A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 37: Meow, meow meow


Seb is a beautiful anaconda, and even if he's a freak and the whole snake is crammed into a giant petri dish now, there's no denying that he's a beautiful snake.

The liquid in the petri dish is light yellow, and Sebu's huge tail is slightly curved. Under the light, those scales are still shining. His whole snake is in a relaxed state, and his long silver hair floats in the water, even Didn't move a bit.

This shows that there is no living water in it, and Sebu's whole snake is soaked in stagnant water.

And Sebu's eyes were half-opened, and his pupils were still golden vertical pupils, which made people shudder.

His eyes were not covered with the grayness of death, Sebu was not dead, or he was preserved so well at the moment of death that it was impossible to tell whether he was alive or dead.

Yan Leyang never thought that meeting Saibu again would be under such a situation.

Sai Bu's body is still upright, but Yan Leyang is inexplicably a little apprehensive in this state.

Seb looked like a pretty good specimen now, lifelike but lifeless.

The things in this petri dish did not move suddenly like science fiction or TV dramas, and put their hands on the glass wall.

It's just quiet, and the words are not pleasant, Yan Leyang feels that this is a gift carefully prepared for him by someone. Maybe someone is hiding in the dark to observe his reaction now.

Yan Leyang took a photo with his light brain expressionlessly.

"Go!" Wolf Eleven said decisively, "Get out of here!"

Wolf Eleven dragged Yan Leyang and ran all the way. This place made him feel very uncomfortable. "I scanned it. The nearest West 2 exit is the starship prepared by Elev. There is nothing in the other exits."

"Understood." Yan Leyang lowered her eyes.

As for the West Second Exit, besides the starship, there is also an old man blocking the exit.

The old man was alone. He smiled when he saw Wolf Eleven and Yan Leyang. He had a cigar in his mouth. Cigars were considered contraband in this era and it was hard to buy them.

It stands to reason that since the old man's appearance has changed, he will have to go up to two hundred and seventy, and his body will start to weaken after looking at things in more than two hundred and seventy. But this old man gave them a very dangerous feeling.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Liu Wen." The old man leaned lazily against the wall, "I am the owner of the 'Dark Night' gang."

Another trouble. Yan Leyang took a deep breath: "Why did you come to see us? Suddenly found that our blood type is wrong? Which of us is your long-lost son, who wants to hand over the family to us after he dies?"

Yan Leyang was simply unhappy.

The old man smiled: "Do you think you..."


The old man fainted because he was slapped by Yan Leyang.

Yan Leyang smashed the old man's head against the wall with lightning speed, respecting the old and loving the young? Non-existent: "I've never really understood why such a big man has to come here in person to force something."

This old man, he knows, is a sinister and cunning character in the original text, who is good at sowing dissension, and has a high force value.

It doesn't make sense for Yan Leyang to let this old bastard know about it.

"Go! Get on the starship!" Yan Leyang dragged the stunned Wolf Eleven across the aisle.

The starship Elef prepared for them was a small starship with a camouflage coating on the outside, which was virtual.

After Yan Leyang and Lang Shishi went up, they started the starship, and while the starship was starting up, the coating on the outside fell off.

"Eleven, can you take out the fake chip in our neck?" Yan Leyang asked.

"No problem." It's not difficult to take out the chip, but, "What are you going to do?"

You must know that they are all fugitives, exposing their faces will attract people from the alliance.

"Wash white." Yan Leyang suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity.

When they hijacked the starship, they opened the shield, and no one could see it. You must know that Seb was taken away without anyone knowing it.

Then whether they ran away by themselves or were threatened to leave, who can say for sure? After all, Seb is still here being soaked.

Their appearance can firstly cleanse themselves, and secondly, they have exposed Saibu's position, and can also alleviate the conflict between the Snake Clan and the Alliance, which is very good and serves multiple purposes.

Ailov's side is not safe either. After all, Ailov is the second-in-command. Whether people in their gang accept him or not is another matter.

The situation on Hatch's side is tense. He has not yet fully grasped the second galaxy, and Hutch is not the leader of the wolf clan, and the wolf clan has more than one galaxy.

There is only one, who has now eliminated other parties and consolidated his leadership position: "Can you get in touch with Miao Xiaomi? Or let Miao Xiaomi see us."

"Yes." Lang Shixi froze for a moment, he felt that Yan Leyang's mind had turned many turns in an instant, and he didn't keep up.

"Let's just send a message to Hutch. He should have Miu Xiaomi's contact information." After all, Miu Xiaomi has always had influence on their side.

Hatch was already safe. After receiving the news from Wolf Eleven, he turned around and forwarded it to Miao Xiaomi.

Then Hutch began to mobilize the power of the second planet of the Wolf Clan. The reason was that he was a guest in Taixi City. It turned out that Yan Leyang might still be alive. Yan Leyang and his three companions were brought here by unknown forces. Here they even found Sebu was soaked in a petri dish.

Now the alliance's reaction was quick, but they were not as fast as the cat clan fleet that had been prepared earlier.

