the excitement in Hutch's eyes was too obvious

But when Hutch hugged and rubbed a lot, and Yan Leyang hadn't had time to speak.

Wolf Eleven kicked this guy out.

The author has something to say:

There is no third update, the last chapter is still in high-level review, so I will correct the wrong place after waking up tomorrow

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-16 20:12:58~2021-01-16 23:57:45~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: Dada Da Da Mo heard 1;

Thank you to the little angel who threw the grenade: Dada Da Dabi heard 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 65 bottles of Dada Da Dalu; 25 bottles of Prison Rice; 20 bottles of Believe in Destiny from now on; ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!