A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 44: Distracted


When Yan Leyang was suddenly sent for eye repair, Miao Xiaomi was still dumbfounded when she heard the news.

However, repairing the eyes is not troublesome, and it happened to be a solution to Yan Leyang's short-sightedness.

Even when the restoration was being done, Wolf Eleven and Yan Leyang were in the same room. Wolf Eleven glanced at Yan Leyang, who had a helmet on his head, and silently lowered his head.

He took out the necklace from his clothes, I don't know if it was an illusion, the source didn't look so bright anymore.

Wolf Eleven waited for Yan Leyang to repair it.

This is not a major operation, Yan Leyang just lay down on the chair for a while, accompanied by the ding of the white helmet on his head, the whole process did not exceed 30 minutes.

"This is too exciting." Yan Leyang couldn't help but reached out and rubbed his eyes, and when he opened them again he let out a snort.

"What's wrong?!" Wolf Eleven stood up.

Yan Leyang stared at his hands in disbelief, turning left and right: "To be honest, I have never seen so clearly without glasses."

"This operation is really..." Yan Leyang looked at Lang Shiyi excitedly, and after meeting his eyes, the words stuck in his throat.

"Ahem." Yan Leyang fell silent, he almost forgot that the protagonist just confessed to him.

"Let's go back first." Wolf Eleven stepped forward, reaching out to pull Yan Leyang up. Yan Leyang hesitated for a moment, and finally faced Lang Shiyi's paralyzed face, smirked twice, held Lang Shiyi's hand, and let Lang Shiyi pull him up.

The two of them drove back in a suspension car. This car was bought by Wolf Eleven. Yan Leyang didn't know how to drive it, so he sat in the co-pilot consciously.

In fact, Yan Leyang wanted to sit back and sit back, but Lang Shiyi suddenly confessed his love, and he immediately separated the relationship, which didn't feel good.

Of course, if the object of the confession was Saibu or someone else, Yan Leyang would most likely take a taxi back by himself.

He himself knew this, too, because Wolf Eleven was the protagonist, or because Wolf Eleven's appearance really moved Yan Leyang's heart, maybe there were two reasons.

In short, Yan Leyang sat in the co-pilot's seat, but felt extremely uncomfortable.

He is very sure that his feelings for Wolf Eleven are not at the level of "like", and Yan Leyang is not at all ready to have a partner and share his life with him.

Friends are actually pretty good, but Yan Leyang wants to escape from the too close relationship.

"Yan Leyang."

"Hey!" Yan Leyang turned his head and found that Wolf Eleven had come up.

"If you feel troubled, you don't have to think about it." After closing the door, Wolf Eleven pressed the button next to the seat to start manual driving.

The suspension car is fully automatic, but in order to prevent malfunctions, there is an option of manual driving, and Wolf Eleven is keen on manual driving. He doesn't like to give his life to a cold machine.

"There is nothing wrong with my body, I just like you." Wolf Eleven still had a paralyzed face, and he seemed completely unaware that what he said was a confession: "This should not bring any trouble to our future actions .”

"And I can understand." Wolf Eleven didn't look at Yan Leyang, "You don't like me."

"No." Yan Leyang interrupted him suddenly, "I actually quite... I can't say I like you, but I have a better impression of you."

"But I am." Yan Leyang paused, "I have never been in a relationship, either the requirements are too high, or I personally don't like too close a relationship."

Wolf Eleven frowned: "But we've all slept together before."

Yan Leyang:...

"Have you ever slept with someone else?" Wolf Eleven pondered for a long time, "Do you think we are not too close?"

What a fucking sense hey! It dawned on Yan Leyang that most of the time he slept with wolves stacked on top of each other, because sleeping on top of each other was really cool, and even if they weren't on top of each other, sleeping with a wolf in his arms was also great.

"Good guy." Yan Leyang reached out and touched his chin, "That's really what happened."

"That means you may still like me, right?" Wolf Eleven asked, and by the way, he also stated his own argument, "No matter how you say it, I am special to you, right?"

"It makes sense." Although Wolf Eleven said it so directly, Yan Leyang blushed a little.

Wolf Eleven smiled, that is to say, it is entirely possible for Yan Leyang to accept himself in the future.

Before Yan Leyang could figure it out, his brain rang, and it was the Sanhua next to Miao Xiaomi who called.

Yan Leyang pressed the connection button, and the other party didn't even exchange pleasantries, but directly shouted: "No matter where you are now! Run!"

"The guy from the Snake Tribe has smuggled in! We are arresting!" Sanhua was very nervous, "The one who smuggled in is probably Saibu! He wants to kill you!"

"More than one person."

Yan Leyang looked at Wolf Eleven, and Wolf Eleven frowned: "Indeed." He glanced back, "A car is following."

Cat clan capital stars are not allowed to shoot without special permission.

"The Fast and the Furious is about to start?" Yan Leyang turned on the monitor and found that they were indeed followed by a hover car, and they could clearly see the people in the car...

"No Saibu." Yan Leyang snorted, "Why do I feel that their heads are glowing?"

"Is the head glowing?" Wolf Eleven accelerated, taking the time to glance at the transparent screen: "They are/manipulated."

"What's the meaning?"

