A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 52: AKA. The world's number one high school student. Tiger


"Is this from Xing?" Wolf Eleven who got up early the next morning noticed the small basket on the table, and the small cakes in the basket were neatly stacked.

Wolf Eleven was silent. It was so late yesterday, why did the star still appear? Is he missing something

"Are you awake now?" Yan Leyang looked at Wolf Eleven with a smile. This guy simply dropped him when Dai Zu was complaining yesterday. Yan Leyang felt ashamed of his acting skills.

Wolf Eleven checked and found that there was no toxin in the cake in the basket. He silently looked at Yan Leyang, then quickly turned his head and coughed twice: "I don't know why yesterday, I was a little tired."

"Really?" Yan Leyang looked at Wolf Eleven worriedly, and pointed to his neck: "You are so guilty that the light of the necklace will disappear."

Oops, Wolf Eleven subconsciously covered his necklace, looked down, and indeed the light of the necklace was getting dimmer and flickering irregularly, um, it was exposed.

It is indeed a guilty conscience, but Wolf Eleven has his own set of arguments: "It is also normal, there is a good saying, husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest, and disaster is imminent..."

"You flew away before we even became husband and wife." Yan Leyang interrupted him, "It's the first time I've seen someone who had an itch seven years in advance before entering the stage of passionate love."

"Not at all." Wolf Eleven frowned, he felt that what Yan Leyang said was wrong, "I'm pursuing you, rounding up we are husband and wife. And there is no seven-year itch, because we haven't known each other for less than a year."

Looking at Yan Leyang's condemning eyes, Wolf Eleven thought secretly, and continued to explain: "I like you, but I don't like him, so there's no need for me to stay and comfort him."

"But you stayed when we were eating melons." Yan Leyang poked at him without hesitation, "You didn't take me with you when you left."

It seems that this topic is not so easy to get over, Wolf Eleven silently looked at the basket of small cakes: "Should we return a gift?"

"Don't talk about anything else, are you such a warm-hearted person!" Yan Leyang stood there, and Wolf Eleven swallowed silently.

Wolf Eleven said sadly, "Am I so indifferent in your heart?"

"Ask yourself, aren't you indifferent? The last time we went out you scared a child to tears, do you remember what you said while staring at that child?" Yan Leyang smiled sarcastically, "You said 'so weak ’, and then ignored the louder crying children and just left.”

"After you ran away yesterday, Luoma also ran away." Yan Leyang said this, just as Luoma upstairs came down.

Loma was wearing suspenders and short hot pants, and rubbed her eyes a little uncomfortable: "Does Capital Star control the temperature? Why is it so hot every day?"

As he said that, he saw Yan Leyang and Wolf Eleven standing in the living room, as well as the basket of unknown things that Wolf Eleven years ago: "Morning, you guys are up? What is this? Is it something to eat?" ?”

She walked down and glanced into the basket: "Hey, chocolate cake, who bought it? Can I eat it?"

"Luoma." Wolf Eleven called out Luoma's name, and Luoma looked over in confusion.

Wolf Eleven looked at Loma with a cold face: "Do you know what's wrong?"

"Huh?" Loma asked with a question mark face, "What's wrong?"

Wolf Eleven didn't answer right away, Loma felt something was wrong, and looked back at Yan Leyang, and was about to speak when Wolf Eleven interrupted her.

"Why did you leave Yan Leyang and go back to your room alone yesterday?" Wolf Eleven said sternly.

Luo Ma was stunned: "No, but you... I..."

"Don't say any more." Wolf Eleven interrupted her again, "I'm very disappointed in you."

Luo Ma was shocked again. Didn't Wolf Eleven go first? What Loma was thinking at the time was that this guy had run away, and if she didn't take a walk until Dai Zu caught her, she would die.

It would be normal for Yan Leyang to condemn himself, so why should he be a wolf eleven

"Wolf Eleven." Yan Leyang yelled Wolf Eleven's name, his voice was very soft, gentle, but it made Wolf Eleven sweat all over his body.

Even Loma shut up.

They looked at Yan Leyang at the same time, and Yan Leyang was standing there, smiling at them.

Wolf Eleven took a step back vigilantly, and Luo Ma froze in place inexplicably.

This is a kind of metaphysics called aura. Anyway, Yan Leyang stared at them inexplicably frightened.

It is not surprising that Loma has such emotions, this is not the first time. But it is a rare thing for Wolf Eleven to be afraid.

They just looked at Yan Leyang standing in front of them, without saying a word, just looked at them tenderly, his green eyes were like gems. The atmosphere at home suddenly dropped to freezing point.

This blond-haired, green-eyed man looks like a god of war.

Now it is night on Hatch's side, and there is a time difference between the main city of the wolf clan's second planet and the capital star city of the cat clan.

Hatch was very relaxed at the moment, he asked Zhao Lirong beside him: "Mr. Zhao, do you know what the next sentence of Gongting Yuyejiu is?"

Before he could answer, his optical brain rang.