Within half an hour after Yan Leyang and the others flew up in the starship, the warship of the Cat Clan jumped directly over the fighting arena.

If the starship is close enough, it is possible to establish communication.

For example, as soon as the warship of the cat clan jumped over, it sent a communication request to Yan Leyang.

After Yan Leyang clicked on it, he found that the opposite was actually Miao Xiaomi himself.

His Majesty the Emperor came to pick him up in person? Is this scene bigger? A little fantasy.

"Hello, Mr. Yan." Miao Xiaomi smiled, looking like a spring breeze, and spoke in a gentle manner. After talking about a bunch of caring opening remarks, Miao Xiaomi sincerely invited Yan Leyang to return to the cat clan, expressing that there may be a relationship between them. What a misunderstanding, I also hope that Wolf Eleven will come together.

They are all friends.

In the original text, the monarch is a person with high emotional intelligence. He will come here in person, which is probably a means, a means to buy people's hearts, but this is what Yan Leyang wants.

Ailefu received news that Dai Zu and Luo Ma could be let go, and they moved directly. Elev breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately agreed.

The Cat Clan's actions were quick, and quickly took the four of them to their own starship, and then jumped back home without saying a word.

This kind of jump is a waste of energy. Miao Xiaomi really spent a lot of effort in order to receive Yan Leyang and the others.

And after Yan Leyang and the others entered the starship, they found that Miao Xiaomi was waiting for them at the entrance, and even brought a follower.

You must know that Yan Leyang was imprisoned for the assassination of the crown prince, that is, Miao Xiaomi, and Miao Xiaomi's undefense probably wanted to let Yan Leyang put down his guard.

He came to Yan Leyang with a "people-friendly" attitude.

Not to mention, even after seeing through this point, Yan Leyang still admires Miao Xiaomi.

Miao Xiaomi smiled after seeing them: "Mr. Yan, long time no see." He went up and stretched out his hand first.

Yan Leyang quickly reached out and shook hands with Miao Xiaomi.

Miao Xiaomi didn't ask the subordinates beside him to arrange accommodation for Yan Leyang and the others, and then led Yan Leyang and the others inside: "I have been looking forward to meeting you since a long time ago."

The cat clan is not very tall. As the monarch, Miao Xiaomi is 1.75 meters tall, which is not bad.

Passing by the corridor of the warship, Yan Leyang suddenly felt that he was tripped by something under his feet.

Looking down, I found that it was a puppet cat.

The puppet cat opened its big blue eyes, looked at Yan Leyang, and let out an innocent mime.

Anyway it's very cute!

It feels like being healed for a moment.

There are no ordinary animals in this world, everyone is orc, so Yan Leyang held back his paws and didn't touch others.

Miao Xiaomi introduced: "This is the general of our third army, Miao Miaomiao."

It is! General!

Yan Leyang and his party were shocked.

"The habit of our cat family prefers prototypes." Miao Xiaomi explained, he would explain this way, probably because he already knew that Yan Leyang and the original "Yan Leyang" were not the same person.

They walked for a while, and the people they met on the road had human and animal shapes. When they saw Miao Xiaomi, they would bend down and salute to show respect.

The news of Yan Leyang's reappearance quickly ignited the star network.

Immediately afterwards was the alliance's condemnation, saying that the Cat Clan came first and took Yan Leyang away, hoping that the Cat Clan would give an explanation.

The cat clan's response was quick, with rigorous words, neither humble nor overbearing.

The general meaning is that your Shuguang Prison is not good, and all the criminals have been kidnapped. If our cat clan hadn't arrived in time, we don't know what terrible consequences would have happened. You actually blame us, we feel very sad.

And don't criminals have human rights? They found that the four people they brought back had a very serious psychological shadow. Wolf Eleven hadn't laughed since he got on the starship. Under such circumstances, they dared not hand over the four people to the alliance at will.

You must think that cats are easy to bully, because our cat clan is not strong, and the technology is not developed.

Anyway, just don't give it.

It is said that Yan Leyang, who is said to have a serious psychological shadow, is now squatting in the middle of the starship hall, surrounded by a group of cats and cats.

The cats meowed, some stared at Yan Leyang, some rubbed their heads against Yan Leyang.

There is also a cat that puts its own paw on Yan Leyang's paw for comparison.

This is actually just a simple show of favor and a comparison between men.

Just how it looks and feels...

"Aren't these cats gay?" Loma felt weird.

Wolf Eleven's face was completely numb and lost expression.

"No." Miao Xiaomi smiled kindly, "Most of them have married wives."

A beautiful short hugging Yan Leyang's legs seemed to have heard something, and turned to look over, with a pink nose, beautiful eyeliner, and a faint smile at the corner of her mouth.

Like sarcasm.

I am especially afraid that it will suddenly say: "Your man is really good."

Miao Xiaomi introduced: "This is the youngest major of our cat clan, and he is a bad-tempered thorn."



The author has something to say:

Three shifts~ There are four shifts, and the fourth shift is irregular