"The nerves of their brains are controlled." Wolf Eleven didn't know how to explain, "The light you see is used to induce nerve signals."

"Human thinking is not so indestructible." Wolf Eleven drove the levitation vehicle between buildings. "Even implanting false memories can be done. Manipulating the nerves is not difficult."

"Tsk." Yan Leyang planed the sofa with his hands uncomfortably. He always found himself out of tune with this world at certain times.

"Turn around!" Yan Leyang shouted suddenly, and another car appeared on their left.

Wolf Eleven spun around quickly: "The cat clan's guard team is coming soon."

This is the capital of the Cat Clan, and the guards were dispatched very quickly, but Yan Leyang couldn't figure it out: "What is Saibu doing here? He's not staying in the Snake Clan right now, so he's not afraid that the Alliance will come to him?"

"I don't know." Wolf Eleven couldn't figure it out either, especially since Yan Leyang didn't go out much. In addition to cooperating with the research and research of the cat family, this time I went out.

This time it was an accident, and it was an accident caused by Wolf Eleven.

Why did Seb come over by such a coincidence

After all the vehicles were intercepted, Wolf Eleven found a shopping mall to stop: "Let's not go home yet." In case there are still people spying on them on the road.

"That Sanhua said let's find a safe place and send the address, and he arranged for someone to come and pick it up." Yan Leyang just finished speaking, when he looked up, he was facing a pair of golden vertical pupils.

Still the familiar black skin, the familiar white hair.

Yan Leyang silently covered her eyes: "Is it a hallucination?"

"No." Wolf Eleven pulled Yan Leyang behind him.

Yan Leyang sighed helplessly, and opened his eyes: "It's Saibu, right? How did you find it?"

"You remember me." Sebu laughed, with his hands behind his back, "I can give you 30,000 star coins."

Thirty thousand star coins? Yan Leyang was stunned for a moment, and then pulled Wolf Eleven: "Why did he give me 30,000 yuan? What kind of joke is this?"

"When he was chasing you before, you said, 30,000 star coins, a half discount for acquaintances, 15,000, and 15,000 intermediary fees, or 30,000. If he gives you, you can tell him how to chase you." Wolf Eleven remembers quite clearly.

Oh, Yan Leyang nodded to show that he understood.

"Can you tell me?" Seb stepped forward.

There was no one around here, and Wolf Eleven frowned. It was a coincidence that the timing was too good.

"I know this wolf is very powerful, but he dare not kill me." Sebu was still laughing, "Do you really think I will come to you unprepared?"

He was still talking, Yan Leyang pulled the necklace from Wolf Eleven's neck.

"Saibu." Yan Leyang interrupted Saibu, who tilted his head.

"Have you seen the light?" Yan Leyang asked again.

Sebu was stunned for a moment, not understanding what it meant. He frowned and understood for a while: "Do you think I'm a guy who has never seen the light and lives in the mud?"

"Nobody can be my light." Seb smiled, "I don't think so either... what are you doing covering your eyes?"

Wolf Eleven understood Yan Leyang's meaning, he stretched out his arms to hug Yan Leyang, and gently rubbed against Yan Leyang's body. From the moment he realized that he was special to Yan Leyang, he was very happy.

Then the source of Wolf Eleven lit up, very brightly, almost covering half of the shopping mall.

And Seb, Seb feels blind: "Ow! My eyes!!!"

The cat clan who hurried over to support saw the flash from a distance, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong? Did something explode? Why is there no sound?"

The flash passed, nothing happened, and when they got to Yan Leyangfa's position, they found Saibu covering his eyes and rolling.

Cats in full armor:…

"What's wrong with him?" A tortoiseshell cat really didn't understand, "You used light energy weapons?" He looked at Yan Leyang and the others.

"Uh, no." Yan Leyang stuffed back the source of Wolf Eleven, "Is it the power of love?"

Cat Family: Meow

Yan Leyang glanced at Saibu who was rolling all over the ground, and then at his own hands.

This feeling of being controlled by others is not good, especially in today's interstellar where reformers are rampant, in fact, Yan Leyang, who only has a strong body/body, does not have any advantages.

Saibu was escorted onto the hover car, Yan Leyang glanced at the hover car in the distance, and then at Wolf Eleven who was thinking about something next to her.

"Apart from transforming the body, is there any other way to increase strength?" Yan Leyang asked, "If this continues, I'm afraid of my final outcome..."

"Huh?!" Wolf Eleven came back to his senses, "What?"

"Didn't you hear clearly?" Yan Leyang was surprised.

"I heard a little bit." Wolf Eleven nodded, "You said you got married in the end."

"Wait, who are you going to marry?"

The author has something to say:

There are two more

Ah, why have so many things happened recently! I want code words, and I want to climb the list, but I can't help but click on other software! !

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-22 21:39:55~2021-01-23 21:10:35~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 25 bottles of Prison Rice; 20 bottles of Haoyi Drag Driver, Green Ink and Broken Paper; 15 bottles of the plan to go with you; 11 bottles of Strawberry, Orange and Kiwi; 10 bottles of Pig Fairy; 7 bottles of cats; 481929686 bottles; 1 bottle of huameitang and Wen Shao;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!