A Helplessly Weak, Big Ginger Cat

Chapter 67: Who are you


On the twentieth day of the memorial service, the outside world was still spontaneously praying for Yan Leyang, and the star network was still swiping.

Hutch, who initiated the memorial service, sat face to face with the two protagonists of the memorial service, Yan Leyang and Wolf Eleven, on Thunder Cloud Star.

Hatch brought Zhao Lirong with him, and Hatch's brain crashed after seeing Yan Leyang.

It's right to think about it carefully. Wolf Eleven is the protagonist. How can the protagonist die so easily? That thing must have gone to the plot, even with Yan Leyang.

Hutch really didn't know how to speak, so he patted his forehead, coughed twice, and then asked: "Brother Yan, are your legs real or prosthetic?"

"Really." Yan Leyang replied, and then became a little embarrassed.

Hutch scratched his head and sniffed his nose: "To be honest, it's good that you are still alive, brother Yan. I thought I was the only one left." His eyes were red, but the tears did not fall.

During this period of time, Hutch experienced no less than Yan Leyang. He was supposed to be a happy and free soul, but he was almost raped several times. Although he was not as dangerous as Yan Leyang, it was really a mistake. After all, a wolf The leaders of the clan are not kidding.


"Let's reminisce about the old days, there's no need to hug." Lang Shiyi interrupted him, "Yan Leyang has just recovered, so he's not feeling well."

Hatch didn't notice any problem, but nodded repeatedly after hearing Wolf Eleven's words: "Oh, that's right, that's true."

Yan Leyang:...

Yan Leyang felt that Wolf Eleven was jealous, and Wolf Eleven was jealous. Yan Leyang was quite happy to be jealous of Wolf Eleven.

Just as they were arguing, the door of the box opened, and it was Elev who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Elev was dressed in a black suit with a cigarette in his mouth. When he came in, his brows were furrowed, but after seeing Yan Leyang and Wolf Eleven, his brows relaxed, and he smiled and raised his hand to say hello: "Yo! Yan Leyang. "

Everyone was almost here, Yan Leyang nodded, and sat up straight unconsciously: "What I'm going to say next, you have to be mentally prepared."

No one was sent from the cat clan, because the cat clan is the key area of surveillance by the alliance or the "matrix". If there is any movement from the cat clan or the Lomagodai clan, those guys will be able to react immediately.

Yan Leyang briefly talked about human civilization and the "matrix" of the last spark system. After he finished speaking, everyone at the table except Yan Leyang and Wolf Eleven opened their eyes wide.

Zhao Lirong and Ai Lefu have not recovered from the news that there is a sudden addition of a higher civilization. Wolf Eleven simply thinks that the original script does not seem to be like this. There is such a big hand behind this revenge novel

Why didn't the hyena who wrote the article say that he thought of such a setting at the beginning

Although Hatch did forget some of the settings in the text, he is quite sure that there was no such thing as human beings in the first place.

If he can go back, Hutch must find the grandson who wrote the article, and beat him up first.

Yan Leyang didn't tell everyone that he had the "key". He believed in Hatch, but he couldn't trust the other two people here.

"I want to meet Zhou Jiu." Yan Leyang said bluntly, "It's best to meet in private."

"But according to what you said." Ai Lufu disagreed, he was very entangled, the cigarette holder in his mouth was bitten and deformed by him, "According to what you said, the fire system is so powerful, it is impossible for you to That system approached Zhou Jiu without knowing it."

"Now I have a way to hide my face, and I can block his system for a short time." Yan Leyang folded his hands, "The only problem now is that I need to know the specific location of Zhou Jiu."

These are all the methods He Wen told him. As for why He Wen didn't do it himself when he has so many things, He Wen said that he has a program in him, he didn't send it directly to the mother's body, and he didn't know much about He Wen's subjective will before. Want to start with the mother.

Ai Lufu frowned in confusion again, the cigarette in his mouth was sucked violently by him, and he got to the bottom of it: "I actually know where Zhou Jiu is."

"Huh?" Everyone on the table looked at Elev.

"This guy Zhou Jiu contacted our gang before. If he wants to buy people, let me declare first that I am not involved. The buying and selling of people is like lightning." Elev touched his face, "But those who were bought by him The guys from the past have all gone to the Herbivore League, give me a little time and I should be able to locate him."

It's just that when it comes to the Herbivorous Alliance, the faces of the people at the table are not very good-looking.

They are carnivores, and herbivores are not born right. In fact, it’s okay for herbivores to come to the carnivores’ side, but if carnivores go to the herbivores’ side, they are really discriminated against.

Yan Leyang also knew that the protagonist in the original text had been sold to the Herbivore Alliance.

