A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 58: cat family


In high school, Yan Leyang almost engraved the words "not to be messed with" on his face. Before that, Wolf Eleven didn't even know that Yan Leyang's face could be so feared by others.

Wolf Eleven has always thought that he looks fierce, he didn't know that Yan Leyang could be so fierce, how should I put it. After Yan Leyang became an adult, he really learned a lot about Buddhism.

The current Yan Leyang is like an arrogant delinquent, he even tied his short hair behind his head with a small tug. It's like someone owes him 1.8 million with a face on his shoulders.

In the past, when people saw Wolf Eleven and Yan Leyang walking together, they were first frightened by Wolf Eleven, and then immersed in Yan Leyang's gentle smile. Now they walked together, and the cat who was in charge of receiving them was shaking the whole time.

"Hello, two people?" Miss Catzu smiled reluctantly, "Follow, come with me."

"Am I scary?" Yan Leyang noticed that the little sisters from the cat clan didn't dare to look at her face, so she asked directly at the little sisters.

If there was a beast shape, the young lady would probably be furious at the moment: "No, no, you are very handsome." The young lady's arms were trembling, Yan Leyang didn't believe it, she tilted her head to look at the young lady, and the young lady silently raised her face. He opened the virtual screen in front of him and stood between the two of them.

"If I don't scare you, what are you blocking?" Yan Leyang continued to ask.

The young lady is almost crying, Yan Leyang is really scary! ! But can she say that! She has to work: "No, it's just that I have something growing on my face today, so I'm afraid it will scare you."

"Oh!" Yan Leyang suddenly realized, and turned around to talk to Lang Shishi, "The little girl is shy."

Young lady:...

"Oh, don't cover your face, it's nice to be generous, the little girl looks pretty." Yan Leyang encouraged the young lady, "How can I be so shy? You have to be more cheerful in this profession."

So you really didn't see that this female cat tribe is just simply afraid of you? People are afraid to look at you just because you look like you are ready to fight with others at any time.

Wolf Eleven silently stepped forward and patted Yan Leyang on the shoulder. Yan Leyang looked at Wolf Eleven puzzled, but Wolf Eleven smiled: "It's no wonder you've grown so big and still can't find a partner."

Yan Leyang always felt that Lang Shiyi meant something, but Yan Leyang couldn't figure it out.

He doesn't intend to figure it out either, for him the most important thing right now is the mecha, and everything else has to stand aside.

The two of them were arranged in a separate room with a virtual battle room. Yan Leyang was still a little uncomfortable when he lay down in it. The space in the battle room was too cramped and a little depressing.

"Can you adapt?" Wolf Eleven first confirmed that Yan Leyang's physical data was fine, and Yan Leyang nodded nervously.

Wolf Eleven said yes, and then lay down by himself.

When the virtual warehouse started, Yan Leyang only felt the world spinning for a while. He felt as if he was pulled out of his body, and it only took two seconds before he landed on the ground again.

Opening his eyes, in front of him is a large starry sky. He seems to be stepping on the universe, and he can still breathe.

"Will you get dizzy?" A blue light flickered on the side, and when the light passed, Wolf Eleven appeared there: "This is the place to prepare."

Yan Leyang looked at his surroundings with wide eyes: "Are we in the universe?"

"It's not a real universe, and there is no sense of weightlessness." Wolf Eleven stepped on the transparent ground under his feet, "This is just an advanced game."

Yan Leyang had never seen such a big scene before, and she was amazed again and again: "You can choose the mecha you want, but the mecha here is not specially designed for you. I personally suggest you choose the mecha of the cat family or the bear family. The agility of the bear family, the output of the bear family is strong and the damage is high."

As for the group of aquatic animals, they don't like to use mechs at all. Those aquatic animals and their group of terrestrial animals are like two parallel and non-intersecting world lines. There is no conflict of interest, and it is difficult to fight.

Cats? Yan Leyang looked around, but didn't see any mechs parked anywhere.

"Call to choose mecha." Wolf Eleven reminded him.

Yan Leyang nodded immediately: "Choose the mecha." Then, something similar to a game panel appeared in front of Yan Leyang, on which were parked a number of mechas. Yan Leyang first chose the cat mecha, and then Yan Leyang disappeared. It was replaced by a golden and slender mecha.

The mecha's eyes lit up, proving that the mecha was activated, and then it stumbled on its right foot and fell to the ground.

Wolf Eleven glanced at the half of his shoulder that was penetrated by the mecha, and he was a little thankful that this was in the virtual space, and the mecha just penetrated his body.

Then he saw Yan Leyang trying to get up with hands and feet, but slipped and fell again.

This time, two-thirds of Wolf Eleven's body was hit by the mecha.

Yan Leyang originally thought that he would be directly connected with the spirit of the mecha, and then he would "integrate man and machine" with the mecha. As a result, he found that his field of vision was not quite right.

It felt like he suddenly grew tall, ridiculously tall, and then he couldn't walk very well.

This vision problem is the same as a cat wearing an Elizabethan collar.

So Yan Leyang got up and fell down repeatedly, got up and fell down again and again.

Wolf Eleven watched for almost ten minutes: "Can we start now?"

"It should be possible, let's try." Yan Leyang gave a thumbs up with his hand tremblingly.

Wolf Eleven frowned, he always felt that Yan Leyang would be tortured like this, but Wolf Eleven didn't care about it.

His own skills are very good, and there should be no problem leading people.

Wolf Eleven randomly chose a mecha suitable for the wolf clan, and clicked match.

The matching objects are two cat clan mechs, and the sensitivity of cat clan mechs is one of the best. The moment the game started, one of the black cat-shaped mechas rushed directly towards Yan Leyang who was still lying on the ground.

Another mecha confronted Wolf Eleven.

Wolf Eleven's secret channel is not good, the speed of the opponent's two mechas is too fast.

In a blink of an eye, Yan Leyang, who was unable to walk just now, suddenly jumped up. After jumping to that black mecha, a set of combined punches went down.

Since the maximum strength of the cat clan's mecha was only that little, there was no tragic situation where the opponent's head was hammered away.

However, Yan Leyang's own strength was more or less increased, so his head was tilted, and it was constantly changing according to the strength of Yan Leyang's beating.

Wolf Eleven felt that he was right. Yan Leyang is indeed an out-and-out intuitive. When he senses danger, he will break through the limit and adapt quickly.

Yan Leyang is the type who is like learning how to push a bicycle down a hillside, and when he is in a hurry, he can pedal it by himself.

At the same time, Wolf Eleven watched Yan Leyang punch him in the head, that kind of boxing...Yan Leyang was really a cat clan.

The author has something to say:

There is no second update today

Tomorrow 4D compensation, no upper limit (kneeling)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-3101:30:13~2021-01-3120:10:34~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 294883461;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of non-stop voice; 6 bottles of Sishu; 294883465 bottles of praying, not in winter; 3 bottles of moss;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!