Zhao Lirong, who was looking for a reason to sleep next to Hatch, breathed a sigh of relief, and said a good word in his heart, he finally didn't have to recite Qunyinghuihui radish before going to bed, and the guy who called was definitely a good person.

Hutch was a little disappointed, but when he got on the phone, Hutch was taken aback: "Fuck! The protagonist?!"

It was Wolf Eleven who called. You must know that Wolf Eleven never liked Hutch and Yan Leyang after he suggested pretending to be a couple.

"Ahem, no, Wolf Eleven, then what, what's wrong with you Eleven?" Hutch quickly sat down and tidied up his pajamas.

"I'm disgusted by him." Wolf Eleven continued after being silent for a while, "Do you know how to please him?"

Disliked by whom? Yan Leyang? Hutch didn't react immediately: "Brother Yan beat you?"

"No." Wolf Eleven was even more entangled. He would rather Yan Leyang beat himself up, which would be more refreshing: "It's just that he keeps staring at me and sneering."

"Then he's not angry." Hutch shrugged, "Just say something nice."

"Say something good?" Wolf Eleven understood what Hatch meant, but he didn't know what he should say.

"I'm not too sure about this. Just say something he likes to hear, something he can't refuse, and it's best to put him in a dilemma. It doesn't matter if you cheat a little bit." Hutch actually didn't know how to persuade him.

He used to beg Yan Leyang for forgiveness after making Yan Leyang angry, but Wolf Eleven didn't match his style, so he couldn't walk his way.

Wolf Eleven was thinking about it, Yan Leyang went out to go to Xing's house, and thanked him personally, he was a little confused last night, and didn't realize it, looking at those little cakes now, he probably baked Xing himself.

While thinking, Yan Leyang ran into an unexpected person, the "grandson" who was one of the protagonists of yesterday's bitter drama.

The "grandson"'s face was very strange, pale and pale, squatting on the side of the road, with suspicious liquid hanging from the corner of his mouth, he probably vomited it.

"What's wrong with you?" Yan Leyang asked out of humanitarianism.

"How do you ensure that your memory is true?" The "grandson" looked devastated, he hugged his head, "How do you ensure that your memory is true, do you know? Memory can be tampered with of."

"What's the matter?" Yan Leyang squatted down and patted "grandson" on the back, "I see your clothes, you didn't go home last night?"

"Grandson" sniffed: "I saw a red five-pointed star dragging my clothes and passing by in front of me..."

Uh, the red pentagram? That thing is a star.

And just when Yan Leyang was distracted, "Grandson" suddenly raised his head and smiled.

Yan Leyang secretly thought it was bad, but when he wanted to back off, he was already tricked.

The needle pierced the skin on Yan Leyang's arm, and within a split second, the liquid inside was pushed into Yan Leyang's body.

damn it!

"Yan Leyang!" It was Xing's voice, and Xing ran towards this side nervously, while the "grandson" was laughing, the laughter was loud, and saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

What the hell, if this guy really lives here, how can he not know Xing.

With a headache, Yan Leyang wanted to cover his head, but he couldn't raise his hand. The bones all over my body are hurting, and my consciousness is getting more and more blurred, more and more...

"I, I, I, I'll call the police! I'll contact Teacher Bai!" Xing was also nervous, but he reacted quickly when he was extremely nervous.

After waiting for Xing to send the message, another voice rang out: "A Yang, will you leave with me?"

The owner of the voice is a snake, a snake that shouldn't be here. Xing's tentacles covered his cheeks, this guy has read the news! ! ! Long live! Why is there still a Saibu!

"Don't worry, A Yang." Sebu said softly, "This medicine won't harm you."

This medicine is used to transform physical fitness. Yan Leyang's body is very strong, but he is not as strong as transforming people. This is just an experiment. By the way, some things were added to the medicine, which could make Yan Leyang forget some of his memories.

"You, you, how did you get in here!!" Xing was anxious, "This is..."

"The defense here is really strict, so let's leave quickly." Saibu stretched out his hand to Yan Leyang whose eyes were out of focus.

However, just when his hand was about to touch Yan Leyang's wrist, Yan Leyang held it backwards.

Responding so quickly? ! Before Saibu could figure it out, Yan Leyang, a black tiger, slapped him far away.

Yan Leyang looked up at the exhibitionist, frowning.

This is where? Isn't he on the way to school to save the female classmate? He subconsciously looked around and saw a shivering uncle.

Then, through the metal reflection of the street sign inserted next to him, he could see his face clearly.

Eh? ! Yan Leyang subconsciously touched his paw on his face. This is his own face, but he seems not so mature.

In the distance, the guard's suspension vehicle came over, and Yan Leyang was shocked.

Good guy! high tech! He crossed over! ! !

The author has something to say:

Arrogant version of Huzi debut

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-2803:16:41~2021-01-2823:33:18~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 8 bottles of Ma Pain; 5 bottles of Ghost Bone Archer and Lihuilou;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!