In the gathering place of herbivores, all carnivores must wear collars and muzzles, basically the same as in Shuguang Prison.

And because carnivores ate herbivores in the early days, herbivores are very hostile to carnivores, and carnivores are not allowed to enter many private places.

Carnivores living on the side of herbivores are basically second-class citizens, unless the carnivore itself has a high status, such as a scientific researcher, but even so, there will be a lot of collars and muzzles of.

"It doesn't matter." Yan Leyang didn't care about these, "I can also block these, and now all I need is an identity."

"I can help you with this." Elev nodded, "I can use the hands of other gangs to send you there, uh, just you?"

"It's just me." Yan Leyang glanced at Wolf Eleven, "He still has his own things to do."

At the beginning, the orphanage was done by the "mother" with the help of a certain star thief group, and Wolf Eleven wanted to find that star thief, simply to settle accounts.

In the final analysis, the orphanage was lost because of these people, and Wolf Eleven and these guys still had a debt to settle.

Those kids in the orphanage could have grown up.

"Success." Elev nodded, "I'll help you."

The rabbit family is attached to the first star.

"She doesn't believe me anymore." The woman wore a collar around her neck and lowered her head. "She began to doubt me. After I sent a message, she tried to locate me. After the location failed, she threatened to kill me."

The "she" in a woman's mouth is Loma.

Loma found the senior management of the cat clan immediately after Yan Leyang's accident, began to investigate the surroundings, and finally found out the most suspected woman. After realizing that she was likely to be cheated of her feelings, Loma became furious.

She is not a good-tempered person herself, she cannot accept the deception of her lover, and at the same time she is not the type of indecisiveness and emotion first, so Loma is doing her best to investigate the woman's whereabouts.

"She's willing to kill you?" Zhou Jiu smiled. He was sitting side by side with the woman in the private movie room at the moment. The movies of the Interstellar Era are holographic and truly immersive.

"Willing." The woman nodded, "I'm not that important to her, and she's not a love brain."

Zhou Jiu didn't answer, he clicked his tongue, put his chin in one hand, and looked at the heroine in front of him crying about missing the hero: "I'm really not used to this kind of thing, it's hypocritical and pompous."

"If it's a human world..." Zhou Jiu closed his eyes and sighed.

"Are you so sure that the human world is as good as you think?" Suddenly a deep male voice sounded.

Zhou Jiu turned his head abruptly, and found that the door of their private room had been opened at some point.

Not to mention that this building is heavily guarded, there is a password set by himself on this door. What's more, the equipment on his body is far from comparable to the technology of the interstellar era. No one can come here without his knowledge.

And this man in front of him...

Zhou Jiu narrowed his eyes. The man in front of him was about two meters tall, with a strong figure and several scars on his face.

Zhou Jiu couldn't tell this guy's race, but this guy was wearing a collar and a metal muzzle, indicating that he was a carnivore.

Judging by the size, is it a bear family

The man who suddenly appeared was Yan Leyang, and the look he was using now was also someone Yan Leyang was quite familiar with—his father.

"Who are you?" Zhou Jiu lowered his face and remained as still as a mountain. He couldn't show his timidity without knowing the details of the other party.

"It doesn't matter who I am." Yan Leyang walked straight in front of Zhou Jiu, the woman stood in front of Yan Leyang, and Yan Leyang slapped the woman away with his paw.

With a bang, the woman fell to the side, hit the coffee table head first, and passed out.

"What do you think you are?" Yan Leyang looked down at the man from top to bottom. To be honest, he had envied his father's height for a long time. "You really understand the human world as well as you imagined?"

Zhou Jiu didn't respond.

Yan Leyang continued: "Don't send messages to the mother body, I blocked the surrounding, the mother body can't receive it."

"What do you want?" Zhou Jiu took a tentative step back, seeing that Yan Leyang didn't stop him, he subconsciously distanced himself from Yan Leyang: "Maybe you can tell me your name first."

Yan Leyang thought for a while: "You can call me Tianyue."

This is the name of Yan Leyang's mother, her full name is Yang Tianyue, but obviously, this name is not suitable for his lethal face.

For example, Zhou Jiu on the opposite side was silent for a long time before realizing what he wanted to say next: "Then Mr. Tianyue, you seem to know a lot about human beings?"

Zhou Jiu thought it was funny: "What am I? Presumably if you really understand human beings, you will understand."

"Yeah." Yan Leyang didn't smile, "That's why I came to you, isn't it?"

The author has something to say:

Two more at eight o'clock

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Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-05 22:00:39~2021-02-06 17:05:56~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles with a fixed name; 1 bottle of Star Wish Conservation;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!